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SATURDAY’S MATCHES. TEMUICA BREAK THE ICE. Autumnal weather prevailed on Saturday, and there was a big attendance at the Athletic Grounds to witness tho Old Boys—Star contest. The air was mildly warm; there was scarcely a breath of wind, and the grounds were in good order, the only ctraw back, from the players’ viewpoint, being tbo brightness of the sunlight. On No. 1 ground Olid Boys maintained position as competition leaders, defeating Star after a fast and strenuous ninety minutes play by 17 to 6. The game was late m commencing, and the first half was protracted by several stoppages, mostly due to minor injuries to Star men, the result being that the spell occupied 58J minutes. With three or four minutes lost in the second half also, the game was completed in semi-dark ness. On No. 2 ground, Zingari and Waihi both played several substitutes, the country team being _ much below strength, and Zingari did not have difficulty in winning by 16 to 6. The two games in Timaru ended in accordance with popular expectation, iut there was a surprise at Temuka, tbo home team, evidently anxious to atone for their weak display of the previous Saturday, defeating Celtic by II to 12 This success should give a muchneeded fillip to the game in thc 'iemuka district. That there was no iuck attached to the victory is evidenced by the fact that the winners scored four tries, and their line was crossed only once. , . , ~ The appended table indicates the present positions of the teams in tho Skinner Cup competition: j

THE COMPETITIONS, SENIOR. OLD BOYS 17. v. STAR 6.. Star kicked oik against the sun «nJ jjiuv ciuickiy settled in lniuhelu. mason iieiu a hightail, letting .he char pack through. OhsiUe play pull ed up tire rush. Logan secured ant attempted to break througn, but good tackling frustrated the attempt. Houunan transferred play to tne opposite co with a good kick. - Parker secured and created a nice opening with a "neady centre. Star heeled from -a scrum and Logan cleared with a good kick., Gerard made ground ‘witn a dribbling run, and from a free kick O. iiawson missed. a shot at, the posts. Good service by the Star hookeis enV.bled O’Rourke to line-out at ibe Old Boys’ 25. Coming into a convenient gap in the line-out Logan cleverly secured, and with his forwards in handy support took the ball to the Old Bovs line, an infringement giving the-Royal Blues opportune relief. Ola Boys ’oturned to the attack, and a passing rush between Coxhead, Gerard, Graham, G. Lawson, and Mahan nearly liucoeedocl. lunned.iixt6ly Doull the leather out to Eraser and Matkieson, the last-named scoring a good try, Doull failed with the kick. Old Boys 3, Stay 0. Parker initiated a good iorward passing bout, Coxhead ind Gerard also participating, and taking play deep into Star’s territory, until Tonevcliffc cleared with a good kick that "despatched play to midfield. A quick transfer from W. Lawson to Mason enabled the latter to break through with a fast run. A good tackle stopped the movement,-but a moment later another passing rush with Mason again prominent assailed the Star line, and Thomson' succeeded in touching down. G. Lawson missed with the kick. Old Boys 6, Star nil. Doull and Thomson shifted piav downfield, but a free to Star removed play to mid field. Doull put Old Boys in an ttacking position with a splendid line kick, but Logan cleverly marked and relieved. Parker broke away with a good run, a dangerous forward passing rush eventuating, but Boroman stopped the movement in splendid style. From half-way an attempt at goal by Boroman fell short. Rowlands broke away with a good run, being tackled near the line. The Old Bovs’ back division quickly removed play to midfield, from where Fraser seemed, and after a good run down the line scored behind tho posts. G. Law ion converted. Old Boys 11, Star 0. The Star forwards, with Cook and Tonaycliffc prominent., worked up to tho Boyal Bine line, but Gerard returned piav with a, good dribbling run. A moment later the same player was prominent with another good rush which crossed the line. Logan, however, beat him to the touch-down, Parker sent Mason away with a good, run. G. Lawson also participating whan the latter was tacklcrl. Parker secured and was nearly over, Star eventually forcing. Tho spell ended with, play in midfield. OH Boys ... ... v.v 11 Star ... ... 0

