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Bowling Tournament.

"—*r" Mil 1. EtoßN 1 WINS CHAMPIONSHIP. (Per United Preim A«fooiation \ AiUCKLAiND, .-April 24, , Tire Blaster BbwiHuigl Tournaiment is colncludled. Mit. >Ed:en defeated Ponsomby and woai. tShe Chiaimpionsihip Shield. • , ■

Callil 01E Id ,pQi: share made 'by Rfl>» Durtor GM Co., payable on 11th, ol May. . ,' /. '

fllh« annual imeelting of iibe' Oity Football Club will be iheld at the lifl'perial Hotel .tomorrow ait> 8 p.mi.

A 1 meeltitng 1 of the aharehbldeita of the Kaiiaeraingai 'Dairy Cbnupainy will, be LeM asii Fbina.w«i da Tuesday, the 2'Stib mat.

Tihe first, practice nitotcli of tSi© seasom dta conneicition with; ike> Hiuiai Hocikey Club will be h»H at 'Paawai. ito-nnomrow afternoon.

/ Notice is giiven in anothen' oolumn tJbart/itihe Thaiin.'es 'hockey fißiaeon will open ait. Dodd'a Paddock to-morrow at. 3 p.imi. All playei's are requestedi to attend.

The annual meeting of tJie Thames Rugby Union, will be held in the Junction samlpile rooms to-morrow evening ait' 8 o'clock.

IM ooirreapoaiilein'fc froini Kiuaotaniu ift' foi'mtei us ittia* prospecte oror there are miuchi Ibrdlgjhiber inotw ithiam *h.©y hm& been for some time. A good deal of peggingl out' is going on, and: to all atp|peiatra/noes a ireiviLVai' in: tihe mininig indiuftltiry disi lifcely tc* take pi%|ce (iibirtly, TvihliiciL is Ibadly needed.

The furniture sale■., *oQtid,uat«d 'by Meissms Read', Gillesipio and <3c>. ait! tibe reaidenoe of Mr T.* -!Ai. Dwniop, iPairaV wiai, yesterday, was one of the most sulccessluil yet held im thiis diisitiricfe AH ike furniture realised good prices,' the mqititled.kauri silde-bO'aird bringing 12 guineas, \vihile the nxiiwoir wae passed in 4t'6-'guineas.

!A1 scaisei -was called'oa-'Uhiis morning under Ithlei Dea(fcitUt« Persons Aict. The infoirmanlb "wtoß callled,-Wt did not appear. Mix- Joiidian, Clerki of 'tike Court, explained rthait the defendant (who allao dlidl nolt appear) -was serving a sentence in giaci. The'caise was adjourned ito Itlie 1-Mi May, '%y whiifcihi ti'uie," Mr Jordan explained, <Hthe defendaint would! piro'lbajbly be , out of gaol."

- Mm Flortinice iScoitlb :wtais 'trying .to.. board a ear on Wednesday nigihlb wiben a moiani'selbow stifudk tar'.in-the cluest. She -ma- fcnoiciked 'backwards, yvbbU tfhie .pesuiTit tliat isihe hurt her spine eligfhltlly. Dr. Gillon vrm oadedl amd ordered her to title hiosipi'tal 1. Nb serious injuries resulted ifrom the imifla'aip amd ilb is expected that after a few dfiye in tihe hlo'Sipi'tal, iMiisiS .Sboitttl ■will 'be quite .restored to health I.—AubMand' correspomdeat.

Mr Jacques, tihe Government canning expert, speaks vteiy ' euiccraragJrigly wtfth inference to/till© fruit growing ilndusitiry in. the Kloa'tib. ctf AiuoManidi, bat ragiißita that -iitJ bias aiiad© st> .little p-no-gress during- the past' itimiee yewes. He says tlhiait ■wondenf.u'F, possibilities lie wMiin ito reach of '&& Nortinerneira lif itlhley wUI Oiuly ajpprieciate ifck'am, and as few "wli'oi Wave gone tin, for orctording'can. tiestdfy there is moQey to be made in thia imdtaatoy. ' . ,

