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Flannels cheaper than ever. Alfred Court placed veiy large orders before the ad van* c and can nows 11 them at less than mil prices—Advt

THf VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. Gives up His Work. S!CK, SUFFERED and SAVED. The Case Of world that was moving round me. I became very despondent and low spirited." • Mr U/rM MCCARTHY "Were'doctors'called in to see you?" mr. wm. mcihki m. „O hj yea , and they preßCribe s for mCs i but with no result." (From the Windsor and Richmond GattUt). " How long were you ill altogether ?" 1 __„ . "I -was. ill for two years. Nothing bs oub special rkportkk. seemed to hold out any, hope.» ■ Information having been conveyed to the " Did you suffer from further seizures 1" ; Gazetteth&tMt. McCarthyhadrecoveredfrom ".Yes, most unfortunately, I did. Not - A Very SeriOUS illness. long after the first lit I had ■ another, i * v *ii m& then another. Each fit was worse than ,we at once detailed a reporter to make full the previous one, and my illuess seemed to enquiries into the matter, and also to per- i, e rapidly progressing 1 sonally interview McCarthy himself on the c * * . _ .. -,„.„ j subject. When our reporter arrived at TO a Fatal Close. JiJcGrath's Hill, near Windsor, he found I was now in a terrible plight. All m\ whom he sought, powerfully wielding* symptoms were intensified. I suffered mon , sledge hammer,, inhis forg«. The way that than'ever from want of sleep. I becani ! Mr. McCarthy; lifted up the heavy sledge extremely weak and thin, and in a very as though it weighed but a few ounces quite short time I dropped from list to 9st Gib—a I astonished our reporter, for hehad expected loss of 221b. This iafr j to find the blacksmith in Tremendous Loss of Fleeh ; A Weak State of Health. f(ff a light man> and willspeak more plainly \ " How do you feel, asked our reporter !" o f my condition than any mere words couM i "Never felt better in my life," replied the do. My irritability a«d excitability had | blacksmith,, and he put down his hammer become worse since my seizures. I was hope and entered straight away into a conyer- less and in despair. I was laid up in bed, and ; sation. ■" ■•'■■;•' ne ver expected to leave it again. Once a : "You ask me what was the matter with little book was brought me by a friend me," said Mr. McCarthy, "well, that ia 'Read it carefully,'he said. 1 did so. The what no one could tell ma. My illn«M book was descriptive of Clements Tonic and i came upon me as unexpectedly how it had effected cures in the apparently A3 a Thunderbolt Most Hopeless Cases." One'day I was working in the forge when I « What did you do !" : was seized with a violent headache. ; I had , ;" I gent for some and commenced a course ;to at once put down my tools and go into o f it. After about a dozen doses I began to ; the house. i '" . ~ * » .notice a distinct improvement in the general ! From that day I date ifly' sufferings. '• I tone of my nerveß. They gradually became ; couldino longer; enjoy my f00d..: In fact, In better in tone and less liable to cause me to ; a very shprtitime easing caused me intense ; shake suddenly; Myi nervous system pain and I only took, what food was apso-. gathered vitality every day. That Gloom* Foreboding Feeling : always of the. lightest: and most easily which had hung over me for so long began digestible kind) waseaten it caused a painful, to lift like a cloud.?'. „,.= - • : Distension in My Stomach. "Could you eat and digest your food?" „ . . - ■*--,■ •**--■-••■■■■■; ; ■■•■-- "Yes; with' 'better spirits came a i Sour gas would rise in my throat, together renewed appetite, and Clements Tonic, I with an intensely bitter fluid. 1 his, I found, had a wonderfully stimulating effect believe, is what is commonly called heart- on my digestive organs, and lastly, but "by no , burn. My. skm began : .to get of a dirty means i eaa t, sleep once more came to me. 3'ellow colour, and I started to low weight _ . _ _ .. _. rapidly." Deep and Refreshing Sleep " How about your work !" was now the rule with me every night I • " I had to entirely was coon out of bed and in the open air. Give Up My WorlfL c exer°ise did me good, and as I continued , , „, < Clements Tonic my strength continually as I was too weak to do any. Sleep became , improved." almost entirelyout of the question. I was a ; » And what about the other pains ?" victim to the worst form of sleeplessness. ! •• Those in the