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i ■ A RT,lTNroM.««T|ifl <lrayln,j( tor Tj^r h vlowb ni 'thowest Cpaißt ha» boon poatponod until 'l'liHrmliiynoxtiiW 'i .J, f.mKf/roK Mtrtaoii'Ab CpoHOifc, — The hold In tho Council) Clinmtfar (o«nlght at' 7 PnOVINOUI/ IMTMTMKMT, AMD ,LOiN AflUO" fill 'V J Ff ''if , H 'l> till 'I »' 1 t t)t ■'* • J ciAxjONir-THP ijfiual monthly: nicbting for payiiH-nt, bo' hold ftt Cdiikliain- Hou«a OhaVab^frtttt sevott o'clock thlscToulng. ; :

X'l'nm Ovx^iy^b .aro'Bo^ry to pay. Hint tho quantity of eggn is .gradually^diminishing j mw forty only glvo nigno , of Vitality, but no percoptiitlo . jtfofjtcflii h^n \hh>m utado t<>wuf<ia hatohlng. 1. .., , „, . XOjinisTonoiioH Aivvitimnr. *— Tho >.b. Airodnlo bronglit kot flluiit two 24 smooth boro ll ( »wlt7(V:r')jUnB; arid two fij lm>h mortivrft for this (ioiiiMiuiy, ' Thoy warn ,lau<lo.<{ thi«j morning, mid sent to ' Chrlatcluiruh by the mid-day train. , , . , . r VrPrcxiioLKUM.— VVo'oboorvo, from tho Victorian papers, (hat a barqno—tho tolcotra— of noarly 400 tons burden, Imh Arrlvo<l at Melb'ounio from Z»rrlto»!, in Porn, with the flr«t cargo of petroleum oil from tho works recently crcotod thuro, . Taw Hißiiov oj? ViiijflON — Wo aro infociHod by th« l)<im <>{ Ohrlrt(cltur«lt that lt« him roQDlvod a itfcgr/iin from tho Blflliop of Molson (Dr Mitor) from iho Choviot, to t)io oA*oi;t that Mo lordship oxpoots to bo in Gliririttihurch to-morrow, and that ho will be lU'oprircd to preach in three churohes on Sunday next, Tho Blflhop may .accordingly bo oxpuotod to preaoh at St Miciiael's ' hurch in tho'. morning, at r»fc Jolin's, Kerry road, in tho afternoon (i) o'clock), and Nt JOUn tho H((jit(nC'«, Oliriatohuroli, in tho evening, WmTBUNTinjo TiinAT.—Mr J. B, fcJtansell, <Ur<K!tor of tho Oin»t«rbury Tonlo Hoi- Fa AflHo(!lnti<m, \\m luinotuxicd an tmtertainnKnt In fclie Drill tfliod on- Monday* and Tuoxday next. Tho Acltoolfl will bo admitted free, under tho chargo of tholr roxpcctlvo man turn j and tho sum rcallHcd from tho public- in the way of admission will bo dovoted, partly towards building n recreation room at Sunnysldo, and partly to supplying- tho.poor with ooiila. Tho oli,| '«t of tho entertainment is so far praißoworthy that wo sinooroly trust it W IU l>o t\ suoccflß in ovory way— especially '»»« pecuniary sonno. Tkmvpuw UotAfc.—To-nlght i« to lie one of more llian ordinary attrnotlon at th«» Thoatro Royal. Tlio' curtain will rlno to Tom Taylor's comedy •' Tho Unequal Match," in which, of courno, Mrs Holr will sustain the charactor of Ilostor Grazobrook. The pant has boon a comod y weolc, and having seen Mra llolr as Peg WoiTlngton wo can safoly promUo that her Hester will bo perfection. Tho performances will bounder tho patronago of Mout.-Col, Packo, Major Wilson, 0.8 , and tho officers of tho various volunteer corps, and tho Cavalry Band will play between each act, j/Thm Maunqataitj Mnui)nnfl.~A communreatlon has been rooelved by a gontlcm m in Maryborough, Victoria, cneloaing a letter from tho United SttUou for delivery to Mr ■lames Do Pontius, or some of. his" friends, known in thin district, but no tidings can bo gleaned of any ono to whoso care tho lottor (!im bo properly ontrustod. Pontius, it may bo romcmlioroil, was ono of tho four .tmvollors ((Mix Mathlou, James Dudley, J«uiCß Dt* Poiitiu«,,and John IComptliorne) slaughtered in Juno, 18D6, by tho Maungutanu murdi-rora (iiur«c»B, Koily, Levy, and riullivan), whilatf towelling from tlw D«w Ct?