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(Continued from page 1). 50 P.EE CENT FOR KIRIKIRI. The ChalLrmam: The Kirikiiti road will nob be required uriess there is a. bridsre. O. Uhnistrie: The Borough should pay its share of the road a© well a& the bridge. Cr. Eaddy: I thank so too. The Slayer: Is the County prepared to accept Karikiri site to-day, if we agree to pay 50 .per cant oi' the total cost of bridge amid roads. Or. Batennsani: I've talked with, several PladinH ratepayers and they say the fiite has nothing w> do with the County Council and that the ra-te-ipayers should deoidei tihe site. The Mayor: Then why not submit the eates with th© eetiin.«utesl Cr. New-ma©,: If the Borough Council agrees to 50. per cetnt for Kirikiri, the ratepayers should hiave a chalice to vote: for i*Cr. Coot: There should be a differential rate. , Cr. Christie: That is to say the people omi the west wall have to foot the biggjest paart of tihe bill. With the Boroughs 50 tpi&r cent, 'ib is a. good proposition. for 1 them. The CJhaiknnain: But what about the Towers and Turua? The Mayor: We have very little oconideredi the 1 initermedEaite sites. We look on it as being between 2i sites. Kirilkiri and' PurM. lam not prepared to pay .anything 1 towards Puriri on your proportions. Cr. Bateoniam!: The Copncil might jmi, ac well say it will pay nothing 1 towards Kirikirii. The Mayor: If youi de, we'll know what to do. Cr. Mills: I would be sorry to put such absurdly disproportionate estin'<atei3 a« you suiggest -to the ratepay era. ! THE BOROUGH STANDPOINT 1. Tho Mayor: Why should both bodies pay moire for a. bridge either at, the Towers or Turua, especially when we are prepared to pay .lialf fixr a> cheaper "brad^le at K.Mki'.ri? "Thie Eopi Ferry Qcwraasiaion said distinctly that the. Thames Borough Council would have paid nothing toy wards the Kopui ferry unless it had agreed to be assessed!. It is quite oertajki) lajlso that if a,, Ctoanmiissian sat it woiuid Tw>b be liable for any ocaitribution ta at bridge. We come , here volurafcaa-ily «jipd pra^tic^^.^ke, you a gtilt of basf tjh«a ''-00$ '.; ofji.a >. ibridjgje, * for whiteta iwe could nioi assessed;- / ''[''■ ' ' ' .. Or. Adlanns: T#en .you are out of order to be herdiV , Or. Mills: H: sot, we are out of order in» inviting! tihemi. The Mayor: If -tine Thames County, .Council riis not prepared to accept a 1 |g!ift <rf 4r2i^ par siewt of the oo»t to bridge the Wadhtgui, you should cay ■ SO. -. |; ■ ''"' 1 Csf. Adams: Tne ferry .wall do for ! somie. time! The Mayor: Itl may do th© County , Oouiniail. I thinik we are making 1, you a Hberaß: offer, considerably more tham! w« expedtied' SK> inak©. THE COUNTY VIEWPOINT. i' ' ■ ■ '■ On. Blaitenaaini: It ajppears that the l Borough has made ujp its mind tha<t there is only on© site. The County L As a bit more oipemrminded, and is r prepared ta corasult the ratepayers. > It should gla to tHemi. - ; Or. Mills: If the Borough. .Council , takes usp that 'aitititudei, there is nothii ing ijo do but drop the whole busi--5 mess. I thiiinik we w&te justified in ex- , ipeoting a faSir oomitribu.tio'n ac fail' ac , Puriri. If their 1 (present atrtritude bad r y - been naaidt) clear before, tihere would hiave been 11101 aueed ta waste this i timie. ■■■■'" The Mayor v Last oonlerenoe each ' Borougih Couinailllor voiced hiis per--Boniail views. Since then we ha t ve dis (duasiedi the; .matter more idoncjisiely:. ! Could we dropi Puriri 1 CV. Adanw: No, Puiriri goes to th* i baJlot. The Ghiairmiaou: Your comfcributionis ] for Kiri£kii aod! iplaoes half ai mile ' or more up river are out of all pro portkm^ * Gr. Baitemiain): If tho Turnar bridge Tvould be of so little 'btauefit, it is cunioug that firing; tihe railway cut Tthames busilness peioipile paid £60 tic run a chair'-a-bainci coamectm'g witL \ Turua. «Cr. Eaddy: TurUai 'vi&is seteotecl *■; beoaiuse it is the oniy wharf oil th« I other eilde. I Or. Derrick: It seenrug the County Iquitie mdsimdeinsita,ndß oui position. *' Wo tihirak thjat 5 (per cent, 10, 15, "' ashjdi 20 would be fadr Borough allocations, for Puriri, Turua, Towers, " • and Kirikiri bridgesi respectively, : bui we are prepared to pay 42 i to get Kirifciri. ■ Cr. Mills: Theni I diiisagree with y<m as to what is ai fadr thing. Or. Baddy: Rather them have the bmdg;e Eumg 1 up, coiunldn't we settle ' ta3«" jrljte .thTJttugjhi the) ratepayers, "witihioiut ooimartiLttifnig ourselves to a settled aEooatioin!. • The Ctfoaiinniam;: Why do you drop ' iimn A 2 iio 15 pea' ceont in. a miile or 1 ®o». . ' The Mayor: We are prepared to jay for the site we fancy. A MOTION DECLINED. ' The Mayor: With the object of ' meeting you vr& are prepaired to eomimijj ourselves to 1 the engineers' percentages for iaßl thle bridges, al- " thiough they are inora than we think just. Tl&a GhiairmiaiQi: Then! thare's no chance of agreement. , i Qt. Baddy: Will you take & motioia to submit the sates to the rate-

