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Function at Native School ' Competition for Gardens Won by ths Arowhenua Native School for the . second time in succession, the Hurdley Shield was presented to the school at a largely attended function in the Maori Hall yesterday. The shield is for school gardens and is competed for annually by primary schools in South Canterbury, That the school deserved its win was the opinion of those who Inspected the grounds yesterday. Set with a variety of native shrubs, neat flower beds and well kept paths and lawns, the surroundings are a credit to the teachers and pupils. A feature of the function yesterday was a programme presented by the pupils, who entertained with Maori songs and hakas. The visitors included Mr D. B. Shand, president of the Timaru Horticultural Society, and Mrs Shand, Mr G. W. Armitage, chairman of the Canterbury Education Board, Messrs J. W. Preen and G. Benstead, members of the Education Board, Mr A W. Buzan, Mayor of Temuka, Rev. L. A. Baines, Dr. F. A. Scannell, Messrs T. H. Paiki, chairman of the Arowhenua Runanga, G. Knowles. A. E. Lawrence, W. L. Harrison and P. Paipcta, acting-chair-man of the Native School Committee. The presentation was made by Mrs Shand.

The visitors were welcomed by Mr Paipeta who expressed gratification ;.t the large attendance. “The reason for the success of the Native school in winniflg the shield for a second time is to be found in the enthusiasm of the pupils and the teachers,” said Mr Shand in extending congratulations to th© school. He remarked on the interest in trees which was being fostered by Miss Bremner, the headmistress, and expressed a nope that the pupils would continue to show the same enthusiasm for trees and flowers that had won them the shield during their after yeais. “The Hurdley Shield has given a great fillip to agricultural and horticultural education in South Canterbury," said Mr Armitage, who congratulated the Native School on its win. "The children are being taught what can be done with different soils and while they watch the work of their own hands growing they have instilled In them a love for the beautiful things of the world."

Mr Armitage congratulated the teachers on the appearance of the surroundings of the school, which he said, would present an object lesson to many of the Pakeha schools. “The Education Board recognises what is being done ’ y the Horticultural Society and I take this opportunity of expressing its appreciation of the work,’’ he added. Mr Buzan, Mr Barnes, Dr Scannell and Mr T. H. Paiki also congratulated the school. Mr Knowles replied on behalf of Miss Bremner. After the presentation of the shield Mr Benstead presented certificates won by the pupils for various phases of school work.

The visitors were conducted on a tour of inspection of the school and Its surroundings and were later entertained at afternoon tea. OVERGROWING FENCES MOTION TO BE RESCINDED The question of overgrowing fences was again discussed at the monthly meeting of the Temuka Borough Council on Wednesday night, when surprise at the number of notices issued was expressed. The Town Clerk, Mr A. G. Foreman, in his report, said that 218 notices had been sent out. “I was astonished to see that there were so many offending fences,” said Cr. J. M. A. Ritchie, who introduced the original motion which resulted hi the notices being sept out. “I expected to hear that there were only a dozen or more. While he considered that there were many fences which needed immediate attention, Cr. L. Whitehead said he was of the opinion that the measure was a bit drastic. As one who supported it originally he was prepared to admit that it was a little t u o sweeping. He gave notice of his intention to move at

the next meeting that the decision requesting owners of fences which protruded over the specified line to cut them back, be. rescinded. STATE OF CEMETERY TRUSTEES DISSATISFIED Dissatisfaction with the condition of the Cemetery was expressed by members of the visiting committee at the monthly meeting of the Arowhenua Cemetery Trustees on Wednesday night. Mr L. Whitehead, who presented the visiting committee's report, suggested that a clean up be made as soon as possible. “I would like to know what the three men are doing,” said Mr T. N. Scott. “The cemetery should not be so untidy as the visiting committee has reported. Mr A. W. Buzan: It is evident from the report that the cemetery is not being kept as it should be. ' It was decided to ask the caretaker to make i. clean up before Christmas. LEASE OF MOTOR CAMP PROGRESS LEAGUE’S APPLICATION Steps are to be taken to grant the Temuka Progress League a lease of the property on which the motor camp stands, according to a decision of the Temuka Domain Board / the monthly meeting cn Wednesday night. Mr A. W Buzan presided. A letter from the League stated that although a lease was granted in 1930, the instrument was not completed. The League felt that in view of the proposed additional expenditure on buildings which it had undertaken, a proper lease was desirable. They asked that the application be placed before the Commissioner of Crown Lands and that his attention be drawn to the fact that the League had converted a waste corner of the Domain into one of the best motor camps in the South Island and was planning to add buildings to the value of £4OO. HONOURS LIST DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL The Honours Lists for the Primary Department of the Temuka District High School are as follow: Form II: Margaret Gillies, Betty Devine, Joan Maister, Matilda McClintock, Frank Nichol, Joan Swap, Olive Hopkinson, Lexie McLeod, Bernal Stewart, George McKenzie. Form I: Enid Mclnnes, Barbara Tully, Merle Higinbottom, lan Davey, Ronald Green, Phyllis Rapley, Betty Foreman, Eileen Fitzgerald, Hazel Bradford, George Wakefield. Standard 4: Geoffrey Clark, Alex McCunn, Jean Macpherson, Robert Hatton, Cyril Stringer, Donald Walker, Derek Squire, Heather Stanley, Olga Watt, Rex Smith. ,

