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By Telegraph—Bros* Association AUCKLAND, June 23. The Auckluinl Clulj s winter meeting was eoncluileil to-day in tieautiliil « outlier. Tlieru was a large attendance, the to tal isator handling, £Ol, t)nO 10s, making a total 01 itUo.lur ter the meeting, eoinpareu with Just year’s meeting Held m -Ha> j at which there were 10 races. At tin* vear't, meeting there were 14 races. '1 Ini tuk.tigs represent an increase ot 0. Keau'ts: — ~ , on ,. ALAND KAU HANDIOAI , of 301 sovs; Li miles. —1 I SUiinioor (R. Hall) scr, 1: 3 A Lars ser, 2; 1 ILatana 24,,3. Also ran—2o Line Wing, 2.1 Coal L gin, 12 Signorclla, 1U Lola, Ueklaw, 22 liarr.s, 1 Reel Star, 21 Alaul of tne -Mountains, 14 iUoko i'ete, 2 Concertina. and JrLollv iloy (eotipleil), 10 oUleii. llopt-', 17 Cold Hound, 0 br.snlme, lb Cratuui Thorpe, 4 Dil ml Huon, Id Respect, < Haneof, 8 Uncle Beit, V iiuselni, o V r an Cap 19 Ulaudore. Woii bj tut lengths, ;i neck between second anti third. Uncle Bert was lourth. lime, 3mm 37 2-ssec. Cokieii iiope fell. KOVAL HANDICAP ot 300 sovs; 2 miles.—o Gold Sovereign (S. J. Hoc> scr, and 3 Nelson Ata (.R. Beriy) 0 , dead-heat, 1; 1 Sister Beatrice -IS, 3. Also ran—l 3 Don Zo pels, 1! ? b can Triubhms, 14 Tore,. i> Kcnrpton, Roma Bingen, 10 Vanity Boy, 9 Cold Star and Loc.hall (coupled), 0 S«eet Memory (cooped witn Cold reign), 1 Ueterson (coupled with S-tei Beatrice), 21 Peter Brown, 2 Credit Slip, 4 1-airiight. , HAlai hie Hall, 15 Direct Aet.on, 12 Marble btai 8 Battery Bell, 7 Coklcn Calc II -Vaseline 19 The Squire, 28 Rio Alto. Dead’heat, third horse a neck away. Tore was lourth. 'limes, omiu 3 3-oscc, 4ni.ii 58 3-ssec. TT . vmr l \ P PRINCE Oi<’ WALLS HANDICAP , of 1000 sovs; 2 miles.--2 Imprint (Bukitt) 72, I‘; 1 Cardinal Logan I_, -, 0 Dillon Wilkes 36, 3. Also ran—3 i. - laro, 8 All 8011, 10 Doctor Dillon, J Goldman, 11 Black Lila, 5 Prime lointor, 4 Logan Ch.ef, 7 Logan Lon. Jn a. magnilicent hmsli between Impiint, Cardinal Logan,’ Dillon \\ .ikes and lalaro Jniprint got home by had a length in front of Cardinal Logan, who tv as’ separated by a neck horn Dillon Wilkes, with Talaro a head anaj, fourth. Tune, 4mm -lOsec. ADAAIS MEMORIAL CLP of 000 ■ sovs; 2 miles.—3 Sea Pearl (14. Ben j) 00, 1; 4 Direct Wood 24, 2 ; 6 1 eteiwah 2-1, 3. Also ran—lo Cold Jacket, 18 Bingen Star, 19 King Lear, lb Reliance, 14 Rutana, 23 Harvest Home, 22 Harold Jun.or, 24 Run lere, 1< Uncle Bert, 7 Holly Boy, 8 Bun Bun and Jewel Pointer (coup ed), lb Ayr, 2 .Marshal Neil, 27 Respect 12 Betty Aioko, 13 Van Cap, -Daphne W ddwood 20 Alastcr Councillor, 10 Bawkli Locanda, 11 Rock Hinton, 1 Suk Thread, 9 Cute Lad.' Won by threequarters of a length, half a length etwcon second and lim'd. -Marshal Neil was fourth. Time, 4miu 46scc. MEMBERS’ TROT HAND CAP, o. 450 sovs; 2 miles—l \Vaikaha (J. U Paul) 24, 1; 2 Aloney Spider 00, 2; o King Capitalist 12, 3. Also ran—l Ngalua, 11 The Tartar, 8 Bundaberg, 7 Wimihera. King, 3 \\ i d Nut, 12 Lackicwood, 14 Al Mack, 15 Tradesman, 0 Kean John, 13 Peter Dean, J Pvramus, 10 Rose Bingen. Won by alcngth, three lengtlis between second and third. Time, 4min 54 2-sscc. LIVERPOOL HANDICAP, ol 300 sove.; li miles. —2 Jean Darling (ACameron) scr, 1 : 9 Anselm 24, 2; 14 llock Hinton -lrf/3. Also ran—3 Ile avan Bill and Admiral Lock (coupled), 2 Mars (coupled with Jean Darling), 13 Nellie Brnmley and Admiral Hood (coupled), 7 .Manna and \Vinmo Dillon (coupled), 17 Croat Britain and Blue King (coupled), 5 Lcowood and Happy Rosa (coupled), 6 Gokleast anti Stan.moor (coupled), 5 Lula Reklnw, 10 Cold Jacket, 7 D.llon Jiuon, l Signorella, 16 The Pointer. 8 Liberate (coupled with Anselm), 18 lliion Grattan, 4 Lord Nepean and Jewel Pointer (coupled), 11 Master Councillor. Avon by two and a halt lengths, threcquai tci s of a length between secondhand third. Signorclla was lourth. l.imc, Jniin 2 2-s,see. AU REV (HR HANDICAP, of 400 sovs; li miles.-7 Talaro (M. Hollers) iscr, 1; 4 Becky Logan 36, 2; 1 Bed Harold 30, 3. Also ran —1L Ben Lomond, 8 Jewel, 14 Rose Pointer, 12 Dean Dillon, 13 Doctor Dillon, 10 Goldman, 5 All Bell, 6 Daphne /Wildwood, 2 Bessie Logan, 3 Peter Bingen, 9 Logan Lou. Won by a head each wav. Lnscan Lou was fourth. Tune, 2niin 55 2-ssec.