«^H to Noleon, on (twin w«.y tdWact VcmiqlTSqw Zealand, UiuUt Oioho eiraumflUiieoa,, tlip Jottor will, of coumo, bo roiwrnb^ to tbo' Bonder,. ' „;' Kakoaroos,— Oho Cantaln, Gardiner lias PQcmitly takon «p ,n ntatipn on tlie.Adolai/Je bonJor, nnd (nooording to a corrospondont of tho JiallaratSiar) the kangaroos aro io ploi> fclful Ihuropn that tho mpn on tho station have, (lurlt)K tho, lft»t 4UAr(cri «o«'»r,«d fIOQO kangaroo oklne, Thero nro, 100,00,0, sheep, on iho station, and it is thought that thoro aro twice us many kangaroos as slioop. Not only havo tho kangaroos to bo dppaoturod onthostutlon, but it appears thoy hayo to bo watered also, and that with water raised from wall* for ilio purpoao of watering tho >hccp, us tho Icangaroos frequent tiio YViitorliiß'troughs, ;»ml aro killed thereat in vircivt. numbers. It Ih furtlior Atittod that lfttft . your, buioro Capt 'Qai'dltioi? I'enwd tho 'station, ■"thoro were a number nt mou on it engaged in killing kan ['garoos ttlono, and that ;ihoao persons Bhippod ,10,000 kangaroi) Bkinu to England, '! QUHBNBLAN» OOLDIMULBS.— TIIO la»t diflcovoruii goltidoid in Queensland is named Kilklvcn, Thoro has been ft rush of over Wo thousand miners to it from Gymple, !,Tlw-j)fOßp<xslfl: obt(Uu«d «M ' r«]Wrted to U ;good, bin tlio e*tt!»n of tho field liaa not "been AHOortainod. Tho ROld was first struolt at a iiopth of four foot/ ami was thonoo tniood jilown thO) <>r«pk into deep wot . ground, . in !f<lukhiK tlioM a pro«|K:<tt of a pounyviroiKlit to !W,W;<H«U vftfH plained.; Wo mid tho folloj*;---liig in' tho Qitemiilan^ Guardian of May 4 sU i:iv(r John Mooroi a «entlomun well»|frjpwn in I'.onneotlon with qimm ennming operations io Victoria^ who 'camo to Quoonnlan'd a short tlmoago for tho ' imrposo of inspecting the Ndfllivlllo goldflcld, returiiH to Melbourne this wcok, with tho Intention of procuring £3,000 worth of quiirtZ'cnißhlng mabliinory, for .erection on tho goldiluld. A coiisidorablo 'numbor of half Treasury notes, tho property of tho Government of Queonflaud, wore 'flt'olon iv fow days ago f r<iin tho g'Md escort, between Cloriuoiit and HoGltliumpton. i Fkmumjom, —Thoro aro a good many para!grapltH In |lw Au«triillan papors about Konla<tIhdi, whlelt m ih t, however, bo taken for whati thoy aro worth. A telegram is io thooftoct! that » lottor imrl been uont to tho Oovornorof Now Qonth' Whlob/, »ppan)n<Jx,from Bcochvrottli/tltrtiatoning that ft Hfo would bo taken for O'PrtMflll'fl Thl« Is probably wore bounce. An luntaneo of Fenlanlsm in the pulpit is related by tho JOeanJort .Chronicle ua follows !--Our attention has buon called by ocvornl porHona to a number; of singular expwwlo'iw (to v*« A v«ry mild pluw«) «*W to Havo emanated from tho Uov. father Barrett, at tho Cdtliollo Church, Beaufort, after mass. ,on|.^Hunilay< ; morping ; last.,, .„■ ■x i lio, 1 -,rovorona Kcnilomivn io ruportoa to havo denounotd thu. futfllmont of tho law upon O'l-'arrcll at IBydiioy. ftnaAllotv^Ufkln, ft«d Gould, <vt 'iManchcflior, to havo rldieulcd tho loyal nraoJ tlcoof dofmig hats during tho signing of tho •Nationnl AnihomVusiid blghly'^disrespectful ; jlanguago concerning tho Queen and Prince 'Alfred,! &o,' If ■ Fathox* Barrett u*vd 'the lftiigaup:* Attributed to him; ho U every bit as : bud ua Lurkln. of llokitlka, 'i ■■'

lUnkhdptot.— Charles Waiter Scott Pur?, dlo, of tho Papanui rond, has jjUed a dpclriralion In accordance, with thy BfrnKnipttiflr A«(| W07,«wl lw W',Wn'istt to utility lUl»pUtoV<' Ava vaxuxu "Gt>£u— Tho value, of, gold, exported from Australia fH>'m' T ityb heuinniDg 1 »f 1858 to ilio ondo/.!)867 is amted N to_haTi? bven Tlio aiatement to npp">*(ma(o only, '*•»■. ACOMSUTIZATIOM SOCIBTV, — TllO rCCOIIt meeting of tho society has aiready boon pro* ductivo of soino good, n largo amount of subscriptions having been collected in. The adjourned meeting takes place to-morrow evciiliift, for tlto election of officers aud a committee for tho ensuing year. mjiuieme Codht— There will bo no civil cases for trinl lit tho ensuing session of tho Courti Tl\« only <»n« on tlw v««ord wnaT>nl^ety anil Another v. Bucktey and others .» but an application will be mado to tho Juokd to-morrow to withdraw tho plea. Plaintiffs will then apply for leavo to enter up judgment. Pmt.OftoiMiiOAf, IN6TirUTB.—A meeting of tliU society has been Aummon.