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OPENING OF SEASON. PLEASANT POINT SPRINGS SURPRISE. The Rugby season in South Canterbury was opened on Saturday in fine but cold weather. The grounds benefited from heavy rain overnight, and were in fairly good order. At Fraser Park the attendance of the public was quite good, and there is every indication cf matches being better supported this season than last. The two senior games played on this ground were both keenly contested, and the standard displayed augurs well. The surprise of the day was the defeat of Old Boys by Pleasant Point in their first appearance in senior grade. The country fifteen gave a fine exhibition, the forwards in particular, playing a splendid game, and if the present strength is maintained, the team should be prominent throughout the season. Zingari and Celtic provided the spectators with good football, the former registering their first win for two seasons. Star scored an easy win over Waihi by 24 points to 3, while Temuka decisively defeated the newlyformed Geraldine team by 29 points to 3 PLEASANT POINT (6) V. OLD BOYS (3). PLEASANT POINT (Maroon)—L. Anderson, C. Arras, H. Halstead, C. Ryan, C. Cartwright, C. Stewart, C. Wilson, T. Thompson, R. Gliddon, R. Roberts, A. Waugh, J. Hutton, G. Gould, L. Stewart, A. Saunders. OLD BOYS (Royal Blue)—K. Marshall, K. Hall, I. Cameron, N. Satterthwaite, M. Palmer, L. Gray, G. Gaffaney, I. McDonald, A. W. Ellis, W. Tizard, D. Thorpe, H. Graham, Sievwright, G. Guy, S. McPherson. In the early stages the Point forwards kept play for the most part in Old Boys’ territory. Once or twice the Blue backs essayed to open the game up, but their handling was not certain. Wilson was shaping well behind the Maroon pack, and he gave Cartwright good service. The latter, however, was inclined to kick a trifle too much, instead of giving Stewart, Halstead and Ryan a run. Forcing their way to the Blue 25, Point made determined efforts to cross, and following a melee on the line, Arras dived over. Anderson’s kick was unsuccessful. Point 3, Old Boys nil. The Blues then found their way to the Point 25. but Cartwright accepted an inpass from Satterthwaite, and sent the Blues back to the centre. Here Old Boys were penalised, but Cartwright’s kick missed. Following a good save by Gaffaney, Satterthwaite broke through the defence, but his pass was wild, and Halstead effected a fine save. Solid scrummaging by the Maroon forwards had Old Boys hard pressed for a lengthy period. Wilson came away nicely on the blind side, Stewart and Arras carrying on, the latter being pushed out near the corner flag. Breaking smartly from the scrums, Point repeatedly broke up Blue movements at their source, and this enabled them to keep command of the game. They were giving a most creditable exhibition for their first appearance in senior football, and for the greater part of the spell had had easily the better of the game. An exciting period of play ensued when the Blue backs broke away, but Point turned the tables, Stewart centring to send the forwards smashing through the Blue defence. The Maroons were missing no chances, and their tackling was of a high order. At the interval the score was: Pleasant Point 3 Old Boys 0

The Blues commenced the second session at a fast clip, but Point soon worked back to neutral territory, Stewart sending the Blues back with a hefty kick. Old Boys made every effort to open the game up, but at every turn they ran into rock-like defence. Picking up in the loose, Cartwright sent Stewart and Halstead away on a run which forced the Blues back to their own 25. The Blues temporarily stemmed the rush, but Halstead then snapped up in the loose, ‘’dummied’’ two Blue backs and went over wide-out for a well-deserved try. Anderson’s kick missed. Point 6, Old Boys 0. This success enlivened Point, and they once more invaded Blue territory, Palmer effecting a hurried save. There was only one team in it at this stage, the Point forwards carrying the honours in all departments. A clearance was effected by Macdonald and Satterthwaite, and in endeavouring to stem the rush, Point were penalised, Gaffaney hoisting the flags. Point 6, Old Boys 3. A fine Maroon rush took play right from half-way to the Blue line, where Cartwright was held up in endeavouring to dive across, after receiving from a scrum. Breaking too smartly from a scrum, the Blues were penalised, but Wilson missed from right in front. The Blue backs gave a taste of their mettle in one good rush. Satterthwaite beat Anderson and set sail for the line, but was brought down from behind, and Point again cleared, storming the Blue line. Old Boys were penalised, but Cartwright missed from an easy angle. The Maroon forwards, dribbling in fine style, smashed through