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Revised and Corrected PRIZE LIST.

Ist Prize.— Magnificent Oil Painting in massive gold frame. This is-a spier did' work of art, and would be an acquisition , to any drawing room in Auckland. It it, a study from life by M. Bertrano, the Italian artißt, the figure being a bandBorne girl. We value the picture at fifty guineas, and invite our subscribers to come and See it at the Observer office. 2nd Prize.— Magnificent Bell Parlour Organ supplied by the London and Berlin Piano Company (Mr W. H.Webbe, Manager). Here is a picture of it. You can iudffe of its value for yourselves — This magnificent instrument which is fit for the use of any professional musician, waß imported by the London and Berlin Piano Company. It was manufactured by the Bell Organ and Piano Company. Guelph, Ontario, and experts deolare it to be one of the finest instruments of its class manufactured. American organs have become very fashionable lately ; they are capable of so much expression, and both for secular and sacred mußic .they are ac- ■ knowledged to be unrivalled. And these organs are as handsome as they are finetoned. They make a most ornamental addition to any drawingroom, the workmanship, style and finish being admirable. The winner of this beautiful instrument may well be considered fortunate. And any tioket may win it ! Remember that, and save your coupons. Take care of the coupons and the prizes will take care of themselves ! 3rd Prize.— Magnificent oil painting in splendid gold frame. This iB a landscape scene, and is admirably executed. It is equal in size to the first prize, and we value it at forty guineas. Come and see it at the Observer office. 4th Prize.— Lady's Beautiful Dress Ring; of gold set with precious stones, manufactured specially for the drawing by Mr H. Kohn, Jeweller, Queenstreet. The ring is now on exhibition in Queen-street, and only requires to be seen to be coveted. sth Prize. — Magnificent Oil Painting of charming landscape scene, in massive gold frame. This is a companion picture to the third prize, and is also valued by us at forty guineas. Those three pictures are all by well-known artists, and their possession may well be envied by our subscribers. 6th Prize.— Concert Eollei Organ, which we have obtained from Mr Pinoh, stationer, of Queen-street, Auckland, who is the agent for New Zealand. TheEe are excellent mechanical organs of admirable tone. They areior all the woid like th c symphonia which we JK. m gave at our last drawing. Here it is : The beauty of these in- i&fiiSEßSgg struments is that a mKmlmSmm^lK child jan play them. Jkuß^SK| At£concerts, parties, brl'dances they Ear? KmHBHHMB simply invaluable. ■HfiSsHHSSfll They are extremely 1981^81819 portable, can readily HRSSHdIBh be conveyed from HUhMHilhb^Hb place to place, and - J^^HHhBBhSSi the selections which hohH^BhSSI they play are practi fiXHnßraSSi cally inexhaustible. Jo^^BaßfiSSSSßn These include all the !|^SS^SSH&M latest songs, marches f^PffSffl^i^BHpW danoes, &p. Ihoy W^^^^r-^^^ m are wonderful. 7th Prize. — Handsome pair of terra cotta plaques, hand-painted in pretty design ; New Zealand flowers. A desirable ornament to the drawing room Bth Prize. — 1 case (quarts/ Exhibition Champion Prize Ale from Ehrenfried Brothers, Queen-Btreet.

9th. Prjze.— From McLeod Bros, manufactory, 277, Qneen-^treet, handsome baby's

Show Eoom, Upper Qaeen-street. This, is a Bassinet Perambulator, fitted on four bicycle wheels and wired on rubber tyres ; elegant Bprings, handsomely^ I painted metallic body, with well; upI holstered in best Crockett's leather; best reversible wo<id ; brass joints, • cushioned seats, leather straps, brass handle levers, and .china handle ; really j '"" a splendid article. 10th Prize.— Cheque for two guineas. I 11th Prize. — Very pretty pair of handpainted plaques. 12th Prize.- 1 eighteen-gallon cask XXXX Ale, special Xma* brow, from D. Arkell's Gladstone Brewery, Newton Eoad, Auckland. 13th Prize. — Afternoon tea-set of choice design ; delicate sea-green pattern ; con-

and Co, importers ot cnroa, glass and earthenware, and may be Been at any • time on view~in the show window, Queentree t,' opposite Smith and Cauphey's. 14th. Prize.— Very handßome fcevel ed-glass drawing room bracket, about' 12x18, with pretty design, showing a spray o

New Zealand flowers, .chastely painted on the glass. 15th Prize.— Pair of, beautiful plaques, hand-painted. 16th Prize. — FrOH> W? iAnrolUr (opposite Bank of N.Z.), a handsome French (15 day) marble clock, inlaid with coloured marble and gold - lines. May be seen in Mr ; Skeate's win- ■ dow. 17th Prize. — Cheque for one guinea. 18th Prize.— Pair of hand-painted plaques, New Zealand flowers, in water colours. 19th Prize.— l eighteen -gallon cask of D. Arkell's XXXX Ale, special Xmas brew, from the Gladstone Brewery. Newton Road, Auckland. 20th Prize. — Handsome silver-mounted briar pipe, in case, with splendid amber month-piece. May be seen at J. W. Coleman's Hair-dressing Saloon, QueenBtreet Wharf, (opposite Roller Mills). 2lBt Prize.— A very beautiful, pair of oilpainted shells, New Zealand views, which are on view at W. Slaney's manufacturing jewellery establishment, Lower Queenstreet, Auckland. 22nd Prize. — Pair of terra-cotta plaques, hand-painted, in water colours. 23rd Pbizb— Lady's elegant silver Defiance hunting watch manufactured by !• tewart IKwson & Co, finest quality, full jewelled, horizontal movements. This watch has fine £ plate movement, is je«eJled in 10 rubies, and has a sterling silver case, elegantly engraved.

