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The Thames Star. Resurrexi. FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. Notes and Comments.

A short time ago a cable message announced the destruction of the Little Crosby lighthouse by fire. English files, by the 'Frisco mail, contain the following particulars: During Tuesday night the Little Crosby lighthouse, situated on the shore about ten miles from Liverpool, was totally destroyed by fire, and the keeper, Robeit Buckley, his wife, and another ! person are missing. When the signalman at Hightowa cabin, on the Southport branch of the Lancashire and ; Yorkshire Kailway, went on duty at four o'clock in I thfl morning, he caw the lighthouse in flames. He commanicated at once with rosby fire station, and the brigade pro needed towaids the scene of the conflagraion, as well as the coastguard crew -.tationed in the vicinity. By this time the whthouse was burning fiercely, and all ittempts to check the progress of the Hanies, fanned by the gala that was blowing, yroved unsuccessful- When the fire had . ractically burned itself out, search was made for the inmates, but no trace of them could be found, and there can be little doubt that all of them perished- The person who was staying at the lighthouse. with the Buckleys was Mrs Clement, belonging to Birkenhead. Considerable speculation has been indulged in as to the cau-e of the disaster, and the theory which firds most general acceptance is that during the height of the gale thfi lantern on the top of the lighthouse was blown in, cau» ng the lamps to explode and set fire to surrounding woodwork. Search has been made among the debris, and portions of human retrains have. been found. A tirl named v ilson, who was supposed to have perished, had left the house two or three days ago.

An announcement mtide to the Hackney Vestry, that the Duke and Duchess of Fife had declined to open the Hackney Town Hall, which they had previously agreed to do, led to an extraordinary scene. It seems that some of the members spoke and voted against the proposal to vote £200 to pay for the reoeption of the visitors. Cutting* of local newspaper reports were sent by a member of the Vestry to the Duke, a«d his Grace, as a result, expressed his displeasure at having been apked to perform the ctremony when the Vestry was not unanimous on the question, and cancelled the engagement. Part of the money has already been spent. Mr Wells Holland, the Chairman of the House Committee, regretted that an insult had been offered to members of the Royal Family. Ab a protest against the aotion of certain members of the Vestry, Mr Whiter, a Progressive, and Mr J. VV. Martin, a Fabian, moved and seconded the adjournment of the Vestry, which was carried by a very large majority. Mr G. Chambers, J.P , the Chairman, announced that he should resign his position as Chairman in conaequenoe of the incident. The majority of the members present than sang the National Anthem.

A peivate wire received here to-day' from Duneuin, states that Mr W. H. Baker, an ex pupil of the Thames High School and School of Mines, has successfully past the l&t section of the degree of B.Sc. A'o doubt all Mr Baker's friends will congratulate him on his success. We understand that he will leave for Dunedin again in a couple of weeks, where he will resume his studies.

The Northern Steamship Company's new boat, the s.s. Taniwha, will make her first trip to Paeroa on Monday, April 4th.

foMX of the applications for relief sen*/ in to the local committees by sufferers fronr. thf bush fins are strangely wor >cd. ' Here i; an extract from one by a wdow :—" I have iv family four dairy cow?, two pigs, a herue and three little children, all these bine by my first husband, and two goa's iv full, and a b*by by my second husband. All of the animals were lost in the fiie."

riANoponTKB carefully tuned for 7» 6d periodical visits at rerluoel rateß. J. Q-btgo Q'ieen street, between Wslte* and P&hau sfc-pis.—;awut

Beautiful designs m lace curtains, art muslins, satin quilts, toilet cover-, t'ay oloths, table runners, serviettes, afternoon tea cloths, doylies, &c , all being sold at extremely low prices for cash, at A. J. and E. Irvine's sale—Advt.

The Hauraki Tribune is to be taken over by Mr Joseph Ivesg, of Christcburch, from Mr C. F. Mitchell on the let of May.

Seven new cases of fever hay* been reported by the local medical faculty to the Borough Council.

Those who are desirous of trying their luck in the Alaskan diggings, will have an opportunity of doing so shortly, as Messrs T. Cook and Son hare made arrangements for the s.a. " Paroo"—a veßsell of 3400 tons—to sail from Auckland for Juneau city on April 9th.

Football clubs under the Thames Eugby Union are notified that their delegates must be appointed before the animal meeting- of the Union, whioh will be held on or before 14th April.

Mr E. Bastings proprietor of the Criterion Hotel, Paeroa, writes: -" A report has been circulated that I have sold out of the Criterion, Would you kindly announce in your next issue that I have not sold, nor have any intention of selling."