to the 25, the Blues forcing to save. Time was called with the scores: Pleasant Point 6 Old Boys 3 Mr W. Direen was referee. ZINGARI (8), CELTIC (6). ZINGARI (Red, Yellow and Black) —J. Averts, G. Simpson, L. Thompson, A. Solomon, R. Arnold, A. Mackenzie, G. Dewar, A. Hill, R. Underwood, L. Ennis, L. Pye, A. Pye, G. Kelly, I. Caird, I. Wilkinson. CELTIC (Emerald Green)—J. Delury, G. Sinclair, L. Pountaine, K. McPhail, J. Gonley, A. Galletly, J. Mulcahy, T. Small, G. Kelly, D. O’Sullivan, J. Schaab. E. Collings, E. Columb, T. O’Sullivan, L. Daly. Zingari commenced at a fast pace, Thompson taking play to near the scoring area. A scrum was ordered close to the line, and an infringement on the part of Celtic forwards gave Zingari a free kick, as a result of which Averis made the score: Zingari 3, Celtic 0. Zingari continued to attack hotly, and serum followed scrum near Celtic’s line, the defence being sorely tried as a result of Zingari's clean hooking. Securing from his forwards, Dewar, the Zingari half, set his backs in motion, the ball travelling infield and then back to Thompson, the winger crossing wide out. Averis mastered a very difficult angle. Zingari 8, Celtic 0. Celtic made their first businesslike rush of the match when D. O’Sullivan and Kelly headed the pack to Zingari territory, where, following a loose scramble, D. O'Sullivan forced his way over. Delury's kick went wide. Zingari 8. Celtic 3. | Both sets of forwards were playing l keen football, and for some minutes | play swung from end to end. Zingari j were definitely superior in the scrums, however, and Dewar, the ex-Miramar half, who was the shining light in the Zingari back line, made the best of his opportunities. When Kelly and Small took the Celtic forwards to w’ithin striking distance, Arnold relieved a difficult situation with judicious kickI ing to past half-way, and despite 1 several determined Celtic advances

the first session closed with the scores unaltered. Zingari 8 Celtic 3 Winning a series of line-outs on resuming, Celtic worked their way downfield, only to be driven back when Solomon and Thompson broke through the defence to place Zingari in a favourable position. A scramble ensued, from which Gonley emerged to kick to safety. Arnold made a dashing run upfield. and with only one man to beat, transferred to Simpson, the Zingari winger missing the ball, when a try seemed certain. Mulcahy set the Celtic backs in motion, but failure on the part of Gonley to make sure of a difficult pass allowed Arnold to come through brilliantly. The ex-Temuka player whipped out a long pass to Thompson, who made a determined effort to cross before being upended. The fast-follow-ing Zingari forwards then took charge, Celtic being lucky to force after a tight struggle a few feet from the line. A penalty L-ought Celtic further relief, Delury lining well below neutral territory. After Delury had failed to find the posts with a penalty kick from ten yards inside half-way, the Celtic backs participated in one of the brightest movements of the match. Mulcahy secured from a scrum and set the waiting line in operation, the ball travelling to Sinclair, whose fast pace was helpful to his crossing wide out. Delury failed to convert. Zingari 8, Celtic 6. The closing stages of the game, during which Sinclair retired with injuries to the right leg, were of a very close nature, both sets of forwards maintaining a pace which was very creditable for the first match of the season. Thompson forced when McCarten and McPhail were within easy distance of Zingari’s line, the game ending with the leaders in Celtic’s 25. Zingari 8 Celtic 6 Mr R. G. Sampson was referee. WAIHI V. STAR. This match was played at Winchester, the visitors winning by 24 points to 3. Star backs proved too good for the local team, giving an exhilarating display of passing. STAR (Blue and Black)—N. Ford, T. Morrison, A. Rodgers, J. Boys, A. Provan, J. Donaldson, G. Moore, F. Cox, J. Gunn, R. Seaton, N. McVey, R. Armstrong, G. Coates, W. Armstrong, J. Bracken. WAIHI (Green and Black)—Callanan, South, Gilbert, Opie, Taylor, McDonald, Palmer, Pierce, Earl, Sandry, Jamieson, Quirke, Leonard, Ferguson, Higginbottom. Star kicked off facing the sun, and Sandrey returned to Star’s 25. Provan sent the ball out to King, who kicked upfield to Higginbottom, who lined at Star’s 25. Mulling by the Waihi backs let Cox, Gunn and Ede away, Higginbottom eventually relieving with a beautiful liner past midway. Alexander, Seaton and Armstrong were prominent in a forward rush to Waihi’s 25. The ball was kicked to Morrison, who punted. The ball struck a goal post and bounced back in. play, the bounce beating Rodgers, who had followed up fast, and missed a certain score. Leonard cleared with a timely kick. The game was