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Dr. Gurr, of tbo Public Hospital, is | back from a holiday spent m Wellington and the Pic ton Sounds. Mrs Townsend and Miss Gwenda Townsend, who have been staying at the Hydro, have returned to Christchurch. Miss M. Morris, Njpicr, is staying with Mrs C. ' Verity, “Craiginoro Downs.” Mrs Hunter-Wcston, “Highthonie,” is back from a. short visit to Dunedin. Miss Cowan, Brisbane, is staying at the Hydro. Mr and Mrs Hislop, Geraldine, are staying in Christchurch. Mr and Mrs Roger Gillingham, Fairlie, aro visiting Christchurch. •Mr and Mrs Voss, Spreydon, who have been spending a holiday in South Canterbury, have returned to Christchurch. . • • Mrs Murray-Aynslev, Christchurch, is aftlie Hydro. Mrs C. S. Bowden, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs SinclairThomson, ‘‘The Crossing,” Geraldine, has returned to Christchurch. Mrs T. Shorratt and the Alisses ,Sherrat have returned to Geraldine, after spending the holidays in Christchurch. ’ The cabaret will be open as usual tonight in the Stafford Tea Rooms. The Hon. Aura HI lid a Gorell Barnes, of London, arrived from Sydney by tho Manuka on Tuesday evening. Sheds the daughter of the first Baron Gorell, who died in 1913, and her brother, the present Baron, was recently the Undersecretary for Air. • Mr and Airs C. V. Jackman, of Timarn, aro spending a holiday at uMahara House,” Waikanae. Miss Marriott-Watson left yesterday for a week in Christchurch'. ' j Airs Harold Fisher, “Shenley ” Albury, aiid her children, are spending a holiday at Akaroa. ' , ~ , , . Miss Rose Gerard, Christchurch, is staying at tho Hydro. Mrs J’. At. Barker, AVooclbury, is staying with her daughter, Airs Noiinan Terrace. Air and Airs J. C. Aliller have taken Mr F. Burns’s house at Orari. AB’ and Airs Burns expect to leave for England

in March. . TT . , Airs Leonard Drummond, Hawke s Bay, is staying with Airs Thomson, Bidwill’Street. . , . Miss Dyer, Atasterton, is the guest of Airs Hassell, Scaly Street Mr and Airs W. F. Hamilton, Ashwick,” Fairlie, leave next month tor IU Mrs K C. E. Curtis, Christchurch, is staving with Airs Curtis, A\ an-ti Road. Miss Jessie Tait, who has been paying a round of visits in South Ca n tobury, returned to Christchurch on A cdJIC VTiss Ivy Olliver, Surrey Downs, is hack from a trip to Milford Sound and Lake Alanapouri. « p . Airs \. At. Ritchie and family, Cam Street have felt for North Otago Mr and Airs A. Looming are visiting ° Alimilid Mrs MbGovern, Bank of New South Wales, return to-day from a hoi dav in the North-Island. Miss Joan Jamieson, who has bee the guest of Mrs H. Hay, Scaly Street, returned yesterday to ChnsUhuul . Mrs L. B. Wightman, lemuka, is visiting Christchurch ancl Akaroa Airs Walter Baxter and faniih, Jackso>, Str«t ke spsmling tho Wlidajs

who have been visiting fnends at Suin- •. ner and North Canterbury, returned to Timaru yesterday. • ' One of the most successful and enjoyable Jazz evenings was cE^fb ring'&l by Wj J °"“leaSd' Fouliy, Houlihan, Conroy, Leopold, Farrow, Reger, Flanagan, Smaill Andrews of Brisbane, ariived hwlrSfunwd fmra a visit to Aitck-

