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PRIZE DISTRIBUTION There was a large gathering including parents, members of the school committee, and the Mayor (Mr A. W. Buzan) and Mayoress, at the annual breaking-up ceremony of the Temuka District High School yesterday. Before the prize-giving commenced the primary school girls gave an exhibition of folk dancing on the lawn in front of the school.

The chairman apologised for the absence of Mr T. D. Burnett M.P., who was ill and several members of the School Committee who were unable to be present. He welcomed the visitors and parents. The Rev. L. A. Brooks gave an address especially for the children. He said that anyone who did a great thing was a hero. But there were heroes of everyday life. It was possible for even girls and boys to be heroes. There were a lot of people who were heroes in every day life. Those who tried to get the very best out of life, those who tried to be true and sincere and those who showed perseverance were the heroes of ordinary everyday life. Any of them could be heroes of everyday life. The Mayoress then presented the merit and swimming certificates. Before handing them over she wished the children a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Before presenting the certificates, the headmaster (Mr W. L. Harrison) commented on the year's work. There had never been such a long period of sickness, there being a total of up to 60 absent for weeks on end. The secondary department had lost a number of pupils owing to positions being more easily procured. The agricultural course had been assisted by the generous help of Mr J. W. Topha: 1, of Winchester, who had allowed the school to use his farm for observation purposes. The ministers of the town had been very helpful in the maintenance of the Bible lessons in the mornings. The school had lost the Hurdley Shield after winning it for two years in succession. Waimate had been a little better and Temuka was second The school had won the Anzac essay banner and the Raine Memorial essay* prizes, so that its scholastic record had been maintained.

In presenting the Anzac Essay Banner, won in the competition organised by the Christchurch Branch of the r’.S.A.. Mr J. King, president of the Temuka Branch, congratulated the school on its success. The banner had been won on two earlier occasions and he hoped that it would again return to the school. He also presented the Christchurch Association’s book for the highest marks in the competition to Patricia Snow, and the certificates for the four best essays from Temuka School to Patricia Snow, Ona Baxter, Catherine Benbow and Jack Cornwell, as well as the local Association’s awards to the four.

