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• - . . .'.,'" ■' ' " . • „»»♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ S WE'RE TALKING ABOUT 8 I _JL *»T_.i 9 TUB FROCKS NOW 9 |b| SALE j S * n ♦ BpSLAfft^**- • t n The kind that stand washing. That can be rubbed, rinsed, and II \ ♦ /%XT T II starched, and look as good as new when dry. These are what we ._g + X pg^fe£*#fili f Ir^ A 2 call Tub-Frocks. They'e dainty enough too. Very smartly cut Q £ ra'^^JkiP ■ £ W and just as cheap as Direct Importing lets us sell them. M T ll^'-^l^mM^ X H Now these goods are late- Much later than we expected. II _* I feß^t^fl — ■-—"*kt J" h ty - - II t I liW • ■ THIS! ♦ II tf_H?2t —TV* But you won't blame it when you see how the Frocks are priced. II I W^PSf —»——— — T U *^"4L__P^ Just the keenest prices on record JJ I li&3 2 _____T^' c wan-b *° sell them out NOW while season is young Ship- II X I * Iw^k (M&l GuSJ X n _H_fl__ ments of new goods are crowding upon us, and we don't want II T I "*%^|B^* Iff.) QSn X || them to accumulate We must get rid of them Hence these prices _J" T _p X 25 It 3 the chance of a lifetime to get Cheap Washing Frocks You'll Q # '" ; ' x O never get them cheaper - M + The Value, Out, and Finish of our Suits interests m DV WHITE MUSLIN BLOUSE OOTUMES, Plain Skirt and Shirt U t ™U dl°S3ed man ta ThameS* £ Blouse neatly Tucked BAI ** X Tlli3 a POsitive easily provable fact 1 X O _BF fll ' ' MA We've got the goods— and the values leave you I_P ■j COSTUMES—Ooat and Skirt made of dainty Ootton Poplin M- Xno choice but to come and buy I X _H m Plain-tailored style Colours—Grey, Saxe, Brown II x -— —■ a. C^ J| Oream White 16/6 ' R ♦ We offer you the most Marvellous Values in Hats, g fia A^fiw ta «UW. U, k 8 ♦ Men's Suits, SMrts etc, obtainable. - 3 Bargain II X You can prove the truth of this statement any day I ." H ♦ from 8 am, till 6 p.m, O „W HERE the GOOD vai^Tare* Q t COME ANDG^^UB^OUTFIT. H ETH P | L WMIx ONS ™!mTP »=- I I W. S. WYLIE 11 ruLL g J High Class Goods at Low Prices o OEaoKaoxaoEZOEaocaoEaoEaoisiOEaiOEaoEaoEac »»»>>^^-£»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ______^___ * ~~ ~ ■ ; ' '0 - . Tiff1 * iff*"— *r -rf__Ljßhurincj-BKj_D-u__K_Bl_^k_^kj^k '■M. I YNCH I AN WOOD b KEAIiISING Sfllit JHra x , *.*——*.. i I IVJL lillYVjlll UNUSUAL _____________ _I ) *l(l_ HSScjK// When a big store rips Oc- \ I Draper* Costumier I -----1--—--_»- >-_________-_________- ----^--- toberoff the Calendar, it k L, 22SS_2S=: I SAVING IN : is : xn^^^^w^^ I ready to wear costumes. Still Booming! Still Booming ! mmfiyjr Im epici pat eparatiOMare Money savers every one of themrbought them at a big - ___, V_HHKavIL frtTTPT'CI fftTTRT'd * discount We knew they were bargrins—we under- .- M\l\\u\\ffi'lSli\ J W *•*.»