>(l for Una evening, to consider several subjects of importancoto its members^ Dr liniist, the president, intends to exhibit nn interesting collection of nntc-hitttorlo atone implements lately received from Kuropo, He, will further •show a flne collection of bones of the Dodo, tho recently oxtinut bird of tho Mauritius. Postal.— Tho inhnhltanta of Little Akaloa and adjoining bays whoso postal luxuries arc coined to a weekly communication with tin outer world, think they have a right to the Hiimo privileges as Pigeon Buy and other places on tho Peninsula— a mull three Union a wcok. Tliito is a population of about 1500 In tho district, two or three saw mills, and considerable trade. The additional Accommodation would about jEM per annum. Tub Cheat Ckntral Pjmupio Waiiavay — Krom tho .latest news by thu .Panama mni) just arrived, anil from a despatch received at Now York on March 28, we learn that the western terminus of the Union Pacific liuilroad is now twenty-seven miles west of I'hi'yinne, and within four miles of tin* highest summit on tho entiro routo. The number of men employed in ihat section was three thousand. This is tho fastest work that Ifl being done in this fast ngc. I'iiib in Tar anaki.— About four o'clock on tho morning of May 19, the Hoynl Hotel, situated at tho corner of Devon and Liardet streets, was discovered to lie on (Ire, nnd by hull! an hour afterwards tlw building waa reduced to ashes. By great exertions the fire was prevented from spreading to the adjoining building)). A youth named Peter Hillam, who was sleeping in tho hotel when it cnught fire, was burnt to death during tho coniLgra* tlon. Auckland Goldpi elds. — Tho correspondent of tho Southern Crost, writing from Karnka on May 20, 'saya s— Tho »only item in mining. now* of any in>i*>ttw\co is, tho tIUQQVQfy at an extraordinary rich leader by Mnam Alton, Iln)}, and Wniner, in a claim nn Golden Point, Tnpn, Tho nppcArancit of the sampled »h'ovrn to mo by Mr Walker is 'ftimiltvr to * groove of goM running through ]«, bUw quartz on each side, Tho width of lha londce is about ttro indie*. 'Die gold h fully one quarter of an inch in thickness, and vory free from grit. Till. -CfoVKRNOR.— Tito «.9<w<M«rn Cross of May 19, says j— According to announcement, lila Exccllonoy tho Governor and suite left town yostorday for the YVaiknto. His Excellency is nccompa-iied by his Honor tho Superintendent ; the lion, .J, Q, Bichmond, jOomntUsloiior of Customs ; Captain Hop«, II.M. s. Brisk { Major Ilcanhy, y.G., Provincial tiurvoyon and Mr Lemp'rloro, Private Secretary. Tho viceregal pnrty wcro provided by Mr Quick (of (Mfc and Co.'n), with a (jomfof table and commodious four-wheel conch, and at cloven a.m. tho party left Government Houso. It is expected tho route will bo nlong tho roan* to Ngaruuwuhia, am) jhonco by witor to tho cover it I points of in* tcrflfit on the Walkato, Tito party la expected to Mtuen to town on or about tho 28th instant. ,yy.NDOU»TBMiT Irtsh,— Fix-Governor Briggs [of 'Mn_f«ft«!h«<|«U^ ««vd to relHt« the following, IjWlitaJi a eiirrcayontlQrii dvuri lias tuit I»4<jn in print .-—ln tho old stagu-conob days an IrLiJii map wns travelling in Kow Knginnd. Arriving into at tho town vrhcro they wcro to »pond ,thu night, Pat dUooverod, to his dismay, that his only <jhanco lot flleep, was to slure the couch of a coloured brother. Th« natural [ropugnanco of liin rncu made him loth to accept. tho situittion, but. being very tired, he xubmlitcd with nn n good a Kraco as possible. In tho night some mischievous boys blackened hi* faco, In Die morning fifteen mIU-a had to ho travelled before breukfuHt. Our CcHio friend was awakened juat in time to step into iho onrriago us it was moving off. At their Stopping placo ho found no convenience for waithing, Htepptng up to v glass to arrangt hlrt hiur, he fttartcl \m>\< in horror, exclaiming, "Be julwm, you've woke that dirty nagur, and left uio fifteen mllcj behind 1" | WINTKIt ENTBriTAINMKNTfI.