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Medical Dysentery, Gholera, Fs^er, Ague, Gougfcs, Colds, &o. DB. J. COLLIS BBOWKE'S CELOBODTKL (Ex Army Mod. Staff) X£J THE O&XGX37AL AHD O^LY GEMTrXKE. riAUTlON.—Vice-Cbancellor Sir W. P. Wood Mated that DR. COLLIS BKOWNE was | W undoubtedly tho inventor of CELORODYJKE ; that the etory of the defendant, Free- j man, being tho inventor was deliberately untrue, which he regretted baa been sworn to. Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was the discoverer of Chlorodyne ; that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne a.— See limes, July 12,1864. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using any ether than DB. J. COLLIS BSOWNE'S CH L 0 EOD Ylf E . Bemxdiai Uses and Action. This Invaluable Remedy produces quiet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, calms the system, restores the deranged functions, and. cumulates heallhy action of the secretions of the body, without cr#ting any' of those unplensant results attending the use of opium. Old ana j young may take it at all hours and times when requisite. Thousands of persons testify to its marvellous good effects and wonderful cures, while medical men extol its virtues most extensively. ' , ! CHLOKODYNE is admitted by the profeseion to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. . CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. CHLOHODYISE effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseaeeß—Diphheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. „ . , CHI.ORODYNK acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and is tho only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. CHLOKODYNE effectually oats short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitations, and. Spasms. CBLORODYKE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Bheumetiem, Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meniugitis, &c. EXTRACTS FROM MEDICAL OPINIONS. The Right Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians *nd J. T. Davenport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in Cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet, D*c. 31,1864. From A. Montgomery, Esq., lute Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay:—"Chlorodyne is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma* and Dysentery. To it I fairly owe my restoration to health, after 18 months' severe suffering, and when other remedies: had failed." , Dr. Lowe, Medical Missionary in India, reports (Dec. 1865) that in nearly every caso of Cholera in which Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlvrodyhe was administered the patient recovered. Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy in Cholera:—"So strongly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all cases." CAUTION.—None genuine without the words "Dr J. Collis Browne on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. . The public are further cautioned—a forgery of the Government btamp having come to the knowledge of the Board of Inland Revenue. Sole Manufacturer-J. T. DAVENPORT. 33, GREAT RUSSELL-STREET, BLOOMSBURY, LONDON. Sold in bottles at 1b l£d, 2s 9.1, and 4s 6d. Wholesale Agents for Bew Zealand—Messrs KEMPTHORNE, PROSSIR & CO., DUNEDIN. , 2770

CjTEEDMAN'B SOOTHING POWDERS CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. The value of this well known Family Medicine has been largely tested in all parts of the world, and by all grades of society, for up wards of FIFTY YEABS. Its well-earned extensive Bale has induced SPURIOUS IMITATIONS, some of which in OUT. WARD APPEABANCE so closely resemble the original as to hare deceived many purchasers. The proprietor therefore feels it due to the public to give a special caution against the use of SUCH IMITATIONS. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are genuine ;— Ist—ln every case the words JOHN BTEEDMAN, CHEMIST, WALWORTH BU.KREY, are engraved ca the Government Stamp affiied to each packet. 2nd—Each Single Powder has directions for the dose, and the words, Johw Steedhan, Chemist, Walworth, Surrey, printed thereon. 3rd—The name Steedman is always spelt with two SE's. I 4th—The manufacture is carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. # . Sold in Packets by all Chemist* and Medicine Vendors. Sold by Kjehothobbs, Pbosbib, and Co., Auckland. tuiWß, "Is there no hope P the sick man said j The silent doctor shook his head." . j " While there is life there's hope, he said, | " JEgroio, d*m animas tit, *pe* ett." D£ L. ~ SMITH (Thaonly legally-qualified medical , man advertising). ; OOJISPII6 On all affections of the Nervous System) bo matter from what caure arising). On all broken-down constitutions. On all diseases arising from early indiscretions. On Gout. On Rheumatism. In theae colonies those excesses which we hav.e indulged in " hot youth " tell upon us with fearful interest. Our regrets are useless, our repinings futile. The sole' idea should be the chances we posses* of remedying the ills we already have, for combatting the effects likely to result. Hide it as he may, put on as good an exterior as he can, still ia the victim conscious that he iB a living lie, and that sooner or later his vices will discover him to the world. Our Faith, our obligations to society at large, the welfare of our future offspring, and the duty, we owe to <iuraelvee forbids procrastination, and points out to us, not to wait till the ravages break out in our constitutions. Before negotiating with a merchant, before eng.'igiug with a confidential clerk} before employing a barrister, a caroiul man lnukea enquiries as their standing, their length of occupancy or residence; and, in the cage of a legal adviser, both as to his legal qualifications and as to his capabilities of transacting the individual business he consults him upon. Strange to say, however, in the selection of a medical man, the sufferer frequently omits these necessary precautions and without regard to the fitness, qualification, experience and ability for the particular ailment requiring treatment, he consults the nearest man, whose experience and practice, perhaps, lies in quite an opposite direction. £s it astonishing that co many are driven mad, are ruined in health, and are bankrupt in spirits, hope and money ? Have I not for years pointed out to them that I, Dr L. L. Smith, am the only legally qualified medical man advertising in the Colonies? Have I not also prosecuted) at my own expense, these veiy quacks, and expoeed the various nos* trums they are selling,—such aa Phosphodyne Essence of Life, &o.—and had them analysed and found them to consist of " Burnt Sugar and flavoring natter," and the certificates I have pbovbd to be all forgeries. It is for this reason that I step, out of the ethics of the profession and advertise, to give those who require the services of my branch an opportunity of knowing they can consult a legally qualitjed uian, undone, moreover, who has made this bis especial study. Dr L. L. Smith is the only legally qualified medical man advertising, and he has been in Melbourne 24 years, in full practice en NERVOUS DISEASES LOSS OF POWER AND DEBILITY SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS WANT OF CONDITION GOUT AND RHUUMA/lISM. Db L. L. SMITH oau ba consulted by letter —Fee, £1. Medisines forwarded to all the colonies}, l)x L. L. SMITH, 182 Collins street, East (Late the Betidence of the Gtoverabr) MnaOPMI. %HI

