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IKuirainuii .shares are asked fox 1 a.fc Its 3d There are buyers of Albur'nia shares at Is 6dMoanalaiaris! are easier. There are buyers at 2s 3dAi convent and sdiool will shortly i be erected) atl Mangawh;a.rei. j It was ten years on Saturday since I the wreck of the Wairarapa.. i Nelson is making arrangements to hold an industrial exhibition* Eblip'se''.shares have "slumiped" of I late, 2|d being now the best offerSaxon shares couild ibe placed at 4d, butp sellers hold! for a. higher figuir'qMiss E. M- Bell, of Thames, has been appointed a probationary nurse at the Waikato Hospital. Master V- Riokit sang, very, sweetly "He wipes a tear,' as an offertoriuin ait Pit. George's 'Gluuir-ch last night. . Jones, of iClhristehureb, an ex-clham-pion cyclist, ciomTii.itted suicide by shooting 1 himself. No clause assigned. A, glance at E'nsor Bros 1-' new advertisement will show that they are not to be .outdone in cheap cash pi-iocs-Bishop •Neligan 'pays his first visit to iCbromandel on Nlovemberl 27th, when he will administer the rites of eo'iifirmation. Victoria, shares! were in demand today and sold atl Auckland; up to 7d. Theire are buyers at 6id at Auit-iklandi and 7d at Thames. A] first offender whol was before tho local court, this morning, on a charge of drunkenness, was convicted, cau-!tio-ned and discharged. { pMjf J.- W. Inglis, of Paeroa, gave ian excellent address to the children :at the Presbiyteriam '.>(und:ay Sohool I yesterday afternoon, on '"Duty-"

A i£Joodl|y numbeii lod" employees, including many Thames: residents, are being employed at the various Anx miillsi on the Piako and: Waitakaruru. Memibers of the Tliauies Tennis (Olubl 'ai'e Hvlor:kinig eniergettioajlly on (hei iclo.ulrts|, wh|kihi shouildi be in splendid orfer by the opening of the sea'soto- ' Ai general meeting of tlie Thames Young Men's Clubi will be held tomloj^rowl evening. A|ll 'mem'.biersi and ihtlendingj members arei requested to attend). The Battalion Band hold an coctended i>roniienade next' ThutrsidayAn enjoyable evening shouldl be spent The price of admission for extended night isi Ist

Tenders close on Wednesday next at 10 at mi for variousi contracitis ad--vertiged by the Tliamies County Coun-' cil- Specifications may be inspecited at the County office)Tlie Hauraki Ba.nd played an enIjoiyaljlo: prograL'me (at tlho Hospital yesterday afternoon to the appreciaition of the patients; and the pu-b----lici igienerally. _ Riev^. Wni Tliompsoni, M-A 1, B,D, 'formei^l'iy miiiiiiater of S'ti. Andrew's Prosbyteriain iChurch, Sdviai, Fiji, has been elected to the Presbyterian Church in Ooromandel-

A 1 proposal for the formation of a New Zealand Association of Directors or Managers of Technical Schools has emanated from the Director of the Auckland Technical School. The testing of the joints of the tliird lowinoitiive of the ten to bo -tipinstjr.uiqtedl bjy IJfessrs A> |andi G;. 'I*Hl4p Wals( .proceeded wiith ito-'dlay, and resulted .saitisfactorilyTlie demolition of tho old Brian 'Bortii Hotel, which waisi recently purchased! by Mr T. Manning, i® progressing! rapidly, the work being carried out by Mr Saundbrs, Avho has been oommi&sioned iby Mi* Manning to erect two dwellings on the lattor'si property-

AJ yotu-ng man was committed at Blenheim, of ibettmg; totalizator odds, and wasi fined £10 withi £3 5s costs 1. Magistrate Kettle says it ia appalling that serf miuidb sly grog, selling should be going on in, Aiueikland City. He coiuldl understand it if it were in the King Country, but. not in the i city--I'ho inquest as to the cirtiunistanccs surrounding the death of George , Char nook, who was found dead at. j his ii-esidonce on Thursday, will be ' held .at the aourtho'use this afternoon >t 4.30-

Those in need -of nen.tJy fitting boots and -shoes should ;psiy a visit, to Mir M- Whitehead'si ostdblishmentr Mr Whitehead lias just -stociked a, splendid assortmien't and patrons can. be ■suitedl in. every requirement of footwear. Tlie sum, of £50 has been cabled to Missi Gertie Campion for inimedia.te. relief, while concerts are- to -be given in various towns td- raise more funds. Passages to. New Zealand also have been guaranteed for Miss Campion and! her sister from Durban.

I '"Every credit belongs to Sir Ro'tt. '; S'touj!-),"' .mid! .Mjrl S'ed'dion,, "'for tho initial !>-ttfp he took in regard to higher education in Wellington.' 1 Tfc would be for the generations to come (0 1 mark, their pride of the final that he took the first step, and that, six hundred youths now were enjoying tihait higher educationiNlo time is being lost by the management off jt-he destroyed Grand ! Hotel to put mat tors a. little shipshape again (writes, a Rotorua ctorrespondent). The building that served aa a, store has been removed to the corner of Fenton and' Pukntua streets j and will be converted into a tenipor- | nry bar, where refreshments will bo dispensed, pending the erection- of the new building, which, it is whispered, is to 'be on a larger and' more pretentious scale than flia-t which -was ! destroyed by fire-

