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Prvincial Council.

Wednesday, May 28. The Speaker took the. chair at 5 p.m. MESSAGE. A messpge was read from bis Honor the Superintendent, forwarding a petition from atepayers in fche Kowai Road Board district;, elative to provision being made for roads in he district. Mi Bbswick presented a petition from resi.ents iv the Eyreton Disfciiefc, stating thafc a hannel had been reserved by the Road Joard for the purpose of preventing an overiOW of the Eyre river, and pointing oufc hat such a reserve was calculated fco injure ie farms of the petitioners, and praying for edress in consequence. , The petition was read and received. JIB B SWELL'S PETITION. Mr Jollib brought up the following report f the committee : — " Your, committee, wh'le not admitting any rivate claims for compensation, are of pinion that in the interests of the trade of ,ytfcelton, in common with thafc of the rest of he province, it is desirable thafc the town of ,ytfcelton should be more directly connected ith the railway and jetties. " Your committee are of opinion that thiß bject will be best attained by the construeon of a Biding running along the street mwn aa Norwich quay, and connected with te railway at some point eastward of Oxford reet._ " Your committee are further of opinion lfifc, to meet the requirements of the Misting trade, this siding may be conecled directly with a jetty which might be mstructed for the exclusive use of coasting jssels." DISCHARGE OF VESSELS. On the motion of Mr Inglis, a week's exrision of time was granted to fche commifcie for bringing up fcheir report. LEAVE QP ABSENCE. Mr Kennaway moved — That leave of >sence be glinted to the Hon. E. Richordm for the remainder of the session. The motion was agreed to. EDUCATIONAL BBSBBVES LEASING OBDINANCB, 1873. Mr Kennaway moved — For leave fco introice a Bill infcitul.-d "The Educational Rerves Leasing Ordinance, 1873." ~ Leave was given ; the ' bill was brought in, ad a first time, ordered to be printed, and c third reading was fixied for next day. WASTE LANDS REGULATIONS. ' Mr Kennaway moved the Council into >mmittee to consider the following resolu>ns: — That it is expedient to amend the Waste indß Regulations so as to provide : — Ist. iafc any sections of rural land, so limited by mtage lines or private lands as fco contain is than twenty acres, may be put up to iction, either by the order of the Superinldent or upon application of any person, and nofc then sold, such sections shall thereupon open for sale on application, afc a uniform ice of forty shillings per acre. 2nd. That shall be competent to the Waste Lands >ard, in selling any rural land, to make it a ndition of any such sale that the land shall subject to a road or roads, if found neccsKf or expedient upon Burvey ; and to insert ause in fche license to occupy Buch land, oviding that the same is sold subject to such id or roods. 3rd. That in lieu of the footte relating to frontage lines, the following ovision shall be inserted in the body of the 'illations, viz. : — That frontage lines for fche rpose of selecting any rural land shall be ten to mean any road, river, publio : reserve,

