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Business Notioos WANTED "Known-That PROFESSOR GUSOOTT has recovered from his late accident ; and also, owing to the large stock of herbs he has received both from England and America, that he is OPENING ONE OF HIS OWN SHOPS, corner of Tuam and Manchester streets, where he may be consulted from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Publio inspeotion invited. HOW much have we not heard of the Annual Picnics whioh are now in full swing, each trade endeavouring to rival or vie with the othor in the exceUence of their processions, while one smaU unostentatious estabUshment on fche South Town Belt sfcandsalone like an oaßis in the desert, showing no outward Bign of picnics or festivities j but, oh ! if we look around wifch a careful eye and inquring tongue, can we not at once observe thafc Pbofbsbob Guscott is daily bußy with numerous careworn patients who are to be seen filing into his establishment in one long sad procession, while another continuous stream of happy I faces free from pain are filing out from another door. No; more beautiful still are to be eeen in the Renewed Vigour of Manhood, tho Restored Fire to the Eye, and healthy tint to the once faded cheek, withreanimationfct* tie i attenuated and wasted form. How fchsnaful I then should we be thafc in our comm-^auy is to be found one whose life has been solely devoted to Botanical Studies, using Nature's Flowers and Herbs alone as the infaUible instrument of his miraculous cures. One who is ever ready with untiring zeal to restore to joy and hope those whom tho Medical Faculty pronounce as Lost. Pbofbssob Gusoott cordially invites the Public to come and inspect his unrivaUed stock of English and American Herbs at his reßidenoe, South Town Belt, corner of Colombo street. To Pbopbssob Gusscott, Ohristchurch. Dear Sir, — I have much pleasuro in informing you that after taking your medioine th; cc weeks I am perfectly restored to good health. I have been Buffering for this last three years with rheumatism. Just at the change of the weather my hands and arms would become so swoUen that I was not ablo to dress or undress. Ifc ia quite unnecessary for me to toU you that I have tried many things before I applied to you, but knowing Mrs Carter for bo many years, and also knowing the wonderful cure you effected or her, and likewise her advising me so strongly to place myself under your treatment, which I am happy to say that through your herbal treatment I am now quite ablo to attend to my household duty. I give you this testimonial hoping that it may prove beneficial to others that are afflicted as I have been. I am yours truly, Mrs J. Topiin. Ferry road, Feb. 2, 1881. To Pbofbssob Gusscott. South Town Belt. Dear Sir,— When I applied to you I hod been suffering wifch tho dropsy for this last four years. Before I left WeUington I had been under three different doctors, but never received any benefit from them. I wis advised to come to Ohristchuroh for oKi.^e of climate, but finding there was nr> <.u*nge for the better, I was advised to be tapped by the doctors, who told me that was the only hope there was for me. I have always heard it said fchafc when any one is tapped there is no cure ; bufc I am happy to say that when I applied to you you said you could cure me in six weeks, providing that I went by your instructions ; also when you showed ub the different assortments and the quantity that you have, my husband made up his mind at once, and being a beUever in herbs, and the many hopeless cases they have cured in the part of Lancashire thafc I come from, I knew that I could not do any better than come under your treatment. I feel it my duty to pubUcly acknowledge the great benefit I have derived from your treatment. I am yours ever grateful, Sabah Pbtoh. To Pbofbssob Gussoott. Dear Sir, — I have much pleasure in testifying to fche greafc curative properfcios of your herbal treatment. I have been a greafc sufferer of rheumatism off and on for several years, the laßt two years in particular. Many times I was deprived of the use of my limbs for a week at a time. When I came fco you I could nofc hold my knife and fork, my hands were bo swoUen and drawn up. I was like a dying man, glad to grasp at anything. I may tell you that I have tried everything that I could hear of, both by medical men and patent, also old women's oures ; at times I got temporary relief. I have many times beon adviaed to give you a trial, which I am happy to say you have made a perfect cure of me. — Yours truly, James Mabson, Addington. Christchurch, Jan. 4, 1881. To Pbofbssob Gussoott, Bouth Town Belt, Christchurch. Dear Sir, — I have long been wishing to give you a testimonial for the successful way in which you treated me, I have been under Beveral doctors in this town, and I never received any reUef until I appUed to you, aud in four days I found reUef, thanks to your herbal treatment. I Uved with Dr Campbell as farm manager for one ye^r und fix months in district of New Brighton, Christ ,; .urch. I was bad off and on for four years ; but when I came to you it was a very difficult -job for me to get in and out of the cart, my wife having to assist me. I have been a great martyr, but, thanks to Providence, in two months you restored me to perfect health. Witnessed by Goorge Newton, who was staying at my houso. BeUeve me to be yours, ever grateful, Robbbt Wildsmith, Creßcont Road, Knightstown, Dec. 22, 1881. A WONDBBFUIi OUBB. Pbofbssob Gusoott, South Town Belt. Dear Sir,— l have boon troublod with nervous debiUty for the past eight years, brought on, as you have explained in the "Canterbury Times," by the indiscretion of early youth. I have spent scores of pounds, first with one and then with anothor, but never rooeived any permanent benefit. Somo said that I had hoart disease, others thafc I was consumptive, but when I wrote to you from the Rakaia you explained my symptoms so exactly that I was induced to come to town at once, thoughjjyou told me you could treat me equaUy as weU by stopping and attending to my work as in losing my time by coming to town. I was unfit for work, so decided to come fco town for a speU, as I could neither eat nor Bleep. My mind wandered ; I had a desire to be away from company, and yet when alone my own company waß hateful to me. I waß troubled with the most hideous dreams, and was in that low, norvous state which made me sometimes foel as if death would be a happy release. My head ached, my heart palpitated violently, I would start almost at my own shadow. My mind, in fact, was not my own. I saw you on my arrival in town, when you were in Manchester street, and you then told me that it would take three months at the very least to effect a perfect cure, and that I muet comply exaotly with your instructions; if, not, you would not guarantee a cure. lam now happy to say fchafc I did as you told me to the very regulating my hours and habits, and that now, after a lapse of fifteen weeks, my memory is restored, my sight has become strong again, my mind has ceased to wandor, I can enjoy company, and, in short, Richard's himsolf again. I should not go to the trouble of describing so minutely my sufferings, but that I know of so many young men who aro Uving secluded Uvob whose Bufferings aro precisely whaf my own v* »• before I came to you, and who, although M health, would bo really amiable and eslirvblo pereonß, aro looked upon as gloomy, morose, and unsociabio mon simply because of that phaso of tho disease which I have named, ,-■ hatred for company. If this should bo read by any of thoso persons, suffering as I did, and thoy aro induced to apply to you for rolief, I wiU guarantee that thoj* wiU say after a fow weeks that they novcr laid out a moro profitablo sum of monoy than when thoy came to Profensor Gußcott.— Believe mc, yours faithfully, Riohabd Dobbok. P.S. — I return to my work to-morrow, and I know my friends thore wiU be agreeably astonished at my prosont appearance." Victoria streel, Chistchurch,! Jan. 80, 1880. '

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 4077, 16 May 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4077, 16 May 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 4077, 16 May 1881, Page 4