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FORTNIGHTLY MEETING. The fortnightly meeting of the 1 1maru Borough Council was held last niidit. Present—The Deputy-M.u oi (Councillor A. L- ( W') - Co ' ,n( ' )l '« rs ' ' W Satterthwaite, P. C. A innell, H- \ ' lunos-Joiies, M. Thompson H. D. Preston, P. D. Foote, G. I). -An tut, F. D. Hawkey, A. Kennedy, J • Hutcheson, and J. R. Hart.

DEPUTY-M AAOR & &FA»r The Deputy-Mayor referred to tho visit of HALS. Dunedin, and said the ship’s company wore well P lta " ‘ Avith the wav in which they had been entertained here. He had received .. letter of thanks and appreciation from Captain Ritchie, who was m charge of 11.M.5. Dunedin. Ihe annual conference of the Mw /ea Peel Estate Institute had been hi in the Municipal Chambers, and the members of that body had ■ their thanks to the Council foi hac m provided them with such a fine nicet!m" room. The Park Dowling Cno would open then- season next Sat in d.i> afternoon, and, the president had sent an invitation to members ui the Conntil to be present. A letter had hoc ,cceived from Mr T. K. Sidcy thank-in-r the Council for its congratulations „rthe passing of his Summer Tune Hill. The Motor Olympia would open that night, and the South Canterbury Motor Oarage Proprietors’ Association ind sent an invitation to Councillors to bo present. If Councillors were generous, and did not hold up any of tho reports, it would he possible foi all Councillors to accompany him to tho opening ceremony, as he hoped thov would do. . . j. i The financial position was as fol-lows-.—District Fund, debit balance, £l3 609 8s 9d; Electric Power and Lieht Department, a credit balance nf'V.l.V? 2s 2d; Dus Service Account, a debit balance of £1230 12s sd. TENDERS. The Works Committee recommended , the acceptance of the following j tC Eor metal bins.—F. Trntt at £6OB. For pavilion, Ashbury Park.—G. I. i Kollcr, at £215 11s (subject to the i North End paying half ol this sum, and half of the- cost °f dramaee). Chaff. —AV. Angland, at £4 9s 6d pei The recommendations were adopted. I OLD WAY PARK. Councillor Yinnell at this stage entered a protest against the officers of tho Council being in such a hurry to leave the room. 110 wanted to ask a 1 question, and there was no one theie to answer it. The Deputy-Mayor said that Councillor Yinliell"was quite justified in Ins protest; the officers had left without li is authority. , Councillor Yinnell explained that Oldway Park was going to be laid onas a sports ground later oil at present money was not available for the purpose." In order that tho _ grounds mielit not become over-run with weeds, tlio curator wanted authority to plough On the motion of Councillor Foote, the. Council gave authority for tins to he done. ASHBURY PARK. The North End Association; wrote stating that the Association is prepared to pay half the cost (not to exceed £150)- of the pavilion, for croquet lawns at Ashbury Park.— Agreed to. WORKS COMMITTEE. Recommendation; That the revised schedule of duties for tlie caretaker of the tennis courts be approved, and that Mr MePhedran’s salary be increased from £3/10/- per week to £4 per week. Equipment for Ashbury Park croquet lawn. —Recommendation; That the Curator be empowered to purchase a roller and two hand lawn mowers, at a total cost of £3*i/10/for the Ashbury croquet lawn. From the Waimataitai Cricket

Club applying for permission to use Ashbury Park to form a cricket pitch

for tlie coming season. Tlie Curator suggested that the same conditions could be given as in Anzac Reserve, namely, the Club to carry out tlie necessary preparation and maintain it themselves. —This was approved. From the AVharf Labourers’ Union, asking for the use of the Council Chambers in which to hold their annual conference, which commences on November IG. Recommendation: That the request be granted. From the West End Association, thanking the Council for the amount of good work done in tlie way of street, improvements, kerbing and channelling, etc., carried out during tlie last two or three years. From Die District Engineer, New Zealand Railways, re foot overbridge near Park View Terrace, advising

that arrangements have been made to put tlie work in hand during next month, and asking the Council to form the approaches to the bridge, and also for payment of the Council’s share (£125) of the estimated cost of erecting the bridge and the fencing.—Approved. Letter from the Band of the First Battalion (Otago Regiment), asking for permission to take up collections at a series of concerts in Timaru dining Labour Day week-end, and alsc asking for permission to use the Rotunda at tlie Park on Sunday afternoon. (Permission lias already been granted for the use of the Rotunda on Caroline Bay.) Recommendation: That the request be granted subject to there being no enclosures and no' collections on the streets. From the secretary of the South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce, asking for tlie free use of Caroline Bay Hall for an illustrated lecture, to be given by Mr H. M. Chrystall, of Christchurch, on the subject of port and terminal facilities.—Agreed to. A deputation from the AVest End

