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[By Myra.]

FINE, bracing weather, distinctly cold, but very agreeable, favoured the Pakuranga Hunt Club's races, which were held on Satiird'ay at the EHerslie racecourse, which was looking delightfully green and fresh, the flowers, especially the cyclamen beds being loveJy. The racing was exciting and all the arrangements for the day were well carried) out by Mr Fred Yonge, the energetic secretary. There was a large crowd of people present, the band played good music and altoget/her the day was a most pleasant one—and for some people a profitable one.

The ladies, of course, were warmly clad, those who possess them wearing fur coats, others wearing smart looking tailored suits, mainly navy "blue in colour amd l those who couldn't manage a. new costume, afforded one of the new spring hats which are exceedinly smart, especially the small flat sailor which is perched on one aide covering the right ear, but exposing the hair on the left side. Many of these little hats had streamers at the back. There was another smart little brimless straw hat worn the only trimming being a posy of tiny flowers at the front and back. It also' is tilted' on the side of the head and when worn by a young lady with pretty liak , and a piquant little face the effect is very pleasing. The kiss veils also had a great vogue— you know what I mean—those loose veils easily lifted up and doAvn without disarranging their fastenings.

Among the ladies who came under my notice were: Lady Locldiao-t, who wore a robe of mole moire silk, a black hat with flamoKJoloxired feathers and a handsome fur coat. Misses Gonrie wore long seal coats and modish black silk hate. Mrs Peter Lawrence was in a navy suit and blade velvet hat. Miss Otter, navy costume, cute little black velvet hat with black ospreys. Mrs Colbeck, long seal coat, cerise straw hat with black bands. Mrs Waller, seal coat, blaie and greon hat. Mrs ~W. R. Holmes, navy military costume, bhi© hat with cerise feathers. Mrs Mark ham, navy coat s;uit and a jaunty little sailor Ivait with black and white ribbon and a tiny posy of crimson , roses. Mrs H. Rainger, dark dress, seal coat, black velours hat. Mrs Watkin, navy coat suit, wliite hat with blue trimming. Mrs Raymond Sheath was wearing a long seal ooa.t and a blue hat. Mrs Gavegan wore a dark dress, seal coat and small black velvet hat. Mrs Esmond Napier also wore a seal coat ami a black velvet hat.

A dark dress, brown marmot ooat ami a bat with blue lancer plumes were worn by Mrs E. W. Alison. Mrs Fotheringham wore a gabardine coat suit and a black bat with white feathers. Mrs Mail's grey squirrel coat was worn over a dark drees and she wore one of the new little sailor hate perched on the side of her head. Mrs Ward (England), navy blue costume, smart military hat. Mrs Fox, (England) electric blue costume, black eilk hat. Mrs S'bjarnian, royal blue military costume, black Liserie hat

■with the new loose veil. Mrs J. Hodgson,, brown cloth coat and skirt, brown, hat with bird of Paradise, stone marten furs. Mies White, navy coat suit, tomato reel hat. Miss Gill, brown costume with kilted basque, white felt hat. Miss Davey, costume of blue and white stripe suiting, grey coat, black hut with tangerine trimming. Miss Fredla Hunter, coat and skirt of cream and black stripe suiting, modish hat. Miss Tooman, navy costume, black velour hat. Miss Frieda Toomam, black dress , , coat of Black Watch tartan, black felt hat. Mrs Ballim, navy costume, ermine fure, black hat Avith wreath of small flowers. Miss Oaro, khaki costume, squirrel coat, black hat wreathed witli flowers. Mrs McDonald, long seal ooat, black velvet ha*. Mi's R. Wynyard, navy costume, black velvet hat. Mrs Ford, navy coat and skirt, black feathered! hat; her friend was similarly attired. Mrs Sutherland, long purple frieze coat, white satin hat. Mrs Shanley, black costume, black velvet hat with white ribbon.