• WWUIV* w. | ■^ISffiJUj^aWSia^^^^ The following Bargains now in stock, and tpfe^V^y^tU^ E no two alike At their usual prices from 2bs 6d to C ii : «. T> „ ;J 1 '^IBrp^ helpful store, these suggest 69s 6d, they are splendid value; yours the benefit at the oel.ling ■ KapidlV tions are attached— * wonderful low prices from 16s 6d to 39s 6d They are - »" HOLIDAY COSTUMES in I in white cream, champagne, and helio •■ mmawmmmßMßwawMmmimm ■ BM FfIDT V i mds&b Linen, White Embroidery, dc ► SOME OF THE SNAPS | Tennis Shirts 4/9 ■ itAKLY 3 ?^H Mnslin- . I In white linen, coat correot In champagne poplin, short coat S now 3/6, Men's Tweed § VIOIT <B n JNiliW^ BLOUSES in Muslins, f length, square cut, revera slight- squaro out, cuffii and reyers fin- B Trousers 8/6 now 7/3 H6r B 2 jl|i\>7 Cambrics, or Silk; the finest h to hSoSnen, coat fashionable 1 . \\ f I dozen, Turkish To wels 10* | iO BBBJimiAij «! I»J11| SMART READY-TO-WEAB t lfnX^ecut'panefof self °;« a?nt S ■ now B*d., 1/- now 9d, 1/3 1 < HH' HATS trimmed with broad P ribuk^ Chri€r fls^i B h^ Xrd^«hd eJnt?cr ao nss ß a | now lid Table Damask 1/6 | To Secure the PPHI scarf Ribbons or Paisleys. J b?atded b,U^sk^r|llaildffi 6( ? laiD sMrt pleated back« 1 Sow Vfo' ¥S^ P^tYr 'pil ■ S I^^H PABABOTJ3 in Silk and Cot- f WsOd / . 18b 6d- a now 1/10, New -Peter Pan | rest j I hSmEm ton, dainty designs and smart > '- *** »»»ir«T^^,-r t —^t'<-vf> t *-*t • Collars aud Fancy Neck- ■ • xjaai {JffvSEm handles «**«»' w i SEE GtJR WINDOW DISPLAY ■ ware. New Hosiery and I < 7 Lffli mows wort? T.nnnir t Then Step in and Examine them, you won't be | white Fabric Gloves all f of the i ', \Wmk wm^?fh O ?^ E 'ii&^ll?o^" ► '/k^he^^uy J semng^a^ly at realisa- | « y^Ri Xs^2^KS£ fiSLfc I • -■-- •--■■■■■^^ ■ ■•■- •- '"""■■ - - -JJwJ^a^MJ BARGAINS. | (yl^fe^ SMasSSffi , ■. " -;: - . • m* j i/^H^^/Fw railway rates are reduced | GENTS' MERCERY ~=S ' RORRBT W-OOD 1 WB t We hare now opened, up a splendid rang^ of Neglige and Xan-.o 1. W/.JJI-iAw X T? V^V^J^>^ 'S^&yH B]'? 6 8^l fe t E Shirts in Stripes and y leading ©olouringß.—The pricefi are in har- „„„ PAW TIRAPPR POI T FTST ST-RWWT I' I vmir qi^t tn ?n v Select f mony. with the talue. Price 2s lid to 5s lid. THE CASH DRAFUifI, fOLLM BTEEBT ] fc, W your suit to-day » HATS—Pocket Felte in all the latest shades and qunlities. Hird _ 7 |^ - { POITPT At C Felts in narrow and broadbrim;. Strawi Boaters, Brazilians, and - 4 v^V/UXvX vv Ov/Xi j^ genuine Panamas in the-newest shapes. . OTTR . Thfi KlUff Of TOIIiCS '■ S DRAPERS, ThamAQ J NOVELTY HANDKERCHIErBOXES in^a variety ____ / i 'wS3£HB& of designs and materials for chddren and lady's Xmas BEEF "—")#~*- / " presents ■:,:,- : : : : : *****-* Beef Nourishes . JT3 A' I " Li'O Draper & Mercer TPOW Tlww "^^fr f^OT" :r^-~~~7~r^^T7: .