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Anticipations for a record meeting at Waslidyke on Saturday, under the. auspices ox tne Tunavu Tro.-vting uuc, were abun-, uuuwy xnt> attendance or xue sporting pno lie from Aonm Ucago to I uortn uantei unr.y was very large, and | the meeting was highly successful from every view point, me weatner was not exactly on its nest Oenaviour, as a nor'wester prevailed, hut there was bright sunshine and the wind quite iaiicct to clamp the ardour of the very large assiuiiuiago oi .sportsmen and sportswomen present. The trotting track and all the appointments were seen in first class order, and the experienced on it; mis of tiio onto, amongst whom tiiOi'c are no drones, managed affairs so successfully, that everything worked with, clock-like prc,-;ision, and not a jarring note was struck throughout the day, horse-owners and the public being completely satisfied. The club earned many congratulations upon the successful and highly satisfactory manner in which it is catering for tho very popular sport of trotting in this ‘districtcongratulations which were iwcll merited. .. | The special train which came from ' Christchurch for the- meeting was well patronised, and the specials which ran out to the course from Timaru had to have extra carriages added to them in order tc< accommodate the very largo number of passengers who went out by rail to the sheue of the day’s festivities. By reason of the fact that Saturday was 'St. Patrick’s Day the club adopted green ■as its colours for the occasion, and many among the enthusiastic crowd of sportsmen recognised the patron

saint of Ireland in the same way. An added note ol gaiety was given to the proceedings through the presence of the J'iattalion Baud, whose programme of bright music was much appreciated. How to feed the multitude was something of a conundrum, but it was solved bv the club in an entirely satisfactory way, both tins luncheon and afternoon tea arrangements being all that could be desired. The licensed booth was judiciously managed by Mr J. P. Murphy, Tiie working of the totalizator, by Mr AY. F. James left no room for imurovement, and during the afternoon the large sum of £22,036 was put through'the machine, as compared with last year’s record of £21,237. Mr A. Dixoil, of Christchurch, occupied the judge’s box, and his decisions gave cn- • tire" satisfaction, as also .did the prompt way in which the numbers of the .winning horses wore pasted. As the central figure in the working arrangements-of the meeciiui: Mr H. IT. Fraser had a '.•cry busy time, and, as usual, he was able to satisfy exorybody. The controlling officials were as fol-lows--President, Mr John Hole; vicepresident, Mr J. South; committee— Messrs P. G. Allen, J. Gilchrist, T. 11. lu'v, IT. F. A Lor ton, H. Jtollinnon, W.

