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ARBIVED. Sept. 6.— Fawn, brig, Woods, from Mauritius, via Dunedin. Sept. 6. — Monarch, ship, Paddle, from Lon don. Passengers — Mrs and Miss Wheeler, Mrs Graver, Dr Dry, Messrs Clabburn, Ashburn, and Government immigrants. SepN 7— Zealandia, cutter, 10 tons, Snosswell, from Pigeon Bay. r^Sept. 7— Phoebe, s.s., 416 tons, Worsp, from Dunedin. Passengers — Cabin : Mr Bernstein ; 13 for North. -Sept. 7 — Taranaki, s.s., 299 tons, from Dunedin. Passengers — Cabin : Messrs G. L. Beath, Malcolm, Benson ; 4 steerage, 2 for North. Sept 7 — Clara Hargreaves, barque, 405 tons, Jackson, from Newcastle. Sept. 7 — William, brigantine, 188 tons, Dixon, from Newcastle. bept. 7— Day Dawn, schooner, 24 tons, Jones, from Picton. CLEARED. Sept. 6.— Ceres, ship, 861 tons, Cochrane, for Callao, in ballast. IMPORTS. In the Fawn, R. Wood, agent: 4471 bags sugar, C. W. Turner. In the Monarch, Dalgety and Co. agents: 14 pkgs, G. Booth; 2 cases, Order; 104 pkgs Morrison Sclanders & Co; 1 case, Maddison; 3 cases, Order 4 qr-casks, D. and D. Cameron; 3 cases, Order; 3 cases, E. Mills; 1 box, Mrs Jackson; 2 cases, H. P. Blanchard; 1 case, •Order; 1 box, Mrs Dunnage; 2 cases, J. A. Mcllraith; 50 cases, Dalgety and Co; 1 pel, Slade; l case, N.Z. and M.A. Co.; 1 case, C. D'Auvergne; 1 case, F. Millichamp; 1 case, Duncan ; 1 case, Dove; 4 cases, Order; 1 barrel, Order; 8 pkgs, Order; 9 p'<gs, C. J. Rayner; 1 box, C. J. Bridge; 1 case, Order; 10 cases, Hawkes and Strouts; 1^ pkgs, W. Neeve; 305 bdls wire, Walton, Warner, and Co; 1 case, N. P. Thompson; 1 case, E. Lee; 1 do, Capt. Gorle; 4 do, W. J. Grand; 1 do, S. Bealey; 1 do, Mrs Ponsford; 10,000 slates, Order; 7 cases, H. J. Tancred; 1 do, Dean Jacobs; lease, Rev. J. Habens; 12 cases, Order; 1 case, Mrs Cunningham; 5 bales, T. Allen; 1 case, Mra Cartman ; 4 J-casks, Order; 6 cases, W. Jones; 2 do, Walton, Warner, and Co.; 2 hhds, 3 crates, Chadwick; 4£casks, Dalgety and Co.; 69 pkgs, Order; 1 case, Elworthy; 3G pkgs, R. Wilklaj 335 pkgs and pieces, E. Recce; 8 cases, Coates and Co.; 382 pkgs and pieces, 20 bdls, Morrow, Bassett, and Co.; I case, Mrs Gow; 2 cases, R. Black; 1 case, M. Fiaser; 10 -J-easks, Cobb and Sawtell ; 1 box, J. H. Jones; L cask, Mathesons' Agency; 1 bag, Wood Bros.; 3 pkgs, A. J. Williams ; 1 1 casks, W. Wilson ; 254 pkgs, J. P. Jameson; 1 pkg, Rev. T. Buddie; s cases, Cobb and Sawtell; 1 box, T. Mallet; 5 crates, Walton, Warner, and Co.; 1333 pkgs, 72 pkgs, Twentyman and Cousin; 1 box, Jenkins; 1 do, Buchanan; 1 do, H. E.Tyson; 24 pkgs, L. E. Nathan and Co -, 48 pkgs, D. Caro; 197 pkgs, Nashelski; 1 ea^, Order; I do, C. R. Blakiston ; 1 7 coils, 1 0 pkgs, J. Robinson; 27 pkgs, W. Neeve; 141 pkgs, J. White and Co.; 17 casks, C. B. Taylor and Co ; 17 do, J. L. Wilson; 355 pkgs, Mathesons' Agency; 682 do, J. Anderson; 90 bdls. Older; 1161 pkgs, Birch aud Co.; 60 pkgs, E. S Dalgety and Co.; 31 pkgs, Order; 7 cases, G. Gould; 504 pkgs, Miles and Co.; 30 do, F. LeCren; 15 do, Suffield; 17 do, Order; 41 do, G. Gould ; 93 do, Pratt ; 314 pkgs, Morrison, Sclanders, and Co; 11 pkgs, R. Black; 1 case, G.Fletcher; 63 pkgs, W. Strange and Co ; 5 pkgs, G. Gould; 9 pkgs, Dalgety and Co; 91 pkgs, Hawkes and Strouts; 31 pkgs, Cobb and Sawtell; 1 box, Duncan: 7 pkgs, Candy aud Dewsbury; 16 cases, J. Shcrriff ; 2 cases, G. G. Russell and Co; 1 case, C. J. Rayner; 5 pkgs, Order; 2 pkgs, Miles and Co; 15 bales, Orde. 1 ; 1 case, Priestnall; 1 do, Order;. 