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The extensive clearing sale, to be held at Ashwick Flat, on account of Mr Charles B. Jones, was unfortunately advertised to take place yesterday. This, of course, was incorrect, as an advertisement had beon previously published changing the day from Thursday to Friday. Tho sale will,, therefore, be held to-day, commencing from 11 a.m.,*and luncheon will be provided at 12.30.' ...

H. Allchurch and Co. will sell at the Rialto to-day a large consignment of new timber, bacon, etc. ...

The imaginative faculty in some children is, no doubt, very pronounced in some instances. Recently a Wanganui resident, in company with a young son, visited Dario Hill. At the time .Mount Egmont was plainly visible in all its snow-clad, grandeur. And to it the lady directed her son’s notice. “Do you see tho mountain, dear?” she observed. “No mummy,” replied the little man, “I can only see a big tent!” —(“Chronicle’-).

An expectant bride and bridegroom, happy parents, and a largo number-of guests (relates an exchange) ._ The scene was a residence on a riverbank. Everybody was there at the scheduled time," overybody, except one, and a most necessary one—the! clergyman to tie the nuptial knot. In frantic haste a call was sent from the nearest telephone, an absent-minded cleric stirred from a reverie, and post-haste he went to fulfil his engagement that had slipped his memory.

“Dean Inge is a queer mixture,” said Mr N. E. Burton at a Church of England Men’s Society meeting in Auckland, when he was relating his impressions of the great churchmen he h,ad met while on a visit to' England recently. “The Dean of St. Paul’s is •unique in his way. When he writes of the saints and mystics he is sweet as honey; in theological controversy as bitter as' gall.. Among the Modernists lie is a reckless, radical; in the ‘Morning Post’ a reactionary Tory. _ln private life he is a charming)Christian gentleman.” This description caused amusement amonv the clergy and laity present, and Mr Burton completed the sketch by saying that while the Dean was great in many ways, he had not proved himself a great Dqan of London’s Cathedral. Nature would have constructed him differently had she intended him to bo Dean of St. Paul s.

Tho report and balance- sheet of the South Canterbury Acclimatisation Society will be circulated to members on Saturday. The reason for delay is stated in advertisement on' front page. .The annual meeting ..will; .be -held _ lft the Foresters’ "Hall next Thursday afternoon. A list of the return" members is also advertised, and nominations for soats on tho council must reach the secretary not later than 5 p.m. on Monday, May 18th.

To buy now and to buy at Alston’s is the time and place to save money on every, article you purchase. . The firm ai'Q -ori -the eve -of •; stocktaking, and stocks must be reduced, hence tho o-reat reduction. : Extra. bargains are displayed all;‘over this big fgney. goods warehouse

Do vou know that we repair violins, and ie-hair bows? If your violin wants a general overhaul, bring it in, and get We have the finest stocks ’of strings for all4.instrum.ents. Splendid quality “G” violin strings I rom~Ts. A -first-class bow for Js 6d. Why use a poor one ? Bruiisden’s Musical Instrument Store. ...

Now that tho weather is getting cold, people are bound to think of blankets and flannels. Seo our a.ll wool blankets for double beds at 39s 6d, 45s and sos a pair, and all wool flannels, various colours, at Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid, ,3s 6<l, and 4s 6d per yard. Bust and Co., drapery, specialists, 84 Stafford St. South. ...

In conversation with a prominent farmer yesterday, it was learned that most of tho farmers throughout. South Canterbury will be having their ploughs repaired and set this season by the expert blacksmiths employed by Wallace and Cooper, Ltd., of North and Latter Streets, Timaru. New parts aro made, and shares cast, on the premises of this firm. ...

Souter’s boot stores aro well prepared for the opening of the shooting season. Large stocks of gum-boots just to hand. “Red Ball’.’ Vac Gum Boots; agents, Souter’s Busv Boot Stores. ....

Pianos by leading makers. We have some magnificent upright-grands for s,alo in Italian burr, walnut case, 4ft. 4in. high, overstrung complete iron frames, with tho finest Brooks-Secander action—tho. best in tho world. You can buy on leasonablc terms. Intending purchasers should call before deciding to purchase. Brunsden’s, piano experts and importers, Stafford Street. ...

Clean your silver and electric plate with “Silverit,” the new euver liquid. Will make it like new. Frpm all storekeepers, and John Edmond, Ltd., Sophia Street.

If its ladies’ hosiery, children’s sox or stockings of any kind, buy them at “The Louvre.” ...

No bigger selection and no better value in ladies’ woollen costumes, jumpers, and cardigans can be had outside ■ 'The Louvre.” See our prices for today. ...

