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Local and General News. Latest Gables and' TelegramsGbairitaible Aid Board. . Last Mghitfsi MeetingDetails of Shooting 1 Compeitition, Chairman rtilgiour's! Report. Acttefptainiceisi for Thames HaloesEnglish 'Ot'icfketers v. Aaisti-alia. New Souths Wales Parliament-

Tfli,e Queeni VictonLa' miemiorial fiinidi to whidi Js%\v Zealand smibsciribed £15,000, hasi now u'aalched 3E2'50,000-

A! settler in ihi& Auckland district Ihas lost 10,000 straiwhieirtT! plants during thie pas* mjonthi through the ravages of the grass griuib.

One of the -athletic! featae® of the Thames A'tililetia and Cja-lin@ Club's anmual .sports gathering will be a isipecifll exhibition of ball tin-owing ■aii'dl caible tossing by the champion of tha Haairaki Pcniinsula^

Attention i« direoted to a replace acWt. of !Mlr Isiaiao Tirowni wlhere a eipecdal line for 'Xmasi is a lai-ge and ■varied] istoadk oi cjhildren'e) bicycles'They ane jtusb tih© tluimg for ai CSiristmm ipresiemt for' the littliei ones.-

\9pecial aititention is directed to the official aunoiuaiioementi of the «hang.9is in the lociai poetial amd telegraphio depiaa*ment. 0a 'Xmas Day thie postal d'ap'airtmient will be closed ail! day, while the telegraph department will be open| for* ihailf an- houi- 1 night and moainjing.

At ai meeting Jield in th© Tapu S'dhooLrooni the following gentlemen wera elected) a oonimitteiei to carry out the progi'amme of the Tap<ui annuail isiporte: Oapitaini N'&wbjy (eihaiirm«n), (Mtetsßiris •J- D - Hteedmian (treawurei"), P. Kelly /siacretauy), Ri. A. Pluimmier, <W- J- -Taylor and H. MbKinnon. It was resolved that tlha isport-s be held on January Ist; that tihe seoretairy 'catovas the Thames for subscriptions and) trophies; that tihe pnqgrainone be di'awln up and oJrcuiaited as sipeediily as possible. '

Mb Ernest Iffersoan, tihe popular commercial traveller and/ representar tire of th© well* known firm of Saifgoodi, Sow aaid Ewen, isi ait present on a ibusinesis visit to Thames 1, whtirw he is (renewing, acquaintance mlth, ilia large circle of rienldla-

We direct attention! to a replace ifldlver'fri.slettnfeirirti ion. ouir 1 front ipajgeu, Betting, forth the qualities of Pearson'si PeptOHchloir, which isi fast, establishing .an . umrivailledl' reputation as an absolute .cure for indigestion.

Tttie acceptances! for the first day's racing of the Thames Jockey Club's Summer; Meeting were due last nigh f, aaudl the list r of acceptors received! by th© ■Seciretary (Mr W. EL Potts) is a very satisfactory one- Some of the horses who have cried 'content, are of firs* quality, and splendid races should result.

Al draft of the Order in Council for tihe Chiri'SbciTuitfcih. eledtrio ttfauir •Ways, fof warded' by the Publia Wiorkis Department, provides for* bars to windows of cairs, speed indicators on etaidhi caii* andl other restrictions which, the tramway bjoaird! eomisidleiit object ionable. It -was decaidled ait a Mneeting to oppos© these ol anises.

Tthtei Primlitivla Meitlhiodfia* Cbinferenoe, which cio«wnen«es its sittings in Wiaingamiuit on Januiairy 7, p'romfaes to be the largest even" held) in connection wji/thi itihteJ JCfhiira'dh lini New Zf/i|ton& Fluilly one 'hundred delegates and visitors .have expressed their intention of being present at the gathering 1.

It is.. confidently anticipated that before; long; very satisfactory dteivelopmlente will! be reported from, the Old Alburn iai and Eclipse mines! at I|haim,e.^, wW«| th|e» Mtaiha|toi E'oyail mine ait T'aipu! 'is also said 1 to be look ing well. .So far the development work h««i resulted isaitisfaotorily and further imipiweinent& are oonfMlently espected-

Wear Court's hat®. You. get bast, value at the Beehive. Real Panama, Brazilian, and newest shape in straws, hard and' soft felt hats, motor r*nd cycling caps, shirts, ancf sweaters iv endless variety and lowest pric©3.— A. Court, direct importer.—Advt.

Mr "Dougal, wlio has the option over the Gloucester Eixtended mine lip the Karaika, and is reported to hava suicicossfully floated it ait Hotae, will sooni arnve at Thamies, -when a vigorouis plan of development work will, it is- hoped, be 'earned! out.

