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.... . ■ - [“Angela” will be pleased to receive for publication in the women’s page, jtices from town and country suberibers, of engagements, weddings, dances, or any other item of social or j personal interest, but all such must ! bear the signature of the sender.] Miss Margaret Tripp, Wai-iti lioad, is oack lrom Cliristciiurch. Alias i!«vu pox, A lie Street, lias returned lrom Oiiristeliureli. Mrs lien, laowm , wio, returnod yesterday lrom teuislcli'irch. Mrs M. M. Ciiristie, Wnimate, lias gone to Invercargill for her sister's wedding. .Mrs P. C. Paterson, Sehvvn Street, lias returned from a visit to Mrs J. Stewart, Tot ant Valley. Air \t illiam Evans, and Aliss Evans, Aortli Street, motored back yesterday from a short visit to Christchurch. Airs it. J. "Watson, lemmv.i, im on Thursday on a lortiiigiit’s visit to Dunedin. All's E. J. LeCren and Aliss Ethel LoL'ren, Alaori lull, are hack lrom Christchurch. Airs and Airs Eorrester Hawkey, Timaru, are the guesis ot Airs W, Symons, Opa.wa, Chris tell urch. Paptam and Airs itedmoml Neill, “Barossa,” liave returned from Christchurch. Aliss ltona Blakislon, Oran Gorge, is staying with AJis nope, “Tumanako,” W ai-iti Road. Aliss Kate Itattray is expected from Dunedin on Alonday, and will stay at the Hydro. Airs SiieiTiui, is expected from Dunedin on Alonday, to be present at the U 1 rich- Robinson wedding. Air and Airs Gordon Wood, Aliss Ohvyn Wood, Wai-iti ltoad, and Airs Daley Davies, are .spending a week in Christchurch. Aliss Dorothy Napier, “Tekiteroa,” "Waunate, lias rcturneu from Christchurch, where she was the guest of Aliss Afolly Chapman. Aliss Al. Hoperts, who was staying witli her sister Airs C. J. LeCren, Urey Road, left during tile week for Gisborne. Airs Charles Aiacfariane, "Waiau, who was stay.'ng witli Airs J. C. Aldier, .Woodbury, is now with her lather Air W. It. AlcLaren, Orbell btreet. Air and Airs H. P.'liner and Airs Elder, ltaupa, Greyrnouth, lett during the week on a. motor "1 rip to Timaru, via Nelson and Kaikoura. Mrs Arthur Elworthy, Holme Station, and Air anti Airs Percy Elwortliy, Gordon’s Valley, armed in XJ.naru on Tuesday from England. Archbishop Julius and .Julius arrived from London at Sydney by the Cathway on March JU, and are expected io reach Christchurch about the end of the present month. Mr and Airs L. F. Pegler (Waiinate) will leave shortly for Christchurch, where Air Pegler lia.s accepted the position of headmaster of the West Christchurch High School. ( Rev. W. Crawford, National lecturei) for the Theosophical Society, New Zealand, will arrive in Timaru on Alonday. j He will be the guest of Airs C. E. Shallcrass, Otipua Road. I Dr and Airs P. R., Blue- | cliffs, have returned from Christchurch, 1 Major Nugent, AI.C., equerry to the Duke of York was their guest during , the week. Aliss Hilda Edgar, who during the | past nine years has held the position of j art mistress at St. Alargarot’s Col- i loge, has been appointed art mistress I to the Waitaki High Schools. Aliss Edgar will leave Christchurch in Alay. Nurse Cato, of the Toniuka District' School Dentai Ciinic, has been trans- ’ ferred to Haivera, and will leave Te- ' muka on Alarch 20. There will bo general regret, at losing such a capable and popular officer. An engagement that mill be of inter- | est to a large circle of friend?} is that ' of Aliss Betty Sindair-Lockhart, only daughter of Lady Sinclair-Loekhart, of ■ Reinuera, and the late Sir Robert Dun- I can Sindair-Lockhart, Bart., and Air Walter Raleigh Grace, youngest soil, of j Airs T. S. Grace, of Blenheim, Alarl- J borough, and tho lath Archdeacon j Grace. Members of the Totara Valley and | Pleasant Point “Y” Unions spent a j most, enjoyable time at their combined I meeting at Pleasant Point Sunday j School Hall last Tuesday evening. During the evening Air Duncumb, of Timaru, gave a very interesting address on “I don’t care,” pointing out the attitude of mind to those words. A very enjoyable dance was g lv c n on Tuesday evening by Airs John Scott, Sarah Street, for her daughter Jessie, on tho eve of their departure lor Christchurch. Among those present were —Misses B. and C. Stevens, B. Williams, F. Alunroo, E. Cornwall, K. Martin, A. Grieve, 'P. Guthrie, E. Johnstone, F. and AI. Brotnte and Alessrs Clelland, Davidson, Currie, Wilson, Pearson, Sinclair, Wren (Dunedin), Townsend, Taylor, Walsh (Christchurch), Wallace, Noble, Grieve, Eslick (Christchurch). At St. Peter’s Church, Upper Riccarton, on Wednesday' afternoon, the infant daughter of Mr and Airs Ben , Howell, of Cave, and grand-daughter of Air and Airs George Rhodes (“Bever- j lev,” Fendalton), was baptised by the Rev. H. T. York. The baby girl was christened Jessie aElizabeth Hinds, and ( her god-parents were the Hon. Sir R. ; Heaton Rhodes, Air AVilford Howell, ' Airs Reg. Hill, and Aliss Alavis j Aiacfariane. After the ceremony', Mi i and Airs Rhodes held a small reception at “Beverley,” where relatives and a few intimate friends assembled IQ honour of the occasion. . , . Guests staying at tho Emp.treMur 1n g this week included: —Air G. Donaldson (AVellington), Air Edwin I'. lam ner (AVellington), Air J- Mediae! s (Christchurch), Air Jno. S. ® (Haldon), Airs Al. Haste:, Airs E. Al. Ellwood (Napier), Air G. B. Niven, Mrs AVm. AlcGeorge Allan (Dunedin), Airs AVm. Spong (Christchurch), Air and Airs AV. A. Scaife (AVaimate), Mr A. E. Ackroyd (Christchurch), Mrs Morley Thomson (Christchurch), JMiss E. Esquilant, Mr G. Cordner (Dunedin), Air AV. Healey, Air F. Faulkner, Air N. L. Reid, Air AV. Coles (Chnstchureli), Air Geo. Vial, Air AV. Y. Campbell, Air D. N. Anderson, AV. lAVarner (Dunedin), Mr D. Gunn, Air G. Beattie (Christchurch), Aliss MacRae (Glen Shiel), Air F. Dickson (Rollosby), Air C. Carson, Mr and Airs 0. W. Seaton, Mr and Mrs A. «L Lawrence, Mr W. H. Ward,^ Mr J. L. Pearson (Christchurch), Air R. J- G. oa (•Invercargill), Air J. Ouerry (Christchurch), Air AV. H. Dimming, Air I*. Meredith (Dunedin), Air H. Day Aliss Day (Oamaru), Air Al. C. Cooper, Air A. j. Hern (Christchurch), Air J. B. Hayward, Air AV. A. Barnes (Dunedin). Airs Jno. Trerise, Air A. S. Phdpot (Christchurch), Air D. Crow', Air R. ,B. AVetty (AVellington), Air T. Brown, Air H. Youngman (Oxford), Mr S. Clavton, Air R. P. Jamieson, E. A\. McEnnis, Air F. Hunt, (Christchurch), Mr G. Pearce, Air C. Sycamore (Otago).