'“The Bov, H. and Mrs WilHann;, Dunedin, are staying with. Mis I. Sherrntt. .Geraldine. , Dr and) Mrs Garnot-Leary, Mcbourhc, who have been staying at th Hydro, left on Wednesday for Roto IU Mr and Mrs Hugh Cor bell, Wai-iti Read, leave to-day for Hanmer. Miss Miranis, who has been spending .a. few davs with Mrs C. H. Minima, Beverley food, left on Thursday for °Mr*011(1 Mrs Holdsworth, of Wellington are at the Hydro Grand. The Hon. Lucy Jelliooe is a passenger by tho Remuera, which arrives from England next week. Mr and Mrs A. Boyle of Christchurch and fair James and Lady Mills arc also travelling by tho same boat. 1 Dr. Ada Paterson, school medical officer, iirrived in Wellington by the Makura. She has been on. a twelve months’ trip abroad, visiting Groat Britain, Europe and the United States and Canada. Dr. Paterson represented the New Zealand 1 Department of Health at the International congress for the Protection of women and' children held in Paris early in July last. Miss L. Hargreaves, who has been in Canada and England for the last two years, returns to Lyall Bay School, Wellington, when it re-opens next month. Miss Hargreaves left Nctv Zealand under the scheme arranged between Canada and New Zealand for tho interchange of teachers. Miss Sybil Nathan has returned from a visit to England. While there she attended a, conference of the League of Red Cross Societies at Geneva, and saw much Red Cross work. Mias Ethel Nathan is leaving for England by the Reinuora.

Sir Thomas Mackenzie, Wellington, is *■" ving at the Hydro. Thoso predent at the Cabaret last Siitui uay mglit were; Mrs Edmistpn, Misses V. Reid, R. Jsl worthy, W Hope, R. Crowe, Cox, B. Elworthv, L. Hay, J. Jameson (Christchurch), Goldie, 0. Walton, Darling (Wellington), Twigg, P. Hunter-Weston and M. GladstonoRobinson t and Messrs Edmiston, Hun-ter-Wcston, .F. Scott, G. LoCren, G. Grigg (Longbeach), Poriy, J. Torlesso, Dallengar (England), Black, H. Palmer (Christchurch), Gladstono-Robinson, 13. Porritt, 0. Kerr, M. LeCren, and W. Sattortlrwaite.

Latest arrivals at the Hydro include —Christchurch: Mr A. S'. Drayton, Mr G. Pay ling l , Mr E. Tomkinson, Mr and Mrs 11. E. Suckling, Mrs Townsend, Miss Townsend, Mr R,. Townsend, Mr F. H. Bristow, Mr and Mrs Herbert Smith, Mrs F. C. Murray, Miss D. Murray, Miss V. Judd, Mr F. I). Barker, Mr and Mrs T. Armstrong, Mrs Frostick, Miss M. Frostick, Miss Frostick, Mr A. <). Wilkinson, Mr L. M. Hobbs, Mr and Mrs IT. Sliirlev and family, Mr E. W. Acland, Mr J. S. Langford, Mr and Mrs A. A. MoLnchlan, and Mr

I. D. Simpson. Dunedin: Mrs J. McQueen, Misses McQueen, Mr and Mrs G. N. Cole, Mr and Mrs Mnndeno, Mr j and Mrs G. Cruiekshunk, Mr S. Gillman, Mr and Mrs Th M. Theorem, Mr and Mrs J. Johnston, Miss C. Taylor, Miss A. Purnell, Miss M. Armstrong, Mr and Mi's R. K. Dawson, Miss .J. A. McLean, Sir Thomas Mackenzie, and Mr Farquha rs.on. Wellington: Mrs Hunt, Mr TV. .Hunt, Mr U. Hall, Mr


