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Three Years Intense Suffering 1. Th* Case Of Mr. H. M. KEYEY. |ber and told her that the torture* of Imy complaint were driving me cra«y r (By a Special Reporter.) and in the day time I felt so greatly rua , * - down that I used to say to my wife, 'I All government, indeed every human frofr 1, 1"} 1 live through this summer, benefit and enjoyment, erery virtue and but if I do I am «ure I will die dunng every prudent act, is founded on com- *c winter. One night my condition siAffa usast Sir sft A w« f 3» rived from the attainment of their as- u*^ *° ft 11 dow2^ nJS r «£* m l U£l*2 pirations. "My illness," said Mr. Henrj Jfe« » blne T g?,XVw 7 »,«¥?« Moran Kevey, of Garfield-street, Par- half told me I ought to get a hat to nell. Auckland "was brought on tnrougb match the colour. As I always study working night and day at mv sedentary comfort before appearance I bought the trade of bootmaking. The object I had f>*\ °«c •lluded *>• . ™« ™" »'* J" in view was to purchase a home for nn tf'«t ™y. I f nr! wejxn«>««* °Li™f „*$ wife and family f but I stuck to my task °«\ of th. c hat,- *& ears.swelled and so closely that it'caused me three years' b™Ve. °ut V an<* my asonl f e" Sw« intense suffering. It is eight years agr ton fold. Tused to pray,for death to b^X^ ifcution ~-.«s»^.A F^to"s&ir^^^ii?^:--"And ffeeJ as well as I look. But I beliere I .bad enough poison in n,T there was a time when I thought I vat bl°°d t0 ksU * w ti^m* going into consumption. My lace was * on the verge of death by now, without deathly colour, and my eyes were sunl lnl™? il0 "j wlth°ut ™V%. A . . ,„„_ deeply into my head. -You would not "W«s *he, re *'$ benefit denred fro« hare given twopence for my life if you your T d l n(i t, or s medicine» ? , _ had seen me then. Before I was strucl ."Not the shditest. Neither didJm-, down I thought of nothing but work P? 1™ any benefitirom <£c many ™*W%oi and I took my meals at all lours, some- £•** remedies I tried : but I.»«' »^J||l times going without them altogether by tlie.adyice of a-fnend, who urged-rtfcs I felt myself getting weaker and to S ire Clements Tome a trial Idfe weaker every day, -till I could *>, but I can honestly say that had it. hardly crawl down to my shop ™* been for Clements Tonic I wouldA few minutes after starting work be a <cad man : now. I started on that I felt giddy and faint, and I was obligee 1 matcUess . medicine with a feeling .of to take frequent rests diiriijs the'day .--great ? nx! ct ?> « x knew fate JT Then my digestive organs went wrong pendeJ on it. My anxious fears ««b as shown by the tightness in my chef- *™ at rest,, as I felt greatly soothed after eating, and also great pain anr 1 l«<* stimulated m a few days. My case discomfort in my stomach, which felt a.- vas. a b.;i d °ae.\ and .?. c°Uld n.ot ?J3; though I had swallowed some foreign to be r^ of all my iUs for some tune, matter which was turning sour and pu but Clements Tonic proved equal to th» trid. Indeed, my breath bore out thi= preat task before it. A gradual slacker^ theory,'as it was most objectionable mg pff .of tne sharp pains in my back and my mouth had a very bad tast< "id loins,, besides tlir absence of dweomcontinually, which made me- feel sick fort iti- niy s tomacri.. showed that Sharp pains used to dart under n» Clements Tonic was do-nc the shouWers and down to the end >of mVi foat-Tzte style. My appetite, which had ribs, and in a short while I was unable I'° lnn B lain dormant put in a fpeb'e.apto retain a meal on my stomach. Af Pearance at first and then greased soon as I ate anything I was seized with fl cry da. v tll] T c? uld eat a hearty m^al. violent fits of vomiting, and the pain My head was asain free from aches, and and distress I suffered was beyond de- every mormnc I awoke feeling doc.dedlr scription. I felt tired and miserable, bettor for the sleep resulted being without, enough energy to sit my continuance of Clement* down and read a book. As a matter of I Tome My nervous system was strtngfact, my eyesight was too bad, and my'l them-d. and . invigorated by the sameeyes seemed to have little spots dane- I medi.cmei which eradicatedl all skin ernping before them, besides bein^ hot and tiona and punned my blood., besides swollen" '■ ■• •' driving aw.ay the raknc neuralgia, which "How did you manage to keep o: *]as never since troubled me.- Kacb working in that condition ?" ; da 7 ', Sath, erift we-jht and' strencth, "I could not do a stroke of work ar ia«t -Toanwh'Je. suakiiig of the fit of mulan* and I had to knock off altogether. 1 holia which has depr-s-ed >«<■ for t-ir«e felt heavy and drowsy, anJ suffers 'e.™\ u and my «-nrk. was .mulertakeQ greatly from splitting headaches. M vliit thS s™' pleasure a» of old._ Ch> bowels were irregular For days the^ 'ents Tonic save rae perfect health were constipated.'then followed a weak : ''nelL all e'SL> '"lea.