I Airs George AVeston and family are I j staying at the Hydro. I i Mr and Airs Henry Harper, '‘Grassy I llills,” Waitaki, are in Chrisldmrdiri ! Airs 0. A. Ewan ami family, of ! Wellington, are at the Hydro. 1 A'lr and Airs Blair, Orbell Street, hTt on Wednesday for D’Urville Island, on a visit to Mrs Chilton liayter. They intend being away about a month. , , Airs A. Alainwariiig, is spending a .short holiday' at- the Hydro, i Lt.-Com. E. G. Rhides and All J. j H. Rhodes arrived in Timaru on Tlmrs--1 day, and are staying at- iho Hydro. Air J. C. Barrett, of AVellington, will ' be at the Hydro for a few days, having arrived in Timaru on Thursday. Air Chas.. E. Bogg arrived from l Dunedin on AVednesday' last, and is staying at the Hydro. s Air and Airs R. AVilson, of Christ—s church, arc staying at the Hydro, and will remain in Timaru indefinitely. Air and Airs E. It. Guinness, who ’ have been staying at the Hydro, returned to Farnilcigh, Ealing, on Thursday afternoon. Air and Airs D. J. Laird, accompanied 1 by Aliss Beryl Laird, left the Hydro , for their home in Argentine on Tuesday . last. j Air and Airs E. C. Ta.vlor, who have I been staying at the Hydro, motored ( home to Christchurch on Friday' aftcr- . noon. Air A. K. Firth, Christchurch, ac- | companied oy Air G. A. AV. Beard, of j London, motored to Timaru yesti relay, and will be at the Hydro ior a lew' ' days. Members of tho AVest End Croquet Club met at the green recently to bid farewell to Airs Halstead, who was leaving Timaru to reside 111 Dunedin. t ! Airs ’J.rott, president of the dub, cx- . pressed, the deep regret cf ;11 in luring 1 i so valuable a member, remarks which _' were endorsed by Airs Reid, who cn i j 1 behalf of the members, i reseated Airs ■ Haltead with a crystal vise, at the . same time wishing her all success in her j new home. Air Alanchester, piesidont ’ of the Bowling Club, amt Air Smith i also spoke on behalf of the bowlers, i j Guests at tho White Star Hotel, Queenstown last week included: —Prof. ( and Airs Seteliell (Berkley, California), ) Air and Airs Buchanan (England), Air . and All's Harwood (Brisbane), Air T. AV. 1 Rose (Sydney), Aliss Cartwright (Alelbourne), Airs and Aliss Clapham (Wanganui), Air and Airs Wvles, Air B. Wyles and Air AlcAlillan (Christchurch), Air and Airs Beech (Picton), Air T. Ulanchard (Roxburgh), Air Faigan (Miller’s -Mat), Air F. W. Darling (Waikaia), Air and Airs H. Ross (Walter Peak). Air R. J. AlcKcnzie (Alt. Nicholas) Aliss H. Hazlett (Dunedin), Air and Airs J. H. Walker (St. Clair, Dunedin), Airs J. R. Alclvenzie (Bellpknowos), Air Paterson, Air F. Watkins 'Skippers), Alisses Tlirop. I Peacock and Bunbury, Air G. A. A\i:lson (Dunedin). | Among the guests staying at the Hydro Grand during the week were i■ tho following Air and Airs I). J. Laird, Aliss Beryl Laird (Argentine), Air and Af rs ,H. YV. Jessop, Aliss Lorna. Walsh (Auckland), Air and Airs F. A. Lcwtlnvaite (Duvauehellos Bay), Airs A. Arainwaring (Geraldine), Dr. G. E. i and Airs Du Rietz (U.vsala, Sweden), Air J. AlcLennan (Masterton), Airs D. A. Ewen and family, Air G. O’Callagj ban (AVellington), Mrs AV. F. Hamilton ! (Ashwiek, Fairlie), Ah and Airs H. iT. G. Harper (Orassv Hills, AVaimate), Airs Hayter, Airs Bruce, Airs Parker ! (Rollesby, Burke’s Pass), Air J. C. Barrett (Wellington), Alisses Al. and

