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An important property deal had just been concluded in . Tirnaru, Mr Walter Panton having purchased the wellknown and centrally situated premises of Reid and Gray ; in Beswick Street. It is Mr Panton’s intention to demolish the existing building and to erect, a two-storied structure in its stead.

Owing :to Friday being raoe-day, theh sale at Tattersall’s will commence at 10.30 a.m.;

A Press message from Gisborne says that at a Maori liui at Tikitiki on Anzac Day, .-'the sum of £2IOO was contributed to the cost of the memorial at the church.

A Press Association message from Wellington says that the , Farmers Union Executive resolved to support the principle of export control m con--1 nection with the poultry industry.

IT Allcliurch and Co. advertise preliminary notice of a clearing sale at their rooms, the Rialto,-on .Wednesday, May 6th. ... , , /

Nothing succeeds like, success, and if this is so, the future of the Imperial ■ Suit Co. is going to be a bright one. There has been, since the commencement of the company,, a phenomenal rush for these well-fitting, natty and serviceable suits; and the £4' 10s suit was as popular las the dearer ones. There is a wonderful choice of suitings -to choose from, and the McKittenck Wfell-known style and . finish is easily , distinguished in the whole turnout. Never has such value been offered in | Tirnaru, and never has there been such wholehearted public collaboration. The address is Evans’' Buildings, Stafford Street North. ’Phone 177 M. ...

■ y/.ju /,V ; i. "V 1. In conversation with a prominent, farmer yesterday, it was .learned that most of the farmers throughout South Canterbury ' will be haying their ploughs repaired arid - set . this ' seaspn by the expert blacksmiths employed -by, Wallace’ and' Cooper, Ltd., of North and 1 Latter Streets, Tirnaru. New parts are made, ana shares cast, on premises of this firm.

Far even running in all weather;youcannot beat tho. New Gold Crown. It has successfully withstood every test.,: Guick starting, bigger mileage, and all round better results have firmly established it in favour with the discriminating-/ motorist/of /to-day. Obtainable ittim : all garages, ,oi J direef from the Store. T. AV. Lynch, Strathallan Striet, Sputh Canterbury Representative. j ’Phone 766. ,{. The Fiance with-a fiavour—New Zealand’s best—“ Ship” 1 Worcester Sauce is used everywhere. Order it from you* ■grocer, ... ■ ■ •• ■ •• 4, ■■ .■ • ■

That Tired Do you feel tired/ possess /no energy, have fullness after efiting, leel pain between the shoulders, or under the right shoulder blade/suffer annoyance from a. coated tongue, or feel if you could doze off any time. Then your liver is out ol order - Don’tgo. about with the bluee. Get a bottle of Ayres’ Liver and Stomach Tonic/ which gives such wonderful results for liver, stomach and bilious troubles.. Price 2s 6d bottle. Postage Gd extra, Ayres, M-l*,S., CheiiiiSit, 76 ’ Stafford Street South. ...

Messrs/John Edmond, Ltd., have landed a shipment of Vulcan Smoothtop Gas Ranges of the very latest model.’ A closed top retains all the heat,' and makes the mqst economical cooking range / on : the ’' market: Of British manufacture, with- automatio lights, asbestos-lined, and-,beautifully finished: Messrs -John Edmond,” Sophia Street/ will be pleased to -supply furtherparticulars on application. ... . An exceptional Home purchase of woollen'goods has just arrived at “The Louvre,” consisting of ladies’ - and maids’ knitted, . costumes, • • jumpers. .Coats, cardigans, pull-overs; ’girls knitted frocks, in all sizes; and colours;, and hoys’ small knitted jersey suits, all bought at a big discount, and offered tg-day at startling prices. See announcement on pag© 12 /of this paper. : ...

Don’t fail to visit the disposal of the extraordinary purchase of woollen goods, starting to-day at “The Louvre ; - central, Stafford Street. ...

Hair ’ Restorer.—? Don’t look old.; Directly you detect grey hairs, coin-, -menee to use. Ayres’ American-Hair Restcror, which by gradually darkening the hair to the fqrmer colour, maintains an Unchanged appearance even to the closest observers.: - Think Mfhat this means to thousands whose- employment is imperilled' by age. It is not a dye, is r on-greasycleanses the scalp from dandruff, re ruler ng the hair soft-, silky olid glossy. Price 2s fid, posted-35. ; Obtainable from E. C. Ayres, Chemist, Tirnaru. ... • 1

- If, itsi liosiery of any kind buy it’°t “TJio Louvre.”, Some. wonderful values just opened-up. ...

