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{from ZBelgravia Magazine.) (Concluded.) " Look here, miss," he said; " if I may be so bold as to mention such a thing, would you mind me playing my old woman a bit of a trick? There's a room upstairs, where the bed's all ready, and as neat and clean as a duchess could wish ; my missus got it ready for my newy, as was coming for his turn of drill in the navy resarve, only I hear to-night he's ordered to Port Beerborough instead. Now, the eld woman's in bed with tbe infleyensa, and as cross as two sticks; and when she hears me come in, she'll sing out, • Blake, who've you got there ? ; And. don't you see, it'll be awkward explaining things then. So I shall just Bing out, « O, it's only newy Bill ;' and tben you can go to roost, Miss Helen, quiet and comfortable, without any fuss ; and when I take the old woman her gruel, snug and warm, with a drop of rum ih to make her comfortable, I'll tell her all about it." * You must settle it all as you think best/ said Helen. She was too thankful for this haven of refuge to make any dispute as to the terms of entry. After all, in her heart had arisen a gleam of hope and comfort. Harry alive — really alive, and in England— O, perhaps if he knew all ! And yet she would never tarnish his life and good name with her polluted companionship. The first part of old Blake's scheme succeeded perfectly. His wife, once assured that nephew Bill bad arrived, aaked no more questions, and Helen retired thankfully to rest. But when it came to disclosing to his wife the deception he had practised upon [ her—" No, no," thought old Blake, " I'll put it off till the morning." And so he went to 1 bed. Lafosse had not been entirely indifferent to the movements of Helen; but he was confident in his own powers, and trusted too much to her want of resources. But, as the night went on and she foiled to return, he 1 began to grow seriously uneasy. Was it possible that she had been goaded in her > desperation to a rash act? A twinge of remorse seized upon him— the fear, too, of farther scandal and the reprobation of his fellows. As the clock struck twelve be rose hastily, put on his hat, and went out. It wen blowing ; hard from the north-east ; the moon, occasionally visible, seemed to be driving pellmell through the sky, as though the huntress Diana were chased by her own hounds. "Helen," he said to himself, "is perhaps wanderiog along the beach. She is fond of such barnm-Bcarum tricks." He made his way to the beach. The tide was now full in, and great waves were thundering in over the shingle. The beachmen were all on tbe alert. With such a wind and such a sea, it was likely that many a vessel would be ashore ere morning. The coastguard too were stirring. Old Captain Durnford looked for a moment young and able again, as he stood on the Sty and peered keenly into the wind's eye. fosse saw him, turned on his heel, and retreated from the jetty. Durnford had . threatened him when they last met— made at him with hie stick, and had with difficulty been restrained by bis friends from inflicting personal chastisement on his foe. There was no honour to be gained by an altercation with an old man under such circumstances. It was not possible, either, that Helen wonld hare remained on the jetty, her father being there. A great black cloud blotted out the moon, and darkness came over the sea like a pall. Lafosse shuddered, and thought he would go home. All of a sudden a rocket flared up into the air, lighting up the beach for a moment, the dark fishing boats, tbe white pleasure yaula, the clustered groups of men here and there. Another followed. These were signals from the light-ship tbat a vessel was in distress ofl the sands. The great doors of the lifeboat house were thrown open, and the elephantine lifeboat was hauled out upon the strand ready for launching. Now a red flash lit up the scene again, and the roar of a gun was heard over the waters. Some other ship requiring assistance. There was prospect of warm work for the beachmen before morning. Old Blake the coxswain was abroad too, looking up the crew for the lifeboat. He gave Lafosse an evil look as he passed, and the consul turned another way. Helen had slept soundly and dreamlessly in her new abode, soothed by a sense of escape and comparative safety. Sbe was awoke by somebody entering her room— a strange looking figure, in what looked like a long great coat, with a white nightcap on its head. " Snoring here," cried the figure, " whilst men are stirring and lives are being lost and saved I Here, lad I've brought thy waterproof things ; get up and take thy place." Thus saying, Mrs Blake threw upon the bed a bundle of clothes, left the candle burning on the window-sill, and went off. Helen lay there cowering and trembling, not knowing what to do. Clearly Blake had not explained her presence to his wife. But what could be the meaning of the old dame, and what was the cause of all tbis hurly-burly ? The cotfcge shook, creaked, and rattled like the ctbin of a ship in a gale ; and she conld hear the thunder of the surf on the beach, and now a gun, and then another. " Haste ye! haste ye, my lad 1 " cried the old woman ; " the Firefly is coming ashore, they say, and all you Queen's men should' be there to help." The Firefly coming ashore 1 That was Harry's sbip. Helen's mind was made up in a moment. She crept from her warm bed, clad her deli'v-te limbs in the rough blue trousers and pea-jacket tbat lay upon the bciJ The garments fitted her marvellously well. Then she drew oh a yellow oilskincoat and dreadnaught hat of the same material, and, thus equipped, sbe sallied forth to the beach.