Sargent, A. F. Stocker; . stewards — Messrs A. H. Bissett, "VS • C. Collett, I/, B James, J. W. Kelly, T. R. Mackav, ('. Maitland, C. May, T. N. Mimro, J. p. 'Murphy, G. Wardell; Judicial Committee —Messrs J. Hole, C. Maitland, C. May, H. F. Morton and Vv. . Sargent: stipendiary steward, Mr T. H. ; Davev; judge, Mr A. Dickson; starter, Mr W. Norman; clerk of D. McKenzie : clerfi of course, Mr l\. i reoinrin; handicapper, Mr M. Brinkman; ton, timekeepers, Messrs J. O’Leary and J. J. Lewis: surgeon, G. H. (Tsslmr, AI D., M.R.C.S.; secretary, Mr H. H. Fraser. THE RACING. Racing opened with the Amateur i Hancticap, wmen attracted a field of cloven imuoppicd troiitors. Snider was a strong lavounte, with Lou bonty gocoiki cnoice. jessio’s Dream was quickest to snow out, and was followed ny Wee Catch and Snider. With hair j a, mile gone tiniitor got up to Jessie a j Dream, and was showing tho way with ' one i'OLind gone. Doing round the bank : streten Snider broke badly, and Wco Ratcn then ran to the front. Snider got on terms with tho leader at the home turn, and Bon Sont-y was close up. In the straight tho latter put in a strong challenge, and, catching the leaders’ was first to catch the judge’s eye, claiming the verdict with six lengths to spare from Snider, Wee Batch being the same distance away, third. Peter tho First was fourth. There were six acratchings for tho Trial Handicap, but even then 22. were left to contest the race. Wild Pointer, Coleno Pointer and Pakoti wore the popular pick. Wild Pointer broke up soon after the start, while Inshe fell. At tho cud of six furlongs there was a further mishap, when Logie aud Colene Pointer collided and fell. Young Medallion began smartly, followed by Paketi, Kiarite, Lady Minto aud Lone Star. At tho end of three furlongs Pakoti took charge, and with , "six furlongs covered she was well clear of Kiarite, with Lone Star, Logan Lad, Fireman and Lady Minto handy. Pakoti opened up a gap racing along the back, the others being headed by Kiarite, who broke three furlongs from home. Pakoti easily held his place in the lead, and won by half a dozen lengths. A good finish for second place resulted in Logan Lad beating Lady Minto by a neck, with lame. Star and Kiarite next. Prince Lyons was tho only withdrawal from tho Timaru Handicap, the chief evont of tho day, a field of seventeen going to tlio post. They were the best lot of pacors ever seen in one race on the Wa&hdyko course. Countryman, Lady Joan and Emperor (bracketed) were first choice, with Lackers, Acron and Event being best backed of the others. Oratorio broke at tho start, and Rorko’s Drift drew out smartly from Countryman and Colonut, while at the end of two furlongs Lady Juan was at tho head of tho others. \\ lth half a mile covorod these four nvero in close cider, just clear of Adair and Royal Step. A little further on Logan Chief moved up fast, whilo and Turairie also improved their positions. Adair was in front at the milo post, with Tarairo handy; whilo Logan Chief and Acron were .showing the ' way to the others. Adair broke hall a mile from homo, leaving Taraire in charge, followed by Acron, Logan Chief and Colonut. Then Countryman and Lady Joan put in a run, and a furlong further on Logan Chief was done with. Taraire led Acron, Lady Joan and Countryman to the straight, and a good finish ended in Tarraire beating Acron hy a nock, with Lady Joan four lengths away, a length in front of Countryman. Tarairo is a stable-mate of Pakoti, the previous winner. He is not a good be- ; gin nor, but be stays well. Acron was I unlucky in losing a lot of ground at ; the start. Logan Chief ran a great I race for a mile and a half, at which

point ho looked a winner, but ho | o.ii uvtu i/iiluiigs nunL jujjiiO. , A* our SCl'u.liiUtu 6 S lOumWl buO XIOJU lor I til© oeuUL>»vii jjauuleap iir sixteen. Jno ] .iucCaltull ui'ucmiii j. uuiior and , IVLa vucma; mis neaviiy suLipurieu, wun I UiUitl ciXlii i/I JL'. liXii'lK* iJ/IVjiCO, I.iivl tn.ouura auu rmuan cmiu next in timer oi puolic xiuit-y. u-he'ugru was yuwAest tO SliUiV Oul, lOllUiit-a tiy £ eoSUiUSI/, Hare wood, ivaiooa and Atvii ivtou. linen two lUriougs naci lieon covered -I'essnmsL was at- cue head ot amurs, witn unoubra next, wmle wauroon was ruunm gcn-ird, iouowea uy run u-uclua. Iwo mnongs iurtuer on iiamuuu anti •Pessimist were togecnor m tno lead, but with iialf tlio distance gone waiil'oon gave place to l'u.uuimsi, the tno being closely followed by Jvaloon and Ma Ousnla, witii Unoinma ana nusity Locanda at the noad of tne others. Hail' a nine from nonio jnaivweou ana i'essiniist wore showing tne nay to Ma Oushia, Waliroon, ana ivaioon. 'Hie three leaders then drew away lroin the otners. Jt'essinnst broke at tne entrance to the home stretch, and Haiewood won comfortaoiy by three lengcus from Koval Oak, wlio hmsned fast amt neat iUa'miSiila by halt a doKen lengths., y.nrlr U aUroon next. Fourteen acceptors lined up lor the Tomuka Handicap ior unhoppied trotters. Loct.e JUirect and Cionmel were evenly backed, Co* wan being a good tliiid for favourite. It was a. bad race for tlie public ae none of tins trio got near the money, l 1 airfcon was quickest away and soon est-aolisned a good lead, several of his nearest attendants breaking in the first luriong. At the end of two turlongs lv.urton had a. lead of