It is warranted by Messrs Sfewart Dawson & Co., Queen-street, in whose I window it may now be seen, i'or the information of subscribers in the country and other parts of the colony, we give an engraving of the watch. There it is, ladies, don't covet ! 24th Prize. — 1 pair of hand painted terracotta plaques. 25th Prize.— l case (4 doz. .quarts) Brown, Campbell and Co. 's Auckland Domain Brewery Pure Beer. 26th Peize. —Pair of pretty Japanese trays 27th Prize.— Pair of pretty plaques, New Zealand flowers on terra cotta ground. 28th Prize.— One year's subscription to the Observer. 29th Prize— Observer Christinas picture ' Ask Papa,' in neat oak and gold frame. 30fcb Prize. — 100 lady's or gentleman's visiting cards, with winner's name neatly engraved on them. 31st Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques: New Zealand flowers. 32nd Prize. — Eight packets of Brown, Barrett and Co.'s Colombo Garden Ceylon Tea which insures perfect peace in the household. 33rd Prize. — Cheque for half-a-guinea 34th Prize.— l Case (4doz qts) celebrated Shield brand India pale ale, : from R. Seccombe and Sons, Great Northern Brewery, Kyber Pass, Auckland. 35th Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques. 36th Prize. — Twelve months' subscription to Mears and Coy's. (248 Queen-street) t. irculating Library — containing 1800 volumes — a desirable prize. 37th Prize.— loo lady's or gentleman's visiting cards engraved with winner's name. 38th JfflizE.- Chromo. portrait of the late Hon. John Ballance, nicely framed^ 39th Prize. One dozen cabinet photos finished in V. W. Edwards' first-class style. Studio, 236 Queen-street, Auckland. 40tb Prize.— Pair of pretty hand-painted plaques. ' 41st Prize.— Six months' subscription to the Observer. 42Dd Prize. — Cheque for half-a-guinea. 43rd Prize.— Box of Turf Club Cigarettes, comprising prize coupons for current events. Harry Ellison, foot of Greystreet. 44th Prize,— Pair of prettily painted terra-ootta plaques., 45th Prize.— 1 case Watson and Murray's prize ale from the Eden 1 errace Brewery, Auckland. 46th Priz«. — Pair of lady's kid gloves. 47th Prize. — Box of Cleaver's first quality ' Juvenia ' toilet soap, invaluable for the complexion, . from Cooper's Victoria Pharinaoy, corner of Victoria and Hob-son-streets, Auckland.

48th Prize.— Twelve months' subscription to tbe Observer. . 49th Prize.— oase of grand hollow groukd. razors from the splendid stock of Thos. Samuel, Cutler, 162, Queen-street, (next to New Zealand Clothing Factory. 50th Prize.— Very pretty^ silk handkerchief. 51st Prize.— Pair of terra-cotta plaques, hand-painted, in chaste design. 52nd Prize. — Dozen opalette cabinet photos finished in best style from J. C. Morton's Newton Studio, Karangahape Road, Auckland. 53rd Prize.— Cheque for half-a-gqinea. 54th Prize. — 1 case T(4 doz. qts. Hancock and Coy's XXXX ale from the Captain Cook Brewery, KyberPasn, Auckland. 55th Prize.— Observer pioture * Ask Papa ' in neat oak and gold f came. 56th Prize. — Pair of lady's kid gloves ; any size to suit the winner. 57th Prize. — Pair of terra-cotta plaques; hand- painted ; New Zealand flowers. 58th Prize. -Eight packets of Brown, Barrett and Co.'s, Colombo Garden Ceylon Tea. Use it and it becomes law. 59th Prize.— Silk handkerchief. €Oth Prize.— Pair of prettily-painted terra cotta plaques. : 61st Prize.— Cheque for half-a-guinea. 62nd Prize.— l eighteen gallon cask of Extra Stout, special brew, frcm D. Arkell's Gladstone Brewery, Newton Road, Auckland.

