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(From Our Own Correspondent). DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BREAKING-UP CEREMONY The annual breaking-up ceremony and distribution of prizes of the Xemuka District High school took place on Thursday afternoon, in tho school grounds. There was a large attendance of parents and friends, although the sky was somewhat overcast, and rain towards the ond of tho function marred proceedings to a certain extent. Tho chairman of tho School Committee, Mr A E. Smith, stated that the year’s operations had been highly successful. Out of the forty pupils who sat for their profla.ency examination, thirty-two gained certificates and six gained competency. The attendances during tho year had also been exceptionally good, no less than eighty-seven certificates for attendance having been gained by pupils who had not missed one school day in tho year. Great credit was due to the school, staff and for their untiring efforts, and ihe splendid result they had achieved in spite of the fact that they had been hampered at tho beginning of the year by the epidemic. The pubile had helped very well financially to make the school sports a success, but their attendance at tlie function was not exactly what it might have been. The school committee, too, had experienced a 'most successful year. They were now assured that a school dental clinic would be established at Temuka, and it was expected this wpuld be in operation in March. Arrangements had also beer made to have an open-air class room, and tho plans of this biulding were already in the hands of the Education Board’s architect, (Applause). In conclusion, he apologised 1 -for tho absence of Mr T. T). Burnett, M.P., Rev. R. Richards, Mr G. W. Armitgge, and Mi C. L. Eraser. Tlie Mayor (Mr G. B. Cartwright) stated that it gave Mrs Cartwrighi and himself great pleasure to be present. No doubt there would be many children present who would not receive a prize that day, but when- they saw their mates receiving them they’ conlc make a resolve to gain one next year Tho Rev. H. 11. Foil also congratu-

lated thopo boys and girls who had gained prizes, but felt sympathy i'oi those who had just missed. He always admired those pupils ' who by then talent had gained prizes, but equally deserving or admiration were those who never had won a prize but wife kept pegging away. It was often the latter wlio made the greatest successet in life. Mr Smith then called upon the Mayoress to distribute .the-,prizes, af follows: Essay Prizes (donated by Navy League).—Standard Vl.—Muriel Meet 1, Albert Curry 3. H.S. Seniors—M Webb 1, S. Mills 2, G. Gaffaney anc E. Hearn 3. H.S. Juniors—E, Wheeler 1, J.. Cain 2, L. Hope 3. Sports Prizes.—Junior Championship.—Ruby Hunt, N. Hooper; Intermediate Championship.—J. Douglas H. Kay; Senior Championship.*—(Lync Hope, M. Mallet; Football.—S, Ward G. Soilett, W. Henson, J. GrJbble Tennis. —Mary Hart (singles), M Webb and C. Roddick (doubles) Basketball.—N. Grant, C. Oliver, R Davies, E. Dale, W. Whitfield, C Kay; Sports Programme Competition —Loma Shiels. , ..., High School, :/ Attendance.— L. Donoavn, M. -Walker, .r-fL , - Longsoiu! Mprit.—H. Lqngson ••!,• Hop* L. Donovan, . R. Donaghy. '4:' i Spec ial-*-Good work. (Mi 65,. , ;. ...Mansell;— T. Hopkinson. Prefect's;;; prize.—(M) Collins), J. Cbold , ' - High School, Intermediate'—Merit —MI Hart,, W. /Baxter,’ G. Gaffaney, Attendance.—B. Browv,- Ji-t Roddick, W. Baxter. Specials.—Progress (Mi Cartwright)—J. Roddick., Headmaster’; ! Prize) —Dux—1). Parke. Diligence f (Mrs Joynt)—J. MoKinnon. Standard VI. — Merit.—D. Walkei (Dux) 1, G. Smart 2, M. Meek 3, A. Curry and W. Purdom 4 (equal).—Pi-ogress—J. Cameron. Alick Hewson.' Sewing. Plain— E. Dale 1, P. Houghton 2. Darning, special (Mrs Hayliurst)—E. . Dale, Patching, special, (Miss Brown), P, Houghton. Cookery.—G. Jamieson 1, E. Dale and D. Harvey 2 (equal), Woodwork. —W. Purdom 1, 8. Blackmore and 1 E-. Phillip 2 (equal). Gardening.—S. Ward and AY. Purdom. Special.—J. Douglas. Monitor’s prize (Mr Collins); —S. Collins. Standard V.: —Merit.—N. Heror I. D. Hopkinson 2, D. 'Elmsly 3 ; M. Greenfield 4, G. Taylor 5. Progress, —S. Ellis, J. Joynt; Sewing—M. Whitfield, M. Greenfield. Cookery— It. Davis, M. Taylor. Woodwork—W. Hewson, D- Hopkinson. Gardening— N. Heron, G. Foster, arid D. Hopkinson. Special. :- Z. Poultney. Specials.—Writing-' (Mr. - Grant) J. Joynt. Collection of lesson pie. tures (Mr Grant) —D. Elmsly, .N. Wedlake, D. Hopkinson, T. Xieol. • •Standard IV.: —Merit.—A. Hughos 1 J'. Greenfield 2, W. Smart 3, A. Clinch 4, R. Heron 5. Progress—K. Lyons, M. Ellis. Sewing—L. Smith 1, M. Gale 2, N. Grant 3, J. Greenfield 4. Special progress and good attendance (Miss Kingston)—M, Roddick. Drawing and writing (Miss Manson) — N. Grant, M. Nicholas. Best collection of grasses (Miss Manson) —M. Hope, J. Hope, W. Smart. Standard lll.: —Merit.—A. Lamb

