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' ' » I.TTTEI.TON Choiia- RoozwrY.— Tho grand concert iidvortlseil for this ovoning has boon unavoidably postponed until Tuosday ovoning next, Juno 3, XxK x Monstkh TtJitNip.— Mr G. Billings has loft at our offlco a largo turnip, of tho yellow Hcotch kind, grown at tho Selwyn, It is Oft, 3ln. In circumference and weighs njlbu. IjTTTnr/roN MoNioirAr. Codnoil. — ■ Tho adjourned special meeting on Mr Glial mors' bill for drainage will tako placo to-morrow ovoning, nt .ovon o'clock, in the Council Cham 1 era. Pjy*.uno-PN_-*OMONU.— Ifrom a publio notice in our advertising columns, it will bo soon that the Government arc fully alive to tho Importance of Isolating the cattle infected with pleuropneumonia at Woodend, i-AiAroi asbkssmbnt.— We would remind thoso who havo noglootod to inspect tho amended rato roll that no timo. is to bo lost in so doing, as tho meeting for hearing objections to tho same takes place on .Friday next, 20th inst, at ll a.m. j Win non KNTicnTAiNMBNTfI.-— Tho first, of a series of entertainments intonded for tho winter months will be given in St, John's Schoolroom, this evening, oonimonelng at. half-past sovon. Dr Dcamer will occupy tho chnir, nnd tlio on tori nhi mont will comprise readings and songs by experienced amateurs, Pot.tcK,— -The inhabitants of Kaiapoi havo heard with great regret that it is tlio Inlen-, tion of tho Commissioner, lo removo from Kaiapoi ono of tho most renpootod mombors of tho force. Wo allude to Constable Judgo, Who hits for a long timo been stationed there Wo bolievo it is in contemplation to momorinliso tho Commissioner on the subject, . . „ -,- ; I Kauvoi MuMioirAii Cot)MOJi*,r-» Messrs Mall Kerr, Dobhs, aud Oram mot last niglit, bjtt, there being no quorum, tho meeting lapsed,, Owing to tho resignation of Messrs Porter, Dudley, and Ilewllngs. the Council. is rod need to six, and it is iho intention of another member to resign at next meeting, in order to enable the Council toflUup'tho vaoaneies till the end of the year. Should two resign, a general -election of mombors by tlie ratepayers must tako placo, and thero is somo probnbility of this being iho caso. Sam' CftKias,- Monday was a partial holiday at Saltwater • reek, but the only addition to tho usual quiet life of, the neighbourhood was tho Volunteer practice, and a Vblnntoor supper nnd ball at tho Messrs Cameron's Hotel In the ovoning, Thoorcok. was nearly two foot above its ordinary iovo) after the tldo had run out, both on Sunday and Monday, Tlio Ashley was too high to cross on Sunday, but on Monday Messrs Bijrton managed to cross with tlio mall, Mr Harnes having withdrawn his boat from this ford has ocoasioned considerable inoonvonjonoo.' • " ' J\To Adviciitiswro,— Wo clip tho following from an American paper, and as tho moral lo ■good we give It to, our readers to, think over \ —You see, goods are like gals, thoy miM go when thoy nro in fashion and gopiMooking, or else a yoko of oxen wouldn't draw 'om off afterwards, Tbo man that advert m$ ukM docs most business, because he don't mako oue steok to last cue llfc-tlmo, I know a merchant in this dint riot who has Imported threo different' batches of goods within a ycfirfron> Europe, and » now ho.** nearly, sold out again. Ilovr docs ho and his partners get' rid of ho many goods ? Thoy <tdt><rtfs4 more than air tho others' put togotho*.— that's tho, how. I will provo it. , If you want to borrow monoyM.' you want to lend monoy--If yon Want a farm to rchf*— if yon want to wMf-tulMiUti IP your horse, 1 1%, cow; c'olti shoep, or oxen go astray, ailmmi^t then*-' right' off,! 