1 do, C. J. Fox; 6 pkgs, Provincial Secretary; 1 box, Mr Justice Gresson ; 6 cases, Mrs Butler ; 20 bales, Twentyman and Cousin; 15 pkgs, H. Lake; 5 do, Inwood and Bilton; 26 do, Cobb and Sawtell; 3 cases, J. C. Wilson; 1 box, W. S. Peters; 13 pkgs, R. Forbes; 10 cases, Order; 4 cases, C. Prebble; 3 cases, E. Good; 16 pkgs, G.Gould; 2 pkgs,H. Sheppard; 15 pks, Order; 1240 barsiron, Mallock & Lance; 7 pkgs, Cobb and Sawtell ; 1 case, W. Wilson; 4 bales, B. Ha'e ; 1 case, Order; 69 pkgs, G. H. Moore; 1 case, R. Wilkin; 30 bags rice, Rhodes; 9 pkgs, Order; 6 bales, Order; 8 bales, Order; 2 cases, MrsJ Patrick; 50 case 3, Mathesons' Agency; 1 case, G. Webb; 2 rams, 4 ewes, Order; 15 pkgs, Mrs Smith; 300 casks, 81 kegs, 800 bags, 1655 deals, 50J tons coke, 78 water casks, E. S. Dalgety and Co.; 1 case, N. Edwards and Co., Nelson. In the Phoebe, J. D. Macpherson, agent : 5 cases drapery, T. Brass ; 3 cases, 1 bale, W. Cudden ; 3 trusß, 4 cases, Watt and Co. „ In the Day Dawn, Master,agent: 18,000 ft timber, Belcher and Fairweather. In the Taranaki, Matheson's Agency, agents.. Under bond : 50 i-chests tea, 10 chests do, Matheson's Agency. Free : 1 package saddlery, Wood Brothers ; 1 bale, W. Strange ; 2 cases, J. Deßcer ; 8 cases, 2 trusses, T. Brass ; 6 cases, 1 truss, G. L, Beath. •In-the Clara Hargreaves, Master, agent': 600 tons coal, R. Wood. In the William, A. Cuff, agent : 288 tons coal, Langdown and Co. EXPORTS. In the Ceres, Dalgety and Co., Agents: 33 .tons potatoes, Dunsford. ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP MONARCH. « This fine frigate-built ship, commanded by Capt. John Paddle, for many years in command of the Strathallan, arilved and anchored off the heads yesterday afternoon. Ov, ing to the strong S.W. breeze and ebb tide, Bhe was unable to make the harbour. On the s.s. Halcyon arriving from Pigeon Bay, she wr.s chartered by the agents to convey the Health and Immigration officers on board. On arriving alonside the ship, the usual questions were asked and satisfactorily answered, and tha ship was at once passed. She ?s a magni

ficent ship, arid has three decks, herupper one being flush with the pt>op<.is' l -pJEiie cabin is unusually. i "|6jo.ray and^co&fdrtable (the ship having^foft^bne: f ey^yfßVam) and the table being placed 'thyalrt ship. On going below in the steerage, we^were highly pleased to see it ~j[p. Bucp. an eirc%lent%tate of cleanliness," and ? the sime^ remarks a^ply to the intermediate "md single girls' compartments. The vessel is, indeed, a pattern of cleanliness throughout, and reflects the