Logan picked up and with a licailv run went half the length of flio Hold before being tackled, Mathieson clearing. Boroman attempted a goal Kick end narrowly missed from tin angle, and another nttemnt a moment later also missed. A good passing rush saw Fraser pushed out near the corner, but not to be denied the Royal Rlmvi returned again. 0. Jinvi son open ins; up to Fraser and Mathieson, the lastnamed sprinting across, Doul.l’s attempt went wide. Old Boys 11, Star 0. A good attempt from half-wav by Boroman just fell short, play return, ing to midfield. G. Lawson and Gerard broke awav, but Boroman intercepted a pass and kicked out. From a free to Star for jumping into ibe line-out, Boroman narrowly mowed. Barker and G. Lawson instituted a passing bout that took Mathkwrm to the line. The Star. forwards then pressed, umj for some time Old Boys were hammed in the corner, Doull etispiwd ;; hard pass and opened up to Maihie-.on. "in/ went cut near the eorne;', T, SicYoy broke away and assisted by Hogg went nearly the length rtf the field. MeVoy fielding hi® own high kick and enoriiig u good iiv, fioroiiian failed with she kink. Old Boys H ; P,tsr- !i, Barker dashed through and with took play to the corner, In almost, semi-darknes-y. pj»y shifted rapid!;- {) and down field,. Toaevcliffe evefißiatly getting across nosy tho oorner, Boroman )>{ Led with Gm kick. Old Boys 1-L Star 0, Pa ikes- secured and dash cd through, hut with a dear run in (-oxhead dropper! the -pass, Clarke, who was placing n splendid game, removed play down field wiih a fast loose msh, PI tv relumed »„ the Star line and a kick from a Sisr player rebounding over the line, Doyle touched down, Don Ik's, attempt failed. Old Boys ... ... ]7 St« r ... <5 Mr Cumming conn-oiled the game. ZI NG API 16. v. AVAIL!| C. Wnihi kickr-d off again-! ihc -na 0. Fa.ii-brolh-u- fielded and found tou/.-h beyond half-way. (•'; = -1 following took play well inside Waibi-s fi,

f where n Y r cllow infringement spoilt, ) matters. Skellerup securing centred Ito Gibb, who lined in the country team’s territory. From the ensuing play Priest snapped up and with a clever dash got well inside Zingari’s area. A Zingari infringement taw Reilly have an unsuccessful shot from 10 yards inside half-way. Storey, with a well-judged kick, shifted play to halfway. , Herdman accepting a pass swerved through the opposing backs and punted. Gibb following up fast, , was shaken off by J. Edgeler, who j cleared to half-way. Coming up at . top speed \Y. Mcßrido gathered in and raced to Zingari’s 25 before transferring to W. Quirke, who grounded beneath the posts. Reilly failed to ’ convert. Waihi 3: Zingari 0An opportune mark by Storey .stopped a dangerous forward rush, j With the Waihi forward division i still attacking, Storey again cleared. , Gradually the Yellows worked their ' way downfield where, from a scrum ’ Bracefield shot out to Storey, who [ swerved through to score a good try. McWhirter added the extra points, j Zingari 5, Waihi 3. Bracefield picked , up "in his own 25, and making m ‘ opening transferred to Storey, who ’ gained ground before giving out to ■ Headman, who elected to kick.'’ A. Edgeler secured in midfield, and put ’ in a fine run to Zingari’s area, wh >vo he was well tackled by Gibb. Secar- ' ing from a ruck in his own 25 E. ’ Fairbrother broke through to half-wav. where his pass was intercepted. Braco- ’ field, Storey, and Herdman were prom- \ inent in a passing bout to AVaihi’s 25, \ where the last-named piavor was fore-' ’ cd out in the corner. For hanging on 1 Waihi were penalised, and D. Fairbrother had an unsuccessful attempt at goal. The half-time whistle souud- ■ ed shortly afterwards. Zingari 5 Waihi 3 Commencing the second half Zingari lushed play to the country team’s 2-5, where a passing rush between SkelJerup, Gibb, and Storey saw tho latter I j player attempt to pot close in. Waihi i I lined at their 25. Storey snapping up ! cleverly from a ruck, transferred to Herdman, who slipped a tackle before j , sending Gibb across wide out. Ate- i ' Whirter converted with a good kick. , I Zingari 10, Waihi 3. A penalty award- | cd to Waihi outside Zingari’s 25 saw J. Henderson drop a splendid goal. Zingari 10, Waihi 6. Storey crossed the line near the posts, but was held up. From the five yards scrum the leather again came out to Storey, who jinked his way over in a handy posi , tion. McWhirter missed an easy kick. ; Zingari 13, Waihi 6. J. Edgeler missed a ball, but secured on the bounce and went through to Zingari’s lino. Herdman, racing back; knocked the leather out in the nick of time. At this stage the tackling on both sides became unnecessarily severe. A line-out in Wnihi’s territory saw E. Fail-brother secure and transfer to McWhirter, who crossed in the corner. The same player failed to convert. Zingari 10, Waihi 6. At j this stage Honeybonn retired with -,n 1 injury to his hip. In his own 25 McBride punted, and following up fast tackier] Bracefield in possession. The final whistle went with play in mid field.

