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Business Notioes THINK OF THE HARD TTM^ AND buy your FURNITURE from TOM BATKq «bn oi -, , ■X3L sfcock on hand and is nr«rmWi * « V .■ B 1 AlJft '» who always koeps a large and varied house in town! prepared to furnish you outright muoh cheaper than anyjothtt COM ?fcX ° 0M ? AU * D 00M * QUIOKLY. It » not every day yo u will get such value as at UUhAP F K ' I Kfi' WAR TPR HTT aT li. W. WALTER^ & CO. UND XXI A K BKa. VICIOHI A STREET (RESIDENCE : KILMORE STREET WEST F D So^° W lS!^ % • e ?t ai i P T^ manner » ««Mn«l w>th economy, in Town 2q05t U r Bte8 ' IDCIUB,Te ° f "" Char^ «be on appUoation. V b*ad. 9385 RW - WALTERS A CO., .^ J „ O , Undertakerp. a „BNGMSH AND AMBBICAmP SBWING MACHINE DEPOT. J If. THOMPSON bejri to sail fche attention of intendin* Purchasers fco hi. Hrn _•«■ • varied Stook of Sewini Maohines, both TRBADM ™l wrwrft % T* !"*•-_?? consisting of Wheeler and WiW. (in %S^S\^^^S > 5 7 ?* *?*%£?* "Home Companion" "Household," 'S.ThnS'e 'F^Ew" *wi,_ST " "H^ _r -?• T 3 fa itock ,th« l»gest aseortmsnfc of extra parts, sorinaa. kc ta, aemiam ol both Bngluh and Oolonial experience, he is prepared t*^ T exwnta »f -^Z^Tfci •very description of Sewing Maohine extant BStfi. lßSta? oXal^ MACHINES ON HIBB ON TIMB PAYMBNTS FBOM 6s. PBB WBBK SOLB AGENT FOB WHBELBBA WILSON'S SBWING MAO-ON-B. J. M. THOMPSON'S BKGLISB AND AMBBIOAN SBWING MAOHINB DHPOT. Opposite Ooates and Oo JeweUers, Qoiombo str-t. HH l-Si rpHIS is the Range lam not ashamed of 1 Ifc hai BSsl IBSffi tV. ~ wa y ß ? een » friend to the worbng man. and WM MOM d? v n th f . hi Bhest honour at the last Agrionltnnl ItfSa Esl 0,,° w - b -y tak "18 the Silver Plate presonted by John H-B HVfll Ollivier, Esq., for the best three-feet Oooking Range oo •JSSSrf EkcjH the (found. My numerous friends and old customers -T=rj_-f§T^_ I^jl7 ii aro , the best judges of them, as they will have no other. /PSBS-gßfiJtr HITaMly and recommend them to all their neighbour to oome lEate^^^^i^gL^aßM^l to me for a Guaranteed Range. MBM^^^BJIgBHIJIJB The following are the prices of Ranges with Hia b^^iJß^SSilS 4ft ' £ 10 ; 3ft 6in > £7 10b : 3ft - from £6 to £4 10s I S aS^aMa.lß^B"'l" j?« £4; 2ft 9in - from ** 5s *° *A Twenty IH IfIHBWwIIBMSSSBH ~ different sizes to choose from at English prioes. Iffil^iHaHl • ni"« Red uotions-Bft ranees, with blaok skirt-[HMem-*«a m^W^msmm^ ing £4 8a ; 3ft ranges, with bright skirting and steel ———^——^—^— knobs, £4 165. Cash. Seven of the highest Honorary Certificates for Ranges, Washing Furnaces, and Begister Grates for the year 1877, and no disputing ifc. 8 "'■*""■• » u «* *^**»*w T* ATEINSON, TUAM STREET. PROPESSOB OUS COTT MAY NOW BE OONSULTED JLT HIS BESIDENCE, SOUTH TOWN BELT, SECOND DOOK BAST FBOM OOLOMBO STBBBT,

TESTIMONIALS. A WONDERFUL CURE. Pbofbssob Guscott, South Town Belt. Dbab Sir, — I have been troublod with nervous debility for fche past eight years, brought on, as you have explained in the •* Canterbury Times " by the indiscretion of early youth. I have spont scores of pounds firsfc with one- and then with another, but never receivod any pormanent benefit. Borne said that I had heart disease, others that I was consumptive, but when I wrote to you from the Rakaia you explained my symptoms so exactly that I was induced to come to town at ouce, though you told me you could treat me equally as well by stopping and attending to my work as in losing time by coming to town. I was unfit for work, so decided to come to town for a spoil, as I could neither eat nor sleep. My mind wandered ; I had a desire to be away from company, and yet when alone my own company was hateful to me. I was troubled with the most hideous dreams, and was in that low, nervous state which made me sometimes feel as if death would be a happy release. My head ached, my heart palpitated violently, I would start almost at my own shadow. My mind, in fact, was not my own. I saw you on my arrival in town, when you were in Manchester street, and you then told me that it would take Hire? months at the very least to effect a perfect cure, and that I must comply exactly with your instructions ; if not, you would not guarantee a cure. I am happy now to aay that I did as you told me to the very regulating my hours and habits, and that now, after the lapse of fifteen weeks, my memory is restored, my sight hae become Btrong again, my mind has ceaßod to wander, I can esjoy company, and, in short, Richard's himself again. I should not go to the trouble of describing bo minutely my sufferings, but that I know of so many young men who are living secluded lives whose sufferings are precisely what my own were before I came to you, and who, although in health, would be really amiable and estimable peraons, are looked upon as gloomy, morose, unsociable men simply boeauso of that phase of the disease which I havo named, a hatred for company. If this should bo read by any of those porsons, Bufforing aB I did, and fchey are induced to apply to you for relief, I will guarantee that they will Bay after a few weeks that they never laid out a more profitable sum of money than when they came to Professor