highest credit on all the oni ers. The galley and condensor are very good, and the latter has acted well during the pass ige. The passengers and emigrants speak in high praise of the treatment they have received during the voyage. The latter have had the advantage of enjoying themselves on a deck level with the poop. The weather during the voyage has been unusually fine, a few ordinary gales only having been experienced in running down the eastings. The following i 9 Captain Paddle's report : — "Passed through the Downs on May 28, and left the Lizard light on June 5 ; crossed the line on June 30 ; passed Trinidad and Martin Vas Rocks on July 9 ; passed the longitude of the Cape on July 28 ; sighted the Snares on September 2, 89 days from land to land. The weather during the passage has I'een very fine." The Monarch brings out 1 94 immigrants, viz. : 56 married people, 40 children, 50 single men, and 47 single women, the latter are under the charge of Mrs Smith, matron, late of the ship Blue Jacket; and 5 cabin passengers. Thos. Dry, M.D , is the surgeon superintendent of the vessel. We learn it is very probable that the Monarch will load for London. The following vessels were spoken during the passage : June 1 2, French frigate Dido, 180 mi ! es nprth of Madeira ; 22nd, ship Omba, London to Shanghai, lat. 14deg. north; 23rd, Star of Denmark, Calcutta to London, 96 days out, lat. lldeg. north, long. 25deg. west ; 24th, Dutch Bhip Maria Elise, Batavia to Amsterdam, 85 days out, lat. 9deg. noiih, long. 25deg. west; 30th, French ship Francois Cail, Cardiff to Singapore, 30 days out, lat. ldeg north, long. 26deg. west ; July 2, Carangali, Newport to Bombay, 28 days out, lat. 4deg. south, long. 29deg. west ; ship Mikado, London to Melbourne, 46 days out, lat. 4deg. south, long. 29deg. west. The following is the list of immigrants : — FAMILIES AND CHILDREN. Farm Labourers. — Robert Bilton, wife, and two children, Yorkshire ; Thomas Farrant and wife, Middlesex; Henry Jenkins and wife, Gloucestershire ; Alexander Povey and wife, Berkshire; Henry Freeman, wife, and seven children, Sussex ; Edward Prior, wife, and three children, Norfolk. Ploughmen. — James Gifkins and wife, James Spence, wife, and two children, Oxfordshire. Grooms.— George Sopp and wife, Middlesex; William Smith, wife, and three children, Northamptonshire. Engineers. — John Boyle and wife, Forfarshire ; Henry Raisbeck, wife, and two children, Yorkshire; Thomas M'Fediies and wife, Ayrshire. Iron Founder. — Edward Hy. Cooper, wife, and child, Middlesex. Millwrights. — Joseph Biltcliffe and wife, Middlesex; Hector Bond and wife, John Burns and wife, Lanarkshire ; William Ben. Wickham, wife, and two children, Hants. Pattern-Makers. — Robert Seager, wife, and five children, Devonshire; William Henry Roberts, wife and child, Cornwall. Wheelwright. — William Read and wife, Leicestershire. Bootmaker.