Standard 3: Ross Swap. John Devine, Doreen Cartwright, Daphne Davey, Stuart Hatton, Donald Purser, Vaudine Barnes, Margaret Macdonald, Betty Kimber and Jim Mitchell.

Standard 2a: Lesley Abernethy, Betty Ellen Smith, Rena Higinbottom, Margaret McCullough, Ebga Reid. Standard 2b: Noeline Joe, Mercia Barnes, Nola Barker, Valerie Southby, Leith McCunn, Gwenyth Talbot.

Standard la: Isobel Botting, Lyndall Hancock, Gwen Longson, lan Smith, Jack Gourley. Standard lb: Patricia Hall. Margaret Fisher, Graham Rollinson, Doreen Stringer, William Webb. Peggy Vincent, Ethel Chapman and Lyall Philip. Primer 4a: Naomi Gourley, Alice Ludeman. lan Greer, David Hughes. Primer 4b: Rosemary Orton, Marion Botting, Kenneth Lamb, Russell McNulty, Janice Bussell, Hazel Rapley, Rita Johnson, Douglas Webb, Joyce Beck, Noeline Leslie. Committee Meeting Measles are still prevalent according to the report of the headmaster (Mr W. L. Harrison) which was presented at the meeting of the Temuka District High School Committee, The attendance was still affected through this epidemic and had been affected in this way for the past eight months. Next Monday it was hoped that pupils would meet at Fairlie to take part in the athletic and swimming competitions. The headmaster thanked the committee for their co-operation during the year and extended to them on behalf of the staff the compliments of the season.

The matter of the break-up ceremony was left to the chairman (Mr A. E. Smith, and the headmaster to arrange. Cups are to be presented to the duxes in the primary and secondary departments in lieu of medals which has been the custom for some years. It was decided to hold the annual picnic on Thursday, March 2. Accounts amounting to £5/9/10 were passed for payment. Messrs W. J. Clark and J. R. Longson were appointed judges fqr the preliminaries in the children’s potato growing competition. It was decided to give £l/10/- towards the sports fund. The chairman extended the compliments of the season to the members of the committee, secretary (Mr W. S. Harbrow), headmaster and staff. ATHLETICS HANDICAPS DECLARED The following handicaps have been declared by the handicapper for the Temuka Amateur Athletic Club’s meeting on Monday evening:— Boy’s 75 Yards: J. Lloyd scr, N. Palmer. J. Leonard, G. Cameron, T. Scannell 6yds, L. Palmer 7yds, K. Washington Byds, B. Lloyd 9yds, P. Horgan 10yds, N. Cameron, E. Robins 11yds. Ladies’ 75 Yards: IL Washington scr, N. Beeby, T. Scannell, G. Hanifln, M. Gallen 10yds, J. Magee, L. Counihan 11yds, V. Constable If yds. Men’s 100 Yards: T. B. Edwards, G. Waters, D. Brown, J. Collins, J. Drennan 4yds, G. Leonard 2yds, E. Jamieson syds, M. Scott 6yds, M. Hayes 6yds, J. Spillane, R. Hammond, D. Boyd 7yds, J. Kernohan, J. Nolan Byds. P. Leary 10yds. Shot Putt: Redmond 3ft, M. Hayes sft, F. Caldwell sft 3in, F. Sullivan, A. A. Opie, D. Brown, J. Kernohan, G. Leonard, M. M. Reynolds, L. Jackson 6ft. Ladies’ Hop, Step and Jump: B. Washington scr, G. Hanifln, M. Gallen 3ft 6in, T. Scannell, N, Beeby 4ft, L. Counihan sft. One Mile: R. Tayler, J. Parrish scr, O. Birt 50yds, C. Parrant, F. Sullivan 75yds, J. Spillane, J. Nolan, F. Caldwell, L. Allen 100yds, D. Boyd ’2syds, M. Hayes, J. Kernohan, J. Burke 150yds, P. Leary 175yds. Discus Throw: A. Redmond scr, F. Caldwell, T. B. Edwards 35ft, M. Hayes, F. Sullivan, J. Drennan, G. Waters 40ft, J. Spillane 45ft. 440 Yards: G. Leonard 10yds, G. Waters, F. Sullivan, C. Parrant, J. Drennan, D. Brown, J. Collins 15yds, J. Spillane; J. Nolan, R Tayler, M. Scott, J. Parrish 20yds, M. Hayes, D. Boyd. L. Washington, P. Leary 25yds, J. Kernohan, L. Jackson 35yds. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE CHRISTMAS PARTY HELD The Temuka Wome. s Institute held u. special party at the December meeting when visitors from neighbouring Institutes were present. Mrs W. F. Evans presided. Visiting members were welcomed by the president. Mrs A. S. Mclnnes and Mrs W. Tindall opened the concert programme with a duet. Songs were sung by Mesdames Andrew and McFarlane and dance recitals were given by Miss K. Plever. A play entitled “An Afternoon at a Women's Institute Meeting" was given by Mesdames Smart, Mclnnes, Box and Harbrow and Miss D. Keys. A Mad Hatter’s parade judged by Mesdames Buchan and Guild was won by Mrs Poultney with Mrs D. C. Clark second. A Christmas cake given by Mrs Blackmore was cut by Mrs E. Blackmore and Miss G. Brown thanked all those who had