63rd Prize. — 50 packets oigarettes 'Three Castles.' H. Partridge and Co. Tobacconists, Queen-street, Auckland. 64th Prize. — 3 dozen copies new sheet music, comprising songs, dances, and pieces from Miller's Fancy Repository, 110, Victoria-street, Auckland. 65th Prize. — Pair of hand painted placques. 66th Prize. — One of Stewart Dawson and Co.'s celebrated English hunting silver lever watches, unequalled for beauty, for strength, or as time-keepers, fine jewelled movement, extra strong hallmarked sterling silver case, gold hands

and sunk seconds. The retail value of this watch, according to Stewart Da wson and Co.'a catalogue, is 7 guineas. We offer it for nothing, for it will be our 66th prize. See in Stewart Dawaon and Co.'s window where it is now on exhibition, and if you cannot, above is a good engraving. Remember your coupon may win it. 67th Prize. — Here is a choice: Tou can have either a case of the famous Electric Blood Eenewer, containing one dozen bottles, and which is guaranteed to cure any ©ne of the countless ills that flesh is heir to; or one Speedwell Washer, the housewife's best friend ; or else one Tarawera water boiler, a clever invention for supplying boiling water in 35 seconds. Messrs McGlasban and Co. are agents for all these patentß. 68th Prize.— l pair hand-painted plaques, artistic ornaments for the drawing-room. 69th Prize.— Gent's superior silk umbrella with handsome shaded horn handle, silver mounted (hall marked), from George Fowld's clothing establishment . Victoria Arcade, Queen -street. 70th Prize.— Twelve months' subscription to the Obsebver. 71st Prize.— An enlargement finished in the now popular Eastman Bromide process value £2 10s. Coupon holders are requested to send in 7 days prior to prize drawing the name ol the person whose photo they wish enlarged. C. H. Clemens, Tuttle's Studio, 248 yueenstreet, Auckland. 72nd Prize. — 100 ladies or gentlemen's visiting cards. 73rd Prize. — Nickle- plated * Cleveland ' lamp, central draught, equal to 40 candle illumination, may be seen at J. and J. Dickey's, Furnishing Ironmongers, Queen-street, Auckland. 74th Prize.— l pair of hand- painted plaques. 75th Prize.— A series of swimming lessons at the Albert-street Baths by Professor Pannell. (Continued on next page.)

• (Contmiied from page 19:) 76th Prize. — Twelve months' subscription to the Observer. . 77th Prize, — Pair of lady's kid gloves. 78th Prize.— Silk handkerchief. 79th Prize.— Pair of hand-painted plaques . 80fch"Jtrize. — Rich Genoa cake, about 201bs specially made for Christmas, from A. Cowley's, Hygienic Bakery, SymondsStreet, Auckland. : 81st Prize. — Pair of lady's kid gloves. 82nd Prize.— Observer picture ' Ask Papa ' in neat oak frame. - 83rd Prize. — 100 lady's or gentleman's visiting cards, with winner's name. 84th Prize. — Pair of terra cotta plaques , prettily painted in water -Colours. 85th Prize.— Six months subscription to the Observer. 86th Prize. — Beautiful canary and cage, a nine present for a lady. From J. Walker, Florist, Fancy Birr) and Poultry Dealer, Queen-street, Auckland. 87th Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques, New Zealand flowers. 88th Pripo.— Silk handkerchief. . 89th Prize. — Pretty art basketware flowerstand, of very tasteful design, from C. • W.. Goodson's, London A.rcade, Queenstreet. 90th Prize. — Cheque for half-a-guinea. 91st Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques. 92nd Prize. — Sis months subscription to the Observer. 93rd Prize..— Twelve copies of the Observer Christmas edition. 91th Prize. — 100 lady's or gentleman's visiting cards. 95th Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques. 96th Prize. — 50 packets ' Three Castles ' Cigarettes. H. Partridge and Co., Tobacconists, Queen-street, Auckland. 97th Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques. 98th Prize. — Six months' subscription to the Observer. 99th Prize. — 2 dozen assorted Sheet Music inclnding latest songs, dances and pianoforte pieces. From Miller's Fancy Repository, 110, Victoria-street, Auckland. 100 th Prize.— Pair of charming handpainted terra cotta plaques. 101 st Prize.— Set of three very handsome cut glass bottles containing Sharland and Cos. best perfume. 102 nd Prize. — Pair of lady's kid gloves. 103 rd Prize.— so lady's or gentleman's visiting cards. 104«-.h Prize.— l pair of ladies' or gents' Court shoeß from Sinnett's Boot Palace, Karangahape Koad. 105 th Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques. 106 th Prize. — 12 one-pound tins of Brown, Barrett and Co.'s UN-XLD Excelsior coffee. • Sure preventative against coughs, colds and coffins. 10? th Prize. — Subscription to Observer for six months. 108 th Prize.— Silk handkerchief. 109 th Prize. — 2 dozen best known songs in the world, with piano accompaniments. A choice selection from Miller's Fanoy Repository, 110, Victoria-street, Auckland. 110 th Prize. — Pair of hand-painted plaques.

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Observer, Volume XI, Issue 780, 16 December 1893, Page 19

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Revised and Corrected PRIZE LIST. Observer, Volume XI, Issue 780, 16 December 1893, Page 19

Revised and Corrected PRIZE LIST. Observer, Volume XI, Issue 780, 16 December 1893, Page 19