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OPENING OF COMPETITIONS. In perfect weather the South Canterbury Union’s competitions were opened on Saturday. Tho grounds were in excellent order, and in tho majority of games the play was fast and lively. The attendance at the Caledonian grounds was small, but there was a iairly largo crowd to witness the CelticStar match at the Athletic Grounds. In the senior grade Celtic, by superior forward work, effected something of a surpriso and decisively defeated Star. At the Caledonian oval Old Boys ran up a good score against Temuka, whoso team was practically a new one; and at Winchester Zingari won by a similar margin from Wailii, whose strength has been affected by defections of prominent players. The first week’s play leaves the teams in the following order: — W. L. For Agst. Pts. Old Boys ... 1 0 SO 6 2 Zingari .... 1 0 28 3 2 Celtic ..... 1 0 21 11 2 Star 0 1 11 21 0 Temuka ... 0 1 6 30 0 Waihr 0 1 3 28 0 OLD BOYS 30 v. TEMUKA G. I'emuKa iacKed. oh, Oiu iioys detenu ing uib sou morn goal, letnuiva at once Uouamo aggressive, anct Woodley unu urton leu a lorwarci rush, uie bun being returned to hall-way, From a tine-out boewurt got away, but was wen tackted by Aiei\ulty. leinuka got the ball from a scrum, but Adams' pass was not accepted, Poodiey gained possession, but was soon pulled down, old Boys were caugnt oltside, buMcKinnon’s kick was well returned by A. Lawson, btrang got tne ball away, but the pass was intercepted by Mo Donald, who spoiled matters by passing forward, btewart was getting the bail in the liue-outs, but the Bine backs did not combine well, and several chances were lost. From a melee near the line, Stewart got possession and forced his way over. A. Lawson’s kick failed. 3—U. Stanley dribbled half-way down the field supported by ltickus and Woodley, but ltickus was unfortunate in losing the bali on the line, Mathieson forcing. From a scrummage in midfield, Moodley got possession, but was puiied down by bimmers. Temuka broke away Boys relieving with a good kick. Temuka again pressed from the lineout, their forwards being unlucky in losing the bali near the line. Temuka were getting the bali in the scrums, and Connolly got away nicely but was forced to kick, which G. Lawson marked and lined well up. From a scrum in Temuka’s 25, Strang sent the ball to A. Lawson, who passed to Mathieson, the latter being forced out. In a line-out Stewart got the bail hut spoilt matters by. offside play, and Phillips had a shot, which was unsuccessful. Play at this stage was very ragged, until Mathieson brightened things with a nui up the line before being tackled by ltickus. From _ a scrum at half-way Tate got possession, and a pretty passing rush in which nearly all the backs participated, was stopped by Phillips, who collared Mathieson near the _ line. Even play in midfield was witnessed for some time, until Stewart started a passing rush which resulted in W. Lawson grounding in the corner. A. Lawson failed to add with, the kick. 6—o. From half-way, Osmers broke away, but McNulty headed a Temuka rush in Old Boys’ 25, and after dribbling for some way, picked up and grounded near -the. posts. Phillips failed with tho kick. 6—3. • . From a serum in Temuka’s 25, Strang gave a faulty pass to Lawson, but retrieved matters by securing again and working the blind side, where he passed to G. Lawson, to Mathieson, who scored wide out. Boys’ kick failed. 9—3. Strang got the ball away nicely from the scrum to G. Lawson, who passed to Mathieson, giving the wing a clear run through. Boys' lack was unsuccessful. Ik—3. Half-time was then sounded with the score unaltered. Old Boys , ... ... ... 12 Temuka 3 On resuming, Temuka pressed from the kick-off and nearly scored, but Boys cleared with a good kick. G. Lawson rushed downfieid and passed to Doyle who was offside. From the return of the kick ’Woodley got possession, but Tate kicked infield. Phillips fielded, and a determined Temuiui rush headed by Adams and Allan, resulted in a five yards scrum being ordered. From the scrum Old Boys hooked the ball, which was kicked out. Stewart passed to Tate in' Old Boys’ 25, but Woodley intercepted. A. Lawson fielded, but ran back over the line, and lost tho ball, and Anglem, who was. close handy, pounced on it. Stanley’s kick hit tho post. 12—6. From a line out Ellem headed a Temuka rush which was stopped fay Boys. Woodley and Ellem headed a Temuka rush, but Boys saved with_ a good kick. From an Old Boys’ passing rush in midfield, the ball went from Lawson to Mathieson to Gerard, but Temuka secured and kicked to Boys, who fielded smartly and potted a goal from outside the 25. 16—6. Shortly afterwards Old’ Boys were caught offside, and Stanley had an unsuccessful shot at goal. Stewart gathered in the leather from a high kick and flashed the ball to Strang, who ran from half-way unopposed. The try was not converted. 19—6. Temuka were getting most of the bad in the scrums, but their backs could