*r*r- _■ ■- I. ■■-._.. ..._■ -_.- _■ ■„-■.■■■■ ■ - ■ " Another hand for. tbe lifeboat," shouted Blake, aithe "tojo.of n his"ypice, and a. slim, slight lias" pKce; at ..the boatside.'. „i , ; .?'""-**:• ' ZuiAZ'ZpZZpS \"- She quickly launched, r . through : the! Burf, ans' presently^^.Wja^^judding.'alongjjwiili clostly-reefed-.m'ainrsail and aiag, of fqre,sai},' sweeping" qut^t'^ardsj.lthe , Firefly.'.,; Tbeypresently jmadg p^uti itifriiilue pgunbgat,'^and lay-to ujaderj Her t rsiuarter.o^o^e.v^as i allrnght now ; avoice haijed ; thefla, %nd eaid she/.hadj lost twAflg ' beEjindipift'cand;^bjeg^ultthjfe^ hadletg^lhebestjhower^Aiad^he^w.oi^d.rid^ ont theS^orm.^ the spokesman was vißlpieby.|h4l(girtp'i- tfie.brnnacle-iampsi a hand.{onie^ bronzed seadianlike face. -Some one in tne/HlebpaViwn^ gup walgA tQ^see" tlie i fMej^tp^nliaten* Jo, the voice. *Ap. rthafci.mpment," a : .greati green'; sea came oyej th^m>V:B|ip_Wgipyef r ,thej Hiebp'^t like so 'much "oil." bne quickly; rdsfland clearedi herselfj^^prn^dih^ idownpourj of t wate-:," but a Hand was missing ; the wave had licked up a life.. But no, a slender dripping figure W^s'sfeen'lfia'r/gin'^tO^^i'tie'tHat 1 h'tfii*! over tM'"'4n&Wx <i; p£ "Oatf* ;^fih'bpatf;; ' it;'was seen fr6rh'tfie aebk/^a.half-a-dbzen'' Hands quickl3?iUtilea ! id :l into:'BM'tV.:' Tiie^ew! 'bf the i^_iv^a , ch^f, i /Wfii(_li rfei>lifed to by th^'gririb'6^''^'fi,'--ird a '-iwkf'Vent'ihe' lifeboat^bidnd f*dr w Sbofi.6n : Satidai; £ ;& ; rescuemen more hardly, bestead than iMese I . "''' ; j ' ' : Z "Tak^ 11 " th^'ia^ Hiffi'VyiZcMi^ taid Lieutenant' I) f 6rhy§ia CbmW^ionateiyiJs^iSg ! that tlre'ybhtfcy h^ad 'mtf MM^iPM ! the guiyßoa^ilino^Hfgfe^i'lip irf^e^ ! faint ; w 'takc hi^4tit6Vmpc'i-b'itf, ! .atfd I^ill come ati f d^ee;^_ri^rWntiyJ > ? u v. J, . ; . ■'-''' Z; ! \ The^ej WM^np^bingwmprevfoji-pe^dpn^ at present on board the gun boa. V The storm had caught ihem. unawares, ,and the, fires.; had been banned .ujp'an^i.fc^e.-jteam let down. It was a i[ace pow : b§tvf^en' the, engipes andthe elemeuis— il-thpjbeatho.w^r. gave way.-btfor^ there wa^h^aci-jQf, steam enough to, rnnkg way agaiiJsfr/iKe it wouyl hetallipjYeYj^ithj.Ha.^ajeaty^s ahipj Firefly^'., .-^ilji }and e'eamansh^p n coqld v ,do nothing;;; ,it- w,a» simpjy a .question. ofiholfUng On. k'lj .;> J1(.:..;-I- ■ :? ■; '■::! [■:!.': lu'.-if ;:__*. ■; When Lieutenant Durnford reached his cabin, by, the: light, o.t. the sysioging. lamp, stretched .upon the white counterpane of his^r little : , cot, a, i, slight, )form ; . clad-in. masculine garments, , hut with .hair, ; all • vn r loosed and; tip tr ing. oyer, .tbe piilow-^the brown locks .of itk<girU: , ( Life. rourned',tpjier as he appropched'her; ■her<;eye's I 'p_uiyered and, opened, she! raided. her£e^i}p(m,ppe arm, looked round in vacant wonderland, alarm, Then, aa-heir;eyes ,me.tjtbp.B.e Q^c»ußin.Harry», a scarl^t.y#ual_, .spread. /Q^er; her chegij j she. hid herifafiejneber hapdeJi,.;. . ; ,t) -„ , ; ..,;,, " Heleril 'dhi cried, recognising hifeconsin by the:^rtglit;ifli___h>;ii ,, fHelenv^ wbtftamad freak is^Bis JSWi-'M-i.'