That Tired Feeling.— Do you feci tired, possess no energy, have fullness alter eating, led pain between the shoulders, or under the right shoulder blade, sutler annoyance from a coated tongue, or feol if you could doze oif any time, Then your liver is out of order. JJor,’ tgo aliout with the blues. Get" a bottk. of Ayres’ Liver and Stomach Tonic, which gives such wouclerlul results for liver, stomach and julious troubles. Price 2s Gd bottle. Postage tki extra. E. C. Ayres, M.P.S., Chemist, 7b Stafford Street South. ...

Messrs John Edmond, Ltd., have landed a shipment of Vulcan Smoothtop Gas Ranges of the ver t latest model. A closed top retains all the heat, and makes the most economical cooking range on the market. Of British manufacture, with automatic lights, asbestos lined, and beautifully finished. Messrs John Edmond, Sophia Street, will be pleased to supply further particulars on application. ...

Influenza Specific.—This time of the year, ono is always subject to colds in the head, and iniiuctiza. and the difficulty in the jiast has been to obtain a really reliable remedy. “l'lbro routs odds and the 'Flu.” This effective medicine was used largely during the recent epidemic. It quickly relieves those aches and pains, and reduces temperature quickly. Have a bottle alv, uys ready in the house. Obtainable from E. C. Ayres, M.P.S., Chemist, Timaru. Price 2"s tki, posted tid extra...

A unanimous opinion. Car owners everywhere testify to the superior pulling power, bigger mileage, and ah round better rosults of the New Gold Crown. Try a ease to-day. Obtainable from all garage*;, or direct from the Store. T. W. Lynch, Strathalian Street, SouLh Canterbury Representative, ’Phone 75b ...

The secrot of perfect running—--1 ‘Duckham’s” oil maker starting oasy winter and summer. Try it in youi car. It will give yo.i the same satis factory results it is giving everywhere in New Zealand. Insist on getting “DuckhamV’- next time you order oil. All garages. ....

At 2 p.m. to-day, in the Universal Mart, Oakey, Balter and Co. will auction household furniture, including rugs and linen. The firm also offer at 2.30 p.m. a choice Broadwood piano, on account of the Veil. Archdeacon Jacob. ...

Although entering into the winter season, it is encouraging to note that brisk business is reported from at least one section of the retail trade. Since their establishment in _ commodious premises in Evans’s Buildings, Stafford Street North, the Superior Suit Coy. have experienced an unprecedented volume of business. Probably this is not so much duo to a txado revival as to the exceptional value of their weHfitting and distinctively built £4 10s suits, which are at present attracting universal attention. Large stocks of the latest suitings offer _ a splendid choice, and with McKitterick’s usual excellent workmanship _ find superior style contributed, a suit that you will be proud of will result.

Imrie and Higgins, Ltd. draw attention to their change list of properties in to-day’s paper, a persual of which will be of special interest, and the firm invito inejuirios from buyers and sellers of properties. ...

Immunity from diphtheria and infantile paralvsis, bv using SANDEIt and Sons’ EUCALYPTI EXTRACT. ...

Winter Goods Cheap at Thomson’s. —New goods just landed — rock-bottom prices—coats of all classes, velour cloth, fur, etc., a splendid coat. Costumes, coatfrocks, cardigans, navy, novelty designs, 7/11 up, navy 15/6 up; linoleums, eongoleums, guaranteel gold seal 8/6, do. squares 45/- to 84/- 28 vestibule rugs 25/6 to 67/6, hearthrugs 8/6 to 11/6 to Star, Naldera from 14/6. New casements 1/45, cream lace curtainings 1/11, Salamir nets 1/9, 2/45 —all wide double width. Fleecy bloomers 2/11, girls’ too; .ladies’ all wool vests 3/11, cream Kaiapoi knickers 3/11. See Promenade and Island windows. A changed design. Fur styles very fight. Ladies’ tweed coats from 35/11, misses’ navy High School coats 29/11 to 35/6, splendid line Kaiapoi also 67/6, Roslyn 40 inch dress flannels 4/3, 5 4 in. 5/1.1, wheelings underwear, Timaru flannels 1/115 up. Profusion gentlemen’s goods, superior saddle trousers 18/9, 19/9, hardwear 11/6, grey velour and felt hats, caps. New suitings. Mr Solomon the man. Superior sfhirts. underwear, 100 dozen wool sox 1/6* to 2/11. Everything good indeed, best class

For Influenza Colds take [Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure,