Impurities of the Blood. TFntil these purifying I'lHs ha vo bud a i'air trial, let no one be longer oppressed v.-ith tfao notion that his malady is incur&blo. A few doses will t emovo all disordered notions, rouse tho torpid livor, reliovo tho obstructed kidneys, cleanse imparo blood, and confer on every function health, ful vigour. They wort: :i thorough purification throughoat tho vrholu pystomi without dlsordering the natural uetiou ol any organ. Indigestion, Bilious Complaints, and Sick Headache. No organ in thy humtiu body is so liable to dls. order as tho liver. Kemember when nausea, fl*. tulonoy, or acidity on tho stomach warns tvs that digestion is nob preceding properly, that Hollo. way's Mils give strength to every organ, speedily removo all causes of indigestion, inspissated brio, and sick headache, and eiftct a permanent euro. Weakness and Debility. In cases of debility, languor, and norvoußnesa, generated by oxcess of any kind, whether mental or physical, the effects of these Pills are in tha highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from too system tie morbid, cauBQB of disease, re-establish tha digestion, Btrenßtheni the nervous system, raise the pa- ' tlentfa Bpirita, and bring back tho frame to it* prietino health and vigour. .. , The Kidneys-Their Derangement and Cure. If these Pills be used according to tha printed directions, and tho Ointment rubbed over tha region of the kidneys for at least half an hour at bed-time, as salt is forced into moat, it will pene. trato to the kidneys and correct any derangement therein. .• V ' '.'if' Coughs and Colds. This purifying and regulating medicine, in con. junction wlta llolloway's Oititment, is tho best euro for hoarseness, sore throats, diptheria, plea, risy, and asthma; and an in&llible remedy for congestion, bronchitis, and inflammation, indeed ; H a family medicine, they are invaluable for sub. iuing such ailments of young and old of both nxot. . . Bvllowsy's Pills are the best remedy known in th* Korld for the following diseases : — Ague Gout Secondary ' Asthma Headache Symptoms Billons Com. Indigestion Tic-Doloreux plnint3 Liver Cora. TJleers Bowel Com- plaints Yonereal Aflbc. plaints Lumbago tions Debility PUoa 'Worms of all Dropsy Hhenmatlfsu ldnds Female Irrcgu- Scrofula, or Weakness, from larities King's Evil whatover Feverr>all kinds Sore Throats cause, && *■ * Tho Pills and Ointment nro gold at Professor llom.o\vay's KfitablJshmwit.. .';53, Oxford.street, I-ondon; also by :ic;i rl v evr:rv respectable Vendor Afedicino thnr.ngliout tho Civilised World. I ull printed dirrctimig nr.7 nfflxed to each. Box avnd lot, find ran lx> h;id in nny lnngnago, evm feTurkigh, Arabic. Armenian. Persian, or CMnwa. • THE EVENING STAR. npHE present is a Good Tiino for Sub scribing to the Stab. Names and sub-, scrijitions received at any time during the Quarter. Terms 6s 6d per quarter, m adyaawi 7s 6d „ „ booked. Besidents in the Townships can hare the Stab Delivered and pay weekly the Sum Of SIXFBNCIt. fiBSAHOISSTAJi Printing, in eolorf, goW \J erbroai in > style hithyto ■nobtain* ,-able on the IhmoHt a* *»• WrmnMHtr Otfw, '

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Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3420, 8 December 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3420, 8 December 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3420, 8 December 1879, Page 4