- ==**i^g^ . ±DJ^ X JZikDj Pollen Street XXIV-riH Wine Stimulates ,-. r"- -^^^-.... , , ". :- ■ --—-r= -^ ■'; . : -^^-^-~-•-—•» AND WINE This combination is now re- 'XMAS IQII 'XMAS = ,' . ' i •■ ____ _, . oognised as the finest tonio, <fc tvn/ a r> „,l r . _ ; To the Travelling Public § GREAT _ ' (BONGAKD'S) XMAS IQ.II XMAS & those who contem- MONEY ' | valescentoases. . \ plate a Holiday Jaunt SAYING It promotes Digestion, improves the appetite, and gives ' ~~£~s' -^ . ENTERPRISE I • energy to the entire system. WE CLAIM OURS TO : /ffi3^ s^HfsgßsL? -ms h r?. rr*™ 1 vs>eo.l9ULLh«N oG (90. /ffl //// ' We stocik all household require isputup m large bottles 4a 6d each. Get a bottle now, - . • f23 9sL/ > w ..w.wa. a« . u«uo«a«.iu «^ui-<j d build your system up, before tLa hot weather sets in. _______ - riCi' ■-ii menta-.-and all ciders are executed —r -_-'■-»- . >Lv--_ x/^, _ ___. (%^> uii'let the personal irapervision of A A./ I—l,ll^^ll^' A R H raST b^^lo**_--^ our manager, v: . VV . I >V_7l >l IX /"\ |l I J . W — New Potatoes arrivicg daily and rMFTKyfT^T 1 THA'MR'Q * • ' " i selling at lowest matfkiet rates. OJrIJ-MlOl - iriAMliS> ' ! JAMES RENSH AW» Ha-e you tried, our machine-sliced __ =_ __..___,_ . „ , „ . \ VrbWAKE MERCHANT, : --|j^m S^ re G oOD OLD SPRING MEDICINE W^ust^xne^tr i We?aL offering.a B pmal Une of I very generous support, and beg to . ; T «. • o i j-j a t-^t -Fint<x>l'AfH Pinko Fa^torv Butter New blood—pure blood, rich in color and fall of red corpußcles, IlOtliy tnem tlLat tiiey are now better ; £1 tx: stsz entof fflfi: jmsi. £- p js^tasssfe*ta system thoroughiy oieaneed of assa^sir^ to cater for thelr Bamboo Hampers and Suit Cases This butter is of raore texture and y ' ' ' ' - ' m:. t ..;. Ntl j TOillnw PiVtiid Baslcets rnshiMßS and delicious flavour. We That's what you need this spring—free yourself from the con- ■ ■ ■ CtL^JdCl^efe| thoroughly recommend it. ditions arising from an indoor life-gather renewed energy and r ttrtgaSSaS^ o~^ fines M goitg at lowest -gor for the conung summer months. Q H QHfIPPFRS Bamboo liiuntoh Bags, Pricieß «»—istemt with our m<rh a BOTTLE OF I UU UllV/JT I -Wll V_# •. «*•/« «4-y> iitandard of Quality. ■ 80^ P^^niiff^.S SPRING SARSAPARILLA SHOP NOW! ! I ■T ';*/ oiol E*P. Ware defies ctompetitioo WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE NEW . ■'■-; ■:■■-" Soime of our crockery must go to _ o/_r —AT ■ U ' ' '"■ make room for our direct shipment* 2/O — er —'Ottie ■— _J/0» « which are arriving for Christmas, so :.§- ; —-- — '-.-'--,-_. _^"^"W T X "W ~~~"V ~_ T • -*"^ T, T/NTTT we are offering BpeciaJ bargains dur 0 H CHEMIST, f^\ I I I I—H M Q i» the time to purohiafce your : 'Phone S!2. r^r^. ■ >XKAS' ** WALLACE & CO- Thames Fishfermen.; EOBBBT BATEMAN, ~ l as we hate just landed an un- UNIVERSAL raOTIJMSHS, Co-operative Society BUTO HEE . i-^^^o-.