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["Angela” will be pleased to roceivo for publication in the women’s pago, otices from town and country subscribers, of engagements, weddings, [lances, or any other item of social or personal interest, but all such must bear the signature of tho sender.] Mrs Cartwright, Seddon Street, is visiting friends in .Invercargill. Mis C. Jj. Hart, Christchurch, is staying at Beverley House. Aliss E. .Bowie, Wai-iti .Hoad, is back from a holiday in Oamaru. Airs A. Grant, "Aigantighe,” AVaiiti Boat!, has rcturneU from Oamaru. Airs 0. E. Shallcrass, Otipua Bond, is in Dunedin. Mrs G. Alorrison, AVai-iti Boad, is on a short visit to Christchurch. Airs Blakey, Seaiey Street, is spending a holiday at Wanaka. Mrs Neill Rattray, Waimate, is back from Christchurch, where she lias been staying with Airs Helmorc. Air and AJrs Jackson, Christchurch, are staying with Airs Berryman, Beverley Boad. Airs H. A. LeCreu and Aliss Eileen LeCren, "Nga-Puni-wai,” Eairlic, are in Christcliurch.

Mrs E. Stilling lias returned io Christcliurch, after several months spent in Timam. Airs E. G. Kerr, Neison Terrace, lias gone to Dunedin for tho golf tournament. Air and Airs Arthur Otway, who were with Airs AViglev, Park Lane, have returned to AVelliugton. The Hon. E. J. Rollcston raid Airs Roileston, LeCren’s Terrace, will leave to-day for Mount Cook. Airs R. L. AViglcy, Highfiold, motored back from Christchurch on Wednesday. Alps J. \V. Harris, who is the guest of Mrs B. Isaac, AVai-iti Boad, will return to Christchurch to-day. Alt' and Airs J. Cleland, Bidwill Street, have returned from Alount Cook. Mrs Arthur Talbot, Evans Street, has returned from a visit to Airs 0. J. Talbot, Fairlie. Air u'nd Airs A. B. Clark motored to tho Hydro from Christchurch, and will bo in Timaru for a week.

Air and Airs J. Kennedy (AVi'inlyor) arrived at the Hydro on Thursday for a short stay. His Honour Air Justice Adams, accompanied by his associate, Air D. AV. Russell, will arrive at the Hydro to-day for the Supreme Court sittings. Afr AV. Stewart, Commissioner of Crown Lands, left the Hydro for Christcliurch on Thursday. Air C. Howard Tripp, London, accompanied by his secretary, Airs J. Mott, left the Hydro for the north on Thursday. Airs John Barker, Four Peaks, left this week with her sister, Airs J. Grigg, Loiigbcacii, oil a visit to England and tho Continent. Airs Harrison, who has been staying with her daughter, Airs B. T. Turnbul l , Beverley Boad, lias returned to North Canterbury. Air and Airs J. E. Ramsay left tho Hydro for Dunedin on Thursday, and will return to Timaru on Tuesday, on their way to AVoliington. Air and Airs Guy 'i'apley and child arrived at the Hydro from Christchurch yesterday, and will proceed to Dunedin to-day. Aliss Alacßae, “Glen Shiel,” who has been on a visit to Christchurch, motored back to Tnnaru on Thursday, to attend the races, and is staying at the Empire Hotel. Aliss Enid Jones, “Otiritiri,” lias returned from a. visit to her sister, Airs J. C. Guinness, “Tc Pmii,” Fairlie. Air and Airs G. J. Wallace, Co lego Road, loft on Thursday for Christchurch. Air and Airs AI. Scott, Air and Airs E. Newcastle, and Mr and Airs E. Dunce arrived at tho Hydro, from Hamilton, for a short stay in Timaru. Air and Airs Charles Alaefarlane, AA'aiau, are expected back m Timaru to-day, after a short visit to Dunedin. Airs Leonard Webb, who was staying with Airs E. Newton, Alaltby Avenue, lias returned to Dunedin. Airs Terence Bridgeman, who has boon staying at “Aioury Park” with Airs Poster Noil and with Airs HunterWeston, ‘Tiighthorne,'’ lias returned to Dunedin.

Airs George Rhodes, who was staying with her daughter, Airs Ben 1-lou'tll, Cave, has returned, to Christchurch.