— ThO flMfc Of a series of readings, &0., took placo at St. John's ticnoo\'T\mm, imt oveninv. and we aro glnd to »»y that vhcro was a pretty good attendance-. Dr Dewnwr w«» to l)»vo pre ! Hld«d, hut tlt<j Kgv J. O'fi. U<mr«j «xpUi«»ed that thiu gentleman had Iwou unavoidably provonted from attondlng ; and that 'Mr w. J. W. Hamilton hud connuntcii to tnko his pluco as 'chairman. 'I he programmo wan f »ry vf^H dlv«r^t<^d, <oinitrl3l»ig rvadings and singing alternately. The former were given by Alcflsra Alport and M'Cardcll, md Mr lloaro. Messrs M'Cnrdoll, Thompnon, HutJandj nnd XoOf executed n couple of quartettes, i»nd received mu<sh applauic. Tho -'Hpirit B<)rtg » ww admlMWy glvwi by Mr'Thomp«on. A more agreeable overling could pcarcely have beon spent, arid we hope there will bo many suoh dm ing the coming winter ponthSi Kntortitinmonts iiWo that of last night, while nffording n fair amount of Hmutement, are liutructlve > and wo hope tliat they will continue to be well Attended,

" N^ive Meetijio in Tajuuiaxi.— About 20Q'pf tho Tarunaki and Ngairninui tribes* t-g^thvr with tlw lending fricmilj nntWes is Hi./, vldnUy ot N«w Plymouth, nM ftt the Ilui^ mi May 19. A oomJ.lerAbl^ number of KuiDpeans were also present. In ihe korero wiilcli cnancd, the Superimenilent nod Mr Pwtrto to>k part The natitca stated that they would not unseat to any extension of the system of Mking land. Mr Parris was very firm, nnd clearly stated the intention of the Government to enforce the conflation. Some of tho aieakera designated him aa a hard father, ami a b*d man for holding the land, and taunted him with having, on many occ*aiona, como to them with fair provUion* and proposals of peace, ami buvinp been followed vlo3-: nt his hccla by thesvrord, thus throwing <Ucn oft tliclr gvvtH, nn-l ncdng tomtdt iht>m with sanitithin^ )ike tfedel^ryj fte? instanced Die ednes of To I'aru nn.) PAltuDtul. An Unfohtdjute Plioiit.— I'fae Dabunui Htrald (Amcrtrna) nlntes the following humorous ckotch of the misfortunes of an lowa clergy man ; — Thuralay last, among the ftomla ei|>re.«G<l from the W«^t by th«B, and S. H. It. were a numhopof bukeu of hen fruit. Two or threo stations this aide of that »t which thay were placed upon tho car, an «x-miniiit«r, of huge prop->rtionß, stepped into tho ex|»rens cat toapcAk with th« m s««nget. Tho eggs were in the west end of the car, and our clerical friend accidentally took his position In front of them, wtth his back towards the eggs. While ihe twain were convexaiog the train suddenly AUrted forward. The reverend penilemun wan taken unaw&mby the unexpected j-rk, und he lost hU balance. He found it in the bn ketof esgi just in bit roar. Tho result of thi* ministerial onaet— if wo may <o term it — bnfllca description. Of course the eoutettts of the basket came to aa unlucky end. Ike Purtin^ton once set 4 hen on 62 eggi, just to see ber spread herself; hero was a man not used to tho bnsineu who lift i net himself on 52 dozen, and successfully iiccomplUhed the same result, as atiy one could see. But though backward in getting into that undiguifled position, he was hy no mtmns backward in getting out. He ercoted himself and examined himself. Any member of his church, if present, would hftTft rccognUod iv him not only a faithful feUowlabourur, but an earnest yoketellow. Fora minuto ho ntood motionless, except as he, with spread and tremulou fingers, in an undecided nnd uncertain w»ty, wared hia bunds with the air of a man who had been eggtd on to desperation. He certainly presented 0, ludicrous aspect As the preci us ointment ran down Aaron'a beard, mo the albuminous nnguent ran down the preacher's trousers legs spread* ing intnitluccnt li'juldnens upon the floor about hia feet. Tho express messenger took tho stove-hearth and did what he could to* ward cleaning his friend off— a norel way of scraping an acquaintance.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 13, 28 May 1868, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 13, 28 May 1868, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 13, 28 May 1868, Page 2