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Local and General.

Forty-five entries 'halve been received for the New -.Zealand Wh3^l Race to ta;ke place at; Christohurch- ! Tlie vagaries of tbe weather arc affording plenty of ■ food - for disoussion just now!, and are establishing a record in the way of samples. | -Our Auckland! ciorraspondent telo gfaphs: "Mr Sydney J. Nathan has been appointedl Vice-Consul for isV\vay and 'SVedon in Aucfclaiid'"

The famous •"Waiiuangui foiiiiiitiiin" failed to givte aa: exhibition of )U powers during Sir J. G. Ward's recento visit. It is evidently no -reepe^ ter of persona-

It is expected that there will be ar exceptionally good croj> of apples in Canterbury this season- There is •■almost certain to be ai suaipluis, -and pn"obably an attempt will -be made t.o isemd 'shipmontsl tjo 'Eingilandj, where good "prices' will be obtainedMauride 'Criinmins, the popular driver, well-known at Tliames, has severed his Ciooineiotioh * with theOfhiinemiufi 'Ooaohlinjg Comipany, iiV; order to enter upon his new dhitioY th^is wieek in connection with the vunning of the Waiihi Taiurahga mail.

The 1 iMarton branch .of the Farmers' Union" resolved, "That this branieihi viewis with alarm, the remarks of the Premier with regard to withholding 'subsidies and Government Loans to Local Bodies moneys unless the local bodies rate \np to 3di in the £, ipraotical quadrupling the present rate general amongst local bodies on fchisi ooasfr" A: man named 1 Roshins'ki was admitted to tha . Waikato Hospital !( writer wi* Waikato correspondent) with both legs broken at the thigh, aausedl through the limbi of a; fcr»j having fallen on him. Tha aacid'erit wouflred in tha Kawhia- district, whence he was 'brought to Pirongii, ivhere ihig injuries were attended to, md be was then taken to Te A"wanutu and on by train-

Aa evidence of the destruoti^ hail stormi down iSo'utij a short while aigo, one farmer states that before the *tbrm his orehairdl gave promiise of a cfrop equal to -two tons of apples. •Nowi there is not more than onetenth, of the fruiib lejft, and that is a-Ti br^uiised and! dented. Vegetables suffered in 1 the same way. Auction sales: of stray dogs arc now held regularly !biy tlhe Wellington City Council- Tlhe Inspector who has charge of this Work, states' j that all-sorts firom the veriest monI grel to dogs worth £-25 a piece oonie into his' charge. In one instance ho sold a mastiff to. a firaniani on one of i the boats for 5s- His new! owner fed him up "on the trip acroeisi and sold him at Melbourne for £28.

j Ow Katikati corresfpondant writes , that a visitor ab Mr Macaxniilain's , farm, Castle Grace, Katikati, had the 1 misfortune to meet with ai most iin- . pleasant experience- He was engaged in assisting to take hosiay .frorii the bees when on© -of the boxes ov?iturned, aadl Oiiimdreds of infai'inted bees -surroiinded iiim. Beifoire lie ccßilid! geb clear he was stung a; goo 1 deal afbomt the head, neck, and fa.\e The Board of Education does not get much help fromi some of the school eamanittees- In one ease a Bomtliern committee asked for spine' planks to part over a "creek for the eonDvtaien-c© of thie school cihildren. The Board got some planks delivered at the creek, and they haire lain there for mionths'. THii© eomimittoe j have not tajken. interest enouigb in j the school to fix the planks across 1 tho oreeik.

Two ioebergiS', evidently far out tc sea, weHei witnessed: from the hAgt gTiouixdl around Orepuki, Southland, t few days ago. We aire pleased to learn that t'u • /popular- member for 1 tJie Bay o: I Plenty, Mr W. H. Herriesy M'H.R. I (hacs reetfvered from,' ihis- recent"4hdife . position, and is ouiti and abmit agait L as usual. Mri Hanr<4oek,; the elaoti^dal-«inigj near f.roiii California, .who iB report , ing on tbie colony's souipc«B for waitai supply, has inspected! a -large num ber of rivers and lakes the colony, When interviewed, how> ever, he declined to givie ispeciai-mebi t-iiOm- to. any lake or liver h» liadl sesn. in striflt generalities he said tilutti he had been- favouralblj irapreßwd, and that his report Wouild }>c favourable. ■'. •. .■:■. .' i.