Mr S. F. Smithson, accompanied by Mr and Mrs J. G. liewett, left _ tho Hydro, en route for Kenya Colony (Fast Africa), via Tolcoanu and Auckland, where they will join the 11.M.M.5. Aorangi. Guests staying at the Empire Hotel during tho week included: —Mr 11. Yarreil (’Wellington), Air L. RGardiner (Dunedin), Mr and Airs IT. Bobbin (Christchurch), Air and All's A. Wriglit tNe'son), Air A. G. Elliott and Air W. T. Dobson (Auckland), Air C. J. AlcKague, Air G. Crosier, Mr M. Crosier (Christchurch), Air J. Samson, Air Morton Samson (Dunedin), Air It. S. Draper, Air W. Franks, Air Von. Sievakovoski, Air J. Roberts, Air AV. A. Cribble, Air A. L. Gray (Christchurch), Air G. Darker (Greymouth), Air A. J. Aitken (Lindhurst), Air A. E. Sliarmau (Christchurch), Air W. E. Comerford, Air and Airs J. AV. Becker (Sydney), Ah- and Mrs S. Gilchrist, Air anti Mrs C. Hay, Air and Airs A. Thomson and child, Mr AV. J. Freddy, Air D. C. McCorkindalc, Air AY. Patterson (Christchurch), Air AV. Stephens, Air J. 11. Fraser (Dunedin), Air A. J. Ford (Christchurch), Air T. J. Wilson, Mr AV. !!. Bootli (Dunedin), Air and Airs C. J. Bryant, Air F. Panned (Christchurch), Air C. Alathewson (Dunedin), Mr It. AAV Alathewson, Air J. B. Cromb (Christchurch), Air G. Baker, Air AV. Y. McDonald, Air 11. Henderson, Air Geo. Vial, Air S. P. Eaton, Air W. MclCco (Dunedin), Air AA T . Poynton (Christchurch), Air G. Barclay (Dunedin), Air and Airs E Alacdonakl (Fairlie), Air It. S. Brown (Dunedin), Air F. Bedford (ATilton), Air C. Jarvis (Dunedin)_. All' AA r . A. Ayres (Christchurch), Mr A. Querry (Lyttelton), All* Brook Taylor (Christchurch), Mr and Airs AVm. Baird, Aliss Corcoran (Invercargill), Air Alf Hi'l, Air B. Slinw (Dunedin), Air AValt-er Dvako (Christchurch), Air A. V. Bloper (Christchurch), Air G. Christie (Wingatiu), Mr and Mrs T. Aspo'l and child, Mr 0. F. AVatson (Christchurch), Mr T. 11. Giles (Aiicldand), Mr Geo, Beattie 'Christchurch), Air 1. B, Goddeu (Ashburton, Mr A. Cameron (Christchurch), Mr 11. A. Young (Oamaru), Air H, Preston (Oamaru), Air and Mrs D. Jones (Central Otago), Air A, EE’lis, Air E. Alackay, Air B, _B radio, Airs Eox and Miss Fox (AVingatui), Air and Airs J, Morgan, Air J, Jonas, Air H, Jone.s, Air F, Johnson (Christchurch), Mr mid Mrs AV, F, Smith (Hakataiamea), Air and Mrs J, AIoCVnnb, Mr F, O, Mulliiiji (Christehurcli), Miss Msnitao (“Glen Sliiol”), Mi’ It, Black (AVninu). Mr J, Robb, Alies Aitken (Chrislchuroii); Mr AA r . A. Scaife (AVniirmte),

Aliss AAUnnio Goodwin of Lauriston, is staving with Airs Biekenell, of Bank Street. Air and Airs J. Alowbray Tripp, “Si'verton,’’ Woodbury, went to Hawke's Bay, to attend the HopeOrniond wedding, which took place oil Wednesday. The lion. AV. Nosworlhy and Airs Nosworthy, Ashburton, leave to-day for the Hermitage, to attend the conference of County Councillors. Air and Airs L. Knight, Scudholmo Street, Tomuka, have returned from their holiday in Dunedin. Aliss Grace Wilson, who lias been spending a. holiday with her people at St. Andrews, returned to-day to Dnnedin.

Air and Airs L. AI. Bruce, Fairlie, were the .guests of Airs T. Turnbull, Edward Street, for last week-end. Air AI. G. Henderson, AVellington, who has been staying with his mother Airs John Henderson, Orari, returned homo on Alondav. Misses K. Hughes and Airs Gallnghor, Christchurch, who were staying at Orari with Airs AV. Quirke, returned home on Tuesday. Alisses AI. and A. Quirke, Orari, who have been on a holiday to the AVost Coast arrived homo this week. Airs and Aliss Douglas who have been staying with Airs A. Priddlc, Belfiold, have left for Dunedin.

A very pleasant gathering was held in the Pleasant Valley schoolroom on Tuesday evening, to do honour to Air and Airs G. B. Smith, who are leaving the Valley, to reside in Christchurch. Progressive euchre formed the amusement of the evening, the prizes being won by Aliss Alarie Smith and Air YV. Shaw. After the supper interval, Air Stevenson, in a few well-chosen words, referred to the good feeling which all present had for Air and Airs Smith, and presented Airs Smith with a. salad bowl, and Air Smith with a leather suit-case, as a small token of the esteem ih which they were hold. ATr Smith suitably replied, for his wife and himself, and the proceedings terminated with the singing of “Aukl Lang Syne.” On Thursday night, Airs AV. E. Gibson, Elizabeth Street, gave a farewell bridge party for Aliss Hunter-AA’cston, "Highthorno ” The other players included Air and Airs G 11. B. Ulrich, Misses Salmond, A. Johnston. PalmerChapman, B. and N T . Cossins, J. Orbell, Helen Paterson, Alcssrs P. HunterAVeston, D. Unwin, G. Palmer-Chap-man. D. Johnston, G. Barker and P.

