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Medical Dysentery, Cholera, Fever, Ague, Coughs, Colds, &c* . DE. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE (Ex Army Mod. Staff) IS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE-/CAUTION.—Vice-Chancellor Sir W. P. Wood stated that DR. COLLIS BROWNE was \J undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYHE ; that the »tory of the defendant, Freeman, being the inventor was deliberately untrue, which he regretted had been sworn to. Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that Dr. J. Collis Browne was tue discoverer of Cblorodyne ; that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dry Brow»e's.--Bee limes, July 12,1864. The public, therefore, are cautioned against using any other than DE. J. COLLIS BE OWNE'S CHLOEODYffE. Behxdiaii TJbxb and Action. This Invaluable Remedy produces quiet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, calms the system, restores the deranged functions, and etimulates healthy action of the secretions of the body,, without creating any of those unpleasant results attending the use of opium. Old and young may take it at all hours and times when requisite. Thousands of persons testify, to its marvellous good effects and wonderful cures, while medical men extol its virtues most extensively. CHLORODYNE is admitted by the profession to be the mest wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. CHLORODYNE is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases—Diph heria, Fever, Croup, Ague. CHLORODYNE acts like a charm in Diarrhoea, and ia the only speoiflo in Cholera and Dysentery. CHLOKODYNE effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation, and Spasms. • ' ~*H^+' CHLORODYNE is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Caaoer, footh* ache, Meningitis, &c. < ' • EXTRACTS FROM MEDICAL OPINIONS. The Right Hon. Sari Russell communicated to the College «f Physicians and J, T. Davenport that he bad received information to the effect that the only nnedy of any service in Cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet, Dec. 31,1864. From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay:— M Ohlorodyn* it * most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it I fairly owv my restoration to health, after 18 months' severe suffering, and when other remedite had failed." Dr. Lowe, Medical Missionary in India, reports (Deo. 1866) that in nearly every case, of Cholera in which Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlerodyne %as administered the patient recovered. Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy in Choleras^So strongly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all cases." CAUTION.—None genuine without the words "Dr J. Collis Browne" on the dofernment Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. The public are further cautioned—a forgery of tie Government Btamp having come to the knowledge of the Board of Inland Revenue. '" - Sole Maxmfacturer-J. T. DAVENPORT. 83, GREAT RUSSELL-STREBT, BLOOMBBURY, LONDON. Sold in bottles at Is lid, 2s W, and 4s 6d. ' v • Wholesale Agents for Kew Zealand—Messrs KBMPTHORNE, PBOSSEB * CO., ' DTJNEDIN. f ' : . two

GOVEBNMENT GAZETTE. ri HE STAB (Thames) is » duly Gawtted ± Journal for the Publication of all Bank• ruptcy, 'Highway, and other Fublia ftotiecs, under various Colonial Act*. • } PRINTING; [} / IABDS, CIBCULAES, CHEQUE.BOO£3, fILL-HEABSj POSTEEB, HANDBILLS, ; | THEATBICAL WOBX 4c.,&c, ftc, In any Color' required,* 1 ! | On the shortest notice, and in the moB? modern style. • EVENING STAB OFFICE, Gbabajcsxowx. ' :i NOTICE. A PPUCATION TO BEGIBTBE FOBMB ' Can now be obtained at THE EVEMING STAE OFFICE, Albert street. EVERY variety of Label far Soda-water Maavfaetoms, blotter-press. Superior deiigni in lithograph, at the StbHw toil Office. - „ , j ILL-HBADB, Invoices, Ac., on ruled or I> plain paper, of erery site and quality executed with despatch at the Evening Star Office. THE EVENING STAR (THAMEB) >/ (thi oldsst XTiRtKa Finrxv in noa raroi o# Aoaaum) T8 PUBLISHED DAILY at FOtTJB O'CLOCK and contains the Very Late* News up to the hoar of going to press AGENCIES— London, Gobdojt & Gotoh „ F. AxftAß - „ Melbourne, Gobpok & Goto* Sydney, i» - . Auckland— S. Bbooxika, Insurance Buildings Shortland, J. H. Jmfibsoh „ J. NOBMB „ Moboah's Fancy Basaar Grahamatown, J. Cabtbb „ K. BVBBA Tararu Eoad—-Ewn Post Ofiet Store. Paeroa—J. M. Eobsov Karaka Creek—F. Otto „ J. Bvbvs Karaka Eoad—Ltolow A Co* Mary street—F. Masov BoUeston street—... Tcbbbu. iiichmond street—J. Savmimui Sealey street—J. WiXTO*

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Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3125, 22 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume X, Issue 3125, 22 February 1879, Page 4