fifty yards from Marvolo, lXlion S and .Patard. This was still the order when half a mile had been covered, Lee Norris and The bqmro being also handy. In the next few lur longs Ihe Squiro moved up, and at the mile post Fairton was ten lengths clear of Marvolo, The squire and Petard, who were together. A furlong further on Fair- | ton broke, leaving the other three m the lead. Going out of the straight Marvolo broke, mui 'I he .Squire went on from Petard. The pair cleared rig-it away from the field. At the entrance to stia.txht she Squire was still first, but Patard wore him down, and won u v cnree ieugtns. Margouta was more than a hundred yards away tmrd, with Merry Bingen ami Joyful next. The scratching of Bing Boy Jett twelve starters ior the Washdvke Handicap. Bonny Logan was a strong favourite, v/itii Event and Oratorio best backed among the others. Wild Madam led lor two furlongs when Fancy Boy headed her, Bonny Logan being handy. These three were still running m close order when half the journey had been covered, Handsome Lad being close up. Then Wild Madam broke, and the other three went on well clear of the field. Going round tiie back, r ash.on

Queen and Prince Lyons moved up. in aii exciting finish Fancy Boy heat Bonny Logan by halt a length. Hand some La<l being a clear length away, witn Fashion Queen and ltvenu cloba “■ Prospect was a good favourite for the Fairlie Handicap, Dixie Mae. and Roval Oak also coming m tor solid support. Prospect broke badly soon adm the start and never attenvards get near the field. Wallroon and Indian Cln'ld soon opened out a gap D°n Boekv Loaani with Royal Oak next. At tho end of half a in to the order ua.j Indian Child, Wuljroon, Royal Oak and Beckv Logan, Sir Henry being at tho heacf of the others he order of tl

first four was unchanged at cut > - post, but a little further . on Becky i Royal Oak headed Waliroon at 'of the straight and won by thi ■ lengths Dixie Mac was forty yards away third, followed by Tobermory. lii a determined effort to nmk - 1 lose «nl-add “Tfs S tort- a dozen starters. Ini it-übse , ' n.Sdin'TbSm LSD'S, J d.w.go ui.tii S 5; \ im-l.»ns further oa Haud S ou,o ; V d d “ 1 p*« ’’BP SSrS” &'s ; Handsome Lad, i- nM m‘d pair Do"fld na. and t-’e fi , TT-tndsomo fought out u . greet f onf ta La. j ut getfang '■» heed J * the last stride Adau ' ; & away, just m front of Doiaimn.