Gresscm. Among the guests staving at the Hydro Grand during the week _ wore the following:—Hr. W. .T. and Miss K. Mullan (Ashburton), Mr and Mrs H. B. Douglas and family (Greta. North Canterbury), Mr P. C. AHndlessohn (Wellington), Mr and Mrs J. Hewett (Kenya! East Africa), AH and Mrs W.* M. Tipeke. AH and AHs W. P. Yeoman, Mr W. O’Donnell, AH and Mrs J. E. Pamsay. Mr E. .T. Kain (Wellington), Mr .T. AY. Eggpfs (Aranchestor, England). AH H. Hovslef (Oslf, Nonvav), ]\fr and Afrs Geo. Stroud (Invercargill), Mr and Mrs M. Scott. Mr and Mrs E. Hardeastloynrß ostahoui luou linen E. Newcastle. Mr and Mrs E. Da pro (Hamilton). Mr C. Howard Tripn, AHs G. Mott (London). Mr J. Cook (St. Leonards), Mr and Mrs ,T. Kennedy ("Windsor). Mr D. TL Mnir (Tomuka), AHs A. Alaitiwarmg (Geraldine), Afrs C. E. Thomas (TimarnL H,' T. Macdonald (Hororata), Air T. TT. E. Chester. Mr W. S. Stewart. Afr and Afrs A. P. Clark. AH D. G. Ogilvm. Afr T. Armstrong (Christchurch), AH and Afr-: E. AHirheacl. Afr C. 0. Brhh-o-man, Afr A. T. AYallis, Afr and Afrs Geo. AfoAVilkie. Afr and Afrs Guy Tanloy and child (Dunedin). Guests at the Dominion Hotel during the week included :—Afr C. J. Naught oil (Afelbournc), AH and Airs E. J. Bowes (Christchurch). AH E. .1. Dixon (Svdney), AH A. H. Dawson (.Auckland). Air and AHs Butcher (Christchurch), AH and Afrs C. P. AYatson (Afasterton). Air L. E. Prince (Sydney), Air G. L. Peese (Christchurch), Afr G. Gillandm-s (Christchurch). Afr E. Parsons (Wellington), AH T. Af. Afartin, Afr E. Af. Hnd.cs Afr Pichard T. Cowner. AH Tluis. Lionel (!ale. AH Ponald J. A'oss, AH P. N. Cuming. Afiss .T. Lawrie, Afiss Pndo (Christchurch), Afr L. A. Scott (Auckland), Afr Geo. AVehster (AYellington). Afr and Afrs H. Wald ran (Dunedin 1. Afr T;. ,T. Coxon. AH AY. Hanna, AH and Mrs AAY J. AVills, AH and Aft's AY. E. Scrimshaw (Dunedin), AH L. A. AA'atts (Auckland), Afr and AHs J. Cowans (Christchurch), AT’’ S. Brant (Dnncdbi). Afr AA r . Erauklin. Afr ,T McCarthy (AKHmurno), AH E. C. A f ocean. Afr C. L. Clifford (Christchurch). Afr T. H. Black (Dunedin), Afr and Afrs B. Thompson (Christchurch), AH and Afrs Lowe, Afiss ATarion Shorlev (New AWrk). Afr Diehard E. Llors ( California). Afr AA T . TT Jmck (Svdnev). Air and AHs Trvine EL ton (Auckland). Afr Geo. A. Black. Afr Win. Stewart I'Dunodin), AH L. C AHKomdo (Auckland). AH and AHs A. E. Lhidsav (Hokitika)', Afr .T. A. Smithson

luiimnnij. sir .11. l. \v lure (tphrist"burch). "Mr "R. AnpMbv (Omnrnmn), Mr end Airs AV. dark AAv and Ai’’? B. Btivens (AA 7 all n cetown). At" and Airs ,T. T,. Hannon (TijverrnreidV Air P. Bond. Air P. "Cnisptti (diristcluiroli), Air A. E. O’Alenr.n fWesh ConstV At,- Gen. A. Smith (Auckland). AI" AV, B. AlcNoill (Dnncdill''. Airs F. Rwindlc'* fOomnnO, AI" F. Turner (Tnvoi'cai'"ill). Mr H E H.vcle (K-.’iikoui'a 1. AG- nnd Vrs A. Lnngsta.-i /Aur-kbim 1 ). Ar-” E \ AlePl.nil IAA T cHin<rl.C"\. Air p" AV E ; bv! Air 1?. TTamnton fChrisi rJr'reb). M’"ss W AV. Waddell (’OnmanO. Air V Mn. A'nb. Mr- .T. Priduet ('Ob"i=f-,-hn"G>). Air J. H. P-rqcnr. Air "nd Airs A. Todd and sons (Christchurch). Marcelle Beauty Parlour excels in all kinds of face and scalp treat-ment—-hair-cutting, trimming, waving, violet ray, manicure, face massage, vibrator and mud packs. A course of our proved correct treatment never fails to produce the desired pleasing results. Appointments by telephone 12G3, Evans’ Buildings, opposite Ballantyne’s. . .

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 30 April 1927, Page 3

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MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 30 April 1927, Page 3

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 30 April 1927, Page 3