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'■"';...-. Jitisiness Wotioeß I , IMPORTANT DISOOVEBY I l GREAT DISCOVERY ! JL ROFESSOR GrUSSOOTT, Herbalist, Chiropodist, and Ciirer of Diseases i■■ ■ • in General, .-.•<■ begs to inform the residents of Dunodin, that he possesses the secret of a Gbbat Diboovbbx which has enabled him to obtain Signal Victories over the greatest enemies of man. Philosophers are agreed that Nature ia pregnant Yriik secrets which, if known, would Curo Life of all its 111 b. Disease is a prplific parent of ills — a " monster" which has more than matched the learning and skill of cen* turies. Doctors have claimed the exclusive right to deal with .diseases,! and they have so conspicuously failed as to become proverbial. Napoleon Huonaparte summed up the! results of their skill as. inimical to Mankind, ohd as a rulo he carefully . avoided both Doctors and their Drugs. The .imperious Corsican, however, could only speak from the past and from what he ob'Berved. He had no idea that in the fullness Of time there would arise one Pbofbbboa Gub&cott, whose skill so omnipotent hi curing disease, would be the wonder of his age. Tho Professor, . after years of research, in which Nature's repository was ransacked, at length discovered the King of Pain,i and the seoret of destroying those monsters which make "wretched so many of lus race. Armedfwith the darte of Science, dipped in Herbal Juicea, the Pro-. fessor, like the chivalrous knights ;of feudal times, enters the arena whero the monsters of disease love to revel — and now behold him ! See the serenity with which confidence invests him !* There, feasting on its'viotims— , whose sufferings are hellish — in Dyspepsia and its loathsome brood, whose name ib legion. There is Fever, breathing its fiery blast through the veins of the helpless babe. There Consumption, like the fabled Vulturo of the Ancients, is eating out the; vital organs of its victim, while, with deceitful breath, it promises him life. There is Cholera, fastened on the strong and robust, cramping them in convulsive agonies. While mingled in inextricable confusion, are Disease Fiends of every shape, making the scene hideous with their infernal work.' Now the Professor advances, and now hia enemies recoil, as one by one they receive a thrust until the last dies — the oppressive stillness : of the scene, proclaiming the; omnipotence of Pbofbssob Gttbscott. The fame of the Professor is abroad tliroughout the Und. - THE PROFESSOB MAT BB BBBN AT MANCHESTER STREET, And he will rocommend hia : TONIC ! As the groateßt destroyer, not'o* 1 MAN AND WOMAN, That the World has ever. seen. Ladibs and Gbntlbubn— Don't misunderstand the Professor, his Medicine kills Disease, while the Pills and Grease, the Mineral Poison, the Epsom Solte, and Chalk Water, fatten Disease. %• Don't Fobgbi 1 — PROFESSOR GUSSCOTTS RENOWNED TONIC! Made from the best American Herbs, Discovered by Adam and Eva in tho Garden of Eden, by which they were cured when seriously ill from eating apples, and handed down through all tho maio oranches of the family until it reached Porfessor Gubboott, who, is a child of the good old pair. Don't mistake the Address— MANCHESTER BTREET Opposite Laurie's Timber Yard). TESTIMONIALS. Pbofbssob GrsacoTT. Sib, — I bavo been troubled withnervouß debility from my youth. I knew not what was the cause until I had aeon your advertisements. I could neither eat ; nor ;Bleep. For eight years t did not enjoy a good night c reet. My mind vraa always wandering, I carod for no company, always wished to be alone, alwajß troubled with a violent pain in the head, and a continued palpitation of tho heart, my sight diminished^ I could bcojcplj read, and then only for a Bhort time, mj memory became co impaired I could not recollect what I had been reading five minuteß after I had done. When I wrote te you from TVaverley you told mo that you could effect a perfect oure and explained all tho symptoms that I was^uffering-from and the cause of it. , It. gave me confidence te come to Christchurah- and -place myself under your treatment. I have tried many medical men; but tliby • never ■ fully explained the nature of my complaint. I know there are hundreds of young mon suffering tho same as I have been and don't know yr hero to apply to. I know many that have written to L. L. Smith, in Melbourne, but received no benefit, but when I came to your place and found the great number .that you ■' have been treating With the same complaint, both in town and country, I was satisfied that I had struck the right man, I am happy to Bay that lam well and hearty 'and freo from all nervousness and palpitation. I can read now for hour*, hold' conversation, eat and sleep well. Igiv»<you thid testimonial hoping that it will be beneficial to hundreds of others whose lrr.v I know are miserable to them, as mine lias beon.— Believe me to be yours ever eratofully, • • . -.. 8 ■ ; Jomr Nixok. . St Asnph streot, > ChristehurchjSeptrlO, 1879. - PBOFBBSOR'GTisSCOTT. X ~ ; Sib, — Having suffered from dropsy for upwards of four years, and tried every available means for obtaining relief, I was induced by a lady who lives in th 6' Gasworks' rood, and who you were then treating . to apply to you, Eta all other means had iinled. As you were not a doctor I hoi very little faith in you, but you treated me successfully and I am thankful to be able to bear toatimohy to the fact that within a month' from the date of your undertaking my case I was completely restored to health.*— l ami, 1 dear Sir, yours faithfully, ' ! - ' : (Signed) jAttß Smith. : Sydenham, between Colombo and Montreal streets; PnOFKSSOB GITSSOOTT. Sib,— You asked me to "say /a T g'ood word for you to any of my friends -who might have the misfortune to suffer as I did bofori calling upon you, and I have great pleasure in writing a letter which 'you aro'at 'liberty to publish or use in any way J-ou may think proper. Before I saw you a 'Very long time I had suffered from violent pains between my shoulders, and a feeling as of cola water being poured down my back. I commenced to describe my symptoms to you to my flrtib visit, when you interrupted me by concluding the miserable catalogue of sufferings, so surely that I at. once determined to try if your herbal treatment would do more for me than pOls and drugs had. done. I suppose I had whttt is commonly called liver complaints 'After taking tho first bottlo of your medicine the pains in my head and region of the heart ceased and I am now quite well. I have reooinniended all I know who suffer from tho same cause to apply to you, and ; trout that this testimonial may be the moans of directing others to try the herbal treatment, which I am convinced ia the only effectual means of setting rid of a most distressing ailment. — Relieve me yours sincerely, I (Signed) WiixiAta BboWh, '■ ' ' Peterborough street, Christchurch. i TO PBOFBBBOB GraCOTT. " ' ; SlB, — For many years I was a ■ hopeless invalid, and for twelve months unable to attend to business. - My breathing was hard, and at times I was propped up in bed. The medical man who attended me said that I was doomed to be a sufferer from asthma for tho remainder of my days j but my daughter took upon hereolf to call upon you and explain the nature of my complaint, which you undertook to cure. With that apathy with which an invalid submits to almost anything, I suffered my daughter to have her way, and was placed under your care. What you did for me was Bimply marvellous. After a very short time I was very much better,' and now am able to attend to business, can eat, drink, and sleep well, and enjoy as good health as any man at my age (64) can hope to do. I

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3639, 9 December 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3639, 9 December 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3639, 9 December 1879, Page 4