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Bueiaoas jKoiio^, li. W. WALTJBBB & ~Co. UNDEKTAKEHB, VICTORIA STREET (RESIDENCE : KILMORE BTREET WEST -piUNERALS conducted in the most approved manner, combined with eoonomy, in Town _■_ _ or Country. Estimates, inclusive of all charges, can be had on application. The trad© furnished with requisites. . I OQOK B. W. WAKTERB k CO., 9385 Undertakers. THINK OF THE HARD TIMES WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY P SAVE 60 PEB CENT, A^ISX y< T F y EM JT UB *E from TOM BATES, who always keeps a large and varied l^em town " prepared to funush J ou outri g ht ""«* o^apor than anyjothw COME ONE, OOMB ALL, AND OOME QUICKLY. It is not every day you will get suoh value as at CHEAP FfTRVtTfriSr^AREHOUSjS. OOBNEB OF LIOHFIBLD AKD MADBAB nxgttS. 8817 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE DEPOT. T tS?* l^^ to eaUthe attention of intending Pnrehaseri to his large and ?_. ▼»"*» Jtoek of Sewing Machine*, both TBBADLB and HAND, by the best makm, "Home wmpamon,"'' Household," "Home Shuttle," "Albion," "Wanser A,' 1 "Hottf Lamb's Knitting Machine, Darning Maohine, Ac. ,«iJ?w!si? Needles comprises over SO varieties. *noltding tha « dav patra Needle (thu v not the needle sported by the British Chmm-mant at sa enonnow J. M. T 2 having in stook ths largest assortment of extra parte, sprints, ftc, for BewfcM Jtt^A^MST l^ fch *. M " io " 0 . 8 iJBSUSSSm and bJSS 2l^f^^^S^i Xp t" enoe '.K M^ w P ared to «eouteaU kind* >f repiir. to erwy description of Sewing Machine extant. Best American Maohins OU or rale. MAOHINBS ON HJBB ON TIME PAYMENTS PBOM 6b. PBB WIU SOLB AGBNT FOB WHBBLBB A WESSON'S SBWING MAOHINW. J M. THOMPSON'S «NGUSB e\ND AMBBIOAN SEWING MAOHINB DEPOT, riostas and C!t> Javt,)len, Oolombo street. j^^B sHLsf rfIHIS is the Range lam not ashamed of I It haa WW ____SH ,"- wa y s heen a friend to the worKmg man, and mfm BS« %!* tak^ n the honour at the last AgricultunJ E^l frZ w . 7 tekin e the Silver Plate presentee! by Joha WfM W^i\ Ollivier, Esq., for the best three-feet Cooking Bange oa jyßii G&H the %--&- My numerous friends and old cm tomersgCT -2- are the best judges of them, as they will 1 have no otha*, H^j^P^ffß^^JLmjmmh. ftnd "commend them to all their neighbourr to coma ; j^B^^^g|PPBBWBJ . ., T3ie followiB g are the prices of* Ranges witb B_l__^_______B!ißHßS3 4ft . £10 ' 3ft 6in, £7 10s ; 3ft, from £6 to £4 lOs BBlH^Sag isßSSalll ** 5 2ft Wn. from £4 5s to £4. Twenty bßßßsssßWsW|lßbsß3ii9 t, different sizes to choose from at English prioea. |KMHBHt— ==-^g Further Reductions— Sft ranges, with' blaok skirtll^^ ff - L1 - MM """ "ft* 4 *' Bft ™ n ges,with bright skirting and steer ■^"™ , ™~™^™ , ~ , ™™™~ — " knobs, £4 18s. Cash. Seven of the highest Honorary Ce-tificates for Ranges, Washing Furnaces,- and Register Grates for the year 1877, and no disputing it. ' "*b««» T. ATKINSON, TUAM STREJM!. PROFESSOB GUSCOTT KAY KOW BB CONSULTED AI HIS BKSIDEKOB, SOUTH TOWN BELT, SECOND DOOB BAST FKOM OOLOMBO STREET

TESTIMONIALS. A WONDEBFUL CURE. Pbofbmob Guscott, South Town Belt. Dbab Sib, — I have been troubled with nervous debility for the past eight years, brought on, as you have explained in the " Canterbury Times " by the indiscretion of early youth. I have spent scores of pounds first with one and then with another, but never received any permanent benefit. Some said that I had heart disease, others that I was consumptive, but when I wrote to you from the Rakaia you explained my symptoms bo exactly that I was induced to come to town at once, though you told me you could treat me equally as well by stopping and attending to my work as in losing time by coming to town. I was unfit for work, bo decided to come to town for a spell, as I could neither eat nor sleep. My mind wandered ; I had a desire to bo away from company, and yet when alone my own company was hateful to me. I was troubled with the most hideous dreams, and was in that low, nervous state which made me sometimes feel as if death would be a happy release. My head ached, my heart palpitated violently, I would start almost at my own shadow. My mind, in fact, was not my own. I saw you on my arrival in town, when you were in Manchester street, and you then told me that it would take thre? months at the very least to I effect a perfect cure, and that I must comply exactly with your instructions ; if not, you would not guarantee a cure. I am nappy now to say that I did as you told me to the very regulating my hours and habits, and that now, after the lapse of fifteen weeks, my memory is restored, my sight has become strong again, my mind has ceased to wander, I can enjoy company, and, in short, Richard's himself again. I should not go to the trouble of describing so minutely my sufferings, but that I knew of so many young men who are living secluded lives whoße sufferings are precisely what my own were before I came to you, and who, although in health, would be really amiable and estimable persons, are lookod upon as gloomy, morose, unsociable men simply because of that phase of the disease which I have named, a hatred for company. If this should be read by any of those persons, suffering as I did, and they are induced to apply to you for rehef, I will guarantee that they will say after a few weeks that they never laid out a more profitable sum of money than when they came to Professor Guscott. — Believe me, yours faithfully, Biohabd Dosson. P.S. — Ireturn to my work to-morrow, and I know my friendß there will be agreeably assonished at my present appearance. Victoria street, Christchurch, Jan. 20, 1880. Pbofbssob Gusoott, South Town Belt. Dbab Sib, — I return the small caso of medioine sent by bearer, as before the last case was finished my pain had oeased and I felt so much better that I intended calling to see you to ask for some other treatment which would restore my former strength, as weakness is now the only thing from which I now suffer. The rheumatism has completely left me, and I assure you I have not boen free from it until now for two years. Perhaps if you send me some tonic, to give me an appotite, I shall be able to regain strength. — Yours faithfully, Eliza Watson. Ferry road, Jan. 20, 1880. Pbofbbsob Guboott. Dbab Sib,— lt is rather a difficult mattor to comply with your request, as I have some dolioacy in advertising my cure. I foel, however, that I should be wanting in gratitudo if I did not state that when I oamo to you for treatmont you refused to take any payment until I had taken sufficient of your medicino to satisfy mysell that yon could cure mo of the distressing aervous debility from which I suffered. I may state shortly tliat you restored me to perfeot health, but would rather not enter into a particular description of my ' complaint. — Yours truly, (Bigned) Thomas Mohan. Bouthbridge, Jan. 7, 1880. Pbofbsbob Gusoott, South Town Bolt. Dbab Sib, — The last oaae of medicino has arrived all right but tba op#t of carriage is I

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3798, 17 June 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3798, 17 June 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3798, 17 June 1880, Page 4