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Medical . ' • Protected hy, Bogal" Letters" Patent. Dated October lith, 1869. ' . „ ukdur DiSTij.'arrjsjiKi), pathonagje. DR. BRIGHT^^PHOSPHOIQiykE ■ '•■..■•.•.• (Ojzonic Oxj'gen). ■ . . ' „. The New Curative Agent, and only Reliable Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. fpHIS Ph.osphatic combination is pro■JL nounced by the most eminent members of the. Medical Profession ,to be unequalled for its power in replenishing the vitality of the body; by itssupplying all the essential constituents' of the blood aud'nerye substance, and,'fof developing all the' powers arid' functions of the system to the highest degree.' . It is agreeable to the palate;" and innocent in its action, while retaining all its extraordinary, properties ; and as a. specific, surpassing all''the. known therapeutic agents of the present day for the speedy iand .permanent cure of— .... '■'■■■ '. : : Nervous Prostration. . Shortness of Breath. Liver Complaint's ' Trembling of the hands and Palpitation of the' Heart limbs . . Dizziness : Impaired Nutrition Noisesin the Headand Ears Mental and 'Physical; DeLoss 6f Energy and''Ap-' pressiori ■ "'■,'■■'': •petite ■ .. ..--.;, ■ Consumption. (in its first Hypochondria ,;.,. stages only)■ Female Complaints' ' ' Timidity General-Debility ■.>■:•: Eruptions of the skin ' Indigestion „ ... Impaired Sight and Memory Flatulence " Nervpus Fancies ' Incapacity for Study or impoverished Blood' " Business . , , .Nervous Debility iii all its Sick Headache. . Stages ' , Lassitude • Premature Decline : and all morbid conditions of the system-arising from .whatever cause. The action o£ thePhosphodync is twofold—on the one hand increasing the principle which constitutes "nervous energy, and'oh the other the most-powerful-blood and-flesh generating agent Known ; therefore, a marvellous medicine for renovating impaired and broken down constitutions. It quickly improves the functions of .assimilation to such a'degree, that where for years an emaciated, anxious, cadaverous, and semi-vital condition has existed, the flesh .will .rapidly increase. in quantity and firmness, arid the whole , system. return-to a state' of robust health. The Phosphodyne acts'' electrically; upon the organisation ; for instance, it assists nature to generate that human electricity which renews and rebuilds the osseous; .muscular, nervous, membranoxis, and organic systems. It operates on the system-without exciting care or thought upon the individual as to the'process. It moyesthelungs; liver, heart,kidneys",stdmac"h^ arid intestines, with a harmony, 'vigour,-yet mildness unparalleled in medicine.^ t i -„" :.".'■ " . The "Pliosphodyne giVes back to the human structure iin;a* suitable form,- the phosphoric or animating element of life, which has been wasted, and exerts: an important influence directly on the spinal marrow and nervbus' systerii,' roi:la nutriti v.e; tonic and invigorating .character, maintaining.that [buoyant) energy 'of th« ■ brain •■ and muscular ■■system ■• which renders the mind 'cheerful, brilliant; and:energetic]:entirely overcoming that', dull, inactive, and sluggish disposition -which many persons experience in all their actions. ' .{The; beneficial effects < of the Phosphodyne arc frequently shown from the frst day of its administration iby ■ a remarkable increase 6f riervous power, • with a feeling of';vigour; arid comfort, to which: the patient has long been unaccustomed.; 'Digestion isfiiinprdyed the"'appetite increasestWonderfully ; the bowels become'regular*'the ieyes brighter.; the: skin clear and /healthy^; ;andthe, hair acquires s^trerigthi:showing the importance of the actiohfof • the Phosphodyne on the organs of> nutrition. •■ ■ . •"■ ■■ ." ■•: .-.•:' ■;. •■'.! Piriallyj the Phosphodyne maintains a certain degree of actiTity. in the previously debilitated :hervoiis system ; its use enables all: debilitated organs to'return tptbeir sound state and. perform their, natural func: tipris.! 'Persons suffering"'from Nervous Debility,-01 any of. the hundred symptoms which JUis distressing diseasd assumes, may rest assured of aij effectual and even speedy cure by the judicious! use"' of this-mosi invaluable. Remedy. . ■'''.": ■'■'■•■ DR. BMGHT'S I?