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The Hot Weather and a Malarial Climate generate I FEWER AND AGUE. i Clements Tonic 1 RESCUES & RECUPERATES A MAN REDUCED TO SKIN AND BONE. i ' (sr on traoiAii miwwtwL) Known It Pull a Man ToHaving received information ,ef tfca ff th l (s! rT fl!S? Nolhln* E'BO singular success of Clements Tonto in earing WOUIO OO Him any, QOOO. Mr. K. S. Gibb of intermittent fever, and At the time I took little interest in any. general debility arising out of that com- thine, but I had just enough curiosity to plaint, our special reporter called on the . ask him what it waa. He didn't tell me late sufferer at his r«iideact,No.2l Trancia-' then, but,next day he brought me half street, Sydaey. Mr. Gibb was in, an* said i ' „, ', ■ '_ . he would be pleased to furnish full A Bottle of Clements Tonic Particular, of HI.,. gWd me^te lake it, and gave and the manner in which Clements Tonio "Did you notice anything?" expelled it from his system. " No, I didn't, for I forgot all about lt^ "A v*try obstinate and difficult cemplalat But my friend came next day, and asked me to deal with is thia fever," said Mr. Gibb, hew I felt, and I had to tell him that I had in answer to a question put to him by the forgotten to take any more of the medicine. ' reporter; "net so much the illness Itself, ' «v«..i^ii.^ i imu a.i.k.. but its after comequencw are to be You Look * Littl# BrI«k«»'. dreaded." - - anyhow,'he replied, and I certainly did feel a " Will you he geed enough to tell me trifle brighter. He then took a parcel and where and hew yen first contracted thia placed it on the table by the. bedside. It con-, disease?" - ~ - teinedhalf-a-dozenbottlesof Clements Tonio, "Certainly I will. It was in Queensland, which he had taken, the trouble to get 600 odd mile* up country from Brisbane, expressly for me. ' Now,' he said,' I hope and in a malarial district. Almost any „ you won't have to take the lot, but there country ia that latitude is malarial, if there the bottles are if youshould require them.'" is plenty of water about. I was a store and " How did you get on ?" book-keeper en-a large sugar, plantation ia "From that moment thejtforthern Di.trict.f Queensland, which | Took No Other Medicine, is somewhat low and marshy. Unfortn* ... , . ,lt „ . , . nktely, being new to the district, and not Bop ,dl, d J&«y of the 'local treattakingprapfrprecautienaagainstthenlgh. ZFJ^t^rZLSSh £Z l\ ■'*■-• *m. "^1 think I told you I was little cUe than lOontraet.dF«veran<lA S u«. ?k I n «„«, Bon* Iwasforcedtogotobedimmedfately. 1% m f-w dogM o f clement, was no use fighting against it. Every now and Tonio I sUrted to eat. I didn't seem 'Tl" I I..K°*» BhIt WIIW «*fwliiejiinad« M , We to g-t enough of anTt hing, as >he snake like an people round me were afraid to give me too Old Man With the Palay. much •* » time, owing to my great weakThen would come a state of high fever, ntm" _„".* - fc _J when my temperature would goup atquitean reel Quite) Oneervul, alarming rate. .The local doctor lived some toe, and took a lively interest in the newsdistance off, but drove over to see me and papers. Whole nightalhad used to lie awake, ordered in* the usual medicines, including a but now I slept like a top from 10 o'clock to S large qiianti'y of quinine. He also gave o'clock the next morning. I was able to very special directions aa te mj diet and apt np and ,; , ■ , ■' .. * ,", Walk Short Dlrtano..^ " - "Well; as'you-see, the-fever didn't kill and a marked improvement waa noticed in me, but it left me in »c every day. .The way I put on flesh wm « uewßad Btala. Wonderful. People who saw me said mini . m vajry ow%a o»MiVa» waa a case of" •* -1 Igdt'ovcr'the'first'heat of the disease, but Tha nui<>bi>>t Rmnvoru thnaccond stage of my-illnees waa wone Tha Q"«cfce»t Reoovery thanUhe first; and'l waa"a ' from the aftereffects of fever-that they h«d ui^im't/t n»i>ill*«# Men,aridthesamepooplohedprophesieclthat Victim to Genera! Debility. j w< ; nldi .j get lVfl^ for % ye , r or . two> but I was so' tliiii and weak that i was they were all wrongs Jnjtwo.or three quite-as much>as-I could do to move<jny rnonthilwas knocking about the plantation, limbs. 1 had taken so much quinine that I md getting fatter and ' - Stronger Day by Day. " and'drumniing in the ears. Everyone up I told them what-had cured me. I don't thfre had a different remedy to recommend know whatin in Clements Tonic, butit aeams me but none were of any use. I tried hot a thorough 'bath*- w'ith-plenty"of' eucalyptus"leaves' ■ S|secitlc Against Fever, SSli^^v^L^SSla «f » V-JU. one round wonderfully quickly some ofihese things might have strung »>>", ««»»• »nd .^ A™&» 'f™ 0 * itagethef' for tf little time, but they >«c of "^ ¥ for that oomp amt h*rZ ?° f* 0? ' — b . . . \ "I suppose you have no objection to your >< 3No Lasting Benefit. case being made public?" h^ lfhadTn ale:pp netite/' But^n*' £ -W di.trictsof «Jtf^J« Wg«g efntrary was-the case; I ,had to force * Clements lonic, and that it should be myself to cat, and just lie on the bed staring »«PPlwd by the squatters to , at the ceiling with no hope "or desire for All Ailing Station Hands." anything, and without sufficient strength to ■ Oup re p Orter th<sn( havin g thanked Mr. 9 Brush a Fly Away Gibb for his courtesy, took his leave. from my face." • ~ • - ... „ , " What did the medical man say!" My <T» y* • //' ■" He sajdmine was a very long and pain- M"^ / ~ } f f/sJ/J ful :a«e, and aa soon as J. was better, I ought «y * *£>>CV' 4S'S * to go .away to a hilly district,for a, change - /; .* of air. "One day an old bushman who came / to see me, offered to tell me ot something that pto'.»t»d at Sydney, this 19th day of April, VM would give me «n appetite; he said ho had - belors me, 0. H. rout, J.F. i