Alalcolm Ross, Air T. Farr, Air and Airs C. S. Clarke, bluster Clarke, Aliss Al. H. ArciiiuaJd, Aliss E. Aoung, Airs Speedy, Alias bpeedy, Air ana Airs Holdsworth. Alisses E. and R. Chapman, Aiasterton; Air C. Burdoii, Geraldine.; Airs Hedge and Aliss Hedge, .Sydney; Airs J. A. Alurdock and Mr and Airs L. Bassett, Hokitika; Air A. Li Alumni, London; Aliss Al. E. Creeth, Perth; Aliss B. Sinclair and Aliss It. Aloellcr, .Hastings; Sir George Stevenson, London; Airs J. B. AlcGill, Hyde, Otago; Aliss C. Al. Bowler and Mass E. Al. Bowler, Gore; Airs and Aliss Alilis, Eeilding; Air ancl Airs D’Oisly and Air Percy Kahn, London; Air E. J. Gravestock, Sydney; Aliss A. Leon, London; Air It. Pearce, Sydney; Rev. K. J. jf. Bickersteth, Adelaide; Rev. Dr; nod Airs Bickersteth, England; Airs C. J. Manning, Aliss R. Manning, and Mr H. G. Manning, Sydcy; Airs 6. F. Parker, England; Airs E. Winkler and A.tiss Winkler, Edinburgh; Mrs C. R. Winkler, Pahiatua; Aliss B. Hodge and Miss D. Roberts, ‘Wanganui; Air and Mrs T. Hodgson and Alaster Hodgson, Auckland; Mr \Y. B. Alurison, Hunter; Alra Alasefield, Airs Wilson and Aliss Alifjcholson, Auckland ; , Aliss Blythe,' Sydney; Aliss Mcßride, Alelbourns; and Dr. and Airs Garnet Leary Mel bourne.

G muds at tlio Grosveaor during tho Week included —From Dunedin: Air and j Mrs R. Hudson, Air and Airs V. Jacobs, 1 Alastei* S. Jacobs, Air H. Naphtali, Mr Gordon Catto, Air W, Morrison, Air Charles A. Martin, Air Z. S'. Hiddloston, Hon. Thomas AlcGibbon, Airs J. Penny, Mr and Airs E. T. Sliand, Air K. Melville, Airs Nisbot, Air Robert Niohol, Mr and Airs J. C. AlcGeorge, Dr. A. S. Moody,. All* Arthur B. Welch, Air E. V. Fairbairn. From Wellington: Air G. AlearSj Alias Al. W. Aby.arn, Aliss G. Williamson, Air T. Farr, Air D. C. Halley, Air F. Lightfoot-Walker, Air J. G. Lancaster, Air H. Vickerman. From Christchurch: Air and Airs K. B. Bain, Air und Airs Harrison, Airs H. Tait, Aliss j. Tait, and Messrs R. King, Hopping, Alan V. Seager, A. Turner, H. C. Jones, A. W. Smith, Robert Beil, F. L. Brandt, D. Hanna, W. Morton, A. 0. Wilkinson, T. G. Taylor, G. Al. Pot Finger, and J. G. Fleming. From Auckland: Aliss D. Smyth, Alessrs W. M. Jacks, A. W. Bull, G. It. Law, T. .11. Mucky, and J. Ward, Aliss Al. F. Logan. From Invercargill: Airs J. C. MacDonald. Aliss J. Alclntosh, Air Pope. From Alelbourne: Airs Christian, Mr S- It. Mitchell, Aliss J. G. Bage. From Brisbane: Professor and Airs H. (j. Richards, Aliss Gladys Frost, . Airs Crouch. From Sydney: Air J. D. Stewart, Aliss I, Brown. From Japan: Air S. D. Kamatsu, Air Ik. Kakuta, Air R Ikawa. Mr C. Jewell, oam aru; Aliss B. E. Aland, Te Awnmutu; Airs V. Durant, London; Airs and Aliss Eaton, Essex, England; Air Thomas B. Dalzill, Scotland; Air and Airs W. r. Hamilton and Air W. Hamilton, Ashwick Flat, Fairlie.

•WEDDINGS. LEEAHNG —CUNNINGHAM. , A very pretty wedding, which created much interest, was celebrated in the Sacred Heart Church, Tiniaru, on January 17, when Aliss Agnes Cunningham, third daughter of Air W. Cunningham, Wilson Street, was married, to Mr Charles Leeming, older son of All* Alii ed Leeming, Rhodes Street. A Nuptial Alass was celebrated by the Rev. Father Paul Kane, and Airs Alangos played the Wedding Alarch and other suitable music during the ceremony. 'Hie bride wore an exceptionally dainty frock of mauve souple satin, with side panels of silver laco caught with bauds of tiny rosea. In place of the orthodox wreath and veil she wore a charming hat of silver lace, which, with her bouquet of pink roses, completed a very pretty toilette. Aliss Nan Lynch, who attended the bridts, wore a sweet frock of shell pink channelise, withl a hat of black lace, edged with pink roso buds, and curried a bouctu©* of mauve flowers and maidenhair fern. Mr Ernest Leeming, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony a • reception was held at the residence of the bride s parents. All’s Cunningham, mother.ot tho bride, wore a gown of black crepe de chine and a smart toque. Airs Leeming, mother of the bridegroom, wore a smart navy tailored costume, with side panels laced in white, and a black hat with ospreys to match. I All* and Mrs Leeming left by the north-hound express for Christchurch and Akaroa, tho bride travelling m a smart costume of black and white woof jersey doth, and chic black hat with white quills.