held up till Provan received attention from the Ambulance. Earl, from a scrum at centre, sent Jamieson, Sandrey and Quirke away. Good tackling by King and Morrison averted a score, and Ford relieved with a long liner past midway. From a free kick Callanan sent the ball out near Star’s line. A penalty to Star took play to the centre. Taylor and Callanan made a breakaway, but Provan, picking up smartly, sent the ball upfield, and Ede, Alexander and Seaton following fast placed Waihi on the defensive. Moore sent out to Provan, to King, to Rodgers, to Boys, who raced over, for a try at the corner. Rodgers’ kick went astray. Star 3, Waihi 0. A Green man was in front of the ball at the kick-off, and from the scrum Moore sent Provan, King, Rodgers and Boys away. Boys cut in and scored another good try under the posts. Rodgers’ kick raised the flags. Star 8, Waihi 0. Callanan, Macdonald, South and Opie headed a forward movement to Star’s territory. Ford (who was playing a splendid game at full-back for the Blues) relieved with a beautiful line kick. Provan ran his backs into position, but Boys dropped the ball, and Leonard and Quirke regained the lost ground. Seaton, Alexander and Armstrong initiated a forward movement to Waihi's 25. Sandrey found touch brilliantly well past half-way. Near the Star 25 Earl sent out to Sandrey, to Quirke, to Jamieson, who went over at the corner. J. Callanan’s kick went under the bar. Shortly after half-time was called. Star 8 Waihi 3

On resuming, the Star backs were soon in action. Moore sent out to Provan, to King, to Rodgers, who tried to dummy Jamieson, who upended him. Callanan, Pierce, South and Gilbert made a determined rush up the field, but Provan and Rodgers tackled well, and backed up by good kicking by Ford, they soon had Waihi defending. Moore sent out to Provan, to Rodgers, to Morrison, who made a good run down the line and scored at the corner. Seaton's kick failed. Star 11, Waihi 3. Play w-as held up through Jamieson getting a bad knock, but after receiving attention he was able to resume. The Star backs swung into action, and the ball went to Morrison, who went over the line, but Quirke robbed him of the ball. Ede, Seaton and Provan invaded Waihi’s 25. Earl brought relief with a clever mark kick which went out at the centre flag. The Star backs were throwing the ball about, and weak tackling by some of the Greens kept play in home territory. Morrison, from his own 25, went down the line, shaking off two weak tackles, for a good try. His kick at goal went wide. Star 14, Waihi 3. From a line-out Seaton secured and scored behind the posts. Provan’s kick added the major points. Star 19, Waihi 3. Callanan, Macdonald and Opie made a dash upfield, but Ford secured and ran through almost the whole of the Green team before passing to Morrison, who was collared by Jamieson. A passing bout by the Blues culminated with Morrison scoring his third try for King to convert. Shortly after the game ended. Star 24 Waihi 3 Mr G. F. Doj'le was referee. TEMUKA (29) V. GERALDINE (3). Although defeated by 29 to three by Temuka, on the O-sraldine Oval on Saturday, the Geraldine tram put up a good fight, but lacked the combination of their opponents. The local men were lighter than their opponents, and their attacks lacked finish. Geraldine’s tackling, also, was faulty. There was a fair attendance of the public. The teams lined out as follows: — Geraldine —C. Foster, E. Matherson, A. Morris, L. Fyfe, T. Stapleton, D. Callanan, D. Brett, K. Loach, J. Thorpe, B. Stringer, S. Callanan, N. Preddy, B. Bates, M. Watson, A. Loach. Temuka —A. Lane, A. Higginbottom, W. McCully. J. Stewart, S. Stewart, A. Grant, W. Duke, J. Gilmore, L. Goodson. K. Blyth, S. Preddy, A. Horgan. A. Gaffaney, G. Foster and L. Connolly. Temuka from the outset, attacked vigorously, a passing rush gaining considerable ground. The visitors continued to press, but Connolly kicked

over the dead ball line. D. Callanan shot a nippy pass to S. Callanan, who ran, Preddy into position, but he was tackled. Geraldine continued to attack, but Connolly marked, and saved the position for Temuka. Loach fielded the ball , and put it out in Temuka’s 25. . Offside play gave Connolly a chance to gain 50 yards with a splendid kick. Temuka pressed, but the Geraldine forwards broke through. Blyth snapped up and passed to Grant, to Gaffaney, who got across. Duke’s kick failed. Temuka 3. Geraldine 0. Goodson opened another attack, which was nullified by a knock-on. Preddy broke away for Temuka, and, as he came to the full-back, he passed infield. The ball went astray, but Grant snapped up and went over. Duke was again unsuccessful with the kick. Temuka 6. Geraldine 0. A penalty kick saw D. Callanan make a good attempt at goal. D. Brett broke away