. oio aioiJ^: od h'yo'Tf h " O Harry," she criedi'-'Jiitisaihlessibg-.'-to have -SeenuyouffH'Now' I! 6anl die ( inn peace. You are -notiVeryJangryi}' I am no c id bafdj as: they eay{l amt^^ oid cv,'» Pai-mA {.Tfjoq boi. ThehctbeT liebtehantckdelt do^w«tl>yithe>bedK side aid took. 'Heled'e hand' in hist m>d i->) " M^rdfjan'f he'«aid-«lt*kdl> oUßitftdiy:^: I can gbed aeal^and,>Lbelieve fchat» you h-tydbeßnisoreiy tiled/J > id id l>*mf>.->i*<s. "I would have: beeri traeJionyotitif fifth-id thoughfij. ou»alivei'-5 spbbedHtlen.oi luunod o " I ]ZndW i ? 6 o #6ulaytoy<hms» , >Wh\V, T will be tm to fbd, is^uVWl h^'»fetn"in? all myS^KWd^ft^. "4 cftii^a^BdtHfe^ffiW^ now, for cur lives are all in God Almighty'shandß^, B'&jfi l fbjte%-_§ \*Bs klj. %&*8 tew? it will-enai' ,fl 3iir ' ■ rioa 3"* - :,y " 0101,0 «j_.__Th« HaiaiyykfifW} cetW^d 'td" ,f! SpeaK^h'eb *; tremefidoUS'' iril'pacty _nade Jl the' «r€Bs&l^ '^Ai^erfrom f fetem' , 'tb l 'rften_ l .^ f ßa'd <ims^e*'/ a» huge se«. ! ' ! . 7 A.h' :i inv6rqnt > a*y ? fe^y <bVoke«fiohi ! the cr'ewM ' The -engibe i h-.tfcheß ! />bad;' v be'e« smasl*d v -^y 'th^'iofce'Of -the'" waVe; (he flfe^ drowned f ipAtl !iri The debk sc w_lß i; comj._<;t4_3.': 6weptiby•'tlie I i t<S^_■ent > , and' ;r *^efythift ( g mdve-' able vWsliCd'-iw^yJ - ,^oraf^*rfo_n^iitß''aft.rr the sl/ock'thp'Wolatlay aß ! fitill'De i 'a^o^u'paii the w_ttfersV'*h#lieutenant^thoughPsbei *rfs settling •ilpVrn, knd' wdtfid ''fo%hdef ' »at» fter moorini^s^ 1 tly J Bhe;bP|t.'a to' qiiiver and BBak^'-Hke'Sne'lalivfe'l^-nS oftee^nlo're" Uf rise to'th^ea-^itb'Ti^and tb'Alrift.'! * - f -'J- * " Stfe Us r iMi r »*f Her'laiSt^'able,^ dried l (he> lieutefekVit (SSd BeljPuf »f * Gitm%,' Heh cP^he 'said 'mg epof.?"deck Our Fivgß have beett'pat'tfea»b^t'V%'s\ united'TtfdSHfc-i." l 'A.^'l-.tiwyio firia vlftrirr.^. SheJt^&fnflfilPfdpidljPitdnheTshb^^V'but betwee , fl I tfle;tW6"w-fe% : t%'ri-iMe^elt?:of''Vrhitie broken''#at»r, 'Ife'atPnb i6ari ' W^BoSt tfotildhbpe to live^thr'j'ifgb. S -In % few-' i»Vbrneh#'' thfey must strike, and'tlie-siVafee <_&_^w'6tild>i__a>e its wiUioithem. -yThe gunboat ruckj; ;end- ((- on thfe instant « very thin g-.w.-lnttbyithQihoard — boatß»_mßßt^,:Bp4r£i,.