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♦■■ KAIAPOI. The fortnightly meeting of this Council was held at the Council Chambers on Monday evening ; present — the Mayor (G. H. Black well, Esq.), and Councillors Moore, Pinching, Smith, Fraser, Stanton and Woodford. The Mayor said tha* Bince their last meeting the Borough reserve had been let by auction and had realised the same amount of rent as formerly. He had received cheque for the balance of the former rent. A vacanoy had beeD caused by the death of Mr Monk, and it would be necessary for steps to be taken to fill the seat. COBB-BPONDBNO*. The following was read : — From the Mandeville and Rangiora Road Board, referring to the shingling of the Beach road, and Btating that that Board agreed to share the cost of the work. From Meßsrß Weston and Humphries, Burnip and others, asking the Counoil to construct a permanent channel on the roadway in front of their properties. From Mr S. Saunders forwarding cheque for rent of reserve. From the Treasury, Wellington, forwarding vouohers for £1 ss, for fees and fines at the Resident Magistrate's Court. From the Returning Officer, announcing the re-election of Messrs Hewlings and Mathews, Borough Auditors. From Mr W. Hailes, Gbb Engineer, offering his servioes in promoting the gaß supply in Kaiapoi. The Surveyor's report on -works in tho town was read also, one from Mr Wright on the present condition of the swing bridge, several parts of which he stated were quite rotten. He estimated the cost of repairing it, to make it suitable for ordinary traffic for two years, at about £100. SIDB-OHANNBL. Messrs Weston and Humphries' letter being considered, Councillor Moore moved—" That it be left with the Survejor to examine and report upon at the next meeting ; also that he be instructed to ascertain what it would cost, and how much the person wishing it, would contribute towards the work. Councillor Woodford seconded the motion. Councillor Smith drew the Council's attention to the fact that there was often a quantity of offensive matter placed in this channel, and he did not think it was within the province of the Council to provide sewage drainage for the residents, as they might be called upon to do this in many parts of the town if one part obtained the privilege. He was sure that more offensive matter was thrown there than soapsuds. Mr Pinching considered the Council bound to provide drainage. He for one was piepared to see that provided, and would fight for their rights in the matter. The Mayor said if it came to a matter of fighting, they would have to go into the scheme of finance, but it did not assume such proportions. It was simply a case of breaking the by-laws by causing anything objectionable to flow in tha channels, which must be suppressed if owners themselves did not do it. If the Council was going to commence to provide drainage for private properties they must de it all over the town. But he did not think the timo had come for that yet. It was, however, bis polioy when any work was done, to do what they could with a view of it being permanent, and it was useless for anyone to go to the Council and say that if the Council would not provide drainage, they would throw the slops in the gutters and channels, as the by-laws would have to be enforced. Councillor Moore was glad to hear the Mayor's remarks, and to see that the Council was not likely to be coerced into any work. He should be as glad as anyone to see a scheme for the drainage of the town carried out, but it was at the least impracticable at present. Still he would be in favour of helping the ratepayers in a small work if possible, but they should not bring threats to them. The resolation was then put and carried. TH- B-AOK BOAD. In sotmection with Captain Parsons' letter,