Laist niglhit'fii meeting -of the Hospital and (Charitable Aid Board was disturbed fronu it« usual stately serenity by aoi animated discjuissioni beibweieni 'tw)oi jir*aiti^ imembteirl^ vji) td whose memory was at fault in ineminiaceaiioes of mi past uaeeitiiing. Aitei* a epiritedl wordy attack, tfiie odds being even throuighouit', it was feaired the conijblaitantsi aiii'giht nesoa-t to a pugilistic settlement, but their better counsels prevailed 1, «md peacie once more reigned' suipremie.

The '-annual excursion, and pi-onio of thie Waio-kairaka School will he held' asi usmai this year fn T'e Arofoa domain next. Friday, the 18'tifo inst. Train leaves Gffiabaimisfcown at 8.35 amdi Shiortlainldl at 8-50 ..m., returning from* Te Aiohai at 4.25 pan. TioEets, wihidhi are issued at excep tionally cheap -rates, may be obtained from the, Mr W. X- Paterson- It 'is notified! that hot water 1 and milk will ,be. provided. Tliei eacouii'sioin Is sur© to be laaigely patronised, as it is one >of the most popular of tho local 'school pianias

Mr O- G. Adamei, dtireotor of the Thiames .School of Mines, leaiws for Dumedini !to-daiy, where he aittendsi tiho lanxmaJl icfDfnjfei'etnce for tine advancement of isoience, which it is'expected wiill be attended by ovfear 500 repro-sant^iti-vtes. line conference is expeated to last ml week, iMir Adauus wiill be aictcsoni/panied by 2&isl Atiianm M!r Tlioniipsqn, B.A-, of the Thames High School >and 3fies Foy, will also attend 'the ooinferenoe, Mr P. Morgan;, of tli,e Wlaihi School of Miniesi, Ihas already left for Dunediini, mudi Mr V. Moiigam (aissistant direcitor of tih© T!haiinieis School of Mines) will slhortiy iollow.

■At thief meeting) id|f the) Thlaaaea Ttemniia and Croquet OLubl held on Saturday evening the resignation of (Mir jGI PaiJ|lj a® isteejretiairy, and| Mr Teaedaile as m memiber of the corair mittee wenet reaeivteidl with regret. It was decided td ask Mr Paiuil to stiill be a member 1 of the conunittee. M* 0. Gore-Adaimis was appointed seeretaay and Mr; F. MoCullough al niienibejr .of this, 'comrnittetef Jh Wals also decided; to institute the ladder system*. The names of luienmbiers w;ere diraiwn' and put down on a liist- Each player has- ai .right to dhailengia the pdiaiyer aibova hiimi oni the list and should he win he changes place with his opponent on the list. Thie following is fne drawnEst?^—-Ladies: Mrs j A'd'anns, Miss I. Read, Mrs Bush, Miss Jephson, iMSss Ajd'anis, Miss B. Baker,, -Misis Ball, Miss Bush, Miss Tv Busfe, Miss Powell, Mrissi Ei. Price, Mrs Slmith, Mm Ryan, iMassi Kelly, Mr» Wright, Miss. MdWaittem Gentlemen: Messrs Bedfoi-4 Ei 6. Wright, MtoGWlougb, Hewitt, Pasul, Lapradk, Adiamis, TeasdaJe, Auibint, Mongiani, Price, H. L. Wright, SiiminKxndsi, Williams.. If the player challenged foils to play within seven days fnoani date <tf chiaHenge the challengietr' is «redilted •with al win by defaul* and cibjaragee places on th« list.. Iftie otgect is f» get to tte top of the list

A young! xnJami, Sydlney Adluim, enir ployqd astf Menzieaf 1 aerated faictory, had' h!» knuckle and-.first finger eievetrely .gaslhed^ this Ivftornoon 1, a<nd received attention at tiho hospital.

EPN Wortfluiß *ha M!ayk»- (M|r FTireiabath) left t'.'is asfterno<m for AiulakHand em-rouite- to Woodville, ou acconrnt of haivi'nig ireceivedi intimation tliat his sont-in-law is in a oritioal condition.

Soanei interesting 1 bowling draws appear 1 im anobher oalumin. It will be that. the vaniouisi aomip(eitfit:on« aire libely to be keenly oontested', aiind isame exciting; games should r©suit-

Mr O. Hayward, the -well known cy^iiet!, who worn the Vioto* Ludortuon at the lalsta athletkt gajthering at Aiuiakland, tiKus securing the valuable trophy. for ai year wad «i handaome medal, its at .present on a visit fo Thaoniesi

A wrlresipoindent to Sydney Referee atatea that walking down the lSltrandl, London, recently, he met a, line of saladiwidhHiuen . twurrying! boards wit'i the inscription, "Hiuimipty .DMbaipfc/, pwxlucecU a* Drury Lane at. Christinas. Boofciiag offi<^b s&jw ofpemt." Wtot woiuildl cjolonial pf ay-goers thinifc of taking eeafcs for a Christmas pamtomino early in October?