Zingari ].6 Waihi ... 6 Mr D.-Clarke was referee, TEMUKA 14, CELTIC 12, 'iemuita kicked oh against, ant) sun, I unu linineuiai*j,y Uegau iu au/aua, x»eujicli, usaig tiiuuiiuoui, rn a guuu i ex ui-iuMiuig. v many ne juviieu tne i ban ton iai aim tne ureena oiouitki. h. nice une limn. oy -naieemue puu tne Uieens on cue -ut>i elusive unu Ajarconioe nau a mcii tit goal trout u, tree, out tne bait ted snort, isoltic exciting niiuneid pray tonowed, Me* tNUity obtaining ana tag-egging turougn a nunioer or opponents to scox’e a oriixiauc try near tne posts, tjaicomoo converten. iemoKa o, Geictc u. xiitei' tins reverse, me Greene Jtveneu up, out .Dennett saveu tne situation, it penult or up auu uoivn pxay xonoweu, maiiis being irequent on eicnex siue. iVcuie auu x'lynn lea a ctnoonug lusn to tne noiue ena, out Norton auu narcuinoe oroite turougn, ana orougnt \ Xnay to lmuneiU. Here xiigueß essuyeu n lOiig pot, out tne Dan struck tne uprignt ana reuounuert into play, due txl'eens retaliateu auu muue tivo attempts iroxu mariis to open tne scor ing, out tne kicKs went astray. A giuat run oy tne temulia, tuiivarus iouiteu prounsnig, Out ouside spoiled tile euort. Genic attackea again, tne oaciis trying a. passing rusn, out Jiiguet saveu witn a timely mark on me guai-nue, aim liueii tne mm meeiy at tinuueiU. -x'rom u line out rUo*nitty obtaiixed aim sirt-.,Ked for tne ’ fccextug anotuer g,eat try.- Larcomce s j kick uunt tow; ieiuuka 8, Celtic U. IHe reiiianimg portion ot this spell was all ill ieinulta s tavour, oenig in tne Green territory, tvuen nan tune sounded. lemuka 8 Ceitic ... ... 0

