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The Star. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1880.

I.O.G.T.— The E.C. Crusader Lodge, No. 8, held their usual weekly meeting in the Primitive Methodist Church on Wednesday evening. After the usual routine of business had been disposed of, and one proposed for membership, ifc was reeolved that an open Lodge meeting bo held the lasfc session in every month, to commence on Wednesday, June 30. A few of the members then entertained the Lodge, and the Lodge was closed at 9.30 p.m. by Bro Mullholland, W.C.T., after having spent a very pleasant evening. The Recent Bubglaeies.— As wo were going to press a report reached us that a man cutting willows on the park eide of the river for the Board of Conservators had discovered a plant of several packages of clothing, which it was thought were a portion of the property stolen from Mesara Hallenstein and Co.'s establishment, On Mr J, R, Armstrong, Curator of the Domain Gardens, being in. formed of the circumstances, he afc once com- ! municated with tho police, and two detectives were sent up to examine the goods and bring them to the depot. J Bingsland Methodist Fbek Chubch I Sunday School. — A Band of Hope, in con- j nection with the above, was started laßt night. There was a good attendance. There will be another meeting nexfc Wednesday week at half -past seven. Police Coubt.— Only two cases of drunk and disorderly were set down for hearing at the Police jourfc this morning. Licensed Victuallebs. — A special general meeting of the licensed victuallers was held last nighfc at Morton's Hotel. There was a very good attendance. Correspondence was read with reference to the Licensing Bill for Invercargill, Dunedin, Auckland, Timaru, nnd Wellington. It was decided to send another delegate to Wellington, to represent the views of the Association, in addition to the ono already nominated. The delegate will probably leave town to-day. Thbatbb Royal.— Bachelder's Pantascope drew another very good housa last night, when the dio:ama of the Arctic Exhibition was exhibited for the last time, as to-night, in its place, will bo shown tho naval engagement between the Merrimac and the Monitor, with realistic effects. The vocal illusions of Mr Chalet were, as usual, receivod with much merriment, and the views of Bcenery in America and other places of interest were loudly applauded. Mr Chalet'B quaintly humorous commentary on the viewe is itself worth listening to. The nightly distribution of gifts, conducted, as it is, on such evidently fair principles, adds much to the attractiveness of an entertainment, the merits of which, without the gifts, ought to secure a pretty long ruu. The Pantascope, kc, will be ehown again to-night. CHBISTCHUBCH HOBTICULTUBAL SOCIETY. — A meeting of the Committee of this Society was held last evening in the rooms of the Agricultural and Pastoral Association ; present — Mr G. A. Reade, in tlio chair, Messrs D. Nairn, H. R. Webb, M. Murphy, F. Jones, 8. Manning, J. Guntrip, J. Gray, T. Turner, 0. Marsh, T. Allen, and the Secretary. It was resolved — "That in addition to the general exhibitions for the coming season there be meetings of members in October, at which spring flowers be brought forward ; in January, for carnations and picoteee, and in April, for chrysanthemums. Messrs A. Duncan, G A. Reade, T. Turner, and the Secretary were appointod a Sub-Committee to draw up tho schedule for the ensuing season, and to report on Thursday, June 21. It was furthor resolved — "Thafc the future meetings of fche Committee be held on the first Thursday in the month." Hotel CHiA<ngb&. — Mr Daniel M'Guinness, late of the Britannia Hotel, Chrietchurch, has purchased, the Ship Hotel, Timaru, from its former well-known proprietor, Mr Charles Green, who is about o visit the old country. Since Mr M'Guinnees took possession of tho Ship he has thoroughly renovated every room ia it, and has made most extensive alterations and improvements. The bar and sittingroom accommodation has been extonded, und a well arranged wholesale and bottl* department haa beeu opened on tho Struthallanetreet sorner of the hotel, next the entrance to tho South Canterbury Club. Mr M'Guinness has provided tho mashinery for doing a first-class wholesale and vetail hotel business, and. ho has