Mrs King's dark costume was worn with a black velvet hat. Miss _I. King, grey overcoat, white felt sailor hat. Miss D. Atkin, navy costume, crimson; hat. Mrs J. Dalton, dark tailored suit, black velvet hat. Mrs Fisher, brown coat, dark dress, black velvet hat. Miss- Lily Moore, black coat suit, black hat with white feather. Miss Cotterall, khaki coat suit, black hat with tangerine flowers. Miss Milly Cotterall, wine red velvet, black hat. Miss Finlayson, back hat with violet feather ruche. Mrs Cotterall, navy costume, violet and cerise hat. Mrs Sheath, navy suit, black velvet hat with pink ruche. Mrs Lynch, dark blue tailored costume, ' hat with blue isilk trimming. Mrs Gleeson, loiiff seal coat, black hat with, white feathers. Mrs Rose, long coat of purple frieze, black hat. Miss Rose, coat and skirt of brown corded velours, white felt hat. Miss Jenkins, navy costume, black hat. Miss Rae, grey- coat and skirt, black hat. Miss M. Gallagher, navy costume, white felt sailor hat. Miss E. Gallagher, suit, green felt hat. Miss Morton, navy costume with kilted basque, black feathered hat. Mies M. Morton, khaki coat suit, black hat with white feathers. Miss E. Morton, black satin costume, seal mat, black hat with white feathers. Mrs Jowitt, navy coat suit, dlark hat witlv white feathers. Mrs E. Hunt, long grey coat, grey hat with amethyst feathers.

Miss Horton. was in a purple frieze coat and skirt, brown furs, black velvet hat. Mrs Southy Baker, blue serge costume, black velvet hat, handsome furs. Mm Pabst, dark blue coat suit, black velvet hat. Miss Thelma "Blooinfield, green dress, brown fur coat, black and white hat. Mrs 11. Burns, royal blue satin, seal goat, small blue hat. Mrs Yonge came in a grey coat and ekirt, black velvet hat and furs. Mies A. Yonge wore a nattier bhie brocade velvet costume, hat en suite. Miss V. Grey, tweed 1 costume, views, rose velvet hat. Mrs Mitchell, grey coat and skirt, purple velvet hat, ostrich plume. Mrs Selgren, black and white check costume, French sailor hat with oepreys. Miss Sellgren, navy costume, black sailor hat with cerise feather ruche. Mrs Jim Farquhar, navy dress, seal coat, black velvet hat. Mrs Blaikie, grey coat, black silk hat. Mrs E. Firth, cream sero-e costume, black velvet hat. Mrs Hartla.nd, black, and white stripe coat and skirt, black hat, black and white boa. Miss Hartlandi, navy costume, brown hat. Misis Farquhar, navy costume, black hat with vieux rose Imiws. Mrs Woodroffe, blue cofitmne, hat en suite. Miss Woodroft'e, plaid costume, black velvet toque. Mi's J. Baxter, dark coat and skirt, modish hat. Mrs Hendiry, smart .winter toilette. Mrs Halstead, khaki costume, black velvet hat. Miss HaJstead, dark costume, black hat with white ospreys. Misses Baflph, dark costumes, black > silk sailor hats. Miss Tappe, brown costume, blue hat. Miss —. Tappe, mole costume, mole and! cerise hat. Miss Dixon, navy tailored costume with kilted basque, smart little hat with wreath of pan-

eies. Mrs Stone, navy costume, blue and green hat. Mrs C. Ramger, dark blue costume, black velvet Eat. Mre Taylor, navy costume, black velvet hat wreathed with blue feathers. Miss Rae, grey costume, purple hat. Mrs Ryan, mole costume, blue hat. Mrs Wilkinson, navy bloie coat and! skirt, black hat. "Mies Dunn, dark costume, black hat. Mrs Hogan, navy costume, black hat. Mre Dacro, navy dress, cream coat, cream satin hat.

Miss Wheeler, of Milton Road, Mt. Eden, gave a, delightful evening to her numerous friends (over 60 being present) on Saturday last as a farewell to her second brother, who ia going to the war; there were also present six chums of his going to the front. Musical items and games were indulged l in, and everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. During the singing of "Tipperary' 5 a collection was taken up which, resulted in a. handsofe amount being handed! in to Mrs HudeonWilliamson for her ".Red Gross Tea" fund.

The reception hall and rooms were handsomely decorated! with bunting, the red cross flag being prominent. Songs were given by Mrs Leece and the Misses Sheila Kayes, and Wheeler; also Messrs Hayden, Rutledge, Honeycombe and Wheeler. Mr Graham gave a pianoforte solo and Miss Phyllis Wheeler, agedl 4 years, dressed as a red cross fairy, sang "Your King and Country Need You.' Great praise is due to Miss Wheeler for the manner in which she arranged such an enjoyable evening and contributing the proceeds to so good a cause. The boys for whom the party was given will long remember the pleasant evening they had give,n in their honour.