stream, or watercourse, set forth or indicated on any of the authenticated maps in the Survey office. The motion for going into Committee was agreed to. In Committee, Mr Kennaway moved clause No. 1. ' Mr Parker moved, as an addition—" And that for the future it iB undesirable that applications for land should be entertained which leave a smaller quantity than twenty acres contiguous to them, open to purchase." Mr Maude, after complaining of the manner in which the question had been brought before the House by the Government, said he had placed the following notice of amendments and additions on tha paper:— "To move as amendments and additions to the resolutions on the Waste Lands, of which the Provincial Secretary has given notice : — 1. That the Superintendent shall cause to be put up to public auction once every three months, any sections of land so limited by frontage" lines or private lands as to contain less than twenty acres, except where the same shall have been previously put up to auction by any person. 2. That in all sales of rural land it shall be an implied condition that the land shall be subject to roads and lines of railway, if found necessary or expedient on survey. 3. That in lieu of the foot-note relating to frontage lines, | the following provision shall be inserted in the body of the Regulations, viz.: — That frontage line 3 for the purpose of selecting any' rural land shall be taken to mean any road river, public reserve, stream, or watercourse, set forth or indicated on any of the authenticated maps in the Survey office. 4. That the Waste Lands Board shall cause all pre-emptive rights to be surveyed, that the cost of such survey shall be recovered at the suit of the Superintendent, from the holder of such preemptive right. 5. That in regulation No. 19, after the word " until" in the last line, the following words be inserted, " the expiration of one calendar month after." 6. The Superintendent shall immediately at the conclusion of every session of the Provincial Council, cause public notice to be given by advertisement of the reserves which have been made by him temporarily during the recess, previous to such session, but which have not been recommended to him by the Provincial Council during that session. 7. Tbat his Honor the Superintendent be respectfully requested to take the necessary steps to promote legislation in the General Assembly during its next session, embodying the above resolutions." The hon. member said he thought that the question of amending the regulations should have been referred to a Select Committee, who could have reported on the subject, and their recommendations might then have been discussed by a committee of the whole House. Had tbis course been pursued, he had no doubt that a much better set of resolutions would have come under the consideration of the House. He begged to move that the word " may " in the first clause of the Provincial Secretary's resolutions be struck out, and tbe word " shall " substituted in lieu thereof. Tho amendment lyas agreed to. On the motion of Mr Maude, the word " either " was struck out. On the motion of Mr Kennaway, the words "at an upset price of 40a per acre " were inserted after the word " auction." Mr Maude moved that the words "at least once every three months " be inserted after the word " Superintendent." The motion was agreed to. The Hon. Colonel Brktt moved thafc the Chairman report progress, with leave to Bit again. The motion was negatived on the voices. Mr Maude then moved thafc the words " upon application of any person " be struck 'Out.The motion was negatived. The clause, aB amended, was then put and agreed to. The Hon. Mr Buoelby, in the absence of Mr Parker, moved the addition given notice of by that hon. member. After Borne discussion, the hon. gentleman withdrew the resolution. On the second clause being put, Mr Maude moved the substitution of clause No. 2 of the additions and amendments standing in his name. Mr Knight moved, as an amendment, that the wordß " competent to " be struck out, and the words " incumbent on " inserted i*i lieu thereof. j Mr Inglis moved that the words "it shall be competent to " be struck out, and that the word " to " be struck out, and the word " shall " substituted. Mr Knight thereupon withdrew his amendment. .On the motion of Mr Joynt, fche word " any " was Btruck out, and " every " substituted, j The Hon. Col. Brett moved that the words "or water-race " be inserted after the word " roads " in the third line. The motion wa9 declared to be carried on the voices. A division was called for, which resulted as follows : — Ayes 17 j Noeß 18 Majority against fche motion 1 The motion was therefore lost. Mr Higgins moved that the words " at fche time of purchase " be inserted after the work "necessary." • * - The motion was negatived on the voices. j Mr Parker moved fche insertion of the following words after the word " survey " — " Provided the right to take roads shall not extend beyond twelve months after the date of purchase." Mr Studholme moved that the word " upon " be struck out, and the words " on or before " inserted in lieu thereof. Mr Pabkeb's motion was negatived. j Mr Studholmb's motion was also negatived. . • Clause No. 2, aa amended, was then-passed.