Association was received, Tlie deputation consisted of Messrs H. Mayo (vice-president), W. Renton (secretary), and A. V. Stoddard (a member of the executive). The deputation explained that the lay-out of Oldwav Park batlis had been determined two years ago, and that as a result of the Association’s activities tlie Association had in hand £7OO towards the cost of the baths; and expressed the hope that the Council would see its way to finance tlie remainder of the sum required by subsidising tlie Association’s funds pound for pound. Swimming would soon be a compulsory subject at the schools, they said, and the baths would be at the service of the West, Craighead, Waimataitai and Gleniti schools, and the surrounding population generally. Tlie chairman expressed bis sincere regret that the present financial stringency made it impossible for the Council to immediately comply with the Association’s request, and was of opinion that tlie Association’s objective should be one of the first matters to bo finalised by the Council in its next financial year. Tlie deputation thanked tlie Committee and felt assured that the Committee would give the matter its support.

Recommendation; That the sum of £7O 0 be placed on next year’s estimates for tlie purpose of subsidising the AA'est End Association for the construction of tlie swimming baths in Oldway Park. Clay bank Coonoor Road. —Recommendation: That tlie residents adjoining Mr Segar’s property be asked whether they approve of the cutting away -of the bank to the street line, and that each owner make his own entrance; and that tlie Engineer report further on the estimated cost of tho widening of the north side also; and that tlie whole matter be noted, for consideration when next year’s estimates are under review. Soutli Foreshore. —• Recommenda-

tion: That the Borough Engineer be instructed to report on the question of having rubbish and petrol tins so dumped that they will not wash up on tlie south foreshore; also if it is within the Council’s province, to have ilie said foreshore cleared of all existing rubbish. That the Council communicate with the Harbour Board directing their attention to the south foreshore and asking that body to prohibit tlie further dumping of rubbish on the foreshore. Clifton Terrace. —• Recommendation:' That the engineer be instructed

,o report; fa) On kerbing ami chan-

nelling to suit tlie present, alignment of the fences; (b) On similar work, setting back tlie fence line to the proper boundary of the section; (c) To report on the cost of acquiring the balance of the property necessary to widen tlie street to 40ft Gin throughout its whole length, and of kerbing and channelling same.

Recommendation: That the Borough Engineer be instructed to do the kerbing and channelling on the main south road from Queen Street to the Borough boundary. That in two months’ time the Borough Engineer arrange for an inspection by the Council of the streets requiring kerbing and channelling. Hunt Street widening.—-Referred to next year’s estimates for consideration. ( Seddon Street. Recommendation: That subject to finances permitting, and to tlie work being done towards the end of tiie present financial year, the Engineer asphalt from fence line to poles, tlie footpath on the west side of Seddon Street, from AA r ai-iti Road to the Cliurcli; and that the Attest End Association be replied to accordingly. Quarry output.—Referred to the next Works Committee meeting.

Onslow Street roadway extension. Referred to Hie next Works Committee meeting ; the Town Clerk to report on the agreement with Mr McPhedran concerning the roading of his land. West End Association. — Recommendation: That the Association he replied to in terms of the Engineer’s report, and that the Association’s protest against pure milk supply for Timaru he received. Recommendation: That a special meeting of the Council he called as soon as possible after an inspection lour of street lighting, on the return of the Mayor. Ponies on the foreshore.—Recommendation: Thai, the suggestions of the Society for (lie Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, he included in the schedule of conditions for the running of ponies on the foreshore, and that tenders he called for the next Works Committee meeting. Bathing facilities. —Recommendation : That the Caroline Bay bathing facilities be opened on Saturday. October 15. That the matter of tli: rafts and other necessary arrangements be referred to the Engineer to attend to. the Engineer to report to next meeting of the Committee on an additional small raft.

Trees in Russell Square.—Recommendation: That, the fence in Russell Square be removed and that steps be taken to protect the trees and to expedite their growth. Proposed small loan for sundry works. Recommendation: That when next year’s estimates are being prepared, the Town Clerk bring up the question of referring to the Finance Committee, the desirability of raising a small loan, or loans, for the carrying out of various works referred to during this year to next year’s estimates.