The sight of two motor oars (double ones) 'biowli'iig along Victoria, street, Haitniiltoni, was a somewhat: unusual one- Th,e|y' were fonxaghh up from Aticfkland to oanry tteir-oirnei's to I the opaning ceremony at tihe "S^riar ; toriulmi, bvut. the police irefused to 1 allow 1 thami to be used £ov that purpose in iciaise any aicicidient sliould gocot oin, the narrow road to Maiujugakawa- Motor oars a.r©, evidently too far advancfeii Tor ' the Waikato disfcriot! I The Government . treated guests very haadiaomely atthe op^eii^ ing of the Sanatorium on Friday., To all -who were invited,^ to the function '.^free railway passes were ■gj;anted^aaid dinner and tea wei-tei also provided at the hotels, in addition to refresnnientsi on the hill. ;Sir Josephi Ward jaftHoi noitifiedl the ißjaailwajy Depairtr ment that it was his intentiom to refund all fanei w'liich; had been paid by p©iison» travelling by the special traim. i Largely as the result of the appeil isauied by Loud! Roberts last July fot tlie return of Boer 1 family Bibles, ox other religious works oontaining family Biblcr or other religious wonk® idontaining family reoords, wihidh had ibeen broulght home by the returning; troops as mementoes of the South African War, the Committee of tlie Friends' South African Relief Flumdl have received or been promised) over 130 sueh 1 volumes for restoration to< their original owners. v ■ The veterinary braaidh of the A'gricultmral DopMi'tm'ent has beem inyes>tigatingi a contagious disease known ais if, which, has .broken out anuoiigst dairy ockws i n the Wairarapa and other parts of the North Island. The disease is caused by 8 microbe, and 1 affects the milk but not the general health of the animals. Tlie Department 'does not require that the cows .affected shall be killed. It merely -asks farmers to isolate the cows, so that they may be specially treated-

■ It will ibe news--to many people (sayig' Ohristchiuircih. Truth) that Hterany ability is one df the miany accomplishimentis of avuf talented Postmaster General- At all events, Dr. Fitcfcett, in tlhe prospe^buis o| his new magazine "Life," refers to Sir J. G. Ward as a "famous -writer," in a list that includes Steele Rudti, Gaiy Boothby, Ethel Turner, and Captain Creawell, R.M. Sir Joseph is set down to contribute an article on "The Humours of the Post Office," which indicate that, even if .Mr Seddon cannot write an entertain in jr. article on the 'Humr ouis of a Preaniersyp,' yets /One ait least of tilie Caibinet portfoliosi i« .not without its compensations-

' Our Paeroa oorreapondent • writes: "I learn that the ground! whicihi has been applied foi- by Messrs Mon.t- ---' gqmery and Barlow, for the piiirpose of raising ooal, beareai vory promising appearance. The ground Ts situated on the Wa.itta.wh.etai stream., between and Owhairoa. and we hear that the outcrop of coal is 30 indh«s wide. Should!, coal be found in payable quantities the | ■claim slhoiuld prove an. exceediriigly , Tfaluubte one, and we are informd . that already an offer of £1500 his been mad© for the property and has been .rofmsed!- Tlie appliciation for the ground mil comic before the Warden on Thursday, tlhie 17 th inst. | (Ait Woollongabba, a subunb oi i Briisbaiie, a conflicit took place, be--itween. the police and about 300 larri-. ( ikina belonging to different pushes. It is undea-stood the row obmmencsd by the police* advising a man who wag ' misoondu'?tinig! himself near Wtoollongabba 1 Botel to get ham©. The main took off his coat and wanted: to-. fight. The two policemen, immedi- '!■ alely arrested him, but just.then a I strong moB of larrikins, returning fmomi" iW|aoillo(ngaibba raioes, appeared on. the .sieen'e:, and attempted a rescue. Additional police soon airrived), and in tlie isouiffle whidh is said to have, followed three constables were injured, thouighl not iseriously- The policie, however, .succeeded in convtiying tha original ouliprit to the locikuip- ■ '

I It ia «Ut«d tjut Hi* .Gumnunwrt-^ jhaa made «n> offer toMb? /' Al. Ki»* f • Bella, now* in South Aftfe*. *!R i 1^*?11? to New Zealand sad renme to* petition of Daiiy Coounwrioner. «i >• • . ealary oonsiderably in adwaqp*,. fdfj i, .7 that which lie had been nsoeifiUfuj^ • ■when in this colony.- We undcnto^H.;.': that ttia amount of Ultrjr h& )^m,'^ri ! been offered' -by the New Zaala<iA<a ,< j Goverpnaent is £550 per «wuan Mil,, ; ; 'that ha !has accepted. ths offer, aiul will leatvte South AlHoi^m^il7 i4<j m ( . lie can. H« is not is JoJ^'wiiij'tJif ' , place, which doei not afrt^' witb Wf \ health. / '*'AiV'''

' Our Paeroa correspondent writes: i "Mr W- G- K. E*orick"fia¥'bßeto «p-; pointed warden and atApendiary magistrate at Greymouth. Mr Kenrieb is the eldest «on of t&.e late Mr Waiw, " den Kenirkk, who was so long, in charge of the Hauraiki minimgl dfi#- . triot. EBe> received hi« education \% * St. George's Grammar School *t iSk« Thamuesi, and! studied for the law:- at Home. He mibsequently jnMfaA in India, andl afterward*, came out to New Zealand- Ho took up bis reii-,: dence at Thames where h« wa« w vfi&VL known, amdl at th« time of tht. miining boom/ in Ohinemiuri he re--moved !hia heaid|quarter« to Paerodi, where he was rery ■■successful- About two yeans ago he remoTedi to Auckland, where ihe .has pnWiti«ed as » bairrister and 1 solicitor until the proeemst time. Mr Kenririk... poaeeaiM sterling qualitiem:^ and is,i,w*U.i fitted:« for the high. acd< honouraiblejposition „ to whidh be has been .oal)ed. Pi» many friends oiler him ooagratuUtions upon his appointment." '

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Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10500, 16 December 1903, Page 1

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Local and General. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10500, 16 December 1903, Page 1

Local and General. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10500, 16 December 1903, Page 1