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(From Our Own Correspondent.) At ILFORD LAGOON ASSOCIATION. A meeting of ilio committee of the AJilford Lagoon Association was held on Thursday eiveuiug, to make further arrangements in connection with the tug-of-war, which will lie held on the 21 si, 22nd and 24th CiroLer. for the purpose of witling off the debt in connection with the protective works at she Lagoon. There were present— Air .1. 15. Davis (acting-chairman), AV. Law lor, T. Greelish, F. AVilliams, AV. Phillips, L. Hobbs, .T. 11. Craig, A. R. Beck, T. Scott, AV. Ross, G. Pierce, and the secretary (Air F. M. Alartin). It was agreed that an additional £.4 be spent on advertising, and that all teams be weighed before going on the hoards (boots off if necessary). Afessrs Geo. Pierce, and S. Douglas were appointed io assist with the secretarial duties.

I;, was decided to hold a meeting of lady supporters, to appoint committees to run stalls at the bazaar.

PARISHIONERS’ SOCIAL. Arranged on this occasion by Air and Airs S. G. ’McCullough, the ninth of the scries of socials, organised by the parishioners of St. Peter’s Church, was,, notwithstanding strong counter attractions', in every way just as highly successful as its predecessors. The Parish Hall was very strikingly decorated with national banners, and, was again taxed to its utmost capacity. Music- for dancing was gratuitously supplied by Alessrs C. Holland and J. Palmer, and also by Campbell’s Orchestra, alter the pictures in the Dominion Theatre. Extras wore contributed by M’esdamcs J. Palmer and Jl. 11. Hutcheson, and Aliases Vova. Taylor and Ivy Ives. During the evening Aliss E. AfcGarva rendered a delightful soprano solo, and Aliss E. Levons a nice recitation 'Towards the dose of the function, Air Al’cCullough in appropriate terms thanked alt those who had contributed towards the success of the evening, especially the musicians.

PRESBYTERIAN SOCIAL. Tlie annual social of the Temnka Presbyterian Church was held in the Drill Hall on-Thursday evening, and the very large attendance demonstrated that the function is among the most popular of its kind held during the year. The neatly-decorated and well-laden fables were arranged along ilm sides of the big building, and the ladies in attendance had a. busy time attending to the constant stream of people wlm arrived between 6 and S o’clock, the tolil number being in ■the vicinity of six hundred children and adults. In opening the concert shortly after S o’clock, the Rev. H. R. Fell briefly extended a. welcome to all present. Ho referred to the fact that Temnka. is one of the few charges which continues to keep up the old church social and soiree. He thought it a. splendid thing to keep the old traditions and old associations going, and hoped such functions as that night’s would long continue.

The concert programme provided an excellent entertainment. Encores were persistent and generously responded to. The programme was as follows: — Pari. 1 ; Pianoforto duet, Alisses Ale • Bride and I. AlcFarlaue, song, Aliss E. Alathieson; humorous song and recitation, Air Alalcolm; song, Aliss Alurray, song. Aliss Peterson, instrumental duet (piano and flute), Alisses Pcarsc; song, Air Wilkie; song, Air Heaton (Geraldine); song, Aliss Flr.mnuk; song, Rev. G. As. AYatson. Part 2 : Pianoforte duet, Alessrs Talbot and Davies; song, Aliss Cruickshank; violin solo. ALss AfcCartie; song, Air Logan; character song, Norman children: song. Aliss Flamauk; duet, Aliss Cruickshank and Air Nicol; song, Aliss Alurray; song, Air Heaton. Aliss Flamank played the majority of accompaniments in a tastetul manner, others being rendered by Aliss Pearse and Aliss Sherratt (Geraldine). Short addresses were given by the local ministers. Rev. G. N. AYatson, vicar of Temnka, expressed his great pleasure at having an opportunity of again attending the- gathering, quite ihe biggest ai'l’air held in Temnka. On behalf of the people of the Church of England in the district, he most heartily congratulated the Presbyterian people on the. successful year they had had. Air AVatson went on to say that the Church of England people owed the Presbyterians a. debt oi gratitude in regard to the- lead they had given in the matter of the tennis courts. Some people may have been inclined to think that the Church of .England should devote. itself to spiritual work alone, but now that the Presbyterians had given a. lead wnn the tennis courts, everything must bo quite all right. 'l’lio Rev. R. Richards, on behalf of the Methodist Church, said that he was glad to be associated with them all in the work of the Christian Church. He spoke of the. growing tendency of the Churches to work together, and said that lie was fully in sympathy with the movement. Ho quoted a celebrity in England who, when asked what church he belonged to, answered that if a maipivas a true servant of -Jesus Christ it mattered little Avhieh church he belonged to. He spoke of the magnificent Avork accomplished by the' Prosily tci’ian Church, and said that lie rejoiced Avitli them in this grogt- work. The Rev. H. R. Fell moved a hearty A’oto of thanks to the ladies and gentlemen AA’ho provided such an excellent entertainment; to the ladies lvho provided such a. sumptuous repast; those avlio had worked all day preparing the hall, and to all avlio in any Avay assisted in making the social a success. — The motion Avas carried by acclamation.

