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THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. Gives up His Work. S!CK, SUFFERED and SAVED. The Case Of world that was moving round me. I became very despondent and low spirited." Hfl „ .llf m Ms»f*ARTHV " Were doctors called in to see you ?" wr. wm. MCUAKinf, „o h( yeß> and they prMcribe j forn)e> . ■ but with no result." (From the Windsor and Richmond GauHt). " How long were you ill altogether t" ___ "I «v ill for two year*. Nothing Bt OUB SPECIAL RKrORMR. iMmed to hold „„,. ftny j^ „ Information having been conveyed to tht "Did you Buffer from further seizures ?" i7rt«e««:thatMr..McCarthyhadrecoveredfroni "Yes, most unfortunately, I did. Not I A w__. sariAua illn*SM. I°n £ after the first fit I had another, A Very SeriOUV inn***, » nd then another. Each fit was worse than we at once detailed a reporter to make full the p rev i ou , on e, and my illness seemed to enquiries into the matter, and also to per- j,e rapidly progressing sonally interview McCarthy himself on the * "* r-*«i /*■».*. subject. When our reporter arrived at ■• a Fatal Close. McGrath's Hill, near Windsor, he found I was now in a terrible plight. AH my whom he sought, powerfully wielding a symptoms were intensified. I suffered more sledge hammer in his forge. The way that than ever from want of sleep. I became Mr. McCarthy lifted up the heavy sledge extremely weak and thin, and in a very as though it weighed but a few ounces quite short time I dropped from list to 9st 61b—a Astonished our reporter, for h« had expaated low of 221b. This ia> to find the blacksmith in Tremendous Lost of Flesh .;A Weak Btate Of Health. j OT% light man> ftnd wil l speak more plainly "How do you feel, asked our* reporter" of my condition than any mere words could "?Never felt better in my life," replied the do. My irritability and excitability had blacksmith, and he put down his hammer become worse since my seizures. I was hopeand entered straight away into ft conver- less and in despair. I was laid up in bed, and cation. never expected to leave it again. Once a "You ask me what was the matter with little book was brought me by a friend. me," said Mr. McCarthy, "well, that ii 'Read it carefully,'he said. I did so. The what no one could tell me. My illnew book wai descriptive of Clements Tonic and came upon me aa unexpectedly how it had effected cures in the apparently As a Thunderbolt. Most Hopeless Cases." One day I was working in the forge when I ««What did you do t" was seized with a violent headache. I had "I seat for some and commenced a course to at once put down my toola and go into o f it. After about a dozen doses I began to the house, notice a distinct improvement in the general From that day I date my •uffenngs. I tone of my nenres. They gradually became could no longer enjoy my food. In fact, In better in tone and less liable to cause me to a very short time eating caused me intense shake suddenly. My nervous systsro pain and I only took what food was abio- gathered vitality every day. That feteS ivnTmy £& (affiha! G^my, Forebodin* Feeling always of the lightest and most easily which had hung over me for so long began digestible kind) was eaten it caused a painful to lift like a cloud." Distension In My Stomach. "c J ? uldyo^^Vß?,d digM ■ y? w food?" * , " Yes; with better spirits came a Sour gas would rue in my throat, together renewed appetite, and Clements Tonic, I with an intensely bitter fluid. This, I found, had a wonderfully stimulating effect believe, is what is commonly called heart- on my digestive organs, and lastly, but by no burn. My akin began to get of a dirty means i east) B i eep once ,n Ore came to me> yellow colour, and I started to IoK weight Deep an<| Refre , hinK B|cep " How about your work f was now the rule with me every night I " I had to entirely was toon out of bed and in the open air. •» Qiva Un Mv Wark. The exercise did me good, and as I continued » «aivv w H my nwrn, Clements Tonic my strength continually as I was t'.o weak to do any. Sleep became improved." almost entirely out of the question. I was a •• And what about the other pains ?" victim to the worst form of sleeplessness. « Those in the back and head all left me, Night after night I passed walking up and an d was HOO n able to do some light work, down my bedroom, getting into bed and^ Very shortly Clements Tonio put me on my again rising to pace the room in the vain legs again, aa would°be" ■"weary 'that I*couid'TcarMiy Strong and Able a Man stand, and yet waa quite unable to obtain as ever I was in my life." The Blewinff of Sleep. ,/r, Ani y,S u had n0 more BC! zurel» MrMcCarthy I Howl did long for it, if but for half-an- "No; I firmly believe the epilepsy hat hour. No one who has not