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ii ■■ TESTIMONIALS. Lyttolton, June 7, 1»)8t To Proressor Gusscott. Sir, — I have been suffering from paralysis^ rheumatism, and dropsy between three ttti four years. Now, I hare been under several doctors,' besides visiting many others,, but aO to no avail. After you came fco Ohrißtohurch my friends persuaded me to go to yon, and 1 am very happy to say that after visiting yo* for a short time, I feel a wonderful improvement in my health, and I am fully confident that if I were in circumstances to continna yonr herbal treatment, you wonld ultimatelr cure me. "-. ; Believe me to be your ever grateful friend, John M'Guibe, Oxford-Btreefc, Lyttelton, TS. — Yon are welcome to make- whatever use you choose of this.— J. M'G. Lyttelton, June & f tß7&. To Profeßßor Gusecobtl. Sißj*— l have been troubled tfith lim com* plainfc r indigestion, wind on the Btomach, efafc, for along period, aad* I have had medical advice and I have fcafien all. sorts of patent medicines-, bnt to no purpose, and being advised ts'oome to you 1 did so. When Sapplied te> yon I was in s< reiy weak state, bt* you'fcbH* me you could' 1 enre me, so I placed 1 myself under your treatment and I am bang* to state that' l : am now enjoying .good healta and am quite strong, and-I' would reoommena* anyone rafferifig-from the-eame complaint ten plaoe" themselves under your herbal treats ment audi they can depend on a petftefcue; I 'am, Sir, ywurs truly, H. Abwoud WoolatonyMay 14, 187ft To Profesnr-Gnsoofct— Sir,-— lhave bben suffering from nervoujdebility f a> ten years, and have tried all the medioal Bkili I could get ita Ohrißtohnroh and - other physicians in' the oldl oouatry. I: haw never beevable to sleep or eat, but since beinfunder the -treatment of Professor Gnsoott: for such a sheet time I have reoeived wonderfal relief, and^personß in OhriitohUrch who haV» known me- for yeara can oerfcify that 'l- ate | quite a newman j and ifc appears^ fco me extraordinary how Mr Guscott oan effeot sueh wonders. I can safely recommend any person suffering ia* the same way as- I have been to > flaoe themselves under his- herbal treatment, write fchia for Mr Guscott' to do or publish this as he pleasea. Fsbdbbjot Johsv, (Sigrtd) In fche presence of Mr Mumfordp Shop-keeper, Manchester Btreet south* Mr J. Heslopy Pointer and Paper-hanger, Manchester street souths. Torres Station, May 13, 1879. To Profossor Guscott. Sir,*— llhave been for aome length of time (nearly three. years) suffering from asthmsv. nsver been able ta, Bleep, no appe* tifce to eat,, and continually coughing., and was that weat I could nob get; about to., my bißiness properly, . bufc sinoe under - your treatment I* have hod consideiabkreUefw I can now sleep well, and eat > well, and fche. impjroroment I find in mys6iJ ; is most eifcraordinauy, and would - certainly reoommend anyone suffering, front,. the same complaint ta, try, your remedy. I feel it my duty fco let: the public know* whsfti benefit I have reoeivadvduring fche Bhort! time. Ihasee.been under your. oare. I write this., for Mr Guscott fco make what use he^thinkc . proper with, and wish ib published. Yours- truly, Pbtbb M'SJonr** Witnesß-r-Jamea Weatfield. Tuam street, Ohriatohuroh, April 28, 1879.* 'Te Professor Gv^cott. i Sir, — I havo fceentroubled wifch Liver Otm> . plaint these laeti six years, many times been-, not able to a'jfcend to work. I have. tried t everything in the. shape- of patent medicines. 1 havo been an*.autdooi* patient; in the Hospital ; I got at times temporary relief. I oould < not sleep on riyJeffc side j I kept; rolling about backwards and-, forwards in bod. When I got up in tho- morning,. I would rather be in bed, but; woris. I had to attend fco. When I had eaten a right moall found it always lodged in my Btomach. Always costive, a great pal** Eitation, p&ta&'/mti&e ohost, moro.parfciou-irlyundes-tho 'tfSi breast, always a, .violent pain betwoffiQi the shoulders, felt just, the same as if any. one, was. pouring water down my back, feefi,alway* oofd. Happened to, get one of your lulls whan you camo fco Bfc>isaph Btreet, whioh ei»lained to me tl < \cz;.|toms I wtw ißbouring under. When J applied to you, yrai. told; rue all my symp., tu ud guaranteed me- a perfect cure, whi ( ch, lam happy, ta eay, you have done fchrough your horbajjifcroatmsafc. I should recoramend those troub^d i wifch Livor Complaint tepjaoe themselveibux>dei>your fcreatmonfc. liamt.Sir, »ruly thankful, WIIiLIitJ^MANBOH. Colombo street, April 21, 1879. Txißjrofessor Guscott. Sir*, — I have boen troubled -.with Dysentery ftin the lae& three months, so, much bo that I waa- per&otly exhausted, Uw, linings of my fctestinea peeled away in, flakes. I tried every rciaedy that I couldihear- of, but to no* j purpose. Hearing tbat you, were in Christ** 1 ohuroh^, and seeing the ncftoy, wonderful oures^ ! induced to plaoo mystif under your treatment* and I am happy io ■ say in one week I am tne from the diarrhoea, and gaining* BfcnoEgth from your hoiial treatment. I am youre.rospectf ully, Emi3n Bbown. ; I sive you this testimonial far the benefit of osnerß, as I know ibfire are a great many* okbars Buffering fnm t tha sane complaint io, Chrißtchurch. Montreal iU-eafcj.Chrßflfcchuroh, April 24, 1879. To Professor Guasott, Sir,— l have Scan, troubled with Dropsy for this last five jeers. I bave been treated before I came is, Ghristoiaroh, in Dunodin,. bufc got very liable rolien. I am in Christ**, church now tws.years. 1 have tried fch* best medical advica- fco. no, vail. I gave up. aB, hope. They wanted, to tap me j but as. I always heardi after a> person was tanned there was bq. oure, I deolined to allow the operation, Seeing the our you have* made of Mis.Lee, new Oamaru, I was, like a drowsing »an, hapj-y to seo a proßpeot of once more being, reatorod, and swing thq cure* you had Made in Dscedin in the " Satordn Advertisw/'thai) you had come here to settle permaneatiy, I aade up my mind Iw-ouM consult; you, and as you were able fcooxplwa to me ajl my symptoms, the cause ot my trouble it gavo me mort confidence to plaoemyself under your treatment. I am, themofchte of six ehildren. I am happy to say now that I am free from Dropsy, and have full see and oommand of myself to attend to my dftmesAift duties, as I had eight yean age* I I am your ever thankful, | Elibn Kbnnaij.. Manohester stseet, Christohuroh, April 89,1879. I To Professor Guscott. Sir,— l have bt»n troubled with Neuralgia for a length of time, and have suffered tne most exonuoafcing pains i tried everything that I oould hear of, I then, saw your testimonials in the papers, and the " Star. * I was advised, to s"VB vou a trial, bulk I havs this to say, that lam perfectly free ferom pain. I oan eat and - sleep well, and am not disturbed at nightir meal times as I have been for a length)! time. I havo told several the pain I suffered, and the wonderful rebel I hare had, I would advise anyone who is troubled with Nenndg to apply to you, at they can depend on perfect onr* Yowfa ever grateful, H. B. WrcT.rAiM Tuam sfcreet, Ohnitonurch*

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 3555, 2 September 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3555, 2 September 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Star (Christchurch), Issue 3555, 2 September 1879, Page 4