-, laing attack of darrhnea; I found greai | '^^ ?" Te a Permanent one Plifficulty in-swallowing anything, evei ' :Yes: a»f ,T am anx'ous *hab everjwch a simple thing Is a' cup of to: '°ty. .should know that such a grand making me conscious of the fact tha 'ledicine-exists, so you may publish my throat was very sore. M.v appatit. hesß fact* 13 any way you Uke. went right off eventually, and my tier j . • — 7ous system then collapsed.' An addi ; STATUTORY DBCLAKATIOiN". tional complaint in the form of a vili ' T. Hevkt Moi-ak Kkvut. ol Gaifield Streej, attack of netiralg-a. now commenced ,t. '^^w SifdtSn^.lTc'tar. .h."^^^ 7-orry the lifo out of me. Snooting paint '„v „ d'the .amexrd document, consisting o» ' darted from the- ear to my eyes, ail(' htce folios and coiisp.ciulveiy numbered Irom one lo thence to my forehead The agony wa. '"«*, a"d '''»' !l contains and Is a true and liilhfu! so acute that I could re/t day oflight. I twisted and turned from sidi ,ny way tnv statements—which I-elve voluntarily, to side all night long, and in the morn without' receiving any UHymem; and I make thlt ing I was too exhausted to get OUt 0 1 oleI»n declaration ennjcmntlonslv bellrvlng the bed This new torture continued fo. T&?*£™™T*AZ%b\?i?^*s*3L months, till at last I thought I wa .muled •• The Justices oi ]'c»ce Act, i 88»." eoing mad. • A peculiar feature of my • /* A dreadful ilness was the wuy niy tongue ... .*7^^ '-"7%?', A " — ' — *Z^ 0": used to swell. It felt too thick for mv '* /nf /P)**~. (7 fliAMm^ mouth, and almost choked me. My 01/ *Mf '' Ui*t+ /^^gT'.^v brain was full of e^il-forpbodings as 1 Cf <•+< lay throughout the sleepless nights in W.iare.d at Parnell this thirtieth d«y of OcUbwr,- "ft a state of nervous terror. Many a tim.> ■ ihous»m» nine bundr . beforr me. *r^;. I haTe awakened my wife from her slum- JOHK. KoOIOB. JJT. J^ ~W T"JT 74 POLLEN STREET. task IIQUSe, Thames, . A, MATHEWS, BEGS to inform the Residents of the Thames and Distriofc that only the Goods Exhibited at the Sample Room, Junction Hotel, are now being offered for Sal© at Clearing Prices at the new braraph. premises, 74, Pollen Street, under the management of MrH. D. CooK} of Mary Street,-Thames. Thei head manager, Mr William H. Matliews, -now in Auckland, is sending the New Stock of Clothing and Drapery Goods, wbdeh.,should be, \ready for SALE ON ISiATURDAY NEXT, the 22nd inst., when a Good Useful Present (to mark the opening of this branch) Will be Given Away to" Every Customer. The Stock when completed will be of the Wue o!^. nearly £2,000, and it will be insured for £1500 in the Sun Fire Office,^? London. §£ CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Pdcone Wellington Woollen Co's Rug, 15s 6d each. Men's Tweed Suits, Dunedin make, Painted Back Floor Cloth, 2yds- wide. 17s 6d' each, all sizes. 10£ d per square yard. Men's Tweed and Serge Trousers, German Dress Sateens, all colors, fllso Dunedin make, 4s 6d per pair. cream and white. Men's White Shirts, Linen Fronts and Ge™an Printed B™s* Sateen»- SP'€n,: Cuffs, 3s 3d eacb, size HJ to 16-1. did patterns, 6d^pcr yard, worthi Men's Cotton Drill and Flannelette Frenc Y DrCFS Satelns,'newest goods Shirts, Is lid each, good quality. in New Zea]and _ E 3 peoially ° ; m _ ■Boys' and Youths' Knickers Suits, ported for th? Exhibition; lOid per Roslyn and Peptone Tweed, sizes yard, worth i& 6d. " Silk Ties,'newest shapes, Is each, Dark and Colored French Dress % some worth 2s 6d each. Sattenettes, newest goods m the^ Braces, Under Clothing, Etc.^ trade > ls I** y^d,-worth Is lid, r .- :' . German Cotton Ticking, all pure eoV** DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. - ton, 6d per yard, worth 10£ d. Roslyn, White Blankets, best quality, Ladies' Wntarproof Cloaks, 10s &1, . woirth 21s each. H«avy Dark Rugs, very cheap, 6s Ladies' Waterproof C'oaks, latest lid each. style. The New Buggy, Rug, latest Rug Frilled Skirts, 19s 6d each, wodth 30s made, 13s 6d each. each. '»» wwmvwvn " ' , <! NOTE THE ADDRESS-^ ' " • MA Mathpw* CASH HOUSB ' U.KJ. » J3L , JJJ- WVIi/l/ CfyO 97i POLLEN ST., THAMES.

New Kidney Potatoes. CHEAPER THAN EVER, AND, CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON At Lotweist Prices at R. THORNTON, FRUITERER, POLLEN STREET, THAMES. \ E. J. EASTER, Boot Maker and. Repairer, (Late of M. Whitehead and Son.) Begs to .inform his friend's and the general public that he has commenced i business km his own - account in i i Rolleston /Street (next Deable and ' Sons), and hopes by careful attention ! to business to merit a fair share of ' ipuiblio patronage. " ' ] Hand-Sewn Work a Speciality. JI Note the Address— ' ROLLESTON STREET. - 1

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Thames Star, Volume XXXX, Issue 10500, 22 November 1902, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Star, Volume XXXX, Issue 10500, 22 November 1902, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Star, Volume XXXX, Issue 10500, 22 November 1902, Page 6