* m^ usuaUy larg^! aseortmeat of POLLEN ST., CENTRUM, AND . .J . J N«hM« M. OEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Important Notice. LATEST DESIGNS in Renv Branches Ewrywhere. LimiteQ' ,"r , , Q OF CHOICEST J. OmnoUy has purcha_9d the brandt, Bayreuth, Poland and - — —— — m , -Mow.Wa-.f~ No Increase will be made by me FBTT IT ' butohexy bunne— at Qn_u_n«Shen<3hina, White Lilian Ware, ■ Wholesale Fish Merchants. in the Prioe of M eat until due notice .. „. **. Litti,., T« wn town from Mr J. Bt-tlie/and Gilt Glass. Hand Painted Fruit _ r^_PW?flPr~l~P l~rTH~l w_«-l^_Lm-r '■ is giren. The Barne old prices prevail. Absolutely the Best m the Town bx>pe« for » oototbuaifce o«-p. . Dishes and Plates, Vaaes, Flower KB^*JWHK|KlJ'^Mijla[M WiESH TQ NOTliri We sell the #At Our New and Up-to-Date Shop port. , _ Bads, ta, Bedroom, T«a, and HfEli_ffl_sß9Rßß Ifct % h«W awpaori^uinMii IRIMEST BEEF, MUTTON in Pollen street Only Hart Beef, Mutton, and Dinner Ware, Cutlery, ELP. Jam rWlMffl' |f tr^ 1'UW ~hWail -their n— pnmiM, Queen^ St., ph^K aN D L Ali B X) TiTTHRNT-nW SmaU Good* Steekad. Spoons and Butter Knires in ad- |(R___3-SSfri__3a^^| Thaima,atod tras* with itriet at- «••»*■ "" it . TH U X -JS IUJS , Familiea waited oTl^onleH. tZ,^. GmeraA mm >mA _HS__|___i_SiH' ■>^>>'^te^ t rmffwrvTfv SEE F^MHHi •wv A-^^ *m^£3L. ou.wi.dow™,™, * ■ Everyone ***«?™^^ - Jl^l^t^JA HBNEY LOWE, . OH^AMBNTAL PRESENTS, ■ Fie_ and Smoked Fi_ Daily. .£. £. GILLMAN becoming «-reer erery day. Ik a Pork and Family ——• ■ »!*•* «nti h«« • chance. — , feu poaohr jhd to hart ihoei to mawh "J New Season's JXmas Fruits. Spictes ■ *_**Sg_? Mi' b*TS3iB Telegrapbie addrew: "Floumkr," *m».|lllßbT he frock, and nowhere can you Ibid . . -OUtCner, Efaois, ttc, ate dyie in a fewdays. | "oSirtuni^ <ta_crib- Thames. King op No. fl. PAEROA 'Phone No 12 a more fashionable range of coloured POLLEN STREET : THAMEB co hato your orders re^dy, as we ex- ■ ins ctaarfr this «en«—ua W. A. CETQAT, Seoimtary. , . _nd smart stylish shoe* than at WUae* to notUy bit cuttomm a_d the pect a shortage of Bypplies.- ■ offw. ____^ Branch Offices • Hawket**. Follow the fashion of the general psbUc that on a_d alUr _X of WM. WOOD & SON- i HEMJmWAT+KOUXrSON, ~ " Thames, Te Aroha, Waiiu and moment jit can be done at little ccmt AugMt .o «Ua cb»tg. will b. „_. f „ iyMECF IMPORTING MERCBiAiv'Ta 1 ~^"■"■»^'~T No coupons given with' Royal Stan- Morrineville. "f!J y TT t T»r~"T^« !_•„ . „ '♦ Mi-a.'C^raU-? STREET. ' 1 ■^■Wii««2tt^ dMfl' Tpbacoo? .The ii^cepw-t to W^ H AWKES «_.J"JETST :^ ""^ -** _^«-_-i_if^'- «n; fcßMliilJMiiimdi n^^^^ BootDwlor . Thain* "__^tLow* EWuUi_ed 1576. 'Foim 80. _-,_^«*»—. geUs xt.—«Adrt. . Adftrtumf does p»y. I b«t~~I „ IQUjMf It

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Thames Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 10129, 11 December 1911, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 10129, 11 December 1911, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 10129, 11 December 1911, Page 3