One thousand pairs of warm slippers just’ opened up at Souter’s busy boot stores. ; Ladies’ Arctic collar slippers, leather soles—a very snug tea slipper for 4s 6d a pair, wqrth fis 6d. ' Giyo slippers for presents! this Easter, Souters have opened up 24 cases oi new footwear for the Easter trade. ...

Ladies travelling at Easier should see the values in woollen costumes now showing at “The Louvre.” Just .the garment to travel in, and the prices are within the reach of 'all.- .bmart costumes at 29s fid, 3os 6d, 4os fi<j, 49s fid, 59s 6d to £7 7s. Dainty. Shetland knit jumpers in all colours at is 1-ld to 8s 1id.,...

Ladies’ underclothing is specially catered for at “The Louvre.’: Our cash prices are keen, the goods homg imported' direct from leading manufacturers. It will interest you to see what we are showing in ladies’ vests of all makes, spencers, camisoles, knickers, princess robes, night dresses, etc., now on view. Marked in plain ffguies at “The Louvre,” Central Stafford Street. ...

Individuality is the keynote expressed in the overcoats to be worn for the coming winter. Both single and double breasted type coats in coverts, arid heavy tweeds, will be called for by the well groomed men. Cameron’s of Stafford Street, are ready for the overcoat occasioned by the early signs of winter, with ail the smartest stylos of the moment. The figures quoted are exceptionally reasonable, and many well-known men have already bought their coats at this store. Prices: 49s 6d to 105 s. ...

A thought f0r.1925. Are you getting the best results from your car Y Thu secret is yours. “Duckbain’S” oil gives better mileage and smooth running, and reduces your repair bill. Result* have proved it the best' and cheapest oil on the icurket. Ail garages.

A unanimous opinion. Car owners everywhere testify to the superior pulling power, bigger mileage, and all round better results of the New Gold prown. Try a case to-day. Obtainable from all garages, or direct from the Store. T. W. Lynch, Strathallan Street, South Canterbury Representative, ’Phono-75fi. ...

Is your car pulling well ? If not try the New Qold Crown. Obtainable from all garages, or direct from the store. T. W. Lynch, Strathailan Street, South Canterbury ltepreeentative. ’Phone 750. Have you tried •‘Hove’ starch 't \our neighbour uses it. She will recommend it. “Love” gives best results always. AH grocers,,

1 Noiseless typewriters, the silent partner of the telephone, the latest addition to the great Remington Typewriter line. This machine owes its growing fame and popularity to the fact - that concentration and thought is essential to success in busjness. It- is an economical machine because it permits and encourages concentration. It creates an atmosphere of quiet efficiency. The Remington Noiseless saves valuable minutes because it_ can ,be operated constantly, even during telephone calls and important conferences. Perfect control of the keys assures beautiful work with even spacing. Adjustable pressure dial permits the making of clear and numerous carbon copies: The Remington Noiseless has a speed capacity for greater than that of human fingers: It has an extremely light, elastic pleasing touch which never fatigues -the, operator. It produces neat, even, and accurately aligned work. It ;is ' exceptionally durable, the metal platen never_ requiring replacement. It combines within itself so many merits that every User finds:- it a . good investment, and a promoter' of efficiency. Such are a few details ;of ’ this wonderful machine, which is advertised on the front page of this issue.

It is a pleasure td do business when the middleman is cut out. Direct buying , appeals to all, particularly to’ ladies, when it comes to the matter of buying frocks. There is a splendid range/ of -choice frocks from Paris, Vienna,' and London advertised on page one of this issue. They come and will be sold direct -. at specially low prices to clear, : and may be seen, at Hay’s Buildings; first floor, Miss Elliott, in lieu of i Miss Cox, being ,in charge. ...