1 not pierce the defence. Old Boys made a determined rusli ni wtiicfi. ail tne backs participated, Stewart got possession, but knocked on in the corner. From the scrum, Strang nearly scored, and Temuka then pressed upheld. A scrum was ordered in Old Boys’ 25. From tho scrum G. Lawson kicked out to Mathieson ,who returned tho ball to the former, who transferred to W. Lawson, tho last-named scoring after a run down the line. A. Lawson’s kick did not add to the score. 22—(i. Bagged play was witnessed in Old Boys 25, until a forward rush headed by Gerard, Osmers and Stewart, was terminated by Stewart being pulled down on the line. From half way Old Boys indulged in a passing rush which ended in a melee on Temuka’s line. Stewart was conspicuous in tho lineout, and lie got the ball out to W. Lawson, who knocked on. From tho scrum Boys got possession and had an unsuccessful shot at goal. Stewart was penalised for offside play, but Phillips’ kick did not improve matters, and Gerard, Osmers and Doyle headed a forward rush, from which Anglem forced. From a rash downfieid W. Lawson transferred to Tate, who returned to the former, who scored in the corner. Stewart’s kick failed. 25—6. Tho closing stages saw Old Boys combining well, and one of the rushes down the line saw G. Law r son pass to Mathieson, who transferred to Gerard who had a clear run across. Strang converted on the call of time, with the score Old Boys ... 30 Temuka ... 6 Mr D. Marshall refereed. CELTIC, 21 v. STAR, 11. Star kicked off facing the sun. After an exchange of kicks tho Star back division opened a movement which ended in a line-out in tho opposing 25. By judicious fine-kicking, Celt-c returned play to half-way, from whence their forwards broke away in a loose rash to the Blues’ line, where off-side play spoilt a certain try. Making the play, Star worked up-field, but their progress was arrested by Mason, the Celt-c full-back, who gathered-in brilliantly, and found tho fine at half-way. Tho Green vanguard now' dominated the game, and a series of dribbling rushes resulted in a line-out on tno Blue line, from which Ryan dived over in a handy position. Mason converted. Celtic 5, Star 0. _ The Celtic forwards were proving too solid for the opposition, and were having the best of the scrumming. Off-side by Celtic outside their own 25 saw Logan m,ake a great attempt to goal, the ball striking the bar and rebounding into play. Securing from a forward melee in mid-field, Thompson, Star’s half, set his backs in action, but a fumbled pass spoilt the movement. Attacking hard, Star rushed tho game to the Greens’ 25, from whence Toneycliffe dashed across wide out. Logan failed with the kick. Celtic 5, Star 3. Celtic retaliated with a great forward rush, and further ground was gained by Reilly, who streaked for the fine, and when tackled had no one in support. Fielding a punt, Mason initiated' a passing rush, which gained . considerable ground. From a line-out Ryan dribbled to the Star line, and tight work followed among the forwards until Star forced. At this stage Aldridge, Blue left-winger, retired with a dislocated elbow, and was replaced by Hislop. Celtic were pressing hard, and Star were again lucky to force. Infringements were occurring frequently, both teams offending. From ten yards inside half-way, Angland, taking advantage of a penalty, drop-kicked a beautiful goal. Celtic 8, Star 3. Play continued in Star’s 25, and a Green forward rush saw tho Blues force. The Blue rear division attempted to open up the game, gnd worked to the other end, but could do nothing against the spoiling tactics of the Greens. Securing his own 25, Reilly, in a speedy dash, took play to half-way, where a knockout spoilt tho movement. In a line-out the Star forwards were caught napping, allowing the Celtic packmen to break- through to their 25 before any effort was made to stop them. _ Logan saved the situation, but his kick was fielded by Angland, who dashed for the line, attempting to pot beneath the posts. Tight work continued round Star’s line, until off-side play by Burgin gave relief. Misjudging a punt, Mason let Star through, but Thompson was unable to pick up, and the ball rolled into touch. Half-time sounded with no further change in tho score. Celtic ... ... ... -••• ... 