The Mayor congratulated the children on their neat appearance and the year’s work. He expressed a hope that they would en.ioy their holidays and that they would return to school ready to commence another year's work. He also expressed a hope that those leaving school would be able to secure positions. He then presented the special prizes. The chairman said he was satisfied ’ that the school had achieved a most creditable record in the past year. He was sure that the teachers, committee and public of Temuka would regret that Mr and Mrs T. Snow and family were leaving Temuka. Patricia Snow had an outstanding record of achievement and it was regrettable that she was not carrying on at the school. The committee was most indebted to the public and parents for support during the year. Much had been achieved in beautifying the surroundings of the school, and he hoped that before the school resumed they would have a drinking fountain in front of the main entrance. He thanked the staff for its year’s work. The prize list was:— Merit Awards Form V.—David Stewart 1, Clifford Horgan 2, Stuart Taylor 3. Form IV.—George Crossman 1. Raymond Fisher 2, Roy Cameron 3. Form lll—Marjorie Barrett 1, Doreen Denison 2, Brian Quinn 3, Rene Parke 4, Leith Baxter 5. Form ll.—Pat Snow 1. Winsome Squire 2, Donald Brown 3, William Andrews 4. Form I.—Ona Baxter 1. Keith Evans 2, James Geddes 3. Std. IV. —Wallace Hopkinson 1. Albert Allfrey 2, Ruahira Palmer 3. Std. lll.—Heather Hancock 1, Frederick Pearce 2, Kenneth Nicholas 3. Std. 11. Girls—Olive Hopkinson 1. Margaret McCunn 2, Janet McLellan 3 Boys—Raymond Mallet 1, Alan Smart 2 Std. I.—Gladys Lloyd 1, Barbara Tully 2, Enid Mclnnes 3. Primer 4. —Donald Walker 1, Derek Squire 2, Sefton Gray 3. Certificates. Leaving: Beryl Mills, Charles Harvey, William McLeod, Gordon Mathieson’ Jack Opie. Intermediate: Jean Cameron, Margaret Aitkenhead, Roy Cameron, George Crossman, Raymond Fisher, Harold Lagford, Catherine Hewson, Hazel Horgan, Lucy Spillane. Basil O'Connor. Proficiency: Catherine Benbow, Mary Bradshaw, Peggy Denison, Joan Frisby, Betty Gudsell, Ivy Hobbs, Betty Holland. Dorothy Laurenson. Betty Mitchell. Margaret Paterson, Betty Prattley, Pat Snow, Winsome Squire, Pat Swap, Margaret Washington, Pearl Washington, Gladys Weaver, Peggy Webb. Bill Andrews, Donald Brown, Ted Hansen, Douglas Harvey, Dudley King, Andrew Opie, Ove Scannell, lan Surridge, Bill Taylor, Fred Simpson, Furneaux Smith. Competency. Rita Ackroyd, Ngaire Boyle, George Allfrey. Allan Batchelor, Stanley Davey, Nuel Cooper, Joseph Husband, Jack Heap, Raymond Smith, George Young, Leslie Whitfield. Swimming Certificates. 26 yards.—Frederick Simpson, William McKenzie, Herbert Martin. Wallace Hopkinson, Jack Heap, Noel Green, Margaret Webb. June Taylor, Joan Pierce. Coraleen Phillip, Alva Hammond, Joan Frisby. 50 yards.—Lucy Spillane, Charles Snow, Joan Currie, Hazel Horgan. Yvonne Hewson. 100 yards.—Rachel Austin, Ona Baxter, Mary Bradshaw, Acy Cook, Elxa Elston, Patricia Swap, Elsie Thompson, Dorothy Stonyer. 200 yards.—Hector Hourston. 220 yards.—Richard Robins. Andrew Wilson, Peggy Denison, Ray Jones. 225 yards.—Edward Hansen. William Hansen. 275 yards.—Molly Adams. 325 yards —Ngaire Boyle. 350 yards—Jack Opie. 440 yards—Margaret Hill, Richard Keys. 500 yards—lan Surridge. 650 yards— Douglas Harvey. 880 yards—Jack Cornwall, Miller Hill, William Taylor. Catherine Benbow, Iris Martin, Jean Wright. Thomas Hansen, Molly Simes, Betty Simes, Arthur Wills. Special Prizes. Anzac essays: Form 11., Pat Snow and Cathie Benbow. Form I—Ona

Baxter and Jack Cornwall. Navy League—Form 11., Pat Snow and Pearl Washington. Form 1., Jim Geddes and Jack Cornwall. Raine Memorial Prizes —Stuart Taylor and Doreen Denison McLeod Memorial Prize —Patricia Hazel Snow. Primary Dux —Patricia Hazel Snow. Secondary Dux —David Stewart. WATT-LOWRY SCHOOL Before the ceremony at the Temuka District High School, the Watt-Lowry side school closed its year. After a song by the pupils, the chairman of the School Committee (Mr A. E. Smith) greeted the children. They had come to the end of another year and he supposed that they were looking forward to the holidays. The Rev. L. A. Brooks delivered an address to the children and the merit certificates were then presented by Adjutant Chard. Those who received certificates were: Standard 4—Harold SQwerby 1, Trevor McLaren 2. Standard 3—David Taylor 1, Robert Aitken 2, Eileen Dale 3. Standard 2—John Shaw 1, Douglas Sowerby 2. Ronald Sowerby 3. Standard I—Alexander Hastie 1, Raymond McGregor 2. Primer 4—Stewart Pringle 1, William Jamieson 2.

The special prizes awarded were:— Most improved pupil (senior room)— Wilfred Meek 1, Robert Aitken 2; primary. Stewart Pringle 1. Maurice Cook 2. The prizes were donated by Adjutant Chard and the staff of the Home. Before closing, the chairman congratulated the children on their work during the year, expressed thanks to Mr Simpson and Miss Brown, the teachers, for their work; to Adjutant and Mrs Chard for their interest, and to Mr Books for giving th% chief address. He also expressed the season’s greetings to all concerned. The headmaster congratulated the teachers on the improvement shown in the year and Mr Simpson replied, thanking the speakers for their kindly remarks and good wishes. During the function, recitations, a song and rounds were sung bv the pupils under the direction of Mr R. G. Simpson.