thrown an amount of business energy into the trade, which Timaru lias beon deficient of for many yeara. Mr M'Guinness' numerous Chmtclmrch friends will bo certain to. steer for the Ship Hotel, should business or pleasure liko them to TBmaru. Thp Catjhedbal. — Tho Cathedral Commission, at its meeting yesterday afternoon, met with a pleasant surprise. Jt was in tho ■ shape of a handsomo offor an the part of Mr R. U. Rhodes to dofray Iho cost of completing, the tower on the north-west angle, the baeoment of which ia as tho public iB awaro, already built. The sum of money placed ut tlio disposal oi tho Commission i:»> | we understand, quite sufficient to cover thu architect's estimate for tho construction of tho tower of stono after tlio design, ii'joro uuißsive than ornate, with which many perhaps arc ulreudy familiar. As Mr Rhodes ! wishes tho work to bo put in haud at once, tho Commission has taken steps accordingly. , The tower is expected to bo completed at tho same time as the navo, which according to tho limit fixed in tho contract, will be ready for dedication not later than May of next year. There is somo reason to believo that tho apird and pcnl of bells may subsequently he offered' Tho' munificent, religious spirit that helped to build tho cathodrals of mediroval Europe is evidently not entirely a stranger to tho Colony,

Hospital Boabd. — The usual meeting of the Hospital and Charitable Aid Board was j held yesterday afternoon. A report of the J proceedings appears elsewhere. t An Owneb Wanted.— The police have at i the depot a bunch of keye, which was picked 1 up on Tuesday night by a constable in Victoria i etreet.. The owner can have the keys on ' applying at the dep6t. < Hospital Patibnts.— There are 88 patients ] in the Hospital. During the past fortnight i 32 were admitted, and 26 were discharged. < Four died during the came period. I Boabd op Consbbvatobs.— A Committee ' of tho Board of Conservators of South Wai- ] makariri, consisting of the Chairman, Mr Hr.raian, and the Mayor of Christchurch, met 1 yesterday, and accepted a tender for the ( supply of cement. 1 Tub Unemployed.— At a short meeting of ' the unemployed, held yesterday afternoon in ' Cathedral square, it was stated that a gentle- • man in town had promised to pay the expense of eending two delegates to Wellington to interview the Government. A petition had been prepared, setting forth the requirements of thoee out of employment, which the Committee desired should be largely signed. An adjournment wae then made to a room occupied by the Committee in Manchester street, where the work of signing the petition was commenced. Bbeb in tub Hospital.— lt will be remembered that come time ago a regulation was adopted atthe hospital that the servants should not receive any beer or other stimulant except under special circumßtanceß. The Hospital Committee now recommend that the nurses and others shouid be allowed a pint of beer daily. The consideration of tho recommendation has been postponed by the Hospital Board till they have ascertained what practice obtains in the matter of stimulants in the other hospitals of New Zealand. Inditstbial Exhibition.— The following are the members of the Committee of Management in connection with the Exhibition of local industries and productions to be held in the Drillshed on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, July 15 to 17 :— Mr R. Allan, Chairman ; Mr W. W. Charters, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer ; Messrs E. H. Banks and J. A. Bird, Professor Bickerton, Messrs N. K. Cherrill, G. W. Ooleman, and B. W. England, Dr Von Haast, Messrs Howland, Hulbert, C. Hull, /. P. Jameson, A. Kirk, H. B. Kirk, J. L. Scott, W. S. Smith, and R. R. Wood. At a largely' attended meeting last evening, the Hon Secretary reported having received applications from 78 exhibitors. Some of the exhibits proved to be of great importance, and an examination of the list showed that not only would the various local industries be well represented, but that a large amount of care would have to be exercised in the allotment of space. Df Von Haast, Professor Bickerton, and Messrs 0. P. Hulbert, N. K. Cherrill, and J. L. Soott were elected as the Space Committee, the Chairman and Seoretary to be ex officio members of this and other Committees. Messre