'and not run n clninco of losing them altogether, or having to pay as much an tU«y aro worth In charge for their k*f.op» J * 'If yon arc ,-.« fllwcmaker, tailor, blacksmith, wagbner, or' any kind ot useful mechanic, show pooplo that you aro not ashamed of boiijig.a mcobanlo, \>y if tf\ier tiling. It you koop an hotel, mako it known, . Who" peoplo sco v man atfwrWsc'tlitfy know ho is ft business man, 'j"h4 world Is full of folks, who want. Seme wpnt to sell, flomo '-want to v buy,'and the one way to moot those wants^and to. mako monoy Is, to adverting Advertising is liko honestyit pays w^R,'? follow^! yp„i Mor^-ants think nothing ot paving tcxty, doltyrflfpr wt.iign with nothing but thoir .nampjon it. Woll, whit do you think of having' _,000 dollar signs /x week in v newspaper'? ■< - In'! this- y6u"_-\i tiW ycur whole esUbllflhmont to tho country ovqi-y week,, ■■ „: ' y ,■ ■ ■■:,'. ■ *7 - •:■■'■:

GrnuT Yimd ; bir; '•l* , 6-TATbEB.«rWo havo boon shown 'sornov potatoes '-* grown by Mr Alex, Clarko-of .Opa'WA'ii Thoy ftjo Derwents, | and six of thomw.olgli 14 lbs 2 oz, The ylold has been at the rato of '30 tons to tho noro. Tho . land ■ on, , which theso' potatoes woro grown had bcon laid down "to grass for six years prior /tp lafit season.,.*- Although largo, tho potatoes 'arowpll formed,- -and arc doAOribod to \}e in- vy-sry 'resptfet fitted for domoatio ivi rposofl. yy '. - w y. Poni/rnT Shott, •*■>■■• A mooing of gontlomon favourable to the esfiibHshuin-nt of an annual exhibition of poultry was held at White's Hotel yodtord/ty afternoon, at half-pant four aVloolc. . Mr W. Wilson occupied tlio chair, and thoro was a good attendance. Tho chairman explained tho object of tho meeting, and said It wan proposed to hold the intended oxhibithm during tlio winter months, whon poultry are In full fouther nnd eapablo of being scon to advnntngo. Tho period nt whioh tho Agricultural Society held thoir annual show was the most unfavourable for poultry, and that aeeoun tod for tho inferior iixhibition on such occasions. Theprovinco possessed ovory requisite for ensuring n successful display of poultry. Every breed, from tho Cochin China to the common barndoor fowl, was to bo found in Canterbury, nnd in nufllolont nnmbor to mako a or.dltab'o display. It would bo necessary to enlist tho sympathy of the publio in tho project, and ho thought this would easily bo done. As a niombor of tho Agricultural Society, he| might say that no antagonism would bo folt, but that oaoh member would do his best to forward tho object of tho mcotlng ns much as possible, Mr Kendo said It would bo a point of self-Interest to tho -Agricultural Society to assist in promoting tho winter show of poultry. It wns absurd to send poultry to an I exhibition without tails, and in suohastato as was necessarily tho caso when tho Agricultural Society's exhibition , was held, and tho number cntored would diminish oaoh year. lie had no doubt but tho! oxponso of tho intonded show would bo easily mot by subscription. In a vorv short timo, Mr Davio lmd procured subscriptions to tho amount of 410, and this would bo increased when it became known that decided action had bcon takon., 110 would move "That tho annual exhibition of tlio Agricultural! Society being hold at an unfavourable season for poultry, a show shall bo held during the winter or spring month--, when they will bo ih full plumugo." Tho motion was seconded and carriod. Mr 10. B. Bishop next made somo remark- ns to tho probability of the Agricultural Association granting any pecuniary ftnelstanco. It was then resolved to adjourn tho mooting until tho Sth of Juno, In ordor that tho publio should bo canvassed for assistance ... , I Tub Nojithkun ,Vor.uM.Hßn«,— Tlic firing for tho prizes offered at tho