A. Scott (Auckland), Air G. A. W. I Beard (London), Air R. IT. Ashcroft', I Mr and Airs C. AV. Price, Aliss E Al Price, Air and Airs E. G. Tavlor. Airs | George Weston and family (2). Air J I H. Rhodes, Lt.-Com. E." G. Rhodes Air and Airs R. AVilson, Air A. k! 1 Firth (Christcliurcli), Air and Airs G ' J[rs M ' Bari'ett, Air James : A. Roberts, Air J. B. Hislop. Aliss W ' Mrs B. C. Haggitt. Mr t' A. Bridgeman, Air Ohas. K. Beim, Mr i a!‘ C Mrs ,{pa > r and child, alls K. H. W ilhanis and son (Dunedin) ] Guests during the week at tile i Dominion Hotel included: —Ah D. J Lmg, Ah AV. Codings (Christchurch),’ ' A l !'.’ ~ n Mi » s Ware (Adelaide), i I^SOl U Miss M. Billson, Miss ■A. lijJLson (Chnistchurch), Mr M | Hannon (Dunedin), Air J. Oates I (Christchurch), Mr Chris. J. Wren : (Dunedin), Air Alfred Johns, Air L S Johns (Christchurch), Air AVm. Simms (Melbourne), Miss Yvonne Frencbfield (Pertii), Air It. J. G'oxon (Dunedin) Air L. J. Coxon (Christchurch), Air and Alra A. H. AYalshe (Auckland), Air J. Black, Air John Graham (Alasterton), Air and Airs E. 11. AVilson, Aliss A. AVilson (New Plymouth), Air D. 1) Ludor (Dunedin), Air J. Leadbetter, Air AV. B. AlcNeiL (Dunedin), Air A. Eslick (Christchurch), Air and Airs N. AYliifco (Nelson), Air J. Grady, Air' R. R. Aitcheson, Ah J. E. Campbell, Air Len }V. Saunders, Air G. E. Chunn (Auckland), Air B. E. Andrews, Air Stan. Hughes, Air E. A. Cooper, Mr L. J. Patterson (Wellington),' Ah S. Alills (Christchurch), Air J. Sen Smith (Christchurch), Air F. H. AATse, Air Percy Kirby, Ah J. 11. Carroll (Christchurch), Air and Airs AA r . E. Englundh (Sydney), Air A. E. AlcAlullan (Napier), Mr Geo. AV. Dimmick (Dunediin), Alt) AA r . AI. Faith (Wellington), Air Geo. H. Alason (Christchurch), Air AA r . J. Stanton (Wellington), Air George .T. , Boyron (Christchurch), ATr and Airs Charles L. Low (Auckland), Air K. j Loivtlier, Air A. E. Talbot. Air R. 6. Talbot (Christchurch), Air A\ r . D. Campbell (Timaru). Air and Airs E. Bryant | (Auckland), Ah Geo. Hunter (Invercargill), Ah and Airs tD. C. CrozieU ; (Christcliurcli), Ah J. Fullbrook (King’s | Norton, Birmingham), Air AA r m. Cori mailt (London), Ah Geo. Browne (Napier).

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 March 1927, Page 3

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MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 March 1927, Page 3

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 March 1927, Page 3