|[OSPm)I>Y^E .. ■ '';' ; '. IS'SOiiD^OSLY .'.'■'..■-.' ,''' ' '■■ In Cases at 10s Cd by ail iChemists arid Patent-Medicine . • . : Vendors throughout the Globe. ■■"'■ ', Full Directions for Use, in the English French, '■■■■'■'■ German, Italian and •Dutch'Xanguages,' ; •'.' accompany'each Case. ' "r; • -^sL- Caution.—Thelargc and.increasiiigdeiriaiid' loi Dr. Bright's Phosphodyne has led to several imitations under somewhat.'Similar■ names; purchasers of this medicine should therefore ■' be careful to observe that each case bears the Government Stamp, with the words Dr Bright's Phosphodyne engraved thereon, and that the same words arc also blown into the bottle. , ' Wholesale Agents for New Zealand— : . , KEMPTHOBitfE, PEOSSEB, &Gp , DtJJfEDIS" AXD ATTCKXAyp. , ■ ] 471 Impurities of the Blood. Until these purifying Pills have had a fair trial, lot no one be longer oppressed with the notion that biß malady is incurable. A 'few dosea will remove all disordered actions, rouse tb.9 torpid liver, relieve the obstructed kidneys, oleanae impure blood, and confer On every function health, ful vigour. They work a thorough purification throughout the whole system, without disorder, ing the natural action ol any organ. Indigestion, Bilious Coin* plaints, and Sick Headache. No organ in the human body is so liable to dls. order as the liver. Kemember when nausea, fla. tulency, or acidity on the stomach warns us that digestion is not proceeding properly, that Hollo. . way's Pills give strength tp.every organ, epeedily rc-movo all causes of indigestion, inspissated bile, and sick headache, and effect a permanent core. Weakness and "Debility. In cases of debility, languor, and nervousness, generated by excess of any kind, whether mental or physical, the effects of these Pills are in the | highest degree bracing, renovating, and restorative. They drive from tho system the morbid causes of disease, re-establish the digestion, . strengthen tho nervous system, raise the pa. tient's spirits, and bring back the. frame to its pristine health and vigour. " The Kidneys—Their Derangement and Cure. If these Pills be used according to the printed directions, and the Ointment rubbed over the region of the kidneys for at least halfian hour at j ' bed-time, as salt is forced into meat, it will pone, tmto to the kidneys and correct any derangement I- - therein. . ,■. .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ; Coughs and Colds. This purifying and regulating medicine, in con. junction with Holloway's Ointment, is tho best cure for hoarseness, sore throats, diptheria, pleu. risy, and asthma; and an, infallible remedy for congestion, bronchitis, and inflammation, indeed as a family medicine, they are invaluable for sub- . duingsuch ailments of young and old of both ,:aexes.- .' .- '■. .'. „.■-. .. ' ; ; " Solloway 1 s Pills are the best^ remedy known in tho world for the following diseases: — Ague ' Gout Secondary Asthma Headache* Symptoms Bilious Com. Indigestion Tic-Doloreux plaints Liver Com. tTlcers : Bowel Com. : plaints Venereal Affec. plaints Lumbago tions' -, Debility' Piles- Worms of all Dropsy Rheumatism kinds < Female Irregu. Scrofula, or Weakness, from , larlties ■■'■. ' King's Evil whatever Fevers all kinds Sore Throats cause, &c. 1 The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor Holloway's Establishment, 533, Oxford-streefc, London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout tho Civilised World. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and can be had in any language, even ta Turkish, Arabic. Armenian, Persian, or Cftin.eßft. f AW FdltMS of erery description at the I J Eveneng Stab Office ON SALH, at the SviHisa Stap Offce Williamion^treot, —WARDS COASTWISE FORMS.

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Thames Star, Volume VII, Issue 2156, 1 December 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Thames Star, Volume VII, Issue 2156, 1 December 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Thames Star, Volume VII, Issue 2156, 1 December 1875, Page 4