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(From Our Own. Correspondent.) BOROUGH COUNCIL Tho monthly meeting of the .Temuka Borough Council was field on Wednesday evening. Present. —The Mayor, Mr G. B. Cartwright, Crs. Gunnion, J). Mclnnes, A. W. Buzan, E. Booth, A. H. Fenn, D. White, J. S. Lee, J. B. Sinclair, and W. F. Evans. Tho Mayor referred to the ..oss sustained by the British Empiro in the death of the late Queen Alexandra: and he moved the following motion.— “That this Council join with the people of the Dominion in sincere sympathy in the loss tho nation and his Majesty the King and Koval family have suffered in‘the death of Queen Alexandra.” Cr. Evans seconded the motion, which was carried in silence. MAYOR’S STATEMENT. The Mayor stated that tile /sth. anniversary was observed last Sunday wnun, on tiie invitation of the Gouncp, tile pioneers attended a ill the Hail. Several old folk who had been unaDlo to be present had asked him to convey to tho Council, their tuanks for remembering tnem. During the past week the town liad been thoroughly cleaned up and all was spruce and tidy for visitors at Christinas. CORRESPONDENCE

The Under Secretary, Department Internal Affairs, forwards a circular relative to Regulations 1925, governing cinematograph films. —Lett tor the Town Clerk to deal. with. The Secretary Department Labour, forwarded the usual relative to the Statutory Hulf-ho.iday.~On the motion of Councillor Mclnnes, seconded by Councillor Booth it was agreed to hold a special meeting in January to discuss the question. The goneral secretary, Canterbury Labourer's’ Union, wrote stating . that tlie Union desired alterations in conditions and wages of labourers, and staring that a meeting of representatives would be held in Timaru on the lbth. Tho Mayor was .appointed to represent the Council. . : The Superintendent, State Advances Office, Wellington, 4 *wrote stating that the Department -is hot at the present time in the * position .to entertain an ■application for loan. - . The Mayor said'that he had enquired at the Public Trust Office, and money could be got there, but application had to be made to ,Head Office at Wellington. The rate, of Interest was 0 per cent. with 1 per cent, sinking fund, which on tho surface looked greater than the Government charges, but the system was different, and by the time all the money was repaid it was a question which was cheapest. • Councillor Mclnnes said that the poll 'for the East End drainage should be pushed on ; the money could be obtained somewhere. . . Counculior Evans advised waiting until.the rate of interest could be ascertained, and then the exact rate reouired could be placed before the ratepayers. Councillor Booth was of the same opinion, and moved accordingly. This was seconded by Councillor Fenn and carried. ,

! The secretary of the Temuka District High School Committee wrote request- ; ing that the sum of £5 7s, being street improvement Rate, be refunded, as this is not a rate which the Committee should be called upon to pay. It was agreed that this amount be refunded. Tho District Engineer, Telegraph Department, wrote relative-to-the're-moval of telegraph poles on Godley 'Street, .seating that an officer of that Department ? would .. confer . with, the Borough.! Overseer ; ' also stating ' ’’that cost of removing poles would be charged to. Council. , ' The Town Clerk said that he replied stating that the Council acknowledged no liability, ancl this had not been replied to. The Manager, South Canterbury Electric Power Board, advised that his Board would be agreeable to the Council’s workman attending to the mounds and the asphalting at the bottom of their poles, provided that a statement of approximate cost is forwarded. —The Mayor said that this matter was dealt with by the Works Committee.

Messrs. W. T. Knight, C. H. Smith, .and W. Grant forwarded letter asking for the formation and kerbing to be carried out in Maude Street, (between Denmark and High Street). —Referred to Works Committee.

Mr F. Martin asked permission to keep, his . billiard saloon open until li’ p.m, on Christmas Eve, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day— Tho necessary permission was granted to all the billiard room proprietors. Mrs M. J. Gale wrote relative to part of Holland Street at present leased to Mr G. Haucox, and asked that the fence and gate erected by Mr Hancox on the rood frontage be removed. It was pointed that this road ran parallel to the river, and the land between the road and river belonged to Mr Hancox. Free access was at present given to bathers, but if Mr Hancox wasi compelled to open the road he would then have to fence his own property, and bathers would be debarred from bathing in this part of the river. It was agreed to write explaining the position, and pointing out that the matter will be given consideration when the lease expires in March next. The tender of Muir and Gourley for dog collars at 10id each was accepted. Building permits to the value of £2,500 were granted. The secretary of the Temuka Eire Brigade requested that the distance be printed on all indicator posts, and also pointed out that two fire plugs require attention. —To be attended 1 to. FINANCE The Finance Cominittee reported that tho pay sheet of district fund acoiuit amounted to £321) 19 s, and that of tho No. 8 Loan account £lO9 10s lid. Sums amounting to £1.99 15s 9d had been received during the month, and tho credit balance of the general acount stood at £290 18s 9d.