I A manl named Daniel Clark was 'before the local doau'fc this into ruing on a charge of drunkenness, but. a.? lie wa's reported to be ibwderingl on the horroiisi ho was remianidbd for medlidal treatment- Iti appeairsi that Clark has been, drinking lieavily ol lafc'e andl asi ho behaived strangely it was decided to remove hinii to the Thames, to which! place he was taken on. Saturday. Clark, however 1, would not. remain quiet and as his conduct showed that he wa,s not then; in the possession! of all bis p:einses, Constable Beddedc deemed it advisable to; plaice himi under arrest.The; position of Mayor of Wellington wtould! mppeiair to be almost as risky a one to hold as thati of a, Minister of the Cro'wiii .in Russia (says the "New Zealand 'Tlimies")'. The other 1 day his. Worship the Mayor, Mir Aji'tkeni, wasl the recipient; oil a flu-emteninjj letter warningl hinii that hisi life was in danger because of the preference shown to Newtown over Thorndon with regard to the electric tramway service- Some time ago another (perha.psi tlie same) discontented '. citizen, sent Mr Aitkon .a forniidaible- , looking 1 knife, bearing the inseripi tion : "For the Mayor to commit suicide witty" W. Scott has at his No. 60. Pollen Street sihop an entirely new stock of general groceries, crookeryj glass, brush, and tin ware, also specially selected assortment oif plated ware, suitable for marxi-age presents. A visit will well repay the time expended in viewing the stock.—Advt. An interesting: rat-© was sailed between 1 Messrs E. Payne's new yaicht Alexis andl Mr Simith's favorite Why Njoti- Tliere wa« a good beat to windward, which tried the sailing uapn,-biliti-es of the boats/, and both yachU Hailodi close t.o the wind- If anything Alexis? proved herself to< be the super■ior boat. The run home wasi equally interesting and there was not a. greal deal between this boa,tsi, Payne's yacht finishing first. Both boats were well handled, and; during: the season 1 stomfe! ji.i^erjasting; ■(.jmtests should be held- With Gibbons Bros: Amuia: now in tliie 1 water and some fasti boaitls aunong the fishing; fleet, surely a, yiadbti race ciou'ld .be airranged as a feature for the opening of the sea-sort. Following! up Captain 'Staddon's statement that he has not agreed to and knows nothing of the postponiement of the Seddon-Taylor libel ac— ■tion, Mr Taylor has stated the position as follows : Be first received the notice of the intended action in December, 1903, and ignored it as absurd- iMothing was done by the plaintiff for several months after the threat but an attempt was made to bring the) oaa? to- action, during the session. Mr Taylor says no course was> open to him but tc- decline to neglect his Parliamentary duties to attend court in connection with proceedings that might have been brought on months before the session opened. Ifc appears that the result of the issue of a privilege ticket by the Speaker is t> prevent the action/ coming on "until February, Mr Taylor attributes tbo delay From: start to finish to the failure of plaintiff to promptly follow up the threat made in December, as he might- easily have done. A MOST HONORABLE DISTINCTION. The 'Western Medical Review,' a medical publication of the highest standing, says, in a recent issue: — ''Thousands' of phy.sic.ians in tin's and otil)or countries have attested SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT is not only absolutely reliable, but that, it hasi a pronoxm isd and indisputable superiority over »)I other preparations of Eucalyptus," Your health is too precious to be tampered with ; therefore, reject all products foi«t"«l upon you. by unscrupulous mercenaries, and insist upon getting SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, the only preparation recommended! by your physician and the Medical Press. In coughs, colds, fevers', diarrhoea, kidney d's-ea-ses, the relief is instantaneous. Wounds, ulcers, bums, sprains, etc., It heals without inflammation. As mouth-wash (5 drops to a glass d water) it prevents" decay of teeth 1, •i d deetooTT "11 disease srerms.

1 I There ara at present in iffie colony j ; 527 public si'jihools that haivie an aver- 1 I age at'tenidanc© of less tfian twenty pupils each. iAi young man under the influence of liquor ran amok at Dunedin last week. He'assaulted a Chinaman, aaid 1 before he could be arrested, armed i himself with an axe, and. defied anyI ibody tol touch, him- For over an I hour, siaya an excihanige, he kept half ai dozen policenion at bay. Finally, he retired to the door of his house, and was. secured there after the police had effected entry by the windows and back door. "I dloix't think we should find pianos and hot! andi cold water service for these destitute,"' remarked a member during ai discussion on charitable aid at thei Selwyn County Council, Christchurch- "Our own children, don't get them, andi many of those who pay the rates don't get them. Yet some inito!uil:/;i»:( \c(i 4-jlie. Bloajrd; Iwlvnt such coii!v'enienJei& provided. This Would mean aiii allowance of twenty five shillings a week per head. I don't be'ieve in paying routs," he added, "it is m«ikingi paupers-" A scheme is at present before the Wellington Education and Technical School Boards for the division of secondary education into two parts—technical and grammar school work. It is proposed to establish technical classes at the Technical School, and take over from Wellington College certaini 'subjects?, such as English literature, Algebra, and mathematics required! for purposes of scientific teaching, leaving the College, to deal only with grammar school work. The matter of under-staffed schools came before the meeting oi the Wellington Education Board, when it was pointed out that several schools lately had had 1 a large accession of pupils, but though the increases, in . some cases had .been very great the 1 teaching staff had not been, increasedi A member of ,the Board! -enqtiilre-d why the extra teachers had not been ■ allotted, and the Chairman explained r that though the attendance at sev- , eral schools had inclreased, the increase had not been long enough time to establish a claim for an. extra teacher. At this the matter rested-

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Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10453, 31 October 1904, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10453, 31 October 1904, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10453, 31 October 1904, Page 2