By Telegraph —Press Assoei-Lion . HASTINGS, Juno 23. The Hawke's Bay Hunt Club's winter meeting was held in line weather. The course and track were in good order. Ail the jockeys were unseated in iho Cup, but were not seriously injured. 'J’ho totalisator put through .Cl i,07.1, as against C 15,250 for last year's fixture. Results: —

HUNTERS’ 11UJt DJjKS, ol' 125 sovs; 1‘ miles.—2 .Revel (K. Tow’er) 10.3, 1; 3 At .xed Heather ill), 2; 1 Royal Heather 10.7, 3. Also ran —3 f J heic, 0 Lombardo, 1 Mamuiti, 7 Rebuti, 5 Mount Clyde, 9 Haumari, 10 Merry Wanderer.' Won by four lengths, one and a half lengths between second and third. Time, 2min lojsee. ARLKY HACK. HUBBLES, of 125 sovs; 11 miles.—2 Taitaiata. (C. Mason) 10.1, 1; 5 Good Mark 9.9, 2; 6 Pcsl.wa 9.0, 3. Also ran—l Ruby Ring, 3 M’ilmcreana, 5 Jiirthinark, 7 Counter Attack, 4 Polyastra. Wou by four lengths, a head between second and third. Time, 2miu 415 2-ssec. HAC.Iv SCURRY, of 100 sovs; 5 furlongs—l. Whciiua mil (L. G. Morris) 9.0, 1; 7 Break o' Hay 9.0, 2; 3 Vivo 9.7, 3. Also ran —2 Polar, 0 Royal Land , 5 T.iio Muuiign, 9 Coot, 12 Hiwir.ui, JO Merry imp, ,3 Mountain Slur, 13 Samlhurr, JO Boy JJ.'ue, 15 TaiiUan, 17 Mint Julep, JJ Alolong, 13 Bonny, 4 ilothoi, 12 Rerle He Rouge, J 3 Ahalama, 11 Windy Night. Won by a head, one ami a half lengths between second and third. Time, Jnnn 2 2-ssec. it A WISH A TIANBICAP, of 150 sovs; G'J furlongs. —1 Nine of Spades (11. Bunn) 9.2, I; 1 Tuahinc 10.3, 2; 0 Miss Hupana. 9.0, 3. Also ran—2 lloyal Diadem, 10 Malatour, 9 Koodoo, 7 Startle,' 8 Serene, 5 Jeanette, 3 Sir Ram, 7 Road Hog, 11 Killoeh. Won by two lengths, half a length between second and thmd. 'lime, linin 21 l-ssec. HUNT CUR STEEPLECHASE, of 150 sovs; 21 miles.—B ivovno (H. Ryder) 11.0, I; 2 Guanaco ](>.B, 2"; 4 M’uhiu 10.1, 3. Also ran —1 Kirkwood (loll), 7 Silent L'sek (fell), 9 Lark Hall (fell), :0 Luke, 0 SuppuHer (fell), 3 Gilgai (fell), .11. An tea Roa (fell), 5 Silta. Won by two lengths, three, lengths beiwoen second and third. Time, 5m in 15 3-ssce. i !OR( l\ IT HACK, of 100 sovs; furlongs.— 3 Gaunllct (R. Reed) 10.8, 1; 4 Mime JO.B, 2; 5 Crishua 9.9, 3. Also ran —2 Watchman, G Blue Jay, 7 Jubilee, 1 Cohesion. 8 Gurnion, 10 Takaroo, 11 Take Take, 13 Waipiro, 12 Mister Gamp, 9 Sl.rongholt. Won by two lengths, one length, between second and third. Time, 1 min 22 3-ssec.