the Surveyor said he had not met that gentleman yet,- but had scon the Beach road, and was of opinion that it would bo impossible to shingle the road during the present season, aud it would at least want putting in order before being metalled. He advocated cutting grips where required to drain the ctmtre of the road during the winter. Councillors Smith and Woodford endorsed the Surveyor's remarks, and it was left with him to see Captain Parsons and report at next meeting. FINANCIAL. Councillor Fraßer reported tho amount of • rates received to be £1 12s ; dog tax, £2 ; rent, £100 ; which left an overdraft at the bank of £40 -is lOd. He submitted a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure for the year, which Bhowed a deficit of £568. The Mayor said that a clause in the conditions of the lease of the reserve made it binding on the lesßee to pay a deposit of £100 which he presumed Messrs Matson and Co. would forward at once. Accounts amounting to £18 Is 7d were pasßed for payment. THB LATB MB MONK. Councillor Pinching moved that this Council send Mrs B. Monk a letter of condolence in her recent bereavement. Seconded by Councillor Fraser and carried. The Returning Officer wbb instructed to take the necessary Bteps to have the vacancy thus caused supplied. BOEODGH BBSBBVE. Councillor Woodford thought the least the Counoil could do with the present Mr J. S. White had made them was to have the land fenced in and planted, and he moved that a Committee of three should be formed to have this done. Subsequently, it being shown that a Planting Committee was in existonce, it was left to them to report at next meeting, and Councillor Woodford's name was added to the Committee in lieu of Councillor Moore, resigned. THE LICENSING- LAWS. Councillor Smith asked the question why the annual licensing meeting had not been held on the previous day, when the Chairman of Commissioners was present. It had been advertised for that day : and as it could not be held then the postponement would bave to bo advertised, and there was a great deal too much expense incurred in so doing. He condemned the principle which made the Council responsible for advertising over which they had no control. The Mayor also condemned the appointments of some of the Commissioners. He was not likely to hold the office of Mayor much longer, but he certainly thought that the Mayor of every town should be appointed a Commissioner by virtue of his Mayoralty. In Kaiapoi they had fivo hotels, and the Mayor, he took it, was as suitable fos the office of Commissioner as, for instance, the Chairman -of the neighbouring Road Boards, but he supposed all they could do was to grin and bear it at present. DOG -BGISTBATION. Councillor Pinching asked the Surveyor if he could say how many unregistered dogs there were in the Borough. The Surveyor replied that he had been over the list with Sergeant Gilbert, and they did not know of any. Councillor Pinching moved that the police be requested to strictly enforce the provisions of the Dog Nuisance Act. This was seconded by Oounoillor Smith and carried. BAT 39. Councillor Smith ns_ed how many rates there were unpaid. _'he Clerk replied that about £60 was owing, and ho had taken out 12 summonses. CEMETEBY, &C. Councillor Mooro asiied if anything had been done with regard to the cemetery reserve. The Mayor replied that he had seen Mr Bowen about it. Councillor Woodford asked if Mr Bowen had been reminded of his promise respecting the rifle reserve, to which the Mayor replied in the affirmative. stjbvbtoe's bepobt. The minor clauses in tho Surveyor's report were adopted, and that portion of it referring to the Swing bridge was considered in connection with Mr Jtt. Wright's report, which were materially alike. Councillor Mooro moved — " That the work be dono in accordance with the report and recommendations made, viz., calling tenders for supplying material and employing day labour for the repairs." Councillor Woodford seconded this. Councillor Fraser moved as an amendment — " That the wholo work be let by tender." Councillor Stanton seconded this. The Mayor supported tho amendment, which was lost, only three voting for it. The original motion was carried, Councillors Moore, Woodford, and Pinching urging that the work was of such a nature as to prevent any possibility of doing it well by contract. The Mayor said Mi* Bowen had been duly apprised of the Btato of the bridge, also that he had taken the opportunity of pointing it out to Mr Rolleston when in Kaiapoi. Councillor Pinching moved — " That an official letter be sent to Mr Bowen, telling him of the state of the bridge, and pointing out that it was on the main highway, and was a necessary part of the northern road accommodation ; .also requesting him to use his influence to have means provided for erecting a new one." Councillor Woodford seconded this which was carried. TBNDBBS. Tenders for supplying drain pipes for the Borough for the year were considered, and that of Mr J. Sims was accepted. Mr J. Richards' tender for supplying a horse and cart, and screened metal (200 yds), were also accepted. BATB. Councillor Pinching moved, in accordance with previous notice — " That a rate of Is in the £ on all the rateable properties in the Borough be made and levied, to be payable in one sum, on the first day of July next." Councillor Stanton seconded, and it was carried nem con. <* The Council then adjourned.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4098, 9 June 1881, Page 4

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BOROUGH COUNCILS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4098, 9 June 1881, Page 4

BOROUGH COUNCILS. Star (Christchurch), Issue 4098, 9 June 1881, Page 4