It was decided 10 per cent, interest be charged on all rates unpaid by 22nd, January, 1926. WORKS COMMITTEE. The Works Cominiitte recommended that a public lavatory be provided for when the estimates are drawn up. That Vine Street drain (West-side) tie concreted on the bottom, and to height of six inches on each side; also that the corner of Section 44 situated at the junction of Vine and High Streets be token in as pa.rt of Vine Street, which would thon allow more space on the opposite corner for the suggested lavatory. After viewing loan work in several streets, and seeing the alignment of the Power Board poles, another letter should be forwarded to the manager pointing out the unsatisfactory state of same, and requesting that he visit the Borough and inspect with the Work Committee. LIGHTING AND RESERVES This committee reported that the lighting was satisfactory except oil Sunday, 6th. inst. when the light was of! for a few hours. The Reserves Committee wero instructed to make an inspection of the Borough Reserves and give notices where gorse and broom required moving. OVERSEER'S REPORT. The overseer reported on the work done by the staff during the month in connection with the loan work, the kerbing and channelling of Ewan Road, Wood and King Streets, and the footpaths levelled ready for asphalting. He

recommended that the time was now opportune to prosecute all owners of stock found wandering, and impounded commencing from November Ist last. Councillor Sinclair thought that this was rather drastic. The Mayor said that there were persistent offenders in this respect, and lie would be in favour of prosecuting those who flouted this by-law. Councillor Evans was of a similar opinion. Councilor Gunnion questioned if the Council had tho power to prosecute after the stock had been impounded. Tho Town Clerk said that the Council had this power. Councillor Gunnion suggested issuing a warning, and the prosecuting offenders, and moved accordingly. Councillor Booth seconded tho motion. ' Councillor Buzan said that it would bo hard on those wlioso cattle accidently broke out. It was pointed out that the motion did not apply to any other than persistent offenders, and tlie motion was carried. GENERAL. It was agreed to' semi letters of thanks to tnoso who kindly lent their curs for the pioneers last Sunday. The dog license was fixed at the same late as formally. 1 c was agreed to close the office for tho Christmas holidays as from December 24th until January 6th 1926. Tho Town Clerk said that he woo d be on duty during the holidays surveyr ing in the Domain and Cemetery.

A. AND P. ASSOCIATION A meeting of tho Temuka.’ and Geraldine Agricultural and Pastoral Association was held on Tuesday aitevuooii, Mr D. H. Paterson presict-ng over a good attendance. 'Pho Friesian Association wrote , stating that the money donated to the Association, for prizes was to he used only as specials ' lor purebred Fnesian bull and piirhiod Friesian cow, the winning- owners to be registered members oi the: Association and iaiauciaf.—Accepted. The Methven Agricultural and Pastoral Association wrote protesting against the Association their usual date for the Show, and stating that they had fixed their show date for the Saturday following Temuka. A further letter stated that the Methven committee found this date unsuitable, and had decided upon Thursday,- March 25, tho same day as Temuka. The chairman said that it was unfortunate that tlie dates would clash, but lie did not think tiie date could be altered now. Temuka was in exactly the same boat as Methven, owing to the Christchurch Ram Fair failing on ;March 25, bub Methven had originally decided upon March 27, nothing further could be done. March 25 was free when Temuka decided -upon it. On the motion of Mr Bain, it was decided to write protesting against Methven altering tlieir date to Temuka’s, as when March 25 was fixed upon by /Temuka, that date was free. Mr Bain suggested that various sub-committees be elected to go into the schedule, and report to tlie general committe later on. Tho chairman stated that as the schedules prepared for lost year, but : not used, were still good, this course would not be necessary. It was decided to use the present schedule. Each class nos then gone ■through and approved, w;it-h minor alterations. It was decided in regard to the light horse classes that the entry for maiden horses be accepted as maidens up the date of the closing of entries. . winner of. the Milford Cup in future be given also a miniature cup to keep. Mr Wordsworth brought up the matter of wheat prices. He stated he personally was in favour of a free wheat market. Some discussion took place on the question, the chairman finally stating that apparently the price was now fixed, and no protest from the Association could do any good.—No action was taken. The matter of tarring the sheep yards was left to the Ground Committee.

TENNIS AND CROQUET. Although the B Grade competition has been postponed from next Saturday in Timaru, the Temuka and Geraldine B teams bu mutual arrangement will play their match on Temuka courts on Saturday afternoon eoniemncing at 2 p.m. The following will represent Temuka: —Men—R. Le<- ; It. Malcolm. F. Comer, R. Smith. Ladies. —Misses Oldfield, Poultney, Corner, Purdom. On Thursday afternoon a tournament in aid of the Domain Queen was held on the Temuka Courts, when a large gathering took part, a number of players coming from Timaru Forty players took part, these being divided into four sections, and after some very close finishes the section .vinners were. —No 1, Misses Comer and Slattery; No 2, Misses Hancox, and Elder; No .3, Miss F. Pearse and. Andrews; No 4, Mesdomes Bannerman and Pearse. The first arid last pair won -heir spin-finals,, and in the play off Misses Comer and Slattery managed to win trophies donated by the Mayor (Mr G. B. Cartwright) . The croquet had also held a tournament, and the winner of the trophy in this match was Mrs C. Fraser.

The two clubs had a copper trail competition, tho Tennis club winning bv the narrow margin of 9d. This added nearly £2 10s to the fund. Afternoon tea was provided by the ladies. COUNCILLOR’S COMPLAINT At the Borough Council meeting on Wednesday evening letters were dealt with from the Mayor of Christchurch and tho Anniversary Celebrations Committee relative to the observance of the 75tli Anniversary. The Mayor (Mr G. B. Cartwright) said that Councillor Gunnion had been appointed to represent the council anti had attended the celebrations. Councillor Gunnion thanked the council for appointing him, and described tho procession as wonderful. The arrangements, however, were sadly lacking with regard to visiting municipalities. On arrival in Christchurch he was told that lie must pay his own railway fare, make his own arrangementas regards meals, and provide a car if he wished to take part in the procession. There was absolutely jqo provision made for visiting councillors. The Mayor of Timaru was placed, in the same position as himself.

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Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 18 December 1925, Page 4

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TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 18 December 1925, Page 4

TEMUKA. Timaru Herald, Volume CXXIII, 18 December 1925, Page 4