from a midfield serum and play continued in Temuka’s territory for several minutes. A penalty kick against Thorpe saw Connolly find the line at half-way. The Temuka forwards broke away, but kicked too hard and Loach forced. Gaffaney fielded the kick-out, and lined at Geraldine’s twenty-five. A Geraldine rush led by Loach saw Connolly save after faulty handling. Faulty work by the Temuka inside backs resulted in play going to Temuka’s twenty-five, when Morris kicked through. s. Callanan attempted to “pot” when his backs were, in position, but the ball went behind. Geraldine held the advantage, but could. not complete their attacks. Connolly made a splendid solo dash through the Geraldine defence, but a forward pass spoilt the chance. D. Callanan made a determined effort, but was brought done by Goodson. Blyth ran Gaffaney into position, but the Temuka captain was well tackled by Loach. Stringer relieved an awkward situation for Geraldine with a kick to half-way. A splendid passing rush was mgde by Temuka, but a knock-on spoilt the opportunity. Play came to Temuka territory when D. Callanan made an unsuccessful shot at goal. Temuka secured from a scrum, and the backs attacked, but the greasy ball hindered progress. They maintained the pressure, but Preddy kicked over the dead ball line. An unsuccessful attempt to "pot” gave Geraldine another spell. Grant set his backs in action. Gaffaney picked up well and handed to Preddy, who was pushed out. A long kick by Gaffaney saw Watson carry over, and when cornered, he forced. A scrum saw Temuka attack strongly, but the Geraldine forwards brought relief by dribbling through when they bustled Gaffaney. Gilmore broke through, but Stringer held them. Temuka again got into action and Gaffaney scored a splendid try, but his kick failed. Temuka 9. Geraldine 0. Play was in Geraldine’s favour when half-time was called: Temuka 9 Geraldine 0 On resuming Geraldine took up the attack, but a line kick gave Temuka relief. D. Callanan. got offside, and Connolly lined well with the kick. Brett and Foster broke away, but Connolly saved. A fast Temuka attack led by Stewart and Grant, was foiled by Watson, who brought off a brilliant tackle on the line, and a free kick gave relief. Thorpe kicked through but a combined Temuka attack followed, keeping the ball in Geraldine’s twenty-five. The Callanan brothers swept down the field, but D. Callanan hung on too long. Play was confined to Temuka’s territory, where an injury to a Geraldine forward gave both sides a breather. A free kick was taken by D. Callanan, but the ball fell short. A great run by Blyth, Gaffaney and Foster, ended in the winger scoring under the posts. Duke converted. Temuka 14. Geraldine 0. Duke broke away but was brought down. Gilmore made two attempts to get across, and was successful the second time. Duke converted. Temuka 19. Geraldine 0. Geraldine found temporary relief when Thorpe cleared, but a moment later Horgan made a clever run from 20 yards out, evading the defence to score under the posts. Duke converted. Temuka 24. Geraldine 0. Temuka kept up the pressure, but a mark by Loach relieved for Geraldine. Geraldine rallied, but could not penetrate the defence. Horgan brought play to Geraldine’s territory, but Stringer cleared. Perfect combination saw Gaffaney get across in the corner, and Duke converted with a beautiful kick. Temuka 29,, Geraldine 0. Loach fumbled, which let Gilmore across a moment later, but he heel ' ked on, and a force brought tempo.-ary - elief. Temuka kept up the pressure .’jr some time, but the defence held. Duke attempted to goal from an infringement, but the ball went wide. Geraldine swept the length of the field, both forwards and backs taking part, but the defence remained impenetrable. Considerable excitement followed when N. Preddy made a great run for Geraldine, but he was held up. From a scrum, Geraldine set up a hot attack, and the full-back, Loach, scored a great try. Matherson’s kick failed. Time was called soon after, with the scores: Temuka 29 Geraldine 3 Mr A. B. Rowlands controlled the game. GAMES IN THE CENTRES. SURPRISE IN AUCKLAND. B 7 Telegraph—" Press Association AUCKLAND, May 7. I Senior Rugby games on Saturday i resulted as follows: — I Grafton 17 beat Grammar 11. I College Rifles 11 beat Technical Old ! Boys 6. University 12 beat Manukau 0. Marist 6 beat Training College 0. Ponsonby 8 drew with Otahuhu 8. The surprise of the series was the defeat of a strong Grammar side by Grafton.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19484, 8 May 1933, Page 5

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FOOTBALL Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19484, 8 May 1933, Page 5

FOOTBALL Timaru Herald, Volume CXXXVII, Issue 19484, 8 May 1933, Page 5