8 Star ... 3 In the second spell, Star made a change in position, Hislop playing full-back, and Logan going up to centre. Accepting a punt in midfield, Lewis centred to Grieve, who crossed near the posts. Logan failed to convert. Celtic 8, Star 6. A clever run by ]£anc took the plajr to the opposite 25. At this sta<m Star began to attack more consistently, and were pressiug Celtic hard. A forward rush went through to Mason, who saved by an opportune kick. The Blues were not to be denied, a dribbling rash, led by Clarke and O’Connor, took the ball over the line, tho former player touching down. Logan added the major points. Star 11, Celtic 8. Determined to get even, Celtic attacked again, Kano gaining ground .with a speedy ran. Play was now in Blue territory, and with matters looking dangerous. Rowlands took a mark, lining beyond the 25. From the line-out the Blues broke away in a oribbhng rush, but over-kicking nllawed .Mason to field and touch. Receiving from a line-out, Rowlands again came into the picture in a brilliant solo effort, but owing to lack of support, nothing came of it. Off-side play by Star proved costly Kano levelling the score with a fine kick. Celtic 11, Star 11. Star were livening up, the backs going down to the Green rashes, and keeping the ball in play more than they had been doing. Rowlands led a rush downfield, but over kicking enabled Mason to turn defence into attack, by punting high, and putting his team on side. The Greens ny.ide the most of the opportunity taking play into Star territory, Hislop saving a certain try bv kicking over tho dead ball line. More off-side play by the Blues saw Kane attempt to land another goal; his kick went wide, and Rowlands found touch at 25. A Green back movement went out at the coiner ilag, the line-out resulting in Ryan scoring a brilliant diving try. Kane converted. Celtic 16, Star 11. Still aggressive, the Greens made matters hot tor Star until Hislop effected a brilliant save at tho feet of the Celtic forwards. In the last two minutes of the game. Reilly snapped up from the ruck, and bustling the Star centre, raced across to ground beneath the posts. Kano made _no mistake with the kick, and the whistle went with the scores: Celtic Mr J. Connor carried tho whistle. ZINGARr 28, AVAIHI 3. Plaving at "Winchester, Zingari defeated tho home team by 28 points to 3. JUNIOR. Temuka 5 beat Point 0. High School 11 heat Parcora 0. Star 21. beat Zingari fi. Geraldine 5 boat Southern 0. St. Andrews v. Celtic came was not played on account of Celtic being unable to obtain a conveyance. THIRD GRADE. Star A. 7 beat Southern 0. Temuka 6 heat Pa room 0. YMO.A. 11 beat TUVh School 3. 1 Old Boys 30 beat Zingari 0.

FOURTH GRADE. Star A. 20 beat School B. 3. Old Boys 13 beat Washdyko 3. St. Andrews 9 beat Geraldine 0. School A. 11 beat Celtic 0. Star B. 30 beat Point 3. Temuka, a bye on account of withIrawal of Waihi. FIFTH GRADE. Geraldine beat Star B. Celtic 17 beat School 0. Star A. 11 beat Zingari 3. School B. v. Temuka was not played >n account of School B. not being able ;o secure a conveyance. IN THE CITIES. GAME IN AUCKLAND. • Bjr Telegraph—Press Association. AUCKLAND, May 10. Results of Rugby senior championihip matches to-day were : Ponsouby 6 beat Grafton 0. University 5 beat Grammar Old Boys Marist Old Boys 16 beat College Rifles 3. North Shore 6 beat Manukau Rovers 3. King’s Old Boys 27 beat Newton 9. GAMES IN WELLINGTON. By Telegraph— Pr«ss Association. WELLINGTON, May 10. Premiership games to-day resulted as follows: — Athletic 11 beat Petonc 8. ’Varsity 19 beat Oriental 16. Old Boys 11 beat Wellington 6. Poneka 27 beat Selwyn 3. Berhamporo 14 beat Hutt 3. CHRISTCHURCH RESULTS. By Telrsrntih Ansoo-tion. CHRISTCHURCH, May 9. To-day’s results were as follows : Old Bovs 19 beat ’Varsity 3. Christchurch It beat Albion 8. Linwood 16 beat North Canterbury 3. DUNEDIN RESULTS. By Telegraph —Pt ess Association. DUNEDIN, May 10. Saturday’s senior Rugby matches ■exulted : Kaikorai 61 beat Union 3. Pirates 31 beat Dunedin 3. University A. 9 beat Alhambra 7. Zirmari 9 beat University l». 8. ci u.t t.Unveil R

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 11 May 1925, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 11 May 1925, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 11 May 1925, Page 3