COUJ.TR A HUNT KBS’ PLATE, of 100 sovs; 9 furlongs. —2 Mali Jong (Mr J. Morris) 9.0, 1 ; 1 Son o’ Mine 9.0, 2; 5 Gay Bobbie 10.10, 3. Also ran.—6 Theie, 4 Mountain Crag, 8 "Pact, ,1 Mount Clyde, 7 Black Flier, 9 Merry Wanderer. Won by a head, a length between second and third. Time, 2min 0 3 osec.

Nominations of candidates for seats on the committee of the South Canterbury Jockey Club must he in the s.crc tag>’s hands by noun on July Ist.

July Ist, at noon, is the last day for receipt of nominations of candidates for tiie committee of the Timaru Trotting Club. The annua! point-to-point meeting of the Waimatc Hunt will be held to-day at .Mr Moore's “Crouch Farm,” near Waiinate. The first is timed to start at 2 p.m. An unusually largo number of liorses have completed, or nearly completed, the number of meets of the Soutn Canterbury Hunt to qualify them for entry in hunters' races. Those which have fully qna’ilied are as follows —Markby, iM ustang, Flourish, Mat-aipuke, .Red Sol, Nyaim.a, Rockfelinw, Unloose, Cremona, Message Boy, April Showers, Rang.chiel, Gennlio, Sassafras, Bye and Bye. Horses which have to put in only one- more meet to secure certificates, are: —Gold Hollar, Peterline, M aiuspring, Goodlorin, New Hav, ar.d Clancy. T lie foregoing lists, of course, do not include hunters which are ridden at fixtures at the 'Waimatc Hunt.

Concerning the Nelson pacer Imprint, who won the big race at Epsom yesterday, an Auckland paper says of his first day’s run :—“T he drivers of the backmarkers, l’rinco Pointer and imprint, cannot be complimented for their handling of those horses in the Campbell Handicap Respite the fact that the horses were giving away 72 yards to the limit division, they were in front after going nine furlongs. It is little wonder that the horses failed to iinish on. More patiently driven, both would certainly have done belter.” “Those hackers who sent Sea Pearl out favourite for llie Marconi Handicap.” says the Auckland “Herald,” “were very unlucky not to receive a. winning dividend. AYitli half the journey covered Sea Pear! bad made up little ground, but- she then unwound a. hr.lliant run, which look her handy to the leaders at the turn. Here she seemed to meet interference and broke.” Sea .Pearl had her turn yesterday.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 24 June 1926, Page 8

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 24 June 1926, Page 8

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 24 June 1926, Page 8