TUG-OF-WAR CLUB. A meeting organised for tho pur-’ pose of forming a '! ug-of-YY ar Club Avas held last evening, . there being about thirty present’, including visitors from Tirnaru. Alt’ AV. Tozer Avas voted io the chair. It avus unanimously agreed that a club bo formed. The folloAA’ing officers Avere, elected : Pnlron, Rev. Father Bartley, S.M.; secretary, Air Geo. Pierce; treasurer, Air J. Allfrey: committee, ATessrs •). Fisher, A. R. Beck, J. H. Craig, AI. Cameron, J. Donnison, W. Phillips; and F. AVilliams. Tlie- annual subscription Avas- fixed at 2s 6d. Air .T. Fisher handed in os, Avhieh had been donated by AU AV. Ruston, Tiniaru. Tho matter of giving financial assistance to tlio team entered for the coining competition at Timaru was discussed, and it "‘ns agreed that the sum of £1 bo granted toivards travelling expenses. Air B. Hope, captain, thanked the club, and said that tho team had not been oxnecLing any assistance. Air AVilliams, on behalf of the Timaru contingent, thanked the club For their.courteous reception, and Avish ed the- club every success.

A NARROW ESCAPE. Temnka, with its three level crossings within the borough, has been particularly fortunate regarding accidents for some, considerable time, but •yesterday afternoon a motorist had a .very narrow Escape from meeting with a.serious accident at the North Belt crossing. Alt- J., Jr Ellis, - a lue.tnber ok tho Geraldine County Council,'.-was driving his car sb.uthyjards a(ong ’McNair’s Road, which runs parallel ■ to tliov raihA'ay line., and on reaching the North Belt lie turned Avest. to go over the line. The 3.15 southbound express Avas approaching, and he applied the brakes, but lie Avas barely at a standstillAA’he.n tlfe cW-catcher caught,, the front, mudguard,, 'throAving '-the'car round, bpt fortunately free' from-the rest of the train. Tire front of the car was tAvisted, but apart from that no damage, Avas done, and Afr Ellis escaped luckily. PERSONAL. The Town Clerk (Air A. J. AlcPhersan) is visiting Christchurch. He Avill return on Monday. NOTES. A farewell and presentation AA’ill be tendered to Ah’ and Airs B. F. Hayman, at Alilford, on 26th inst. The Temnka, 1.0.0. F. Lodge AvilJ bold a dance in the Drill Hall on 13th inst. A meeting of lady supporters in connection with the bazaar and tug-of-Avar in aid of the' Alilford Lagoon Association, Avill be "held in the Fire Brigade rooms, „pn Monday at 2.30.

“UPSTREAM,” TO-NIGHT. Humour as the logical result of story and characterisation, is a feature in Fox Filins’ “Upstream,” which comes to Temnka to-night. The story of “Upstream” is that of a. group of actors and their humble, boardinghouse in NcAA r York. It is a story gripping Avitli suspense and pulsing Avith life. A splendid cast lias been selected, including Nanov Nash, Earle Foxc, and Raymond Hitclicnck. Ted AlcNamara and Sammy Cohen, the popular comedians of “YVhat Price Glory,” are also in tho cast. A,gazette and comedy complet'd tlie programme.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 17773, 8 October 1927, Page 19

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TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 17773, 8 October 1927, Page 19

TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXV, Issue 17773, 8 October 1927, Page 19