Woodend encampment in January last, but postponed on account of tho weather, took place at Salt•nfator Creek on tho Queen's birthday. The list of prizes seemed largo enough to havo attracted a much greater, number of competitors, and no dount, had It not been for tho liyttolton royiow, many of tbo Christchurch companies,! would have bcon represented in the ■■' AH Comers " prize > As it was, with tho, exception of flvo members of No. 6 Company (Kaiapoi), tho wholo of tho compbtitors woro furnishod by No. 3 (Lciihflold). It is soarcoly, therefore, to bo wondered at that the latter company carried oil tho wholo Of the prlffOi*, although tho scores of tin* winners show that, had thero bcc*a very much J grontor competltlonjit would havo bcon found difficult to havo' wrostod tlioir honours from tliom, Tho, two silver cups woro both won h$ Private Stewart, who hus already proved hlmsolf to bo'bno of tho best, if not tho best shot, in"* tho 'Northern distriot. In anticipa tlqno. a la'rgor muster, two sot's, of targots had been crootod nt Saltwator Crcok, and tho firing began With tho Northern Champion Cijip, ftt 1 1 a n», The highest scores only eye given, Tho Northern Champion Cup was first co'ntostod. It-ingest 300, 400, 000 yards ■ fly thp position and targots • flvo shots, at .each ''range s minimum pull, 0 lbs • ; fifteen cojupctltorfl j first prize, , silver , cup, value XB> second jirl-o, engraved pewter, XI, Privato Htownrt, 17, 1f1.7'4— 47- Corporal Hood, 13, 16, 1/5—46 j Lfout, Pcmborton, \7f { 13] I_--IB| Capt, Btowick, 18, 13, 10—41, Tho Hccoiid eIuHS Marksman's Coy, was open tb '-those only who failed to njako SS points ntjtho first two of .'tho. Champion rangon ■ 206 and 400 yards; position— standing at {Joo,,any at i^i ilrs.t prize, cup, vnluo X3j (•iOCfijiid 'lif lsio, engraved pqwtcr, £\ ) six com-] notltorfl., ',I'bo first prize was won by Corporal rato. willi a seoroiof 30 pointfl* tho seeoiid, a tioi not/W^on, Sorgoant, Jjlull and. Corporal! Garnor'on, was won ovohtnally by tho In t tor, with a ttCo<c cf Bfl points. -Th? AUCpmorßl Cup Vna iho' last event of the day, leaving tho Consohition Cup, and Captain . ( Lllug_-V I Cup to bo fired for at somo future timo. This majicli i oxoltcd a great deal of intorcet, and thcrcfworo 18 competitors, i The prizo was; opfln to all eonw«, YCluntwfl or not, and | tno'rangofl wero 400 and 800 j three , shots ftt cacjirangoi any position- first prize, silver! cup, vnluo X_i socond prlzo, oup, vnluo £2 IdSj third prlzo, oup, value £\, Private Hie"V(trt, 10, 10-80 i Corporal Hoodi7, U—j 18-iLloutenant Pomberton, 11, o— l7. Coptaln 'Deswiclc, 8, 7—lfi" qorporal Clark-p, 7, B— lfl* Corporal Palo, ft. 8«13. Tho whole of the 1 ctipH fihot for at this meeting, wer,o manufnelured by M. Petersen of Cliristohur.hi and thoy arc exceedingly handsome- the Champion and All Comors cups especially, do great credit to colonial cntcrprlsoi tboy are .similar In fl)iapo,'and differ only in blzoj both consist! of an egg-shaped bowl, supported on three] rlflds crossed, and connected by a crown of j laurel leaves. ; Tlio, other -jcup^ aro <thlcklvi plated, nnd oxcc'cdirigly handsome Inform. It! jsniuch to, bo rogrottcd tbat- t|io Woojiond andi'^efillorA coiupa(d<is have grown so ivpathotilo and indifferent to the Volunteer cause, that not ovon with tho inducement of such prlzrkiaas, these, could ono amongst, tliom.comq for*f ard to ' nidln'tain tho' honour of their roipcctivo coriHj.

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 12, 27 May 1868, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12, 27 May 1868, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Star (Christchurch), Issue 12, 27 May 1868, Page 2