CALEDONIAN SOCIETY The Directors of the Temuka Caledonian Society considered final arrangements for the Boxing Day sports at a meeting on Tuesday evening. Present: Messrs A. W. Buzan. M. M. Coffey, A. Bain. A. Russell. T. E. Shiels, G. Washington, A. R. Beck, and J. Preddy. An apology for absence owing to illness was received from the president (Mr W. D. McCallum) and it was decided to write expressing a hope for an early recovery. Mr Buzan was elected to the chair. The secretary (Mr J. H. Denison) reported that 54 entries had been received for professional running and cycling, and that there were others in the hands of the official handicapper (Mr G. V. Tozer). Last year’s entries had totalled 60. In addition there were 33 entries to date in amateur running and the hop, step and jump. The chairman reported that the president of the Amateur Athletic Club (Mr L. W. Parrant) and he had had a permanent jumping pit dug in the oval. The N.Z. Amateur Athletic Association wrote forwarding particulars for completing the application to have amateur events included in the programme.

The chairman reported that two or three rough patches in the cycle track would probably be patched by the Domain Board. It was left to him to supervise the repairs. The arrangement for several reliable unemployed men to act as scouts for the gate-keepers of the back part of the Domain was left to the secretary. It was decided to assemble at the Domain at 7 a.m. on the day of the sports to carry out arrangements. AROWHENUA SCHOOL Bringing a very successful year to a close, the annual presentation of prizes and school concert of the Arowhenua Native School took place on Tuesday evening. There was a large attendance of parents, and Mr L. Hopkinson, chairman of the school committee, presided. Before the presentation of prizes there was a programme of really delightful concert items by the children. The first of these were contributed by the juniors as follow: Piano solo, Wiremu Torepe; action song, “When cats get up in the morning,” juniors; recitation. “Market Square,” Cora Berry; dance, “Jack find Jill,” juniors; recitation, “The Pepper Boy,” Gilbert Hopkinson; action song, “The Train to Timaru,” junior boys; recitation. Christine Russell; dialogue, “Trees,” Grant Henderson, Jack Benson, Carlyle Waaka, and Tuwharetoa Solomon; action song, “One Summer Day”; recitation, Wiremu Whaitiri; song and dance, “The Fairies,” junior girls; recitation, Henry Momo; action song. “When I was a Lady.” juniors. Maori songs and poi dances prefaced the second part of the programme which- was given by the seniors as follows: Dialogue, “Sick Doll,” Naomi Wixon, Cora Berry, and Taare Reihana; action song, “Bush Children,” seniors; recitation, “Time,” James Ackroyd; action song, “Nurses”; folk dance, senior girls; recitation, "Singing,” Hana Wixon; action song, “Picaninnies”; playette, “Poor Jack,” Takaumu Hopkinson. ' Kingi Rehu, Manawanui Mihaka; yodelling songs, Wiremu Whaitiri; dialogue, “Tea Party,” senior girls; action song, “Old Ladies”; dialogue, “Patriots”; action song, “Cheery Song.” James Russell, the school monitor, was stage manager. When presenting the prizes, the chairman of the school committee thanked the parents for their attendance that evening and for their cooperation during the year. He extended warmest congratulations and thanks to the teachers Misses H. and E. Bremner on the success they had achieved with the pupils. The prize list was:—