The. ooncert andi limelight entertainment in aid of the funds of St. Jamiesf CJhiuirch, taikes plaoe this evening, andl a «pl|endidi progiwnimie has been, prepared. The limieliglit views will be vadiedl aindl inteireiatinig and despite ths unfavoraible wieather thierei should be ai lange aujdienice-

(We learn, that there was-, ooßsidieraible interrtuption fco 'the telegraiptiia wrnaniunicaition. to-day, due to iinfaivowabia weather* ooaiditiong. It* T^as faumd) imiposaible to wiork. 'Napier and the southern! wires ; indraed tllie estreme souitihieirm wire workietd from; the Thames' was Rotaruai. .In wnsieqiueiLoe aill the isouthiem work had to come to Thames rial Ajuicikland; henc© the delay.

At Messrs Read 1, iGillespie and Go's P'araWaii isaleyaffldis Mil J. Braicl, laiuidfiol^eeii' 1 jfwr tty<| jdorn|p!ain,yv will dispose of 50 fat merino ofossbred wethers and 115 forward crossbred merino® and stores. These will bo disposed! of oil account of M!r Bserve. The sale will be held to-nior-row.

Sprains are often more serious than broken bones <m account of not beinsr properly treated- Apply Cluwnberlain's Pain Balm freely as soon as ihe injury is received a<nd it will quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition—Hansen Bros, and Co sell it

The .dh:ief inspector of fisheries..(Mr Ayson) iwvs just inaluded a> visit to the lakes in; the Swtih Island, to ascertain whether 1 they a;re suitable for white fiish, of whioh the Govieuinimemt hasi ordered 1,000,000, ovia. froim Ameriitai for delivery this season. He consideiis the Mkdkensjie Cionmifcy and Kanieri waters most suit--able- Lakes Rotoiti, Brunner, Tekaipo, and Alefxandr'inoi he fwund well-stocked witih br'owto toout.

Mir R- Twentyman has generously dionafed £1 Is to the funds- of the Waio-karakai .school lor competition amongst tiha ssholars of the senior classes. The oomipeti'tdoinst are now taking place antf are exciting aonsideraible intwest amongst tlie ohildrem. Mr lVentym,an's exaniiple might well be followed! by otlier® who Eaive the imferest of eduoation at heart-

The .necessity for the regLsttfatikxn of veterinarians^ chiefly to .prevent stoak wnera being imposed upon;, but also to protect the qualified suirg&ons, is emiphiasised by the Chief Government Vetertinairiaix in 'his last annual report- Mir Gilruth tbinfai it is ..remarka/Me that New' Zealand should be practically the only *State in the whole world whioh has no svSr ■tern of (registering •vterterinariainsv and he is •certain that the* colony \® lming by the absence of such, a system.

Ait the Airoklandl Police Court yesterday a girl who odimitt-ed) th.c thef (j of a- braioelet wm granted probataon und^i* -raitSieir no'VJfeil; <$tf«uinstaa)k*3s. She wais neijipesentedi by Mr Lundon, who explained tha,t there was ti man in tihe oouirti who waisi , prepared to marry (her forthwith if probation, wo gramted: Probation w uas> granted on the condiitiojn that the costs, were paid:. T!hjeis.o Mr Lumdonf said the hus-bamdi-elocti would pay, and the girl was •aiociordingly released.

Alocoi-ding to the Gisborn© Tiiu«s Bisihoip Lenihain, had rather an unpleasaiifc time on his moton caf on the lO^erland journey; from Gisborne to Wau-oau Im mm the goiing on, Ithe icJay Ixills was very rouyh. and at tiinesi ■ grda* diffiouJty" was exiperiemcedi in imaifcimgi headway- When tLie Wainoai niailmain passed His Ijordahip on Mondiaiy, the latter had his coat and vest off and was busily engaged pushing the cair uq> the P&rar kanapiai ihill. Ait ai la.t«r sitaige of the journey, the Bisihoip miigfli* h«n-io been seen 'bairtieving! for tlis puroha«e of dium'g'aa-eies, whicihi he would no doubt ftnti more w>\ table for xough fcravrft' ITng than his clerical' attire-

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Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10499, 15 December 1903, Page 2

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ON OUR BACK PACES. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10499, 15 December 1903, Page 2

ON OUR BACK PACES. Thames Star, Volume XXXXI, Issue 10499, 15 December 1903, Page 2