payers without allocations? (Jr. Rowe: Or with the engineers' percentages. The Chairman: It wouldn't! be a fair thing. We don't agree with the engineers' fmudihug and fair ;percenr togies must be settled 1 before the ratepayers oan dhoose the sites. Or. Pemicik: If yaui thiink they are unfair, why mot Mate so publicly, but glive ratepayers th© chance to say what they think/ Car. Mills: No (public body should plaea protpuials before its ratepayers v-hiictli it thinks are unfair. Thai, would fumoirat ita saying; it was unfit to administer public aiTairs. : . DEPUTATION TO BOROUGH." The Borough Council again withdrew to reconsider the and while in am adjoining ixxjim a Gep<utatdon * of Plains settlers asked jpevnniissioa to intermw the Borough Council. Mr J. 0. Mailer saad: We have . been waiting all day for the result. < We heard your (proposals and . are surprised! $hat Itttney •were not <acoeipited. We realise the Borough.' Gomncdl is doting its best .to conmeot tha town and the Pflaing, and tihat •is what- we want. If the County Coun<£s dejCides tju vptctencSfaiiaalLy 'lift our town I's miles away from us, that kills our interest in. the .eehenae, { We ; wM upholdl a/njything 1 the ' Borough 1 , car. do to get Kirikiri. That, is the ..' diirec^b rwHjao to tihe IP^uQS-ajQd. we ' a«k you to stick fxpn, t& $. J ' Mr BucthaiDjain.: I^'^'pCTikajr^toi'be' 1" iuuch the sam& witih the bridge as the ferry. On. that occasion, we ouldn't iwrik' with, the, County, the body that should lhava looked after our interests.' Unfofftuinately tharfe has teen the case righ/t through, the piece and ia to-day. 'IThe. evidence atthe Ferry OoKMnrissdon - showed conclusively thati K<Jpu: or th-eneabouts was the quickesb route to their business centre for the people of the plains <as fatr iais Maraamairua, Patetongja, amid Nethertoni. Your oflEer wan a goodl one for tihe County. If it were looking after oiar interests, they would 1 Wave amafxpedl it up. Apart from cost, we wanfti the quickest sroute to Thames, so*tliati we can drive thefle and hack between mi>lkings. The peoiple on tihe western, side wouild pay more for at oonoieotidiiv Kirikari aaadl evem though the Borough Coumctl increased its share for other sites we would turn tihem all down, ©sceipt Kirdikiri. The Mayor: We stood firm on Kirikiii. Fifty per cemt is not mucixj for the returiir. I Mr Hale emdiofrsed ail that the :&*m l-.hi&4M>>^]- .... •■■ > .. I /Mr J^rDi'MiMe*: It is well worth hamgiihg up the eah«mei rather than putting the bridge io. the wrongl place. : Tbafc kali- it for 25 !jeam. y ' . ...Mr Budharaami: If it must go anywhere elset tihani Buiirikiri we would sooraer sea dlti at Pufiri y beoauße it it ware too. sinteair Kopu, it wouldkill our chaihice of ' *» ; bridge near 'theniev- i,.\\yy;-, >,;.-,. .., ; . Mr Hale: The Orongo.putTc.ha6e rheanis a UiargeT: subsidy for Kirikiri than any other sdte. THE CONFERENCE ADJOURNS. The oamfereaae resumed and the Couni6y Chainmaw aowiouinced that tine County ptrojpoaails for Borougih conttributionß were as follows: Kirikiri 50 per oenit, Tiowerfli 35, Turua 25j Puriiri 20. The: Mayor satdl that after ooai.siideration the Bosrouglh had agreed to paxjpoirtJions .&& follows: Kirikiri 45, Towers 20, Tmrua. 15, and Puriri iv per cent. The. Ciiiairaiiatn!: We are prepared to' put the sites to thei ratepayers, oa our figures, but not oni yours. Th© Mayor auggiestedl that there seemed to ho,pa of settling; the matter tihat night, they rihooild adjouirn to donsider 1 tH« posatioa. Cr. WAh: la the event of you agreeing to our oomdiitiom!, the Clerk will imimedliately take a referendum on the sates. ' . The Chiainnain!: r We 1 .are quite prepaml for aj fuirther .confeir^ince. The County Caufnidil dexaipledl' -tiha* the Charirmaini, Cra. Cox ; apid:{Mills should d&fhm tib® naitingv „ area.

