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Medical I Dysentery, Cholera, Fever, Ague, Coughs, Colds, &o. i)E. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYi\E, (Ex Army Med. StJF) s IS THE OEIGIITAt^AKD ONLY GENITINE. /^AUTIOJST.—Yice-Chancellor Sir W,,P. Wood stated that DR. COLLIS BROWNE wm ' t \J - undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYftE ; that the story of the defendant Free- , man, being the inventor was deliberately untrue, Which he regretted had been sworn to. " Eminent Hospital Physicians of London stated that/ Dr. J. Colin Browne was the discoverer''^ of Chlorodyne ; that they prescribe it largely, and mean no other than Dr. Browne's.~Sce r limes, July 12,1864. , ; ' : The! public, therefore, are cautioned 'against using any other than DE. J. COLLIS BBOWN^'S CHLORODIKE. ! . , , , , EkMSDIAL TJBKB AMD ACTIOK. » * •'' iThis Invaluable Beniedy produces quiet, refreshing sleep, relieves pain, Calms, the syittm restores the deranged functions, and tlunulates healiby act job ef the secretions of the body' } without creating any of thoeer unpleasant results attending the ute' oi opium. Old ansV young may take it at all hours and times when requisite, lhousauds of persons testily to kr t! marvellous good efi'fcts atid wonderful curee, while medical men extol its' virtues mdsi extensively, using it in great quantities in the following diceases:~- , „ , . Diseases in which it is .found eiioinenUy' ÜBtlul—«. holna, Dysentery, DiarrhsM, C*lioi y Coughs, Asthma, Bheumatiem, Seuittlgia, Whooping Cough, Cramp, Hysteria, Ac. ' s, ; i EXTRACTS FROM^ MEDICAL OPINIOKS. \ , ' ' ■.; The Right flon. ;Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians and v J. T. ' Davenport that he had "received information to the effect that the only remedy of'any service in Cholera I;wito Chlorodyn'ei~Bee Lancet, Dtc. 31,1864. rti , „, From A. Mentgomerv, E*q , late lnspenlor el Hospitals, Bombay:—" Chlorflrin^c ig a> moat valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it'l faifiyTove taj ' restoration to health, after 18 months' severe suffering, aud when other remediei^lwi U failed.' _„.,;> , ,\ , Dr. Lowe, Medical Missionary in India, reports (Dec. 1865) that in nearly every cats of Cholera in which Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chltirodyne was administered the patient recovered. ;Extract from the General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy yi Cholera:—- MSo ' strongly are we convinced of the immense value ot this remedy that w« cannot' too forcibly " urge the necessity bt adopting it in all cagee." ' Beware of ejjurious and dangerous compounds sold as Chlorodyne, from which freioent; o'' fatal results nave followed. , . ' >. r j CAUTION.—None, genuine without the Words "Dr J. Collifl Browne" on the Government, Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. ' , - ' t ■ , : , The public are further cautioned—a forgery of tue Government btamp having 60m% to the * knowledge of the Board of Inland Revenue.,; . , '• ji .- i Sole Manufiacturer-J. T. DAVENPORT. , r l'< >( '\\ 33, GREAT RPSSELLJ ? ST;REET, BLOOMS BURY, lOITDON '' t Sold in bottles at Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4a 6d. . „, . „,"',, ! Wholesale Agents for »ew Zealand—Messrs KEMP'iHOBfIE. PROSBER ADO ■ ' j ...,_.,,,. ; - ; . ...:. ..,;,, j/^ 2770 ; /

The Gum Leaf Cure. EUCALYPTI ESSENCE. LET the' Public take notice of a few facts put forward for their lbfermalion m tbis intimation. They may be worth their study, and repay perusal in enlightening them up*on a subject of practical utility. THE HISTORY OF THE ESSENCE'S DISCOVEBY. The Australian anti-fever tree—that is the blue gum, or eucalyptus globulus—hw now spread its fame t&rvughout the world, but there are many who do not properly estimate its splendid qualities. It has been estimated that the Australian blue gum*, which stud the face of the colony, contain about five hundred million gallons of pure Tolatile oil, that