Ow Piaei<oia (mtfeteipoadenit writes: "On the eve of IM miaroiaige Mir W. Soreinseni was eniteoittiin'ed iafti : . a srudke ooncerjß ia tihe CtoinlmeiiicMuL' Hotel. Theme was a good aibtendiaince, a«i p Mir H. Bush, ptiesddied. 'During the evening the dhaikimanii .proipoeed til© toast of'the guest of the evwiiiOg, amd witelk~ ed Mr Soreaneen and his bride every p-iibtsjpeird'tiy in their wedded Hie. Mr Sarensen was lMiosenited with a silver cruet and a set. "of cutlery, and he responded in auittelble term*

T!he case in. which: a loical horse trainer, Hughes, is piroceeding again»t Henry Dann, was called on at the laeail count, itiliis. mioitoiiiujg. Mil- Qendon, who appeared' for the piliainitliff, atalted tliiaifc ihe /wats prepared to go on with. the case:, ibuib Messrs Alii»on, aolioiltoirs olf Auckland, wlice appeared lor itfie aefendlairity did not k,cow tlhalb His Worship (Mr iNbrtfeciro'ft) would sit on. itihat daiy, amd an adjouiinimenit was therefore asked!-for.: !Hfe Woaiship" adjbuirnr ed the fuiit'her Urtairing 1 of i\':e case until the IMi of .next monitfo. This ibasflset soKxall' at 'Mercury Bay din aid of itlhie Hdapitall 'Funds wais a girealfc isnUqoees, toefbweetnJ £60 and £70 "toeing ireaililuetd toy rtte sale oif 'the foasfoete. Thia ladips whjo had Itibe m'aJttor an diatnd aim^ta te .ooiinpliaienited' om til© energetic and iim®terf,y way in Tviliiiiah, itllilai wonkl was ■utndeirtiaikeiii. The faldb itihalb £5 was added to"thick- t<alkings tihd'ougih 'tlh©' of only one of fcheii" ibiaeifcetls yxuglaifc ito.;"'be a. .deoided inteenitiiive to ttHxem. Soane of the ladies uonneclted Tviftihl our lairgea: Ixostpitatlfe imligihlti .db wdll! .to ■amiulaite . tlieir exaaiijpilie'. (Sbys itte "Olhoeinvea-," aineinlfc a reKaent paiblgniaplh, tlboifc apipeajied in oiua: ool-uimin&:-i-<"G«(p/fia;iin Horni B^y/Ildou*, tine Tlhiaimies haaifclaviiitoaster, tetHs a fieli' ylaiiiQ tiliait will talke soaiie wiiiping omit. He ffaiyis 'tlhiaib in 1870 •wHien on' tfoie Goiveiininienit sltieaimer SLuiib, hie oaugliit a sdliiniaipjpai-: in 'Kapiileii snoadisteiaid i flfeMi -ffiaisi miOite ttom 4 feet kxng and. touirsnied Itfiie sfcfaile laiti over 561'b,- and thjajt it' fiiiilado a - splendid feed, •as dfcuiiiJtfjr an my lib Mk' Nlww iifc is AAle« Ailisoii's 'tan! tb-speaM Soia*eily tfliie Bamgijtoitb Reef is.uiotogKnitiig- tokniufoiEie 'undett* to Naipiiav rtoiadi'stelad, .oaf. h Ikiil JhyU'ji^ • prn^iMiiiig pWei'.^

Owe Wa/iilii cdiwspioinidenit writes:— •Mr George 'Sh, QsA Heart!,, i- late fi»eltiapu|ilg!iij|t! to the - Gdiamd Jianotdorai Cbttnjpianiy, died, at tihie age of 42 years. Mr Hea<rd, wlho was 'boita ila 1&65, wast a n|ajtiiW of Ooll'olilefejteir, '_ Essex, England, aadi mva® itjoi iNew Zealand in 1871. He hlad been ' employed in niieltailfa'glileail pursuits for sarnie years, hlaviinjg (been (foramiam of wonks at tilie %lviiia Oonnlpaniy's' balfctiery, Thiatmes-. •He ,wais 'om|p!ljoy«ed in tihieesipenimental lalblajtory elf \h& Oaisis'd G,ald 'E!st,rac : tSoui Coimipainiy, and was ail'teara'andls seat tro itihielitr Itelilinig: ipll&nlt ait WaM' ais fareimiaiiii. He wals afo battay maniager aib 'iU& Grajcie inline, Wait«lkianiT;, aad aib Waiioilongiam)aii. He was aipjpoiii'nlted to'thl© position of olwk amd aKtoauroltianHJ to tte Giiainid Junctlion mi 18 i 99, <amd -wias suibseqmient'.y uiidtaTl'Uii'.giist oa the eu'eWtdon of t at? battery, whlildh.'- pobditdoH: Hue liie'ldi unitdl Ills i'llruests oomipeled him to sever h!is oonnedtiijg'ni yMI .tihie oamipfany. He was a student ait -tihe Thlaiinies ScJiooi of "Mines, aimd iglaiinad Ms ceAifioaite' 'tOueite. 33Pe Weld tihle ,poteliltlibini of score-; taniy tk> tihie Waitti ,Fscttiioioil of Mines for admie coniaideiraWe (tliimia. He leaiVesa wife and one da-ulglbtteT 'tio 'm'ourh ihis death', .