A 7 • ' — i. ■ .- ■ ' -. > ; ■-' Mr-KBNNfWAY moved ' clause *No.*3, and in doing sof proposed that the words " stream or .watercourse " be struck oufc, and the words "as Bhall be," inserted in lieu thereof. . The motion was agreed to. Mr Kennaway then moved fche following addition to the resolution : — " or any stream or watercourse or natural feature of the country as shall be so determined by the Waste Lauds Board." The motion was agreed to. Mr Maude then moved the c flditions of which he had given notice. After some discussion, Mr Inglis moved that progress be reported with leave to sit again. The Committee divided, with the following result : — For the motion 17 Against ifc ... ... ... 14 Majority for the motion — 3. Progress was reported, with leave to sit again. The following were the resolutions passecj by the Committee up to the reporting of progress : — " Thafc ifc is expedient to amend the Waste Lands Regulations so as to provide — 1. That any sections of rural land, so limited by frontage lines or private lands as to contain less than twenty acres, shall be put up to auction, at an upset price of 40s per acre, by order of the Superintendent, at least once every three months, or upon application of any person, and if not then sold, such sections shall thereupon be open for sale on application, at a uniform price of forty shillings per acre. 2. That the Waste Lands Board, in selling any rural land, shall make ifc a condition of every such sale thafc fche land shall be subject to a road or roads, if found necessary or expedient upon survey ; and to insert a clause iri the license to occupy such land, providing that the same is sold subject to such road or roads. 3. That in lieu of the footnote relating to frontage lines, the following provision shall be inserted in the body of the regulations, viz. : — Thafc frontage lines for the purpose of selecting any rural land shall be taken to mean any road, river, public reserve, as shall bo sot forth or. indicated on any of the authenticated map? in fche survey office, or any stream or watercourse or natural feature of the country, aa shall be so determined by the Waste Lands Board." MESSAGE NO. 2. On the motion of Mr Kennaway, the House went into Committee to consider the following reply to the message of his Honor the Superintendent : — " The Committee recommend the following reply to his Honor's message No. 2. " The Council thank your Honor for message No. 2. " The Council agree with the opinion expressed in your Honor's memorandum as unfavourable to the granting of any subsidy in the shape of waste lands of the province towards fche construction of any railway. " The Council are also of opinion thafc fche liability of tbe province should not be extended as to any railway constructed beyond its boundaries; and with reference to the project now laid before them, consider that in fche absence of any evidence of fche immediate utility (setting aside all questions of practicability) of the proposed line of railway cs regards Canterbury, is uncertain,and therefore it would bo premature for the province to undertake any liability in connection therewith." The reply was passed, reported to the House, and adopted. Message No. 1. The House went into committee to consider the following reply : — "Your Committee having taken the evidence of experts with reference to the nature of infectious and contagious diseases amongst stock, and having considered ,the matter in all ts bearings connected with the interests of stock owners, have come to the following conclusions : — " 1. That it is not expedient afc fche present time to prohibit the importation of stock to Canterbury. " 2. That a quarantine ground,with suitablo buildings, should, without delay, be set apart for the reception of imported stock. " 3. That after the 25th September next, all stock shipped for Canterbury should be accompanied with a ' certificate of soundness from a duly qualified veterinary surgeon, attested by a notary public, and that unless such certificate can be produced, no stock should bo allowed under any circumstances to be banded. " 4. The Committee recommend that before any stock are taken from the Bhip and placed on the quarantine ground they shall be inspected by Buch competent persons, inclusive of at least one duly qualified veterinary surgeon, as shall be appointed by the Provincial Government, and if found diseased they shall not be allowed to be landed ; if considered free from disease, they shall be placed on the quarantine ground for a period of not less than two months, and if then found free from disease, it shall be lawful for the owner to remove them. " 5. Thafc due public notice be given of such regulations, both in fche colonies and United Kingdom, both by advertisement and by sending copies of regulations fco fche New Zealand shipping agents. " 6. The Committee recommend that a reply be mado to his Honor's message No. 1, in accordance with the above recommendation. " The committee append fco their report fche evidence which they have taken, and copies of resolutions passed on the 23rd day of May by the Agricultural and Pastoral Association. " Walter Kbnnaway. " May 27th, 1873." The reply was passed, reported to the House, and adopted. pig tbespass obdinancb, 1873. This bill was read a second time, committed, passed, reported fco the House, as follows, ahd the third reading fixed for next sitting day: —

~Jf Whereai it is expedient to make further provision relating to the trespass of pigs : " Be it therefore enacted by the Superintendent of the province of Canterbury by and with fche advice and consent of- the Provincial Council thereof a3 follows : v , : " 1. This Ordinance shall be intituled the Pig Trespass Ordinance 1873. " 2. If any pigs shall be found trespassing on auy land whether fenced or unfenced the occupier of such land may after giving notice by advertisement in some local newspapers and by posting same in some conspicuous place on his land that ifc is his intention to destroy all pigs afc any time or times thereafter found trespassing on his land destroy the same arid the owner of such pigs shall nofc be. entitled to any compensation for any pig or pigs thus destroyed. "3. That this Ordinance shall come into operation on the Ist September, 1573." The Council adjourned until next day, afc 5 p.m.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 1641, 29 May 1873, Page 3

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Prvincial Council. Star (Christchurch), Issue 1641, 29 May 1873, Page 3

Prvincial Council. Star (Christchurch), Issue 1641, 29 May 1873, Page 3