;' M.. TEASDAL^, pIRAXriICAi; KiUiffiEß/TmSMITH 1 AND GASFITTER. Willoughbj Street) Shortland, Next Tetley. Butcher BATHS, TANKS,. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS Eto..' Made to' Order. Special attention given to all kinds of 1 ' Repainu "VERONA." Next residence L. D. Nathan, Esq.,) ' KABANGAHAPE ROAD, AUCKLANI GOOD BOARD AND LODGING. Every Convenience and Comfort-. Term moderate. Addrew— ■' Verona," Karanga hape Boad, AuoUaud (midway between Baptist Tabernacle, Queen street, and Pitt Street TVesleran Church.. W. Thoauui.) 8. Thoma* W. THOMAS, M onumental Mas on, CORNER OF VICTORIA AND LIKNB STREETS EAST, AUCKLAND , DESIGNS AND ESTIMATES FREE OK APPLICATION. AH fork fixed in local cemeteries oaJw omr Personal Supervision. ■ RELIEVE FMisIrHEAT PREVENT FITS, C9NVULS!OHS| Em Preaerve *% healthy state of tne eonatl' tntlon dm tg the period' or Teethla^^: The words "JOHN STEEDjVIA^'~ v ■ ' ceHEMirr, w«lwobth,j|orbit,» o.\ Men's all wool colonial made > suits < worth 27s ,6d, for 18s 6d, during Cullen ' and Co.'s summer sale.. Men's a\l wool colonial trousers 6s 6il, worth 7s 6d.—• Advt. DR. PASOALL'S Congh Mixture fof lafluaua, BronoWtia, Bvl Cough,,

JOHN MUIR, T4ILOB, ' TN THA NG hw friend*, and the publio generallj for 'the liberal s' pport accorded him in,the past, hai pleasure in informing them that/he hae jnirt"imported, per'"■*' Pakeha, from London hi EXCEPTIONALLY LARGE AND WILL-ASSORTED STOCK ol Spring & Summer Goods, ooniirting of ENGLISH and SCOTCH TWEEDS. PLAIN and CHECK VICUNAS, SERGES, and FANCY WORSTED SUITINGSV d*o a Large Selection of laney Crieketinf •rinfcaA Good Range of White and Silk ' Wonted Vetting*. Inspection fcmted- Fit and Workxuuukip Guaranteed. ADDRESS— " r* KROWN STRUT. THAMES Telephone 3. P.O. Box 49. ! F. BATf SON, Tinsmith,.' Plumber, Gas «£> Electric Be I Fitter. , POLLEN STREET, THAMES. XT AS A-WELLwASSORTED STOCK + A of TINWARE, WASHING FUR. >NACES; ..IRON/CHIMNEYS,' TANKS, PLUNGE BATHS, ETC., ETC., CORRUGATED. IRON CURVED TO ANY PATTERN. I. __ All r orders promptly attended to by competent workmen,, own jp6r. >OnaltiuMrJnaioa. .V ,' — *£,<,,"•. 'XI • r' 'rr-j -'';>■ ." r*= - —cr J", ' ! Meh's> all nrobl .colonial""- "made wiit*' Voffli -tfla ;6A f " foe-IBs ed^'dnfuig Cultef an^"Cfo. >8" lßiiinm©r sale. Means' all" wXhA colonial trousers 5s &d, worth 7a 6d — Advfc. At Collen's summer aale you can buy ladies' corsets worth 2s lid for Is 6d;um. brellas,-3s 6d for- Is - lid; sTjnsbadet, worth 4f 64 for U 64. Bargaini for every.

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Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9879, 26 February 1901, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9879, 26 February 1901, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9879, 26 February 1901, Page 4