|_nd? riggiifg-. away likettsri]ss-4ii_tb.eiraftb3Qf£aegjty: wafers." The seimadeja cleah s^eett right ove^thepo. And yefedEoriai! maco edt. as, ifcsatisfledvwith, the destr-IctitSb. it ; bad!iiwroughtf,aibe Ji rsea moderated^ thfii^ulli.ofiithei-ihip like a rock. among _thb breakers. And. (then .the. drowfciifg. uietiiheafd a shout from the ehote, and, frith, »:'hiteWndil!oat,-va3flfcry:metsOr «ojse; up infe ttie^kyi.adddarted^hoarselyoiibrieking oyß'r'tbem.'c'Jt'Wa^thbjUfeltiienthßt: .the) xocke"t___arried, and jt fell right/ at hwart.ittje, chip fj'andeucU of tlje.crew'as .hadJljofc.bpei. already washed awa&.>baulediat:tbe: ( line. and presently L there - (4me; out. a -wooden block, fast £o*£taufc.c^le.wftlvftn.'ei_ dices- running line roVtf through, tba'hlock:' vA stump of the mainmast was still standing, and o__^cH>£.thf ( sailoraxodtrifed . to^flWaraj, -tip it and makt fast .he^lockrto tbetopijof^t.-.-f PI ' op-: ..•-,- Tl\&v..the_. people, on? Shore began; tohau.. awayjutibnitbeliueVand presently there -,aj!peared.'through ,tl<e foam and Vapour ano thei block fridirigfuwjp -th^ Cable, and -laafe-to thi> cradle, which; .was: like apair of .breeelies with-jue _legs>ctft ojS, and a' cork life-belt ir place Ofthe.bahd of them.. Beemed to give life to the half drowned men. ..-Tht lieu.nuut stood on the poop, holding fast>_t<> a belaying-pin, his arm round Helen's waist, shielding her as well as he could from the jrarf. " Let the lad go first," cried tbe men.

i. ... '^^^M^^^p^i^^^ c fpM e M^MWM^i KStfvßi^t'ifo« ; ft?.;- _s^^fe%^i^^a^ ; "&a u t^ . .jyje.utenant bade tne men swarm.,a\vay agjtney i -£P_j^3 I he would stay by the'Bhjp^td the last y rrr.till thSn.CSniVrtg-^l -hffd^os : e = T^oi^ . vTha^was his privilege) Tßn'd?the^rie r n'c6liian't I, grudge it him. The survivor e-of— the crew t] ashore,>mniaittler ij itij^|kept:h_sjplace on deck .with Helen" now, j(i_di-lifelesfl{ .with terror, fatigue, 'and rexbj poViiri 'clasped tight>toThi?side. '.The cradle l came out for the last time, and-the lieutenant / r tOQ^ tbe fainting, form of ; Helen in'h is arms. i r /^:'.Cdnragejf6r!B_ little- while, 5 ,' -he- criedj and }" kissei'herjcold forehead ; then, he gave the i ,'r'ope^a! warning shake, unci the cradle, started t pn c i ts ...landward ijciurneyj with >/ its. double . .b)i'-;den^ff;The .heachraen ;! on., shore cheered L A^^tiiyi'ZiJt -was .known, j ; that;j their -ol.) ,^fa«ouifite,;jDurnford, bad' been .,the. last;, to I •auijt.tlie. ship,-; and,;was_ now coming ashore, r The niqonL shpnej out; once more \ misty. and ; : wffa, -Indrligbted ; up:,the , scenp-^the. .« hite i. 