Form ll—James Russell, class marks and proficiency, 1; Georgina Wixon, handwork and proficiency, 2; Betty Hopkinson, spelling, good behaviour, and proficiency, 3. Form I.—Powhiri Wixon 1, Ranui Rehu 2; specials: James Ackroyd, agriculture and handwork; Rangiatea Solomon, domestic science; Te Aute Wixon. drawing; Henry Whaitiri, history; Wiremu Torepe, physical drill and politeness; Marama Wesley, neatness. Standard IV.—Takaumu Hopkinson 1, Elizabeth Rehu 2, Pearl Hopkinson 3. Standard lll—Naomi Wixon 1, Mana Mihaka, geography, 2; Kingi Rehu, history and singing; Taare Reihana, effort. Standard ll—Cora Berry 1, Hana Wixon 2; Carlyle Waaka, oral expression; Josephine Solomon, composition; Tuwharetoa Solomon, neat work. Standard I—Grant Henderson 1, Tiranui Solomon 2; Jack Benson, improvement. P4.—Henry Momo 1, Christine Russell 2; Stewart Manning, number work; Colin Wade, spelling and handwork; Gilbert Hopkinson, oral expression and handwork. P’s 3,2, and I—Wiremu Whaitiri, Charlie Wade, George Solomon, Martha Manning, John Meager, Richard Whitau, Jack Reihana, Te Mana Reihana, Mary Leslie, Catherine Solomon.

JUVENILE LODGE A.D. Bro. G. Husband presided over a large attendance of members at the fortnightly meeting of the Oak Leaf Lodge on Tuesday evening. Official visitors from the Lily of Temuka Lodge were A.D. Bro. W. Mclnnes and V.A. Bro E. J. Larsen. The Acorn Lodge wrote stating that the combined Church parade with the Ivy of Linwood Juvenile Lodge would now be held in Timaru in February. Bro. C. Snow who is leaving to live in Invercargill was farewelled by the Lodge members and granted a clearance. It was decided to hold the next lodge meeting on the second Tuesday in January. SWIMMING The Temuka’s Swimming Club’s first competition for the Buzan Cup (season’s aggregate points) as held at the weekly club evening on Tuesday. Results: — Men’s 50 yards—First heat: J. Bryce 1, M. Forrester 2, H. McMillan 3. Second heat: W. Shand 1, J. Forrester 2, T. Hansen 3. Final: J. Forrester and W. Shand equal 1, M. Forrester 3. Dual relay: Brice and Shand 1, J. Forrester and M. Forrester 2. PERSONAL Mr G. J. Walker left early in the week for a holiday trip to Melbourne. The engagement is announced of Catherine Elizabeth (Cassie), second youngest daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Z. Kay, Temuka, to Leonard Selwyn, son of Mr and Mrs W. R. Palmer, Temuka. Miss Mollie Joynt, of the staff of the Ashburton County Hospital, who is staying with her parents, Mr and Mrs F. A. Joynt. Temuka. has received advice that she has passed an examination in physiology and anatomy. Mr J. K. Rehu, a pupil of Te Aute College. Hawke’s Bay. is expected to arrive home to-morrow to spend the vacation with his parents, Mr and Mrs' K. Rehu, Arowhenua. GENERAL NEWS Through the omission in the list supplied, the name of Pearl Washington was not included in the Form 11. honours list of the Temuka Distric High School. The name should have been seventh in the class. The annual picnic and prize-giving of the Orton School was held in the Temuka Domain yesterday. Games and a sports programme were held and a picnic afternoon tea enjoyed. Playing in the Temuka Bowling Club’s rinks championship on Tuesday evening Taylor’s rink, comprising G. I. Marshall, A. C. Palmer, J. B. Davis and R. H. Taylor (s) won outright, defeating Dr Mclnnes’s rink and maintaining its unbeaten record. A BRITISH COMEDY Laughter will ring out, loud and long in the Temuka Theatre to-night when the Gainsborough comedy, “It’s a Boy” is screened. Adapted by Austin Melford from the original by Franz Arnold and Ernst Bach, this merry farce ran at the Strand Theatre, London, for many months and Gainsborough, realising its possibilities as a screen comedy, produced it, and signed Leslie Henson for the role he made so popular on the stage. Leslie Henson heads the cast as star of the picture, and his sparkling, subtle, rapid-fire repartee contrasts strongly with the nervous, quiet drolleries of Edward Everett Horton, or the broad and obvious Yorkshire comedy of Albert Burdon.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 19987, 20 December 1934, Page 3

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TEMUKA Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 19987, 20 December 1934, Page 3

TEMUKA Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVIII, Issue 19987, 20 December 1934, Page 3