Look out. for Friday 1 This week we offer ladies’ underclothing with a special discount of 10 per cent. See our Woollcombe Street window. The following are some of the prices, less 10 per cent, in each case: —Flannelette nights 8s lid and 11s 6d, crepe nights 6s 9d, 6s lid, winceyette nights 12s 6d, 13s lid, pure wool knitted nights 27s 6d; Canterbury wool vests, 6s lid, 9s 6d; Roslyn wool vests, 7s 6d, 11s 6d, 13s 6d; winter-weight cotton vests, 4s 6d, 5s 3d, 6s 3d; grey and navy all wool bloomers, 11s 6d, 13s 6d; all wool combinations, 19s 6d; “Alpha” wool spencers (short sleeves), 4s lid; pure wool black cashmere hose, 3s lid, 5s sd, 6s 6d: coloured cashmere hose, 5s lid, 6s lid; gauntlet gloves, 3s lid, 4s lid. Bust and Co., drapery specialists, 84 Stafford St. South. ...

A how wonder of science successfully tried for the elimination of neuritis, lumbago, sciatica and all nerve pains, lias been produced in tlib form of a tablet called Quite-it Tablets. These tablets easily surpass any tablet yet produced. From any chemist for Is 6d a box. They relieve headaches and neuralgia in a few minutes, and should be in every home for the treatment of both young and old. ...

Is your car pulling well? If not try <he New Gold Crown. Obtainable from all garages, or direct from tho store. T. W. Lynch, Strathallan Street, South Canterbury Representative, ’Phone 750.

Now-that the cold nights are with us, it is time to think of your requirements in blankets and quilts. We have been very fortunate in securing a special line of all-wool Colonial blankets at very low prices:—Single bed size 47s Cd for 32s 6d; double bed 6ize (when we say double we mean- the full 11 x 4 size, not three-quarters, 10 x 4, as are being shown), No. 1, 11 x 4, usual price 69s 6d, special price 49s Gd; No. 2, usual price 79s 6d, special price 59s 6d. We have just opened a full range of silverdown and eiderdown quilts, in all the latest designs and colourings. Prices in silverdown, 29s 6d to 49s 6d; eiderdown, a very choice selection, 49s 6d to £8 10s. We invite you to visit our store, and inspect all the latest season’s goods, while the selection is large and .varied. McGruer, Davies and Co.

Mother has much to attend to at commencement of school, but she realises that at Cameron’s she gets exactly what she needs in quick time. One of the special attractions to mothers and their boys is the display of boys’ Mosgicl and Potone grey worsted suits. These hard-wearing suits are found with the popular sac coat and are splendid for school or best wear. Call at Cameron’s when passing. Prices 49s Gd, 52s 6d, 59s Gd. ...

Hair Restorer. — Don’t look old. Directly you detect grey hairs, commence to use Ayres’ American Hair Restorer, which by gradually darkening the liair to the. former colour, maintains an unchanged appearance ovon to the closest observers. Think what this means to thousands whose employment is imperilled by age. It is not a dye, is non-greasy, cleanses the scalp from dandruff, renderng the hair soft, silky and glossy. Price 2s Gd, posted 3s. Obtainable from E. C. Ayres, Chemist, Timaru. ...

A thought for 1925. Are you getting the best results from your cart The secret is yours. ‘‘Duckham’s” oil gives bettor mileage and smooth running, and reduces your repair bill. Itosuiu have proved it the best and cheapest oil on the markot. Ail garages.

To-day; see the ladies’ woollen jumpers and pull-ons at “The Louvre,” marked 7s lid, 9s lid, 12s 6d, to 29s

To-day; over 160 ladies’ woollen cardigans, new styles and colours, priced at 9s lid. 12s 6d, 15s Gd, 17s Gd, to 29s Gd', at “The Louvre.”

For even running in all weatliw you cannot beat the New Gold Crown. It has successfully withstood every test. Quick starting, bigger mileage, and all round bettor results have firmly established it in favour with the discriminating motorist of to-day. Obtainable from all garages, or direct from the Store. T. W. Lynch, Strathalian Street, South Canterbury Representative. ’Phono 766. ...

The Sauce with a flavour —New Zealand’s best —“Ship” Worcester Sauce is used eveiywhere. Order it from yout grocer. ...

‘Enough of that barking, Achmedos.’ —Ancient 'Tale.

Beware of contracting coughs or colds at this time. Let Baxter’s Lung Preserver .safeguard your own and vour family’s health. A dose of ‘‘Baxter’s” now and then gives gratifying relief in all eases of influenza, whooping cough and colds. It is rich, warming, penetrative. Also an excellent tonic. All chemists and stores. Generous-sized bottle 2s Gd; family size 4s Gd. But be sure you get “Baxter’s.”-

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 15 May 1925, Page 2

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NEWS AND NOTES. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 15 May 1925, Page 2

NEWS AND NOTES. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 15 May 1925, Page 2