'foaming fsurgesj.tiie.i black hull, and ragged i, stunVp -of .the., wreck. ,» : Then; a huge , wave : 'rearfid its white crest oyer; the 'hull, the'mast--1 stii rap reel . d . and ; toppled j oyer . ,ihe side, fthe i: cdWecame-lipme-. with a' run, but the. cradle ! Vasrempty. .Helen and Durnford. had been swjept -back into the bosom of the sea, jWhen.I niprning-brpke, , the sea had gone „dow^,,ancL ; fll wavelets n were , coursing ovyTv. the I yellp : w t sandß,, and the bodies of; jllarry.and i 'Hfii^h came ashore, , locked iti.,each u other's t atSpiri. /And. they were buried in,,tlie church- (- . yWd' - of - Sit.,, Peter, the. Fisherman,- all _ the ; beachmen./ollowing ,them rto„the ; grave with, ' dj^it 'respect.^ r , ; . J" „.:', p..,Za '-r-.r-.rZ .-■'.-. . iZl 1 Howspmever^' mate?,"' sa,ys Blake? when ; he holds forth on the matter, " whatsoever; ' bej.tbe^eawashcd'ettnright' i away.'^i* ''1 f)::;uA':-!rf_i' : '.' - ''■'' ?.."'?'•'":''.•■! V'.l-i' I\there'1 \there' ? orie!nifeh't, KiidL looked' -'gloomiiy r at;'the £iewiy-t'ui ! _ie"d J sods: ;i ' . ' ""'.'*' ' / ."And that. j is ; all^ the^cbapge.,,ont.o£,ten ' WdufeandSojiarl^f/.lie '^th'^^oan^and 'Hij&ijghipdf fteri J• ' li om c ,and Ranged "himself ' iii the darkened room. " n - Ti.ZZi ZZ'\.., "i /As for., Walter Short,r r: if ihei, survives-, a , threatened: afctack'of -delirium trernensfiheyrMl . [pr^ab-y.-beiour, next member for.Freeport-; ' apdii from His. wealth and attachment to ; his .party, bids- fair to:be. remembered when the '.next balcliof baronets aremadej".:^ ;

■ I»MAGricJLT± Effects ' > i)i .Soap A free school 'for 7 poor'ehiiar'en. being' opened , inlLiypi'pbdl, theVfirst thing which' 'the teacher. : did waVtbPfe'ubjeit 'the"' pupils' t'6 a : thot t ough ! ' washing, . In one respect this, genii rally; de^ = sirablkprtjcess 'proved, to be;iinfoTtuh'ate, fpr ' the bd^j ahdgirTs'vv'ere'BP.ipeta&oi^ho^edfby; f -the /Bprub'biiig r: .thSfc : 6-^n parents 'didn't know; 'a'nd. : WVeSit ot doinestic' corifiisiori' eirtued. 1 '* 3 "A -• I,!! 'A'.'Pwi iy.v.ioh -,Pnd )-.n j z. M%smv%& ihmwjitm-M-z «9W fe?WiifffitK.Mto' ' M^fßSSffliS a jfete r^ rn «)^tk*^,^ e^ ■ 's-foie principle at Hillside, f> " I,mp,y .fitafisi". lie ; KM$#M Mmm, BXc^ip'pMent .right fps,.Nev? Zealand, .'and « wlMi m^^mM^m ■ jmHj '|«?6Bsr?.iflP a fS- 6mo? ffiiv,- hos^f..'Gs-.'if- , • BTB_iN.a^ C^riFßß. r pj:...Ai'^H._v.-.i5.-^7The j ,, iof JVfe^[ri3;^ta^a r [fchat '. (On afternoon, wjiilqispnia i^,or_ft(jferejoiv.t._je ! )gok ; pujaji th'gKa.iJi belp.w j ij^rplfplyneux/.a,. whale j short way.offj^hore.;.; : :Suddeqlyib,tcK.k ;^rapid, .^weep i Jtp : w,fl}rdß.;Bpme .rocks, and ran. . i fuy'butfc J r again6t.-fcbo i edge of the.?eef,;Bfcunning , itself. o»ltthen0 »It then, ilpated ih. towards the beach, ', passed j^^d s it»;i-wli»nd f made fast fcp n a.poeffc.onjthfr , pi* twOf.affceffv^ards, life ' 'waa•(-of^^t^o J>At^le-nosed; species, andr iiiea T I jabput x iiengfch,.of.ft Y; " ,cplo\ii},_^ith B_bjte : . .spotsf ,ynderriea.thu. .ji'he . jtail.wae ( abput. t(p.;Tft^ c&ptgrp , int6r_d-J5 ..niakaVan,,. exhibition of; ;the animal. ) AnjeffprJ wae-made^o socurejthpr^l-elcito; f 6r , thgjOtag© Musej-ni^.,l ?) '/; . .J ' ';, , . . .V."