suffered as I did been completely driven out of my system, eau have the faintest idea of the advantage an d I don't ftar it now." •f proper sleep." «You look in good health, anyhow I" 1' What effect had this want of sleep upon . •« Yes, and can do aa hard a day's work your nerves!" Many blacksmith in Australia." " The very worst. I began to get horribly •• And can i put ttlis io the Gazette t" nervous. I couldn't bear the Bight of «. y eSf you can> Rll jaa j ftm known all •trangers. Tht mo»t trifling noises would the country round anyone who requires send me into . further particulars of my case can easily find A Fit Of Trembling; met As you may guess I am extremely (Jj" gULuTubew- wtat ltMmi * myself, I nsed to fall into a terrible state of *»*»»* » not ltttol lllneMexcitement about nothing." —— " Any other .ymptoms, McCarthy!;' STATUTORY DECLARATION. W t nH! lin^^h^r^rnoTlTkTdn^ »• wtotAH McC.BTHT, Of lleGnU.-. Hill. tt» back and loins. They/were doubtless kidney Wjni!l!or> ln th , colony of New South waiei, do and liver troubles and extremely agonising, solemnly and lincerely declare that I have care. aud used to fairly wear me out, and then fully read the annexed document, oonsiiting of elerin thprn nrn«« annfhpr utarrn nf mi» il!np«a folios, and consecuHrely numbered from one to elcr«n, there srose anotner stage oi my illness Mldtn «t it contains and to a true and faithful account which was SO dreadful that even HOW 1 of myillnew and oure by Clements Tonic, and alio hardly care to talk about it. As you under- contain! my full permission to publish the eatrie In stand, although I couldn't work I could «n.y vay: and I make this solemn dcoloration con.fin „.™IL- n*A ».. .»»,.» nno J * n *«b« ~ scientiooilybtlievinp the same to be true, and by etui walk, and was accustomed to take a rtu , of t £ e provii & n g of »„ Aot made and pawed in stroll in open air on fine days in the the ninth year of the reijn of her present Ma.trfty, hope that the fresh air would do me good. Intituled "An Act for the more effectual abolition ol ■ Otip rl iv whpn Him) Histanna from hnmn Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in the varloui Une a.iy, wnen some aistance irom Home, D epartmentg 0( the Government of New South Wale», Without any warning, I saw everythmg i,TtoTObititut«T)eclaratlons in lieu thereof, and for going Muck before me, and I fell down in a tat suppreraloa ol Toluntar/ and extra-judicial Oaths fit. It was epilepsy, or the falling sicknsu, anaAffldaTits.'* Taken Home Insensible yL? Jfr £, &„*//* in a cart. The state I was in for some «m« /%? *&■**+™'Wa* 7*f ufter this I can hardly describe. I vomited - and was so weak I could hardly move. All Tteohndtl Winter Mils'tOth day of July, 1896, daylong I sat in a dull, lifeless sort of ft wtoitßt, *i«mx rtT^PATßtoic way. f6eemedtopoßHHn«intere.tiiith* 53«5f««.. CLEMENTS TONIO has • record of cures none can rival. Hundreds of base substitutes come on the market, the plausible advertiiing resorted to attracts the attention of the thoughtlew and unwary, and they have a sale for a year or two till they are found out. For a medicine to remain popular for the number of years Clements Tonic has, it must have exceptional merit. The Australian public is too well educated and too discriminating to be gulled for long even by clever, if false advertisements, and that is the reason all the quack nostrums run to the length of their tether in less than four yean in this country Ulcment9 Tonio has been the leader for tea.

BY APPOINTMENT A.KOHN, MANUFACTURING JEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH. ftUEIN STREET. AUCKLAND. B. Peterson and Co. HIGH STREET. CHRISTCHURCEL HIGHEST AWARDS OBTAINED At Sydney Exhibition. 1879; Melbourn* Exhibition, 1890; and AUCKLAND EXHIBITION. 1899 Telephone 3. _ P.O. Box 49." F. BATTSON, Tinsmith, Plumber, Gas & • Electric Bell Fitter, POLLEN STREET, THAMES. TTAS A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK -*"*• of TINWARE, WASHING FURNACES, IRON CHIMNEYS, TANKS, PLUNGE BATHS, ETC., ETC., CORRUGATED IRON CURVED TO ANY PATTERN. All orders promptly attended to by competent workmen under my own per. sonal supervision. NOTICE. HATING STARTED ON MY OWN BEHALF AT MY BUSINESS OF MASON AND BRICKLAYER, I bfeg to notify that I will carry out all Claws of Maeon Work in an honeat, tradesman-like manner. I Agent for "jßouakill and.MoNab, Monumental Mjggga, Auckland, De■ijgna and P*i*KHb <** kand. A'- 4* «r\TT, : MtoOUOlfaMMffT, THAMES.

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Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9830, 31 December 1900, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9830, 31 December 1900, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9830, 31 December 1900, Page 4