Guscott. — Believe me, yours faithfully, BIOHABD DOSSON. P.S. — I return to my work to-morrow, and I know my friends there will be agreeably assonished at my present appearance. Victoria street, Ohristohuroh, Jan. 20, 1860. Pbofbssob Gusoott, South Town Belt. Dbab Sib, — I return the small case of medicine Bent by bearor, as before the last case was finished my pain had ceased and I felt bo much better that I intended calling to see you to ask for some other treatment which would restore my former strength, as weakness iB now the only thing from whioh I now suffer. The rheumatism has completely leffc me, and I assure you I have not been free from it until now for two years. Perhaps if you send me some tonic, to give me an appetite, I shall be ablo to regain strengtti. — Yours faithfully, Eliza Watson. Forry road, Jan. 20, 1880. Pbofbssob Gusoott. Deab Sib, — It is rathor a difficult matter to comply with your request, as I have some delicacy in advertising my cure. I feel, howover, that I should be wanting in gratitude if I did not state that when I camo to you for treatment you refused to take any payment until I had taken sufficient of your medicine to satisfy myself fchat you could cure me of tho distressing servous dobility from which I suffered. I may state shortly that you rostorod mo to porfoot health, but would rather nofc enter into a particular desoription of my complaint. — Yours truly, (Bigncd) TnoMAS Mob an. Southbridgo, Jan. 7, 1880. Pbofbssob Gusoott, South Town Belt. Dbab Sib,— The last case of modioine has arrived all right bufc the oost of carriage is I

rathor high. Please send the next oase by steamer, and I think I shall not require any more, as lam so much better. When I remember that you only oommenoed treating me at Christmas and fchafc I am now on a fair way to recovory, I boliovo that I shall not want much more medicine. If you know the amount of money I have spent in trying fco get rid of this horriblo soiatica, whioh you havo now almost driven off. I think I have boen a fool in not writing to you when you were at Dunedin, but I put it off from time to timo. I send you with this tho seoond and last instalment of £5, which please acknowledge and oblige yours truly, Maubiob Wauhb. Kumara, Jau. 17, 1880. Peofkbsob Gusoott, South Belt. Dbab Sib, — I oannot give you the letter you ask for, as I do not want people to know that you have been treating me, unless yon like to publish my statement without showing my name. If you consent to do this yon are afc liberty to state that I was suffering fe» aboufc three years from unpleasant, weakening dreams, whioh brought on all the unpleasant effects of languor and loss of energy and a sort of feeling that I was done up. You treated me fer ten weeks and I am now quite well.— Yours, kc, P. M'G . Lyttolton, Jan. 24, 1880. Pbofbssob Gusoott, ~ South Town Belt. Dbab Sib, — You asked me to give a testimonial if your treatment should prove effective- and I have now muoh pleasure in doing so. On Deo. 23 I waß suffering most intense pain from dysenfcory of some six weeks standing, was very muoh exhausted and had fco leave w -»rk about four weeks bofore consulting you. You took me in hand, and on the ninth day from that on whioh I oame into your house I was able to go fco work, and am now quite well again. — Yours sincerely, William Hxtbk. Addington, Jan. 17, 1880. Pbofbssob Guscott. Dbab Sib, — I have for threo years suffered from bleeding piles, and hearing that you undertook tho cure of tliat complaint, oalled upon you last Novombor. You gave me some medicino and advico, which has resulted in my boing entirely froe from any sign of tho suffering, which before was my chronio stato, and I should strongly reoommend all porsons similarly afllicted to plaoe themselves in your hands. — Yours, &0., William Dbvbbt. South Town Belt, Christchurch. Pbofbssob Guscott, South Town Belt. Dbab Sib, — I write this to let you know tbat the neuralgia from which I was suffering off and on for upwards of two yoars Beems to have left me altogether, as I havo not had a sign of it for six weeks. From the time of my first coming to you it gradualy got better, and I am now quite restored to health again. — Yours truly, Janb Hiix. Sydenham, Jan. 19, 1880. Pbofbssob Gubcoit, Christchurch. SlB, -I havo great pleasure in adding my testimony to tho efficacy of your tome for curing fits. My wifo was for two yeare subject to tbat distressing complaint, but after using your tonio for tbe space of two montbs, I a»» bappy to say she has found herself thoroughly cured. She has not had an attack for bix months. Sho also suffered" much from spasms of the stomach, and I am bappy to cay the modicine has beon benoficial i in curing that also, whioh gives me great confidence in your herbal treatment. I shall recommend yaur tonic as superior to any. thing my wife has fried before. Tlie cure that yon haro performed is a Mossing to her, and I, and tbe family. — Believe mo to be yours ever grateful, Thomas Coleman, Port Lyttelfcon.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3799, 18 June 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3799, 18 June 1880, Page 4