^ ,; ,' ' .. SV<GH4*tsfe>A r tf*f JF_.TI_V_J* CjAJfAßtr MKHpITAKT. •rr. A JofeftVgfe (rf BH-ihstrlimerit ofi leffie I wa* ifeoughf^agHitist "Jflfne's MThtOsh^ of r 'thb.- jfiPmOTof'?^Qmte''*olridofM^l«toshF^^otA-i i jmission agents and merohsrits^Oarrtaru.i - "'lt. s was" jh?)___id^W-'{thoT'looaltiPdHoe i<CoWt ,: on; r ;Thurtfday aftdfiFridayltiiwaFrotn-thtfWiderice- » rgiven-it. f w'oiild r -'fl6ißfßr£ fchat tlwrflcfcused'-'deasedi \. to one'{Jo^pWWiftfamejirf'!A'Uß"usfelH»it;tltpr6'i . t pe^trkli6#nqa#fiHu6t'efißhrra^rid Milb f tAn 7 a^t>em^kifc'wai^i^v*r.'tij^atid Written intftilbhy • ,-the, ji»eaßaß?'6Hac. 'attetfwatflßXtead .bv^-^lo -,; JVil|ißm&pwho^the'n Sigrfedift. Theftehorfof the: agreement *^s thatrWillTa-htf Waß:t6payJß9oper \, anndftffp^'lOO'aoreS^f '-land/ and fchat'Onive l ajic| jM'fritosli'^eroJ to' have dams and fwater. i, Bftcps/andiingiWe: and'-'e^resß'tO' ttfe milhiOlfr , TyaPp^^^'^d.'th^t^tHo^wordi " -luarrying'i'. ;; tai^d '-le&Or'to'tiave'-fulle powerofoverilandß": - ;bp4 beeti^ihserled-ldhco 'the dodumonbihad $ fjjeen Sigiiedv'-'Mt-(W.'/HisU)p^iß6lrcitor,.':de- ?, poaod to httvinlfmrtdea! copy.'of xthe agreed > inen^fttTd while so 'engaged be); ob'setvedUßat. j Afc-the '\*ord quarry itig the > colour ; of t the' -ink , oiiaitee'd ji >"Htf> also" observed' • that Tithe ''words , '« fulpJipOWep'J'-cahAdJi been '■written-since . , fche \ signature "Joseph Williamsi'.' \: 'The i r -two-~ r .worda mentioned. r were /.written jije^yer ,, thosej ,0^- tlie. /figna4 tqrri ". ;At,.jthe 0 time. toprj^ade'..the. -copy i the - ,docum<)rfs wasplean, .ah^ndt^aiiail emudged j ■ now) it.,borc c fche^^'iieara^^ i ( ?rrifcw. prver r wijl;ii. Jreflpii, j and a^, t if , Home , one hadtbeen,'|_ry_ng.£q.(_iie ai Zureet s oopj of^fc. a^e f ma(^t J jyi^^.t^o fc wo|d J o9_u^ . . i ing,? witgess, wen t ' n, '.fa say' wp^l% give "Gfravj 1 and'M'lntosh^powers pwluql? tlioy^wpuid'no:' t otherwise have ; Tbe, additions "'ito the wbrdi i. "quarrying," and "the lessor to have fu! ;, power over the land," would make the docu c tnent less valuable to Joseph Williams. Thi witness gave further evidence, after which tl c accused was committed for trial.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 1889, 23 March 1874, Page 3

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THE WRECK OF THE FIREFLY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 1889, 23 March 1874, Page 3

THE WRECK OF THE FIREFLY. Star (Christchurch), Issue 1889, 23 March 1874, Page 3