Residents of South- Canterbury who have not- visited the 'scenic,attractions of the Southern! Alps,!. . will find' a unique opportunity in. the offer of the Mount Cook Motor Company to convey local residents to the Hermitage at a ret urn. fare of £2. ... • /

The annual meeting of the South Canterbury-Chamber of Commerce will be held in the C.F.C.AI board room at 8 to-night. /

: - .- -' - - N \ V- ; ' " Clean your silver and electric plate with “Silverit,” the new silver liquid. Will make it like new. • From - all storekeepers, and John Edmond, Ltd., Sophia Street. ...

Now that the municipal elections, as far as-the Borough Council was concerned, have ended so tamely, Alston’s are providing some excitement by throwing open for selection at sale prices their big £SOOO stock of fancy goods of all liinds. See some tempting items greatly reduced, on the leader page of this issue. ...

We are pleased to state that our (efforts to Meet the demand for a firstclass piano, at a reasonable price, are being fully recognised. ' We have sold several of these: beautiful toned/instrunionts to critical- ’buyers recently. Intending purchasers should ca,ll . and see for themselves. BrUusden’s, Piano Experts, Stafford Street. ... v .

' Have comfort, this-winter and the next, and the winter after that, at a cost’of a few'shillings. Buy one of Alston’s Extra-Heavy Rubber Hot Water Bags—every one guaranteed. Prices 5s tid, -75.6 d, ,8s ,6d; and 10s. Also the New:'/:Aluminium Hot Water Bottle, everlasting. * Sale time, price 6s. On sale at : Alstom’s. ...

Parents have many items of expense to maintain nowadays. Perhaps one of the heaviest is that of school clothes. Anything calculated to,, increase the wearing capacity of these, or to .decrease the initial cosj* of this’ annually recurring worry Is welcomed as a “lifesaver.” Cameron’s/ as usual, are ready with a solution. Particulars appear in their large announcement of the schools re-opening this issue.,...

The secret of porfect running—“DuckhamV’ oil makes starting easy winter and, summer.. Try it ,in youi ear. It will (give you the same satis factory results it is giving everywhere m New Zealand. insist on getting ‘ ‘Duckham’s” > next time you order oil. All garages. ... !

"Why remain cold when you can purchase- woollen goods at . the low prices offered by “The Louvre”- today?/' ...- ’ ‘' ' ' ’ " /;

1000 pairs of children’s sox and 5-sox are included in the special purchase of woollen goods that will be ottered at “'The Louvre” to-day, priced at: Is, Is 3d, Is 6d, Is fid. Is 11a to 3s ad. ...

Once you try it you will never be without it—“ Dove” starch ensures a perfect gloss so desirable in the laundry. Try it.

It pays to be curious. When thinking of purchasing a piano, gramophone, or any other class of musical instrument, before deciding, call and yet oUr prices, and see for yourself the wonder-' ful values we are giving. Inquiries ■by post answered by return, and every cafe taken to give complete satisfaction. We import direct from the world’s best makers. Brunsden’s, Stafford Street. ... 1

Now that the cold nights are with us, it is time to think of, your requirements in blankets and quilts. We have been very fortunate in securing a special line of all-wool Colonial blankets at very low' prices:—Single bed size 47s 6d for '32s fid; do-übie bed size (when we say double wo mean the full 11 x 4 size, not three-quarters, 10 x 4; as are being shown), No. 1, 11 x 4, usual price b9s fid, special price 49s fid; No. 2, usual price 79s fid, special price 59s fid. / We have just opened a full range of silverdown and eiderdown quilts, in all the latest designs and colourings. Prices in silverdown, 29s fid to 49s fid; eiderdown, a very choice selection, 49s fid to £8 10s. We invite you to visit our Store, arid inspect all the latest season’s goods, while the selection is large and varied. MeGruef, Davies and Co.

Influenza Specific.—This time of the year, one is always subject to colds in the head, arid influenza, and the difficulty in the past lias been to obtain a really reliable remedy. “Flbro routs cclds and the 'Flu.” This effective medicine was used largely during the recent epidemic. It quickly relieves those aches and pains, and reduces temperature quickly. Have a bottle always ready in -the house. Obtainable from E. C. Ayres, M.P.S., Chemist, Tirnaru. Price 2s fid, posted fid extra...

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 28 April 1925, Page 2

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NEWS AND NOTES. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 28 April 1925, Page 2

NEWS AND NOTES. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, 28 April 1925, Page 2