programme with a duet. Songs were sung by Mesdames Andrew and McFarlane and dance recitals were given by Miss K. Plever. A play entitled “An Afternoon at a Women's Institute Meeting" was given by Mesdames Smart, Mclnnes, Box and Harbrow and Miss D. Keys. A Mad Hatter’s parade judged by Mesdames Buchan and Guild was won by Mrs Poultney with Mrs D. C. Clark second. A Christmas cake given by Mrs Blackmore was cut by Mrs E. Blackmore and Miss G. Brown thanked all those who had made the function so successful. The monthly competitions resulted as follows: Bowl of roses, Mrs M. Guild 1, Mrs J. N. Taylor 2, Mrs A. S. Mclnnes 3, Mrs Warring 4i.c. Marshmallow cake, Mi's Watt 1, Mrs Searle 2, Mrs Watson 3. TENNIS ’ The following is the Temuka Park team to play Pleasant Point at Teinuka to-morrow.—D. Radford, R. L. Stokes, C. Parrant and B. Davis; Misses M. Kennedy, A. Hanifan, B. Lee and Mrs L. Laurenson. PERSONAL Mr P. F. Coira, chairman of the National Committee of Swimming and Life Saving who Is touring various South Island centres in connection with the Learn to Swim Campaign,

arrived in T muka last evening. He will go on to Timaru to-day. Motions of sympathy with the relatives of Mrs M. Smith, and Messrs W. J. Knight and J. J. Spillane, Temuka citizens who have died recently, were passed at the monthly meeting of the Borough Council. CHURCH SOCIAL Visitors from St. John’s and St. Mary’s Churches Timaru were welcomed by the Rev. L. A. Barnes at a social evening in the St. Peter's Parish Hall on Wednesday night. Cadet V. Bunce of the Church Army was master of ceremonies. Miss C. Benbow and Mr Booth provided music for the dance. A mouth organ band comprising of Messrs V. Green, N, Graen and J. Searle contributed several items. “SALLY, IRENE AND MARY” There are stars enough, laughs, tunes and gags enough for a dozen big music,als, plus a screenful of romance and that extra zing and sparkle that make it Darryl F. Zanuck’s top-hit show, in “Sally, Irene and Mary," 20th CenturyFox picture coming to-night to the Elite Theatre. The cast is uproariously star-glorious with Jimmy Durante, the street-sweeper who crashes into cafe society; Gregory Ratoff, with a champagne bankroll and a gleam in his eye; Joan Davis, Elie gazelle with kneeaction; Marjorie Weaver, the sensation of “Second Honeymoon” now making a second sensation; Louise Hovick, who keeps Reno busy, and Barnett Parker and J. Edward Bromberg. “Midnight Intruder,” a film which spins a tale of sparkling comedy, tantalising mystery and gay romance, will also be screened. The plot revolves around Barry Gilliert, a dashing adventurer. When Barry poses as a wealthy publisher’s son. he steps into a bog of trouble from which he is rescued only by his quick wit. The wife of the man he impersonates threatens to expose him; he is compelled to become a sleuth to free an innocent man; he falls in love with a girl whose father is mixed up in a murder—these are a few of the adventures he encounters in the film.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXLV, Issue 21215, 9 December 1938, Page 10

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TEMUKA HURDLEY SHIELD PRESENTED Timaru Herald, Volume CXLV, Issue 21215, 9 December 1938, Page 10

TEMUKA HURDLEY SHIELD PRESENTED Timaru Herald, Volume CXLV, Issue 21215, 9 December 1938, Page 10