'RBSLLTS. .«»» ““A"”second horae 80Vb ’ stake; IT miles'. ~+v 2 Mr W. Lowe’s b g Bon aired Bonn.; H.omme-bpecihear-tion mare, P2oyds bnd (owner) 1 1 Mr J. Clmd.s s gr g G l' .J EL Carbine —tflieila, 24yds btid 7 M ‘|jns;r s LsSSL 3 mare (owner) ••• *•• Others to sport silk ue ‘CDa tV U icv Wilkes scr, 6 Ravenworth su, 10 Fa J Maid ser, 7 Bon Lin ™ 3 Bon Lou scr, 8 loddy J* i>,’ter Jessie’s Dream 24yds bhd, »nd 41^* tne Firat ] 20yds bhd. J , inu " ,lun 52 2-ssee; 4min 2 3-ssec : 4mm &>«-• TRIAL HANDICAP, of 100 second horse SOsoy#?* -i 1.5 so vs from the stake; mdes. 3 Mr It. M. Mortons ch t I nkoti 3yrs, Four Chimes— Bright Ahw, scr (J. Bryce) -•* 7 Mr T. H. Ivey’s b g Logan Lad, svrs, Logan Pointer— Imperious Mare scr, (F. E. Jones) 5 Mr P. McNeill’s blk m Lady Minto, Brent Loeanda—Brinooaa Minto, 4yrs (owner) * 0 tilers to face tlie starter were—lo Lone Btur sor, 8 Young Medallion so , and Medallion Boy ser (coupled). Id Marqo ser, 5 Ella Loeanda scr, 1 Wild Pointer scr, 15 Logic scr, 16 Loxio tst.u scr, 6 Bill Rich sor, 2 Coleno Pointer scr, II Royal Loeanda scr, 12 Royal Hopo scr, 14 Kiarito ser, 4 Waitila Gxrl scr, 11 Junior Girl sor, 13 Don H.uon scr. 19 Havmcourt Wood sor, 10 Insno 24yds bhd, 9 Fireman 48yds bhd, and 20 Ixeuvm D’Oro 48yds bhd. limes, 3min 44 2-ijsec; 3min 46sec; and 3mm. 46 l-ssee. TIMARIJ HANDICAP, of 500 sovs; second horfto and third horso 50sovs from tho stalie; 2 miles. 4 Mr R. Morten’s rn f Taraire, Ifiour Chimes—Mnrieata, byrs. 36yds bhd (J. Bryce) 1 2 Mr J. R. MclvenzioA b c Arran, Ijognn Pointer —Millie 0., 3yrs, 12yds bhd (J- J* Kcnnei'ley) ... 2 1 Mr W. J. Mori and’s Lady Joan, Logan Pointer —Bellette, syra, 12yds bhd (F. Holmes) ..._ 3 7 F’asliion Queen scr, 12 Itarkcu Drift scr, 4 Oratorio scr (bracketed, with Tn.rnirc), 9 Ben Mac scr, 6 Bismurato scr, 3 Event 12ydft bhd, 10 Colonut 12, 1 Countryman 12, and Emperor 48 (bracketed with Lady* Joan), 11 Adair 21, 8 Royal Step 24,

f IS Asturio 48, and 5 Logan Chief 84, .'also iuoe<t u*e starter. runes, 4mtu 4z»ec; 4mm 44 i-deec; 4min 4o i-osec. I cui/rtivOtviN ilAi\ jJiOAr of , J.iosovs; second, nurse ousOvti, and j . tmrd juaovs irom tno sx-arte; i-i l miles. 9 Mr b. r'airbairn’s b m Harewood, Wildwood or. ; mare, 6yrs, 24yds blid (4. JJ. Nuntii) ■*■ J.l Mr i\. Smith’s br g Hoval Oak, j Advance' —veronu. aged, V-yyds ! bltd downer) " 1 Mr A. J. Higgs’s b f Mu Cushla, Nelson Juiv.eii —Mu bche, 4yrs, 24vds ijlid irl. frost) ... . ••• 3 Other starters were —( Pessimist scr, 1 Wtid j'omter scr (bracKeteu with Ala Cushla), .10 Awa ruoa scr, 5 ivuloou scr, 2 Cardinal and JBino scr, d r iroman scr, a Clioimra ser, j2 j JvonmiHood 24, 4 Indian Child 27, 1 16 dilemma 24, 14 DusKy Loeanda 24, la VS attroon 46, and 12 Rex Coronada 72 (including 48 penalty). Tunes, 3min 38 l-usocj 3iiuu 3o 2-osoc; Bnuu TEaiLTKA HANDICAP (harness), of 2ol)sovs; second horse* oOsovs, a-nd third 25sovs lrom the stane. i'or nnnupped trotters omy and for horses that can do 4min 55sec or better; 2 miles. 7 Mr O. M. O’Connor’s b g Patard, Ard Patrick Patard mare, aged, 12vds bhd (A. Pringle) 1 S Mr i'. T. Ritchie’s oh g The Scuiire. Rovcrchild Tracey mare, aged, 00yds bhd (D. 0-

