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Th. c Teafc Cricket MatchLocal amd General- (Nlewia. Latest Cables.amdl Telegramß. • Komato' OEleefs Retuirn. Meeting of Ratepayers'" Association 'Special Auckland Telegram®. Preferential Trade Dispute. Some Interesting Jottings.

'All the members of tilie local Charitable Aid Board! liave made » contribution towerfg the fund" for the purchase of a for the Old Men's Home.'

As the result of the recent drive 3 whiohi the iheavy rain enabled to I a carried wu%, it is estimated kaiuri logis to the value of aißont £60,000 were brought down f n the distriots baak oS Thames.

For the year ended August 31st., 1897, sligihfcly over <£1500 was .paid vo 8-uippliorS by the Hawerai 00-openatL/e Dairy Factory; for the yeair 1 endling Aaigust, 1904:, it is estimated! that the amount will be .wver £15,000, whbh is a wonderful' demoiniatration of the development of the dairy indiuistiry-

At the High School tokmottraw afternoon at 3, the annual disfcribui tion of ■certificates takes plaice! A mu'sicial programme will be renderscl by the pupils, and .addresses- given! )AtV irttenastedj lin s|e(doadary teduciar tion are oordimlly invited-

A' correspondent writes: "The fear of bush firesi around Molong, New So/utthj Wailea(, is IdaiiiisiEJg great vxieasiines®; as once the flames started it would be impossible to prevent th« wihole oountryside from beingi «wepfc.

Prom a relialhle quarter a Wellington correspondent hears that « number of additions will sihortly be made to the li«t of "tihe gi-eat unpaid.' The namies will be available within a day or tw»-

Lord JRanfuirly leaves the colony next April or May.

The blacfebindl and the kea, Karo been gazetted injurious Mmfe withvn the meaning of the Birds Nuisance Acifc.

Tra last English mail from New Zealand carried am order from t!he Gowrnmien.t for ai number) of friixta for use on the .State poultry farms. The selection will be* made fromi the pens of some of the principal breedera in Englandl.

A strong company is being formed in Wellington for the nianufaiatuire nt bricks from lime «,nd sand- The flot■> tion is proving succteisadJul, and the shareholdersl of the company ■which was recently formed in Chrlsibohurch have decided to transfer their capital to the Wellington venture.

Tfofet !Gover>n|o>r ihas! pulrchasled 50 more Angora goats in South Austrar lia for liberation in this colony. Those already here are reported to* hia(ve donte splendidly on the diry lands in -the north, and made ai large natural increase.

We acknowledge receipt Jromi Miss Sinclair,, the local aigent, a copy of the Christmas Niumlbeir of the New Zealand M?aig)aizme. It contains more than itsl uisiual quotai of illustration®, comprising effective i n the south, and plenty of readable matter.

A grandstand to seat a thiovtsand is to be erected on the show ground of the Waikato Central A. and P. Association a,t ai cost of £5000- Toward the cost 310 £1 debentures have been token up.

For Christmasl and New Yeair 1 piT3»sent* Mirs iPurnell !hais laid im a, specilally kirige isitocik in the ptifemises, Pollen and iMairy streets. Both places are well stocked with fancy gooda; millinery, hosiery, lac© n>aterial, etc., and ai visit of inspeotioin will be -Well repaid. Stee advertisement oni first page-

An interesting entertainment will be given at the Oddfellows' Hall, Sichmond street, IShortland, on Christmas 1 Eve amd Boxing Day, when Edison.s latest projector and talking miaohine -will foe. shown. The latest illustrated songs will .be presented, and the exhibition of Amierioa'si latest Wen'tfioln ehoiuild attbraicrti good, audiences..

The Thames 1 Flyimg Club flew 1 ..their birds for the champion amp yesterday from, a. distance of 200 miles (air line) under very xoisatisfao■fcoay weather. There was ai strong hea 1 wind with Iheavy rain. The timie recorded) wa,s fair. The result was: A. Pearseyg Outlaw, 6hr.s 3min, 1; HPlant's Welcome Jacik,' 6h,ns 23mins, 2 ; G. Smith's Cloud King, 6hrs 43 miriia, 3; J. L Walton's "323." Ihx 17min, i; ©. Jury's <bird ato started.

Tihe exoußsiion to Aluokland: under the auspices of the HauiraM Rowing Cluib, whidh ta-kes .place on Satoiirday, fptromiisesi %o ben iknjgely ipa.tronisied. Tlie favorite steamer Waikatere will leare Thamiesi at 7 a.m., returning on Sunday afternoon, ,and as the return fare is only ss, such, a liberal reduction should 1 enoouirage half the Thames. To avoid inconvenienic© on Saturdiay morning, tickets may be obtained fromi Mr J. Crawfotrdl or from Mr E. G. Wright, who has been foremast in .promoting the etsciunsaon-

We regret to record the death, at the local hospital of tihe yourngman Saury Phillips, which) took place today. iSorne little time back Phillip* met iirith an aaaid«nit, his legisi being severely mushed in consequeiiiciei of the wheel of a traction engine paissing ovei- *hem- He wasi conveyed to the Thamesi Hospital, winere he was making satisfactory progress- Unfortunately a dangerous development occurred and signsl of tetantis (loeik jaw) set in, and) though everyitlung possible was done for the sufferer he succumbed. The deceased wasi ai; favorite .andi was well known and! hiighly respected. rHliosr numerous friendsi will regret his unexpected! demiee, and will offer their ""condolences to the family at" their sad loss.