is the mortal foe of fever and ague. Every day in the year the forests of the colony are giving out and exhaling, in the form of vapor, an aromatic fragrance to our breezes, aud a health-giving essence to our people. This fact is; now recognised by all the scientists in the world. ITS CLAIM AS A CURATIVE. It has now become the fashion with the inventors or •discoverers of remedial' agents to claim something little short of infallibility and universality of cure for their respective agents. Mestrß Sander and Sens did nothing of the sort. They have confidence that their .essence, possesses many virtues; but the full .extent of these they do not know yet. They are now collecting data, and they are most careful and searching in r performing this. It •id- ,quite i sure' then, that their .eucalypti essence can fairly assert itself to be a grand panacea for many of the ills that flesh is heir to. , . . , ', In Scarlet, Typhoid, or any case of Fever, .nothing will protect better against contagion than a few drops of the essence poured in the palm of the hand, and rubbed in, in order to . liberate ,the, vapors, or sprinkled over the "clothes. The perfume'will be noticed for a great length of time. > Inwardly used, take three or four drops in half a tumbler of water. The essence effects a, most surprising change of the whole con* stitution,' correcting indigestidn, and creating a healthy appetite. ' ' ' ' ; For Children Attending Schools, the same mode may be adopted. -. ,In Cases of Sickness, a fey/ drops put into a saucer, and put into .the room will;'being'' an etherio essenoey evaporate, and fill the room-with the purifying vapor. Are yon obliged'to Travel! A few drops occasionally rubbed on the body, will protect against any contagion you may be exposed to, in coming direct with; sick persons, or in sleeping-in the same room with, or-in-beds occupied previously by sick persons,. , ' All Hoteliceepers will do well to sprinkle from time to time in drawers, where, linen, iB usually kept, a ,few drops of the pure essential essence. It produces no spots whatever, as every particle of it evaporates, and nothing remains. * ( • _ , ' In short, where a disinfectant is needed, the pure essential ecualjpti essence, oughtto be you have recourse to, and no family ought to be without it. \For all Wounds, Cuts, Burns, Scoldings, Ulcers, and Cancerous Wounds, a piece ot linen wrapped round the Buffering part, and moistened with a few drops of the eucalypti essence, will stop all pain, and effect a speedy cure. In oases where a piece of linen cannot be applied, the moistening of the Buffering part with the pure essence will do aa well. In Case of Colds moisten the nostrils with a few drops and inhale the vapour, and you will feel the immediate relief, and entire riddance of the heat. In all cases where tlie Lungs may he Affected, the above-mentioned process, continually repeated, will be the best that can be advised. In cases of Rheumatism, a mixture pi one part of the pure essential eucalypti essence with three parts of spirits of wine, well rubbed in the suffering part, has acted better than any other remedy. In all cases of Inflammation, the essence may be applied to the part affected. In severe cases of Toothache of-rheumatic origin, the pure essence may be applied on the external part of the face. In cases of Inflammation of tlte Eyes, apply the pure essence to the outside of the eyelids. Headache and Rhmmatio Pains in the Head are positively cured and removed by rubbing the essence on the effected parts. - < For many Cases' of Severe Bruises the essence has proved the best remedy; sJgg°No other essence is genuine except that in the vials bearing on the labels our 1 signature and trade mark. ! To be had at the manufactory, SANDER AND SONS, Bridge street, Sandhurst, Tictoria. Sold in .Vials only at Is 6d and 2s 6d each. Sole Agent for the Thames— GEOEGE DENBY, Family, Dispensing, and Makufac- - tubing Chemist, BROWN STREET, ! Ghahakbtowv.