— William Lane, wife, and five children, Devonshire. Saddler. — Shrewsbury Kingsf ord, wife, and four children, Kent. Coach Builder. — Josiah Harband, wife, and f r children, Warwickshire. Coach Joiner. — Alfred Alfrey, wife, and three children, Sussex. Schoolmaster. — John Brunett, wife, and five childr.en, Middlesex. SINGLE MEN. Farm Labourers. — Thomas Stockbridge, Kent ; Frederick Jud, Mark Soanes, Ambrose Standen, Oxf ordshire ; Charles Brown, Somersetshire ; George Lloyd, Kent ; Alexander Cormack, Caithnessshire. Ploughmen.— George Forster, William H. Buttle, Yorkshire ; Robert Ganatt, Somersetshire ; Neal Tolan, Donegal ; William Ramsey, Fermanagh ; Nathaniel McCline, Donegal ; John Gluckin, Tyrone. Gardener.— John Joyce, Cork. Labourers — Henry John Seager, Lancashire ; William Freeman, George Freeman, Hert3 ; John Wm. Stamford, Norfolk ; Joseph Morling, Yorkshire ; Henry Mudford, Somersetshire. Shepherds. — John Thatcher, Middlesex ; William Stockbridge, Kent ; Joseph Gray, Somersetshire. Millwrights. — William Osborn, Devonshire; John Milne, Forfarshire. Moulder. — John Haliburton. Wheelwright. — John Ponsford, Devonshire. Frederick Freeman, Herts; Alfred Prior, Norfolk. SINGLE WOMEN, General Servants, — Emily Freeman, Herts; Mary Ann Foster, Olive Jeury, Middlesex; Kate Cosgrove, Lancashire ; Henrietta Burleigh, Fanny M. Barlow, Herefordshire; Martha J. King, Surrey; Eliza: Allen, Kent; Harriett E. Mottlee, Surrey; Helena/ King, Kent; Jane A. Woollens, Hannah M. Taylor, Middlesex; Helen Stephens, Oxfordshire ; Clara Andrews, Devonshire; Kate A. Wingyett, Amelia H. Loader, Middlesex; Eliza Knowles, Mary A. Tremlin, Kent; Elizabeth Smith, Staffordshire; Elspeth Moir, Elizabeth Young, Aberdeenshire; Margaret M'Bride, Down; Margaret M'Nutt, Donegal; Eliza A. Larkin, Margaret Harvey, Antrim ; Jane Thompson, Donegal; Bridget Jones, Clare; Eupha tephenson, Ann Wiseman, Elizabeth Breeze, Durham. Cooks. — Sarah Moore, Somersetshire ;

: — . y. . „ . i ' * y .•/.' ■: Amelia Cassin, Yorkshire ; ■< Mary Kelly, Queen's. . "-- ,V; - - - y Housemaids. •— yEimma Foard; Middlesez ; Ellen Crowe, Staffordshire ; Susan Moore, Antrim. . , Dairymaids. — Mary Baker, Waterford ; Emma Seager, Devonshire. Nurses. — Caroline Williams, Elizabeth Mason, Middlesex ; Hannah Breeze, Durham. Dressmaker. — Mary Spillitt, Kent. Matron. — Agnes Smith, Staffordshire. SOMMARY. Faxm labourers, 13 ; ploughmen, 9 ; gardener, 1 ; labourers, 6 ; grooms, 2 ; shepherds, 3 ; engineers, 3 ; founder, 1 ; millwrights, 6 ; moulder, 1 ; pattern-makers, 2 ; wheelwrights, 2 ; bootmaker, 1 ; saddler, 1 ; coach-builder, 1 ; coach joiner, 1 ; schoolmaster, 1. Single Women— General servants, 30 ; cooks, 3 ; housemaids, 3 ; dairymaids, 2 ; nurses, 3 ; dressmaker, 1 ; matron, 1. Male adults, 56 ; female do., 71 ; male children, 13 ; female do, 17 ; infants, 10. Total souls, 167, equal 142 statute adults.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 715, 7 September 1870, Page 2

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LYTTELTON. Star (Christchurch), Issue 715, 7 September 1870, Page 2

LYTTELTON. Star (Christchurch), Issue 715, 7 September 1870, Page 2