The members of the Girls' Realm Guild are ma-king a great effort to ensure the success of a big Red-Cross Bazaar, which is to be an Allied Nations' Fete, and is> to take plafe in the Town Hall on September 24-fch and 25th, in aid of our sick and wounded from the Dardanelles in the various base hospitals. The girls are meeting at each other's homes and working strenuously for the various stalls, but as the undertaking is such a big one they will be glad of contributions, such as plain sewing, fancy goods, woollen goods, flowers, ferns, produce, home-made sweets and cakes, music, books, magazines, in fact anything by which they make money. There will be a special stall for which, all of which will be sod or auctioned' on beihaf of the fund. AM oontributionis may be Sent in to Mr G. W, Bews, Ferry Buildings, Queen Street, Marriage's Homeopathic Chemistry (late J. Pond and Co.), Queen Street, or Piccadilly Tea Rooms, Strand Arcade. * * *

There is to be a, blouee competiitioo (entrance fee 6d.) 3 all blouses to be sieiit to Miss Bews, Seaview Road, by September 20th; a cake competition (entrance fee 6d), entries to be sent to Miss G. Mackay, London Street, Ponsonby, by August 21st. 1. Spongecake; 2. fruit cake; 3. sihortbreadi. Also floral table decoration (entrance fee 6d.) 3 entries to be sent to Miss S'neMing, Brighton Road, Remnera, by August 25th. Class 1, amateur; class 2-, open to nil. ; ® ® ©

On W*«hiesday, 28th July, a pretty wedding took place at Holy Trinity Church, Devonport. when the Rev. Young united' Miss Beatrice T. Moore, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Moore, of Paeroa, to Mr Wilfred: Maberley, youngest of Mr and Mm G. 'Maberley, of >?Ponsonby. Tho bride looked f very charming in her gown of white crope de ohine with shadow ; lace sleeves and high Medici collar;; her tulle veil was arranged as a ca|> and encircled with orange blossomsf and pearls. In lieu of a bouquet, she carried an ivory bound prayer- book with long white streamers of ribbon. * . .* * 's

Tho only bridesmaid was 5 Mise Kathleen Maiberley, who was daintily f rocked in white crepe de chine and lace and a becoming white tulle cap wreathed 1 with small pink roses, her

bouquet being of pink sweet peas. Mir 0. Tucker carried out the duties of best man in an able manner.

After the marriage ceremony the bridal party and gucete proceeded to Lane's Tea Rooms, Where a dainty and 1 bountiful wedding breakfast was served and the usual toasts were drunk with musical honours, Mr Maberiey (bridegroom's brother) supplying the music. Exceptionally good singing by Misses Oolieman and Maoredie gave great pleasure, Miss E. Colemaii playing the accompaniments in/ a finished manner. Later, t'ho bridal couple left oin their honeymoon tour of the South, Mm Maberly wearing a modish grey suit and a blue silk hat with purple fruit. * * *

The bride's mother wore a gown of black siTk voile, with waistcoat of floral silk and, cream lace vest, also a black silk hat with feathers. The bridegroom's mother was in black silk and a black toque Avith a black ostrich feather. Mrs McMahon was in a grey coat and skirt and a. purple silk hat. Mrs Moore, black silk, black toque. Miss Moore, navy costume, black velvet h,a,t with feather trimming. Mrs W. Moore, brown costume, black velvet hat. Miss A. Moora, cream costume, white silk hat with flame trimming. Mr,s W. Morrison, saxe blue costume, bkck hat with blue trimming. Mrs Geo. Malberly, mole costume, black hat witih feather. Miss I. Moore, navy costume, feathered hiat Mrs London, cream costume and hat. Mrs P. T. Kimg, nattier blue costume, hat to match. Mrs 0. Brid"-esi, navy military costume, black- beaver hat. Mrs Pellow, navy kilted costume, 'black hat with blue feather. Mrs Kimg, sen,r, brown, velvet toilette. Mrs McLaughlin, <>-rey costume, black velvet hat with white feathers. Mrs Kelly, navy silk dress, cerise hiait. Mis® Oolenvan, navy costume, black velvet hat with tall'white mount. Miss E. CoTcman, cream costume and bat. Miss Macredie, blue dress, cream coat, sailor hat. Mrs H. _ Maxted, navy costume, black liat with white feathers. Mrs Miller, navy costume, black velvet hat with white feathers

<@ ® © . Ponsonby Bowling Ohib held a progressive euchre party, followed by a damce, on Wednesday evening of last week, in the Jervois Hall, when the members, their wives and daughters, and the letter's gentlemen friendte patronised the function well, for the object was the raising of funds for the hospital ship and Avo-pnded soldiers who are so nobly fighting for -as. Both financially and socially the evening was a pronounced success. The affair was well managed by the hon. sec. of the club, Mr 0. J. Bllailoe who made a capital M.O. for tlie dlancrng. Mi Veal, ppesidfent, liolped to manage the enolire, and also distributed the handsome prizes, the winners ot which were: Mrs Oprnes (Ist), Mrs Connolly (2nd) ladiree'. Mr G. Bell (Ist) and Mr Ellis (2nd) gent.'s.