J. P. Jameson, C. P. Hulbert and A. Kirk were elected as the Refreshment Committee ; and Messrs Banks, Coleman, and England as a Finance Committee. Tho report of the Committee appointed to secure the use of the Drill 6hed was approved, and an offer made by the Railway Band was unanimously accepted. Regulations for the guidance of exhibitors were approved and ordered to be printed, together with label cards for the use of exhibitors, and after careful consideration, it was decided that the time for receiving entries should be until Saturday, June 26. It was rebolved that the exhibition should be opon from noon until 10 p.m. on the first day, and from 10 a.m until 10 p.m. on the following daye, application to be made to the railway authorities for a concession as regarded the nooning day. The match, Past v. Present College, will be playod on the Rrooni of the latter on Satnrday next, game to commenie at 2.30. The *' old boys " will weir red aud black colours, and will be represented by the following:— Messrs. Atack, A. G. ; Atack, W. H. ; Cotterill, E. J. ; Catteiill. W. G. ; Field, J. S.; Harman, E. D. ; Lawson, J. ; Mathias, G. S. ; Millton. W. V. ; Ollivier. S. M. ; Pot»,s, W. ; Reeves, W. P. ; Bobinson, F. N. ; Sheath, A. GL ; and Williams, H. Emergencies - Brown, H, ; Dob^n, C. ; and Pratt, P. Any of tho above who may be unable to play will please Eond word to Mr W. V. Millton. The St Clare Comedy Company announce that th y will .open in an entertainment at the Oddfellows' Hall, Lyttelton, thiß evening. A lecture will be delirered this evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Soience Lecture Theatre, Canterbury College, by Professor Hutt >n, on " The origin of livirg matter." A popular concert will take plao9 in |the Odd fellow*' Hall this evenitag, in connection with bt Andrew's Church choir. The fortnightly meeting of tho Christchurch Debuting Society will be held to-moi row evening in St John's Schoolroom, Latimor square, when thu subjeot for discussion will be "Is imprisonment for debt desirable?" to be opened by Mr J. E. C Edwards, followed by Mr A. W. Heaven. requoated to attend. Italiax Expedition to Aktabctic Regions. — Arrangements luve been made according to the Daily News' correspondent at Naples, for an Italian Antarctic expsdition, to leave Genoa not later than May next year, touching at Monte Video, Terra del Fucgo, Falkland Islands, kc. It will remain two winters in the Antarctic regions, for the purpose of ecientiflc discovery and exploration, making uae of the period during which the ice is firm for sleigh excureione ; aHd it will return to Naplee after touching at some Australian ports and visiting Cape Town. The expense, it is thought, will not exceed 600,000 Italian lire, and the crew of the vessel will number about 40, being partly eelected from the Italian navy and partly from Italian whale-fishers. A Cooling Covbblbt. — It is known that treatment by refrigeration is often resorted to, in cases of typhoid fever especially. Dr Dumont pallier hae lately introduced at the H6spital de la Pitio a now apparatus for the purpose, made under his direction by M. Galante. It is described in La Nature. The coverlet is formed of a tube of caoutchouc 80 metres long, bent to and fro in a series of equal lengths, and enclosed b tween two pieces of cloth. The tabe is traversed throughout by a current of oold water, its two ends communicating with a distributing apparatus placed on a tablo at the foot of the bed. This apparatus comprises two etop-cocke in a parallel position, each with an adjoining cylindrical metallic oase, from whioh the stem of a thermometer projeots. The etop-cocke nro connected with the two ends of the coverlet tube, and the cases are oonnected on the other Bide, one with tho tube from a reservoir, the other with tho tube of outflow for the water that has boen used. The tube from the covorlet to the stop-oock of outlet is arranged to send the water- through a email glass bell-jar on tho tablo, which enables one to judge of the regularity of the ilow, while the thermometers indicate the temperatures I at which the water enters and leaves tho coverlet. The apparatus is eaid to be highly sensitive ; a elight alteration of the orifice of one or other of the stop-cocks, or of both eimultaneously, is followod almost immediately by thcrmometric variations. The weight of tho patient has, of course, noinQuence on the ilow of liquid, which ie eff eoted with excellent regularity. A Judge's Justice.