Cen.c opened with a strong forward rush, but tiie defence was sound. iweiiLuaiiy tne iemuica roruards carried play to the Green's goal-line, when Mason cleared by kicking out. From the throw-in C. Hanirin secured possession and dived over. Larcombc railed with tho kick. Temuka 11, Celtic 0. The Greens now began to make the pace, and, two line-outs at the home euu, looked dangerous, Lull Bighet, Norton, and Larcombc, were dcionding like Trojans. A free for tho Greens at an easy uiigle looked likely, but Honhhan’s kids was charged down. A couple of minutes later, he made mi mistake from a similar kick. Tcniuku 11 Celtic 3. Tho Celtic rearguard wore now making valiant olfovts to score, but tho Tomukn pack, led. by Bennett, wore superior to their opponents, and many promising Celtic movements woro nipped ill the bud. Halfway through the second spell marks mid free kicks wore numerous. A good pausing rush by the Celtic rearguard carried play to the heme line, where a feeble return by a Tetnubn player was promptly gathered ill by Mason, who pot tod a flue goal, Celtic /, Another rush by tho Oeltte forwards was stemmed by « timely mark by Ale. Nultvi Tho kick- was I'i.l.v followed by Bennett, who took' tho ball high mid scored it line try, Lareembe’s kick once more failed to add the additional poiiitrt, Temuka H, C'clUe 7, The game had now iv-sj'h-.'d a yfh'y exciting Stage, the jjla.y being iviHlng Slid bawl, A line out ut midfield way followotj by a loose rush by Celtic forwardy, tv Si it ill ended ip J-liH’diag soaring un/Gf tho posts, iiml liouliliftii converting.. Te-. niiik;i 14, Critic 12, Wifif half H minute |<i go, (!» nifyid another tie? tennined attack,. but tha Thh'iukit ffiv--w.-irds swept down to Uj3 _ Celtic go a j line, where Mason saved by kinking over the riant) ball linn, The whistle sunded with tVie scores! —- Tern ilka IT CeitG ~, ...... ...... Id Air J ; . Conner was referee.

JUNIOR GRADE. Point '3 V, Unuari J. School § y> jSiar 6, Celtic 3a v ; . 'i'onuika 3. Geraldine 15 v-. Southern 3-, THIRD GRADE, Point won by default from Star, pareora. 23 y. Southern 0. Temuka 17 v. Zingari 0. Geraldine 6 v. Old Boys 6. School M v. V.M.C.A. 0. Wn.-hdvke won by default from Celtic. fourth: grade. Temulia won bv default from Wa.Ji ■ ■ y 1-. e . Ziognri 3 \ . Star 0. Old i-H) • 'J v. Waihi ".

FIFTH GRADE, Point 5 v. Celtic 0, Geraldine 34 v. School C. 3, Star B. 3 v. School B, 8, School A. 6 v. Zingari 0, Star A. 36 v. Temuka 0, PRIMARY SCHOOL COMPETITIONS The following matches will he played during the week ending July s : SENIORS. High v, Main, Rectory, Thursday. South v. Waimataitai, Anzac, Tuesday. 'Mr P. Tutty, referee, Marists v. "Waimataitai, Athletic Park, Friday, Waimate v. South at Waimate, Saturday, JUNIORS. West v, Marists, Athletic Grounds, Friday. South v. High, Anzac, Wednesday. "Waimataitai v. Main, North End Park on Tuesday, THIRD GRADE. Waimataitai A v. Waimataitai B, North End Park. Main A v. West B, Anzac, Monday. Marists v. West A, Anzac, Thursday. South v. Main B, Anzac, Friday. SECOND RUGBY LEAGUE TEST. ENGLAND DEFEATS AUSTRALIA.

By Cable—Press Association —Copyright (Received June 29, 5.5 p.m.) SYDNEY, Juno 28. The second Rugby League test, EugI land v. Australia, was piayed soaking rain in the presence of 33,0Uu - people. I In the first half, Australia forced he game, carrying the attack to tinvisitors’ territory and scoring a try during the first few minutes. Owing to the muddy field the game was confined to the forwards in which the local team showed to advantage. The scores at half time were: Australia 3 England 0 In the second half the game was more open, but piav again was mostly con fined to tho forwards, with occasional dashes by the backs. Both sides made attempts to open up the game, but the advantage was always with Australia, until a few minutes -before the close, when England scored a try which vas converted, making the final scores: England 6 • Australia 3

Tho weather was against spectacuiai play, but the game throughout was hard and forceful. The teams were most evenly matched, although tho visitors were slightly superior in -ho scrums. Play throughout-was clean.