Adams Bros, are now snowing all the latest novelties in millinery —fAdvt,

Childbbn's Wool Hats, Bonnets, Ladies Wool Wraps, and Shawls in all the latest designs—c, J. Hutson and Co, Pollen Street —[Advt.]

At a meeting of the executive of the Thames Poultry, Pigeon :and Canary Club, held on Wednesday evening, the date of this year's show was fixed for the 16th and 16th of July next. Owing to the large ■ number of local fnnci«rs it ie auticipaten that this year's show will eclipse the former ones. It is expected that there will be over 100 entries in the pigeon class alone.

As will be seen from an advertisement Professor Black and Mr Dtnnison will explain the p rmanganate process of gold saving in the Academy of Itfusio this evening. As admission is free there should be a good attendance of miners to listen to the explanations to be ifiveu. >

As there has been a nolicable change in the weather the last few days, we are reminded that a change in clothing and dress will soon be neoessary. With regard to Dress Goods, Millines y, Fur Boas, Fur Capes, Mackintoshes Mantles, Gloves, etc., we are obliged to havo these imported, but heavy woollen goods such as Blankets, Flannels, Tweeds. Men's YouthB 1, and B ys' Clothing", it is difficult to surpass in quality or even equal in value that produced by New Zealand Manufacturers. A complete range of Colonial and imported Goods now opened by W. S. Wtlie.—Adrt.

A meeting of the Joint Committee of the Borough and County Councils, nppoimert to co-op fate with the Committee at the Auckland Industrialund Mining Exhibition, will probably be couvened at an early date.

Che regular fortnightly meeting of the Burns Club was held last night in St. George's Hall, there be'ng a very good attpndancf. Capt. Farquhar (Piesideut) occupied the C .air- Tun following short progr mmc va< gone through, and gave satisfaction to all present: - • verturo, Mr and Mrs A. Martin ; aong, " Bettpr Bide A wee," Miss Mi ler ; song, " When Other l.ips," Mr W. Dixon; tong, " Chiming Bells," Miss I. Miller; song, " Killarncy," Mrs Gordon ; song, "When Fortune Kmiles," Mr McFarlane. The usual dance followed, to music supplied by Mr and Sirs Mar L in. Mr D. Dalton acted as M C. The singing of "AuH Lang Syne" brou^'i.t a very enjoyable evening to a close.

Dr. W. B. Bush, Oakland, Fia , writes — " I emloy Sander & Som Pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract as a local application in chronic inflammations and rhoumatio pains ; internally in nephritic as well as in pulmonary gastric and catarrh. It is sometimes difficult to obtain the genuine article. I «raployed different other preparationr, they hud no therapeutic value and no eflect. In one case the effects were similar to the oil camphora, the objectionable action of which jis well known."—This is cerUtnly a most striking evidence of the superiority of this exoellent preparation over any other.—lnsist gutting Sander & Sons Eucalypti Kxtraot, or else you will be supplied with wonhlr" oils. rApTT.I '

An inquiry was held at Coromandel on Wednesday at Brodie's Hotel as to the origin of the two incipient fires that occurred in the Driving Creek School building on March 6th and 7th. Captain (Coroner) presided The jury consisted of Messrs Arrol, MeJlars, French, Crosby, Driver, and Madden, Detective Herbert and Constable Law oonducted the inquiry on behall of the I police. The following witnesses were called : Messrs Hornibrook, Brodie, Hyatt, Baxter, Jessie Oollicodt, Joseph Collicoat, Florence Whitehead, Eliza Bjvaird, Dunn, Mavne, White, and Phillips. Nothing, however, was adduced other than that already related. No one had been on the school premises at or about the time of the tteoond lire, on which the inquity most naturally hinged, owing to the apparently deliberate and premeditated attempt then .made. No trace was found giving the slightest trail as to who was the oulprit. After a long and patient inquiry the jury returned a verdict as follows.— " That the fire* that occurred at the Driving Creek School on Maroh 6 and 7 weie caused I maliciously, but that there is no evidence to show 1 he cause."

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Bibliographic details

Thames Star, Volume XXX, Issue 9026, 25 March 1898, Page 2

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The Thames Star. Resurrexi. FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. Notes and Comments. Thames Star, Volume XXX, Issue 9026, 25 March 1898, Page 2

The Thames Star. Resurrexi. FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. Notes and Comments. Thames Star, Volume XXX, Issue 9026, 25 March 1898, Page 2