I, M. Lefeber 2, It. Jackson 3, It. blunt 4, 13. Salmon 5. Progress—P. Wells, W. Wedlake. Sewing—l. Foster 1, R. Hunt 2. Specials, composition (Miss Scrimshaw) —E. Benbow I, Mies Kingston’s—J. Andrews. Special for map drawing (Miss Scrimshaw’s) — N. Hooper. Standard ll: —Merit—D. Brown 1, G. Fisher 2, M. Davis 3, M. Baxter. 4, C. Hewson 5. Progress—S. Kay, 5. Burns. Sewing—o. MacLachlan i, J. Clements 2. Special, .drill (Miss I ves) —M. King, G. Mathieson. Standard 1: —Merit —E. McLeod I, G. Boyle 2, C. Heron 1). Buzan 4, B. Gcddes 5; Progress—D. Jackson, M. .Moulton. Sewing—D. Buzan 1, G. Boyle 2. Specials, neat work (Miss Davidson) — M. Shepherd, 1). Hombrook. Drill (Mr Edwards)—J. Pierce. Infants: —Merit —All infants received a gift book. P. . 4. — Merit (Miss Elder’s special) ' N. ■ Findlay and T. Hart (equal) 1, M. Berry 3, B. Baxter 4, S. Nicholas 5. Progress—T. Taylor, 11. Gale. Specials, neat work (Miss Slattery)—!’. Hart. Progress (Mr Edwards) —Ina Lyttelton. IT IN ER AN T MERCHANTS* Tomuka, like many other towns, is frequently visited by travelling salesmen who rent a shop ior the sale of “£2ooo'’ worth of drapery or the like, and then alter a few days, when business is ou the wane, move on to pastures new. The question whether these people could be charged, a license or not came before the Council .some time ago, and enquiries were made in other towns, but no definite decision was arrived at. The matter was again brought up at the Council on • Wednesday, when Council ior Mclnnes complained that a lady who had taken a shop lor a few days to soil drapery, had been charged a fee of £2. Councillor Booth said that it was rather peculiar that this should lie so. The matter had never been decided hy the Council, and lie thought that an official of the Council should not take upon himself the. authority to make a charge. 'The chairman of the Finance Committee (Councillor Evans) said that he had authorised, the town clerk to make the charge. The .Municipal Association’s

solicitor had drawn the Council's attention to a clause in the Municipal Act wherein the Council had power U charge up to £5 for those renting shop; for a less per.od than six month, in tkii case the properietor had advertised a 1< days sale, and he (the speaker) sent thi town clerk to see if this was correct, The answer was in. the affirmative, anc a charge of £2 yvas made. The Mayor said that he agreed with Councillor Evans. There yvas a difference betyvoen a permanent and an itinerant trader.. After tho by-law had been read ; Councillor Sinclair said that it yvas uol fair to business people to allow outsiders to come in for a few days and then clear out with a haul. The by-law should be enforced. DOMAIN BOARD. At tho last meeting of the Domain Board, Aquarium Ltd. wrote asking tc be supplied with • 100 Japanese goldfish, and asking cost of same. The Mayor said that Mr Main, the Acclimatisation Society's ranger, yvould superintend the yvork of forwarding the fish. ft yvas agreed that the charge be 2s each for Japanese goldfish. The Public Works Department yvrote regarding the construction of the second transmission line; that in order to complete a steel tower line across the Temuka liver it .would be> necessary to remove several ornamental trees. The Catholic Schools Picnic Committee wrote thanking tlie Board for the use of the Domain, for their picnic. The Temuka Tennis and Croquet Club forwarded a cheque for £5 towards the cost of the work clone in tbj> Domain.