This week's issue of tihia New Zeur fond Graphici, a copy of which we have received from Mr Peace, the Ideal agent, is an exceptionally attractive number- The fllustratioTis comprise all the principal events of the week, the Mayor's garden party, tin© Ministerial visit *o Cambridjge,the opening of the Open-air sanntoriuu, the Veterans' Home, the New Plymouth Show, ancf a hosts of others equally striking that oamniot falii to commend themselves. A splendid engraving, 14 x 21 4 ol the Countess of Ranfurly, id also given away with this issue.

The expenses incurred in the bazaar preparatioma for tine Veterans* Home are estimated a* abouit J6500 Db is arajjiidipated) .tbat the takings will amount to £1500 at the leas+.

The Premier said in the House i'ocently € no man meed be out of work in lihisi colony as long as he was willing to labor. An aippl,'ant for relief told the Benevolent Trustees tliat since inTs awival in WeJlingtoni from Naipior ihei hadi-applied to 140 different houses for wort, without success

At Wellington, Geoa-ge Cross-man, a fiieama'n, was sent to gaol for twelve months for breaking into a; jeweller's shop, and Waiterl Book, far emibiezzling £290 belonging to- the "Featherstou County Oo'uincil, received a S£>nten<;e of nine months-

A. diffidulty. Jxas arisen in connection with tlhe Raoiigioirai School cookery classes. Twenty, nine pupils have been instructed at the sarnie time, whereas tihe regulation® pi'ovide for a maaciiniuiml atteuidlainiciei off twenty, and the Eidtuoaitioii; Depairtmient ha« declined to pay the "Capitation, grant on more thiain *w»nty-

Ini anticipation of 'Xmas time and the inevitable • giving of presents!, we

wiouldl diredt f|he attention, ol our readers to Mr Andrew Rolden's advertisement. iMr Bolden's reputation as a watchmaker and! jeweller is too well established in Auckland to neai particularising, but .we may mention that for wedding!, birthday aaid Christmas presents, the amost fastidious! can, find fainiiself suited, froai Jilr Holdem'® boumtiM stock-

Ai dls^qovieryl of ligtnitjei has been miade on the fairini, Po'v>ertyi Bay: On the face of a xise a seaim,, 15 inohes thick ha-si been opened! up, underneath, it beingi 3in of sandi, amd- tlhen another seam' of liginltei 4in think. ■

■At a recent society wadding a .novelty was introduced which might easily be imitated .at our local weddings- Instead of the throwing of the conventional and undoubtedly hardhitting rioe, the prettiest and softest of tiny shoes' made, of silver paper, with '"Good-luiak" printed inside, and tiny silver jhonseHshoas inadte of tba isainiei iharmJests maiteffiiali, wlere 1 usad

by the bridet's) ' wellj-^lishlelrisj, and thrown at parting.

One effect of .the Commioiniweaith 'tariff lagaiiinst Njewj Zealand: It is estimated that the C'ominionwealth. fairsnera will this harvest require 2700 tons of binder twine. On this the price 'has been raked by tihe amount of the duty— £o per toft —to the tune of £13,000-

It is reported that tihe first station to sheaf in the Upper Waitaki (Obago has met with disheartening resultsl. Out of a total of 19,800 sheep only 7200 were shorn, the other 12,600 having been destroyed in the snowstorm-

Iflie Queensland' Aigricaiituirtil Dapairtm'ent is making an; experiment in keeping pineapples a* a cold temperature, with a view 1 to testing -whether they loouild! Ibe cawied to England.

During a severe thundtenstorml at ■MJasltfefHt'oni *ai houis.ei wjais istruidk by lightning- One corner of the house suffered! by having the ibtoards torn assundeii and the spouting ripped off whale oni the other siide a brick dhinir ney waa partly demolished. When the lightning i&truicik the house the building shooik as with, an earthquake orn-aments 'and other 1 loose articles being scattered in all directions. Eviery rooiru wasl filled with smoke-

Ashburtoo seems, to have no d)ecided opinion as to the effect of prohibition on. the disfcriot, says, the Lyttelton Timesi Wihile one tradesman will tell a doleful story of declinig trade, another will state that the peo pie have now more money to spend on food and olothes. "The place ia going to the dogs- ■No one comes into town now,"" remarked an Ashburton resident. "Prohibition hasn't made a sorap of difference, except in red'ae(ing the amount of d!ruin!k«Qßiesi3i," said his neighboui-. Tlie bewlildei-ed inquirer appealed to a disinterested party for'an explanation of tbist contradiotion. "It dependis how thirsty they are.," remarked this gentleman.

Dr. Neligan. Amd the press of New Plymouth have been isaying things about each other- Complaining of au article in the Tarandki Herald, the Bishop said!: Three paa<ts of it was denoted to making! Mm "appear a fool," and the oilier fourth to an swering the rest. "Well,"' mys tthe Herald, "we have too anjuch respe.'t for the cloth and for till© exalted position his Lordship holds to ■write with any usudh intention, and if that was really the effect of our remarks we cannot help it. We mildly and politely protested! against the Bishop —as we should against any one else —branding in general terms the publio men of the aolomy as self-seeking axe-grindera. * I

I The Westporfc Times ia agitating for further police .pi^oteeFiom for the town, of Hokitika. Complaints hare been mode that amongst recent arrivals mi th,e place are a nuniiber of rathei* desperate •eharat'ters, and on several occasions during the last week Mi 1 twk> private clit'izens havfa Ween gK»sly insulted by them,, sucihi occurfrfelni^as talking (plaice: ib'oth day and night. It is also generally rem/arkeJ that there is more drunkenness apparenb in the town than has been the case foir the last twenty year*. The control of 'criminals' and wrongdoena appears to bei quite beyond' the power of the .numerically weak local polioa force.

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Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10500, 16 December 1903, Page 2

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ON OUR BACK PAGES. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10500, 16 December 1903, Page 2

ON OUR BACK PAGES. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10500, 16 December 1903, Page 2