Tn reply to Councillor Foote, Councillor Vinnell, as chairman of tho Works Comm it too, said the committee felt that £7OO should be placed on next year’s estimates for baths in Oldway Park. The residents of tho West End had raised a considerable sum of money bv voluntary effort, and they should 'op encouraged.

Councillor Snttcrthwaitc drew attention to Cannon Street, which he said was in a deplorable condition; in fact, it seemed to him that it was almost past redemption. Tho Council had a tar plant which cost a lot of money, arid he thought that more tarmacadam ising work should be done on '.he. roads and footpaths. He wanted to know when Cannon Street would be taken in hand.

llio engineer said he Imped to commence work in Cannon Street towards the end of the present. month. The report of the Works Committee was adopted.

ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT. The General Manager reported as follows:—— Bulk supply.—The supply from tlie Government continues very reliifrle, and for tlie period under report ills been maintained without interruption. „ Sub-station equipment.—The converter and auxiliary equipment continue to give satisfaction. Power House.—All engines and units have been oiled to keep them ir is good condition as possible unti. they are disposed of. The Power House is now shut down, and is without attendants.

Feeders, distribution lines and services.—All series street lighting transformers have been overhauled, and circuits re-balanced. Overloaded circuits have been released, and tlie present street lights are now giving better lighting effect. This applies especially to the main streets. The South End circuits are consider ably improved. A transformer loading platform has been erected in the Department’s yard, to facilitate the handling of transformers under emergency conditions. Work is proceeding with the re-poling of Janies Street, now necessary with the widening of that street. Tlie overhead lines will be overhauled, and an extra phase run, so that better balance can be effected. The erection of tlie new Marcliweil Street, sub-station is proceeding satisfactorily, and with good weather will be completed within tlie next week. We shall then remove the present pole transformer from the corner of Hobbs Street. Tlie pillar lights on the Marine Parade have been overhauled and several serious faults discovered. Seven pillar lamps have been rewired, and special cast iron junction boxes fitted. All the pillar light wiring on the Marine Parade will have to be rewired and proper joints made connecting with the underground cable. It is quite probable that, faults will continue to develop till tlie whole of tlie work is renewed.

BUS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT COMMITTEE. The supplementary report of the General Manager of the Electric Light Department, re Selwyn Street sub-station tenders, was received, and the action of the Committee approved. Old Power House fittings.-—From the Vulcan Foundry and Engineering Coy., re “Clough” lathe at the old power station, offering £GO for same. —Accepted. Tenders for Oils. —Twenty-three tenders were received. Recommendation: That the Omnibus Engineer’s recommendation be approved; That tlie tender of Haling and Coy. for “Autoline” at £l2 8 12s Gd be accepted, subject to Mating ancl Coy. undertaking to suppH the Council’s present requirements in any quantity at indent rates quoted, f.0.r., Christchurch. Fourteen tenders were received for tyres. Recommendation: That no tender be accepted, but that the Engineer be empowered to test the different tyres and report at a later date. Tenders for the purchase of A.E.C. double-decker buses. ’

The Town Clerk reported that ten tiers lind been called for, but that no tenders had been received.

Councillor Satterthwaite inquired why the lowest tender for tyres had not been accepted. Formerly it was the custom for tenders to close at noon on the day of the Couiicil’s meeting, but now lenders closed flip day before the Council met. He did not know the reason for tile change. Councillor Thompson, as chairman of the Electric Light, and Tins Committee, said that one tender had come to hand after the advertised time for the closing of tenders. The committee had discus=od tlie tyre question very fully, with the bus engineer, and .had eoino to tlie conclusion that they did _ not know enough about them to be in a position to say which was the better. The engineer had recommended two, hut they were not of British make, and some members of the committee wanted tyres of British make. In the meantime they were trying out some of the tvres. Councillor Satterthwaite moved an amendment to tlie recommendation ill the committee's report, that the next lowest tender (I net of the Dunlop Company) be accepted. Councillor Satterthwaite said that Dunlon tyres had been well tested, and had a reputation which should lie quite sufficient for the Timaru Borough Council. The Dunlon Company was a reputable British Company, and as the lowest tender had been thrown out, because ii. was too late, lie moved that the Dunlop tender, which was the next lowest, ho accepted.

The amendment was seconded by Councillor Hurt. and carried, those voting for it being the Deputy-Mayor, Councillors Satterthwaite. Hart. JnnesJones. Hutcheson, and A’inncll. AYith this alteration, tlie committee’s report was adopted.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 17775, 11 October 1927, Page 7

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BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 17775, 11 October 1927, Page 7

BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 17775, 11 October 1927, Page 7