FREE FIGHT AT PADDINGTON. By Cable—Press Association—Copyright. (Received June 29, 5.5 p.m.) SYDNEY, June 28. An Australian rules football match at Paddington, developed into a freo fight among players and spectators, including women who joined in. Fists and umbrellas were freely used, before the disturbance was quelled by the polico. " PROFITS FROM NEW ZEALAND TOUR. \ (Received June 29, £.5 p.m.) (Reuter’s Telegram.) LONDON, June 27. At the annual meeting of the Rugby Union the president (Mr Donne) announced that all profits from the New Zealand tour would be devoted to ho development of the Rugby game in Britain, and £30,000 was being spout on the improvement of Twickenham accommodation. AUCKLAND COMPETITION. By Telegraph—Press Association. AUCKLAND, Juno 28. Ruoffiv dub matches to-day resulted as follows : Ponsonby 13 v. University 3. Marist 21 v. College Riles 3; Grammar 9 v. Grafton 3. Shore 9 v. Newton 3. Grammar School 19 v. Kings 0:

WELLINGTON RESULTS. Ey Telegraph—Fross Association. WELLINGTON, Juno 29. Premiership games yesterday resulted as follows: — Varsity 33 beat Athletic 14. Wellington 13 beat Old Boys 8. Oriental 14 beat Borhampore 7\ Petonc 6 drew with Marist 6. For.cke 16 boat Hutfc 7. OTAGO CHAMPIONSHIP-. By TnlograpU—Press Association. DUNEDIN, June 29. Saturday’s senior matches resulted: — kaikovoi 7 v. Alhambra 0. Vaisity A. 19 v, Taicri 17. Zingiiri 12 v. Varsity B. 6. Dunedin 0 v. Union o.^ Southern 9 v. Pirates 7; CHRISTCHURCH RESULTS'. By Telegraph—Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH., une 28. Rugby results i,o-da ( y were; Old Boys 20 beat Linwood 10. Vnrsitv 53 beat Albion 3. Christchurch 25 bout North Canterbury y,

: FOOTBALL. |\ SATURDAY’S MATCHES. f TEMUKA BREAK THE ICE. Autumnal weather prevailed on Saturday, and there was a big attendance at the Athletic Grounds to witness tho Old Boys—Star contest. The air was mildly warm; there was scarcely a breath of wind, and the grounds were in good order, the only ctraw back, from the players’ viewpoint, being tbo brightness of the sunlight. On No. 1 ground Olid Boys maintained position as competition leaders, defeating Star after a fast and strenuous ninety minutes play by 17 to 6. The game was late in commencing, and the first half was protracted by several stoppages, mostly due to minor injuries to Star men, the result being that the spell occupied ' 58J minutes. With three or four minutes lost in the second half also, the game was completed in semi-dark , ness. On No. 2 ground, Zingari and Waihi both played several substitutes, the country team being _ much below strength, and Zingari did nob have difficulty in winning by 16 to 6. The two games in Timaru ended in accordance with popular expectation, i ut there was a surprise at Temuka, tbo home team, evidently anxious to atone . ASP willhui THE FLIT! 24 HO BO IT OUT INSIDE ysis WpsfellSh# O NENICHT We make Two Definite Statements in regard to ASPRO and INFLUENZA. Here they are :- l_j wo Tablets and a hot drink—either whisky or lemon squash— wiil stop you getting the'Fiu if taken on first symptoms. 2.—|f you’ve'got the 'Flu, ASPRO Tablets taken to directions in packet will clear it out in 24 Sirs. These are no idle words—thousands have aiready proved their Truth. for their weak display of the previous Saturday, defeating Celtic by 11 to 12. This success should give a muchneeded fillip to the game m thc lemuka district. That there was no mck attached to the victory is evidenced by the fact that the winners scored four tries, and their line was crossed only once. . , ,, The appended table indicates the present positions of the teams in tho Skinner Cup competition: | -w 1 „ 2 v, .3 . ’ «2 o , • i . . £ is £ ; 5 .3 .5 c. 1 « or c c. .o . pT fSP f-‘ P- O > Old Boys ,8 7 1 0 172 57 15 lr.:n \ i.s | s Celtic ... 8 3 1 4 92 87 < Waihi .8 1 1 b 4o 117 a Temuka i 8 1 0 7 39 168 S

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 30 June 1924, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 30 June 1924, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18084, 30 June 1924, Page 3