Among the ladies present were: Mrs Maxwell Walker in a white satin dress with ninon tunic arid wide wreen corselet belt. Mrs C. H. Jones wore black velvet with a pmk and a crimson rose in the corsage. Mis W Manning was wearing white satin and ninon. Mw BiHinßton, black ninon over satim. Mise 0.. WUwhite chiffon, taffeta, floral pink niiion tunic. Mrs T. Billmgton wore white satin, ninon tunic. Mi s Warnock wore cense ®a*m and a black satin cloak. Miss — ANainoak, cream satin frock. Mrs. CopeLnd grey broche silk. Mrs Myers, pCple ninon. Mrs Thorbmrn, black H Mrs Oldhain, black silk. Mr Chris! Bottrill, black crepe de chine. Miss Bottmll, cream silk frock bine coat with black trimm Sg Mrs Adams, .black mlk. Mn W Arey, black satin, gold beaded tunic, fire E. Harkfoe, black e dress, crimson cloak. Mrs A. Snedden, black velvet gown. #

Mrs Dewar came in black satin. Mrs Black, grey voile. Mrs Smith, E ooat oVer aoi evening dress. Mrs Sbh blue coa* over an evening mL GoMuwter, black satin,

crimeon roses in corsage. Miss Carter, black satin ooat with, pale blue satin lapels over an evening da-ess, cream lace collar. Miss Burton, black satin and laoe gown. Mrs Bryant, grey eilU. Mrs Swales, blue silk Miss Stella Swales, cream frock. Mrs Wright, black satin dress, grey cloak. Miss Eileen £nley, pretty frock of pink crepe de chine, white satin cloak. Miss Eva Scott, pink satin. Miss V. Owen, white net over silk. Miss Aileen Owen, white satin and lace floral sasih. Miss Vorran, white satin, yellow satin tunic, white hir trimming. Mrs A. Coutts, White satin. Mrs Schischka, black velvet. Miss Greshiaim, black eilk. Mrs Owens, black and , white toilette. Miss A. Brown, white lace frock. Mr® E. Oswald, white" dress, crimson finishings. Mrs Connolly, black satin,, floral nunon bodice. Mrs C. J. Bl'aikie, apricot satin diress. Miss Cohen, yellow satin and white lace. Miss Audrey McGregor, pretty little frock of pink floral voile. 'Mrs Harold Joaies, white satin. Mrs Matthews, white embroidered voile. Mrs Smethxirst, bronze satin. Miss Ivy Smith, rose crepe de chine. Mrs Comes, pink floral voile over satin. Mrs Bramley, pink satin. Miss Dorothy Snedden, dainty white frock.

Mils Brierly, of Mount Eden, gave a second Red Cross Tea on Friday last, and it was just as successful as her first one. Mrs Hudson-WiiTbam-ison was present, and! gave one of her entertaining speeches on the work of the Red Cross. Mrs Ramsey sang charmingly, also Mies McPherson and Miss' Conquer. Gwem and' Lois Brierly, Ada Morntha and little Zoe Margett®, drapedi with Union Jacks, distributed the afternoon tea. Two guessing competitions resulted in wins for Mrs "Gordon and Mrs Hamil'T, and the result of the "Afternoon" in money was £6. The hostess was attiredf in & satin gown veiled.' with ninon and finished with a ceruse ceinture. Mns Williamson wore a seal coat and violet toque. Mrs Kelly, black nwveilleus satin, picture hat. Misis Bal-lin, seal coat. Mrs Ramsey, smart cream costume. Mrs Passmore, bue dress. Mcsdames Martin. Slater, Mann, Norlmry, Conquer, Hill, Hegman, Margetts, Bawson, doueton, Lumsden.

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Observer, Volume XXXV, Issue 48, 7 August 1915, Page 8

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THE SOCIAL SPHERE Observer, Volume XXXV, Issue 48, 7 August 1915, Page 8

THE SOCIAL SPHERE Observer, Volume XXXV, Issue 48, 7 August 1915, Page 8