back and head all left me, Night after night I passed walking up and ftn a was soon able to do some light work, down my, bedroom, getting into bed and Very shortly Clements Tonic put me on my again; rising to 'pace the room in; the' vain i e g ß again, aa hope of inducing sleep.. In the morning I «*_*-«,"--w . feu « -_«, ■would be so weary thslt I;could scarcely Strong ana Able a Man sNind, and yet was quite unable to obtain as ever I was in my life." The Blessing Of Sleep. ,_,, you had no more seizures, Mr. How I didJong for it,, if but for half-an. "No; I firmly believe the epilepsy has hour. No one who has wot suffered as I did been completely driven out of my system, can have the faintest idea of the advantage and I don t fear it now." of proper sleep. ",:■ •".■.■■>' ■ " You look in good health, anyhow !" " What effect had this want of sleep upon ««Yes, and can do as hard a day's work your nerves?" „, , ai any blacksmith in Australia." '' The very worst. I began to gat horribly i«^.nd can I put this in the Gazette ?" nervous. I couldn't bear the sight of .«« Yes, you can, and as Lam known; all strangers. The most trifling noises would the country'round anyone who requires send me into further particulars of my case can easily find A Fit Of Trembling. """" roe? As you may guess lam extremely T ,, , , • „.< j ■ ji ■ grateful for my cure from what ceesned a I became extremely irritable, andin spite of g fa . lon|& . if not i ta i mneßß ... myself, I used to fall into a terrible state of °V ■ ■ excitement about nothing." : '■'..'..■ m " Any other symptoms, McCarthy f' BTATUTOBT DECLARATION. Wfc !oira E ng T. ivn?°V,Z?ZvAZZ !». *"<"*« McCarthy,.- of MeGrath', Hill, near back and loins. They were doubtless kidney ! wt ia aor ln the Colony of New South Wata, do and liver troubles and extremely agonising, : solemnly and ,#ncerely .^declare, : that 1 have careand used to fairly wear me Out, and then ; fully read the annexed document, consisting of eleven there arose nnnthpr nfaera nf mv illnoc. folios, and connecutirely numbered from one to eleren, ,I^l w« J a 1 Ati ff * 7 t, wd that it contain»«ndvisa-irno>»nd faithful account .Ulich was SO dreadful that even DOW I f of my illness and cure by Clements Tonic, and also liardly care to talk about it. As you under- | contains:my, full k permission to publish the same in stand, althoush I couldn't work I could I any'vway;; and I, make thia Bolemn declaration constroll m open air-on fine days in tho ' thehihth l«year of the reijh of her present M ft i<-sty, li ope that the fresh air would do me good. ' intituled "An Act for the more effectual abolition of One dny, when some distance from'home. ) Oathaand Afflrmdtions taken and made in the wMinnr aiiv' wnminrr T «.„ „. «L iv- ■ Departments of the Government of.New South Walep, • il *£ y\jy g ' -V T aY- 11 eY* rytlF1 S i on|tosub»tituta Declarations in lieu thereof, and for i,'oing,i)i»cK ttetore me, and I fell down in a '• the guppresßiori ol Toluotery and extra-judicial Oaths nt. It was epilepsy, or the falling sickness, and Affidavit*." J Taken Home Insensible J^ J^ &<£ l/r 'in a'cart. The state I was iri for some time " V •'#/# <&«!***> rOiU/OM tut \ «-fter this I canhardly describe/ I vomited * ''■ •-'' '■ ' r.nd was so weak I could Hardly move. All ' Tleolated al Vlfltor «Mi fiOth d»T of July, 1898, Jay long I. sat in a dull, lifeless sort of a Mwem... mtzpatrtpk •vay. f seemed to possess no interest in tha JAMES J. FITZPATRICK, rf . Justice of the Peace. CLEfWENTS TONIO has » Mcord of cures none can rival. Hundreds of base ibstitu'cs.-come-on the market, the;plausible advertising resorted to attracts the attention f ihe i.liiiitghtle^s arid unwary, and they have a sale for a year or two till they are found i '•' nt. :iJiVr a medicine to remain popular for the number of years Clements Tonic has, it |i nst ha-ve exceptional merit. ' The Australian public* is too well educated and too discriminat- : i-ig to be gulled for long even by clever, if false advertisement*, and thai ii the reason all j ho quack nostrums run to the length of their tether |n. (eta than, four yews ia tbil country Wivweuta Xo»w bw iJ4W> m l^ff 1^ 1m ■ .- - —■■ -.T I

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Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9618, 21 April 1900, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9618, 21 April 1900, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 9618, 21 April 1900, Page 4