"STAMP ACT, 1875." . ■ ••■ TRANSFERS OF BHABBB, • ' 1T is hereby notified, that, after the Ist ot <!< X January 1876, the use of Impressed Stamps upon Transfers of Shares is compulsory but. 'i transfers of shares may be stamped at a (Stamp Office by the Commissioner or _a Deputy ■> Commissioner within one month after exeoU" ton without a five. Managers and Secretaries of Companies » Sharebrukere, and others interested, are're- ' commended'to forward, without delay, such*''" forms of traveler as they may require to be '' impressed, accompanied by the usual/requisition and receipt irom the Bank* of New Zealand for amount thereof, less *he authorised discount. Information may be obtained at Any StaimV Office. , , , * * *\ The provisions of the Act relating hereto ' are as follow,:— • ««•»..-,«, "47. (1.) Except where express Revision' is made to the .contrary, all duties ure to bY ' denoted by impressed stamps only.V,' ' "102. No transfer "of an^ shareWshawi*"' of or in the stock or funds of any coiporation f ''!) company, or society whatever itf Mew Zealand' I shall be registered recorded; or entered in the"' books of such corporation, company, or society, unless such transfer is duly stamped. *I " 103. No instrument of sale or transferor - > any share or shares .shall be valid, either a* n law or in equity,-unless the,name of the par- v chaser or transferee, is inserted therein at th* ,-t time of or before the exec s> tion ot the initru,'' mentof sale or transfer; and,.if,any person . executes a i( sale.note l .transfer. contract-note, - or other instrument of sale pr transfer, 'many " manner, or lor any jparpose whatsoever; aa- -i less the name of the purchaser is inserted'," therein at the tine' or beidreth* execution^ thereof, he shall forfeit a sum «f not les4 than £20 or more than £100'; and, if any such instrument is so made or sigried, it thalTb* •* wholly and absolutely -roid and inoperative, ■ and shall in no caseftJp made available by the insertion of a same or any other passioular*" afterwards; and the persensellingsrtrane* ,\ fernng such, share shall not be divested of hi» <i.i interest but shall remain, liabls),,^ thereon as if he had never sold or disposed o« ■ " the ,same. And if such person Ualiosased, ', license shall, on anyOoavic r tion under this section, be absolutely for* ■> feite'd, and he shall not thereafter be qualified ""; -to act as, a broker, or to hare a fresh hoense [1 issued to him. . ' . " 104. No sharebreker, auctioneer," com. '!- mission agent, or any other person shall be 'j entitled to anj brokerage, commission; ror j( ' any other fte'or reward in respect of the sals)' 1'11 or transfer of any such share, unless the in* V strumest of sale or transfer is tiled upwitk .' all necessary particulars to make it acon>»,,'" plete icscrument, and is duly stamped. ,I ■• SCHEDULE. , j TsAKsras except by way, of mortgage^- '' (2.) Upon s the sale of apy share or sham „ in the siock and funds of anj,oor,ppratio& t'." company, or society whatever in Rewßiii- r land i, , ' • ".''"' _ Where the purchase "or •consideration' 1 money,— ' ■ ' ' " < „ ' '. a*.:*.'''"' Does not exceed £20 '. 0 I'©"' Exceeds £20, and does not ex- 1 ' ' J}eed£so o r 2 ' • For every additional £50, or ' ■ ' ■ ; <■ partot£so ... 0' St ->. Head Office, Stamp Department, ' <;' .. v ? Wellington, 27tfa October, 1875^,' x THE EVENING STAR (THAMES) (thi oiiDbbt avßNiire papbb nr thb no tivob or auckxakd) ' ■ > T8 PUBLISHED DalL^ at FOUB O'CLOCK and contains the Very Lates News up to the hour of going to presi , AGENCIES— London, Gobdow & Gotoh. „ F. Aloab Melbourne, Gobdon &.G;oTca Sydn»7, „ ' ' ,' ", Auckland —S. Bbooxing; Insurance Buildings Shortland, J. H. Jiffxbsok ,' „ J. Ncddeb „ Mobgam's Fancy Baauuc i Grahamstown, J. Caktbb „ • it. BrjBBA Tararu B«ad—Elms Post Office Store. Paeroa—J. M. Bobson , Karaka Creek—F, Oxxo „ J.Bcaus , Karaka Eoad—Lublow A Co* Mary street—F. Masok Holleston street—... Xctmukl Richmond street—J. Saunsua Sealey street —J. Walton , ...

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Thames Star, Volume IX, Issue 3056, 30 November 1878, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume IX, Issue 3056, 30 November 1878, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Star, Volume IX, Issue 3056, 30 November 1878, Page 4