The curator (Mr J. A. Macdonald) reported on the work done <by the staff. The chairman of the Visiting Committee (Mr T. Gunnion) reported thaf lijs committee had inspected tho poplai trees, as requested by the curator, and recommended that no action be taken in the meantime, but another inspection is to bo made rvhen there is s strong sou’-wester blowing, when a full committee could attend. The Mayor said that if. the trees fell across the road they would bring down the electric wires. There yvas no doubt whatever that A clangor existed, and if tho trees were nob taken down they yvould be blown clown. Mr White concurred. Mr Sinclair "suggested that the trees be topped. Finally it was agreed to abide by the committee’s decision. It was agreed to tar-seal footpaths when the money yvas available. The Queen Carnivai Executive were granted the.use of the Domain on Boxing, Day, with the light to charge foi admission. The chairman reported that he had received an application for the use of the. Domain for a sports meeting on Christmas Day-, but after conferring with the members of the Board this had been refused. Mr Sinclair suggested that a quantity of firewood should be cut and sold, He also advised that sign boards -be erected at the north and south town boundary, with the words “Visit Temuka Domain; camping facilities pro vided.” . It was agreed that the two boards be erected.‘as suggested. Accounts amounting to £B6 Os 7d were passed for payment. CEMETERY TRUSTEES. Tho chairman (Mr J. B. Sinclair) reported, that the yvork of tidying up tho grounds,had been cdmpleted; six trees had been removed and disposer of. The Caretaker’s salary yvas increasec by -'£l3 pier annum. The 1 -month's accounts were passed ior payment. Councillor Booth said that he yvas ii: accord with the sentiments expressed; but he disagreed yvith the procedure The question had never been decided, by tho Council, and he objected t< Councillor Evans acting yy-itliout tin consent of the Council. Councillor Evans; “1 don’t care one lota for your objection.” Councillor' henn disagreed with Councillor Booth. He considered t-ha.l the I '-business people had to be protected Councillor Buzan said that the ratepayers had to be considered also. If £ property oyvner had an empty- shop, lit was still rated for it. Councillor White said that if tliert yvas a by-layv dealing yvith the questioi the toyvn clerk yvas justified in collect ing.' Councillor Evans moved that tht action be approved, and Oouncilloi Sinclair seconded the motion. Councillor Booth said that he disagreed yvith the -proccedure adopted and no authority- yy-as given from the Council to collect money. Ho moved thal the fee be refunded. Councilor Gunnion seconded the amendment. The motion was declared carried on the voices, three Councillors dissenting,

CRICKET. The following will represent Tehuika v. Timaru at Temuka to-day at 2 p.m. : —Austin, Deßcuzy, Edwards, Coventry, Radford, Dwan, Vincent, Kyno, Adams. Salmon and Kemp, Emergencies, Gaifaney, Gibb. All players must be on ground by 2 p.m. DANCE. The Fire Brigade and Milford Association held a dance in the Drill Hall on Wednesday evening to raise funds to assist their representative in tho Queen Carnival competition. The function was exceptionally well attended, visitors being present from all over the distinct, including Timaru and Geraldine. The duties of M.C. were capably carried out by Mr W. Gaby and .supper was .supplied by the ladies’ committee, under Mrs A Taylor. “THE MESSIAH.” On Sunday evening next in the Temuka Methodist Church, a combined choir will repeat their fine rendering of the most popular numbers from Handel’s oratorio “Tho Messiah.” The performance on Wednesday night was so successful that this repeat should prove a popular success. In addition to the local soloists, Mrs 11. S. Russell, and Mr 0. Mason both of Timaru have kindly consented to render some of the solos. During the evening a. collection will be taken up on behalf of tho South Island Methodist Orphanage. “HOUND OF '[’HE IS ASKER VILLES” TO-NIGHT A very entertaining programme’ will ho submitted at Temuka to-night, headed by a- picture version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous Sherlock Holmes story “'J’lie Hound of the. .Baskervires.-’ The story will thrill and delight with its ceric atmosphere and .suspense. Maurice Elvey the producer, lias contrived to invent the picture with the sinister quality of Dartmoor after dark to such a degree, that the incidents of tho story become oven mom mysterious and breathlessly exciting than they are in the printed hook. The, .supporting picture includes si Gazette, Cartoon, Scenic and Comedy. NOTES A cordial invitation is extended to parents to bring the children to McMillan's to sec flic biggest and brightest display of toys ever .-ecu in Temuka.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 December 1925, Page 6

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TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 December 1925, Page 6

TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 19 December 1925, Page 6