.Tones) 11 Mr D. Archer’s 'or m- Margouta, Galindo—Exponita', aged, 60yds l>lul (G. Donald) a Others to leave the saddling, paddock were —<> Fairton scr, 1 Lot-tie Direct ser, 10 Dillon 24yds bhd, 3 Corwar 36. 9 Marvoio 36, 6 Leo Norris 60, 4 Wonder Why 72, 14 Paul Huon i 2, 2 Clonmel 84, 12 Merry Bingen 96, and 13 - Joyful 108, Times, 4mm 65 3-osee; 4min 52 2-sscc; smin 0 3-ssec. WASHDYKE HANDICAP (harness), of 250sovs; second horse OOsovs, and third 2osovs from the stake, for horses that can do 2min 55sec or better; Hmiles. 10 E. J. Smith’s Fancy Boy, Galindo—Fancy Girl, aged, 12yds bhd (owner) ... ... 1 1 Mr W. H. Norton’s b f Bonny Logan, Pointer —Bonoline, 3yrs, 24yds bhd (Holmes Jr.) ... ... 2 13 Mr" 11. Newton’s b g Handsomo Lad, Wildwood —Merry Widow, 6yrs (15. Berry) 6 Also started—ll Final Leavo scr, 6 Linden 12yds bhd, 5 Wild Madam 12, 7 Fashion Queon 24, 3 Oratorio 24, 9 Royal Step 36, 4 Prince Lyons 36, 8 Ben Mac 36, and 2 Event 48. -Times, 2min 56sec; 2min 55 2-ssec; 2min 55 3-osee. FAIR-LIE HANDICAP (harness) of 200sovs; second home 40sovs, and

third horse 20sovs from the stake; for horses that can do 4min 48sec or better; 2 miles. 3 Mr W. Smith’s hr g Royal Oak, Adeanco —Verona, aged, 24yds bhd (owner) ... 1 o Mr W. D. McLeod’s b g Wallroon, Wallace L —Octoroon, aged, sbr (\Y. H. Muir) 2 2 Mr N. T. Reilly’s b m Dixie Mac, Dixie, Altocolt—Lady Brown, aged,’4Byds bhd (owner) ... 3 Others to leave the saddling paddock were—4 Becky Logan scr (coupled with Medallius 36yds bhd), 6 Indian Child scr, 1 Prospect 12yds bhd, 7 Tobermory 24, and 8 Sir Henry 96. Times, 4min 42 2-ssec; 4min 45 l-ssec ; 4min £>os©c. FAREWELL HANDICAP (saddle), of 225sovs; second horse 40 so vs, and 1 third horse 20sovs from the.stake; for horses that can do 2min 20seo or better; 1 mile. 6 Mr H. Newton’s 'or g Handsome Lad, Wildwood Jr. Merry Widow, 6yrs, 24yds bhd (Humphries) .- 1 5 Mr J. McQuilkin’s b g Glen Aray, Petereta Ham, aged, scr, (owner) ... 2 4/ Mr (f. Barton’s ch g Adair, Adonis —Rothchild mare, oyrs, 48yds bhd (Hope) 3 Others to face the starter were — 2 Dornldina scr, 10 Final Leave scr, 3 Lpcalism scr. 11 Makomako scr, 7 Fancy Boy 36vds bhd, 12 Dandy Chimes 12, 1 Tui Russell 12, 9 Olivo Huori. 36, and 8 Idris 60.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18069, 19 March 1923, Page 3

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TROTTING Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18069, 19 March 1923, Page 3

TROTTING Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18069, 19 March 1923, Page 3