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Tlio nomination oE candidates fnr tho ofliflo n( Huperlntondent, vacated by tho resignation of Mr MoorhoiißO, took plnco at tho Town Hall, nt noon to-day; Dr Donald rend Iho writ, and called upon tlio electors to propoHQ candidates, — Mr Wim.iam Montoomhiiy,' Prnvinoliil Tronnnwr, proponod Mr VVIIJinm HollwHon, «n ft fli and propor pornon for olcotinn Mr K. 0, J, HTwrKNfl, M.H.U,, ««<:on<l<i<l tho nomination, D«" Doham), tlio noturning Offlcor, tlion Inquired if nnj» othop oh'otor bad a n»ndid»ti> to propose, ami no ono responding l>o declared Mr Rolloaton to bo duly elected, Mr nor,r,itflTOM, In thanking tlio elontorp, fluid lliat ho need not ontor at any length, ni tbo proHont timo, into tho reasons' that hud Induocd him to comn forward nt tholr roquont to fltund for tho rcnponelhlo and ouorOufl position.of Buporliitondont of ! Oiuuorbury, It waa fliifilolont for him to nay Mini lift oarlv unHoolftUons nnd all hl» poronnul /interests'; woro bound up with tho prosperity of thl« place nnd howovor Honalblo ho waa of liln own dcflolondofl, and of tho grout dlffloullli<H which would wqulro no ordinary judgment nnd no ordinary skill to ntoor thu proviunn through, ho could hot havo rofunod to on mo forward and titndor his Borvlroi, mioh no thoy wcroi to Uio piovimwc ' (Qlmvt),) 1 ' Tlioro waft rtOi portion of. 'Now Zealand " whoao M flourcGß woro moro roadily ' availablo — nono whono . futuro pronporlty. wan moro certain » it thoy would but oxorolne economy and patloncd Ho oonld not think thftt the future oil! v province, wn« doubtful whono 'export nt grain In tlilo year nnvmnia) In. round Durobor» to £) 00,000; nnil 'tho valno ! dI tho wdd! export to BomolMrm lilion ojuvnor . of* ia million, (Ohoorn.) The dlllloultit-o wlii«h now tiurrournkd tho provlmio' tiOU'd » not ho KmoveH. In a AliiglQ day j Mils cnnhl only bo acoomplinliod' by patimit ndhiihlstra' ' lion, and hard work, for ho did not hold that. ! any Itantlfy conceived policy would entirely i free thorn from tholr cmbarramnioiit (Cliccro.) ■ It wan not dllUcultlKfl which woro 1 holjO Imposed that thoy , had :to struggle . agalnnt jforwhilo Canterbury, wan pursuing , a course of agricultural advancement, tho Northern Inland had l)c!cn going ltn w»y In n »yntatn of warfare not at Hh own ojqionßo ' (Hoar, hoar, and applause.) And In oddl. lion to thin, tlio intorforonco of tlio fmporlal Government had tended to prolong thene hoHtHUIon whtoh wcico flo «<)Atly to tho Houth, 1 It wan no wondoi 1 therefore that {I'U'tv «•'!«« i had arisen, or that Contrallmn'nnd I'rovlui olitl|Nin woro iitruggling againot ouch other, i But both pur t loo, an lt> nppoarod to him, had forgotten that the provinces meant the colony, nn-l the colony tho aggregate of Uut'prbvlnccß, (Olicom.) TJio olirtii^ofl In <)x\Hln« liMhnilonn, wlileli ho liolil ninst take plnoc, nnw ' nprinj* from a chango in flnnncoj >']'hi>y hail ihomflolvofl to look to now, for thoy could not expect mu<:h from tho Goncrnl Aflnombly, Tlhth i w>\n, much to bodono lit rodU'diip; oxpondlturc i l>y tho (!i>n«oliilntlon ol' oUlwify io aotlvo ad , ministration, and in making Canterbury a placo which would attract popuhitlon, i (Chooru), Ho bollovcd that at prcacnt th > attraction wan very imuch dlminlrthvd-hy tho , fnot of vory hoavy tnxiilion, and wan aaiUjflod 1 that until a largo reduction was mudo in tho i ouHtomn rovonuos, wiifoli proflnod heavily on tho labouring ola»flco, tho place would not br ' nought, aftor hy thin olatmof HOltlvMi-- Moo i nomy coul<l not lio offi.-ciod «<i l<mg m dm DiL'Htmi flVAtom of flnanoo wiia onrr\o<\ out.' Their groat wntuhword nhnnld bo , !■— " What wo want wo will pay fort" (Applauflc) Ho was no advocate for, tho ItidlmirlmltuUfl Introduction of jlopuln- > lion {without regard to tlio rcqulroincniii of thu placo and the charnotor oi' (ho jiuoplo brought into it, for nothing could bo mom prcdjudlclal to a country than to bring In a Lrgq luimber of artlHati* to an ali^ady ovorstookod mnrkot. 1 l)ut wliflo bo ovid this ho must oxprcaa, his' opinion that a v.mmry nan never flourish uiiluhb a sloady iminiura tfon of tho right sort was kopt up, (Clmnrrt ) In tho Intercuts of tho towrut, it Voukl Ik; abHoliitoly i\co,omMV to ,U«o\> up ibc supply of farm labourors. Mr Hoilcflton (lion pro(!CC(]cd to di'prooftto thu idea oi! ro > duolm; tho prlco of wanlo land bmiiiimo, if lowered, it would bo thrown Into the 'hitiidn of largo holdcro, nnd, what ho hold to bo .tho glory of Caniorbuy—itfl working population i —would bo ohut out. 110 ohjooled to tlui i giving of ilnhd for tho carrying on of puhlin • works, nnd considered that a pirtion of thd , luud jf««<l «liould lifldcvotfid to immlgnttloti, ! and atirtthor jwhloh <l«(|nU<'ly flx^J hy-)<wi\ ' unaotmom on Lho outlying diotrioin:, (OlioerH.) )Mo paid n liigh eompliniont . to tlio...'|Wn 1 Clounoiln and Hoad Boardn'of Caniorlmry, for i lho work thoy.hiul accomplished, nndcon- . oludwl a fljiecch whioh wft« well ruflulvud I throughout, by ansuring tho cicotorfl of Oan* i terbiiry that no oxortions Bhould bo wanting , on hltt prtrt in nomo measure to, riivllew the i tho hopes that had l>c<m «xpr<i«(jc<l by litagood i frjorid Mr Montgomory, 1 and hla- ■wooiiAur I (LOUd ohcOTB).; ..!' .',•" „' ' i ,' , i .' A votoof) tlmnkn wan thon given to the ■ ltotuwlflg Offlcor, and tlio pra^odingfl (cr-

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Star (Christchurch), Issue 8, 22 May 1868, Page 3

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THE SUPREINTENDENCY. ELECTION OF MR WILLIAM ROLLESTON. Star (Christchurch), Issue 8, 22 May 1868, Page 3

THE SUPREINTENDENCY. ELECTION OF MR WILLIAM ROLLESTON. Star (Christchurch), Issue 8, 22 May 1868, Page 3