Duiriin'g .tihte' laisfc ifiwelve tnon'tihs 137 CMnaimian. tave coiinie fb New Zealand, and the revenue gained £13,700 £tt>mi the pjolfli tatx tlbey paid.

Tthe Union iS'tieaiims'hip CJompeny'« ! fleet., aiccotidS'ng to tihe latent inciturn«, 'coin&ist'S of isliofty five •teamerg, of a totlal gross registfiT of 155,271 toais. , The laiiget v-eSefell is the Mairaimia, of 6437^0^3, and the smallest the Sqiiall of J69 Itong.

A coiwespqndeafc who' ihas just returned ifrom -ja"■ •yHsJt jto the- Piakoa'taftes iihalt tlhe iniuinfber of duiciks afotvufc at presienit i'sismiariar.itiliaitt' usual; He" eltata itihiajb scene imontihs aso they . were plenltifu'l, Ibub- 4iliafc ;tihey - (hawe* di:.Sa>p,peaired and: .izum"ooiw: to be. founH in' dilut&nlfc piaftts. fFhere hlas teieoi, a'conrndarable faijl-.. ing off m Ithe ibutder and dhieese ship- ] ■menlt® loir th!e ybtole 'E^omiiiaiwi; for tihe :j end of IMairdh aiud I>egin;iiiiiig of April, . aia e«mlpiair&d ■wft'h) Itihe oorpesponding 1 (period otf lftst; *yeajr. • Tfee dhnmtajge- is , aittirilbuifced 'to ibui£t'«r beilpg sitpred for local neqmramieinlt*. ": .V, •■' ■ i A party of. Bnglislh' •mining" speculators wad expertls. arrived (ini.Aiusfcralja a Tveeik ago Tviitih;' ifihie o'bjedfc of prospecltiimg ai 'numlbieir of l^ervv Soiuijh. Wale? oil' and Btale deposi-ta. • Tlhey ferouglh-t ' a staff of .mien with 'thteani. .'..,. ■-

Ota the way ifirtwni Oi«(itnw«ili..... to Clyde *he Prim© -'. ■Mfinfet^^ r:;c>dirriiaige •wajs feaii'leidl (tiy di^miiaaai,' wto■ stoodlvJ'by tlhe iioiaiSsid©, -witihi his \vjfe, and tiheiiieeiven dhildrem Ta'niged up alongSidie of ■theimi. Tihe pamanitist -walnitie.d toi Jorncnv ihiow- Ithiey could gelt their .children ed^ oatedl, see'Lng thalfc '■iher.&''-was no sclhvTal wkMn five miles of, fh'eir home. The Brim© Minister said tihe pixifblionii .wis a diffiieuiTt one ian.d tihe case; a deserriinig Sic, iithd te pir(ci(niiisa3"tioi'la,y!:itihi9 laidtlß; before tbei Hbrn. !Mr Fowi^Jei (Mlimisitiet'" lijif- BdiuicattionJ.^ei'Duneddri Times isaiys iikij&ith&i': mother, seemed isoinieiw^br-oongpied'-Vitfc tii:is grain'of comloi*,-; ..:'■■

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Thames Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 10399, 24 April 1908, Page 2

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Bowling Tournament. Thames Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 10399, 24 April 1908, Page 2

Bowling Tournament. Thames Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 10399, 24 April 1908, Page 2