The -policei amd the Mental Hospital authiooitdes in; AuoMajnd are omioe 5 agaami on the hunt for Joseph Thoma® i Ghiriataie, who an Friday made his , second escape likmh the Menta-l Hosy. pltal within the weefc, and somei think likia Ma fifth e&cnipei from legal custody within the past few years. 1 Tihe escapeef is a dangerous pea-son : to 'be afl largle, chiefly because" he; is no resiptctor of profperty, with a spec- ■ ml fancy foa? mlortor oaa-s, motor cycleß, ainidi (pusib bikes. Otherwise) he is a pllausibla and pdeasaanfc comipainr ioa, amd a ready oonversatioiniailiist, with ai mamner caJ^olated to ixuspdir^ confidenioe, and hlapdy in removing • suspoionia as well m proiperty; of a. rrjowaible oharaoteir 1. His latest escapade is cth(araciteaiLstio in tihe 000 l resourcefulness displayed, and con- ■ tains more than a touch of humour. , He wais atppaieiheaided £m Aucikland 1 and taken to the Mental 'Hospital, but beanig left by himself iini tihe kitchen, eaoaiped again andi is at large. SANDER AND SONS EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. The unequalled remedy for colds, influenza, chent complaints, head ache, aeoutclgia. ;ndigeetion f rheu* matigm. SANDER'S EXTRACT, the surest protection tiom all intectioes, fever, diphtheria, meningitis. SANDER'S EXTRACT, the great healer *»t burns, wounds, ulcers, (sprains, and skin diseases. SANDER'S EX j TRACT, proved ait the Supreme Coort of Victoria io contain antiseptio and healing substance not. present in other Euoalyptiv preperxtks?* try tibsan?-—Sold, enrerywhere.

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Thames Star, Volume LIII, Issue 14004, 1 October 1919, Page 2

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WAIHOU BRIDGE SITE Thames Star, Volume LIII, Issue 14004, 1 October 1919, Page 2

WAIHOU BRIDGE SITE Thames Star, Volume LIII, Issue 14004, 1 October 1919, Page 2