— We havo publiahod several telegrams lately referring to chargos ugainst a Judge of New. South Wales wliich aro about to bo invistigated by a Parliamentary Committee. The Sydney Town and Country Journal gives the following particulars of same of t!ae actions upon which the chargeß wre bused : — " Tha Quarter Sessions commenced here (Guiwcdfth) on Wednesday ket, with a calendar of- 14 cases. Judge Meymoit presided. In tho first caso, against, a man named 3jng, tJia judgo told the jury when Ihey hesitated about tho verdict, not to make mountains out of molehills ; tha caeo was m plain as the nose on his fnco, acd that if th*y retired ho would leave them locked up until 3 o'clock in the evening ; this was at 11 in the mojning. On Thursday, a. woman myned Anaio Lolynkuhl, was charged with etaaling a tarpaulin, and was defended ly Mr J. P.." Abbott. Tho jury, not* beingXeile to> agree to their vcrdici, word locked up.;' at 8 o'clock ai night tho , judgo failed them, in, whon thoy stated t".i>»t 'they were 11 bo.l. The judgo *aid lie t»ew who the one waa who wished to acquit, and hinted tliat he did co owing to improper relations between tho prisoner and tlx. juryman. This tho juryman donied, und it then turned out that tho jury woro— eleven for an acquittal, and ono for a conviction. Tho judgo th<n discharged the jury, and in opposition to the Crown Prosecutor, admitted tae prisoner, ) a married woman, lo hail, On her own recogiiijancee. On Friday a lad named Dunn was I tried for an assault* the prisoner boing do- ' fended by Mr Abboit. Iho jury brought in i a verdict of [not "guilty.' Tho jud^jo at onoo i ord'orod tho ClCrk of thte peace not to reoord : their verdict, and toldthc jury to ro-connidcr i tlie-'same.. Tliis thoy. xcfu eed to do, and His j Honor hud to accept their vordiot, doing so > jji mo:t uncomplimentary remarks to tho : j^ry. and tho attorney ior the defeuce."

Minute Wobk.— ln a Melbourne daily journal it was lately mentioned that someone had writton the Lord's Prayer within a circle tho size of a threepenny pieco. This inoited a gentleman witl) powerful vieion and firm fingere to try what he could do. The result, Bays "Mp\eß," is before mo now. He has written the Lord'a Prayer six times sueccesively within tho abovenamed space. The producer of this romarkablo speoimen of minute caligraphy is Mr Lcventhorpe Hall, of tho Crown Lands department, and his miniature work was, I am assured, accomplished without tho aid of a magnifyingglase, which, however, would bo required by most readers. Thb Legislative Council.— The Legislative Council, says tho New Zealand Timet of Friday, so far as the session has gone, has certainly not been over-workedj. the seven sittings tliat have taken plaoe avoraging just an hour and a quarter iv duration, the briofest being a quarter of an hour, and the longest two hours and a half.l From tho vigorous demonstration at the opening, several dozens of now Bills being: prosonted, indications seemed to point to a different state of affairs. But all the new measures were relegated to committees, and havo not since been heard of — hence the lack of work. Yesterday tho Council eat half>anhour, and the whole of the business, except a first reading (Gaming and Lotteries Bill)and a second reading (Rabbit Nuisance Bill), was of a routine character. Mr Mantell had introduced a Deceased Wife's Sister's. Marriage Bill, and a debate on that worn-out subject was expected. But the author of tbe Bill possesses a keen sense of humour and perpetrated a " bluff." He was not present to move the second reading, and of course the Bill lapsed, which prevents the question being dealt with again this session — a neat but circuitous manner of temporarily shelving tm perennial bone of contention.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3798, 17 June 1880, Page 2

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The Star. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1880. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3798, 17 June 1880, Page 2

The Star. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1880. Star (Christchurch), Issue 3798, 17 June 1880, Page 2