Tho wedding took place recently at St. Joseph’s Church, Buckle Street, Wellington, of Miss Catherine (Molly) Daly, Wellington, and Mr Charles James Hay, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Charles John Hay, Temuka. Tho Rev. Father O’Uonnell officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty: frock of ivory georgette over charmeuse, embroidered with crystal bugle heads, the skirt having panels ot eiro lace. The lace veil was arranged on double circle of orange blossom. Her shower bouquet was of pale pink and white roses, carnations, and lilies. Miss Margaret Daly was chief bridesmaid, wearing a frock ot pale coffee charmeuse, .with an overdress of lace, and a becoming blade hat trimmed with clusters of flowers in contrasting Bhades, and her bouquet was of pretty autumntinted flowers. Tho Misses Mary and Patricia. McEvedy wore dainty frocks ol coloured embroidered organdi over pale pink silk, wifchl trimmings of lavender and pink,,and crinoline hats to match; their bouquets were of lavender and pale pink flowers. Tho best man was ilr Roderick Hay, of Christchurch, and Mr William Hay was groomsman. After the ceremony a reception was hold at the residence of the bride’s parents. Mr and Mrs Hay loft later for their future homo in Palmerston North.

BEZZANT —MAODONNELL. A very pretty wedding took place recently at Chalmers Chur eh, Timaru, the contracting parties being Miss Muriel Mac Donnell and Mr Henry Bczzant. The Rev. P. Gladstone Hughes performed tho ceremony, and Mr Axel Newton presided at the organ. The bride was given away by her father, and wore ivory crepe de chine, withl sleeves and draped side panels of georgette and silver leaves at waist. Her ombroidered tulle veil was arranged with a wreath of silver leaves, and she carried a. bouquet of white roses and carnations, with streamers of satin ribbon. The; bride was attended by her sister, Miss Glorancb Mac Donnell, and Miss Eiloen Jonkiiiß, Dunedin, as bridesmaids. The former wore coral crepe do chine, prettily embroidered withl white beads, largo whit© lint of crepe de chine and tulle. Miss Jenkins wore Ijhu, jersey cloth, embroidered with gold beads, and lemon hat with blue flowers and streamers. Each carried a posy of roses. Tho best man anil groomsmnn Aroro Air JK. nrul Air TV. Fitzsimmons. Aftor the ceremony a. reception was hr,ld at the Stafford Tea Rooms, when Iho usual toasts were honoured. Dal or in tho afternoon tho happy couple left for the north, the bride travel ling in a smart fawn gaberdine

costume, with shoes and stockings to match, and jade green hat trimmed with fawn leaves. j TRIGGS—FITZSIMMONS. A pretty wedding was celebrated be- | tween Aliss Ruby Constance, youngest daughter of Air and Airs J. Fitzsom-. mons, and Air Frank Alcrliii, fourth : s#n of Air G. Triggs, both o'i Scfton | Street, Tim aru, at St. Alary's Church ; on January 17, the Rev. H.. W- Smith. . officiating. Tho bride, who was given away by her father, wore a- pretty gown of cream Morocco satin, with pearl girdle. Her embroidered veil was held ■ in place by a coronet of orange blossoms. | She carried a bouquet of roses, lilies and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid | was. Aliss Jessie Gillies, of Dunedin, j who wore a charming frock of flamecoloured silk jersey cloth;, richly cm- ' broidcrcd in gold and silk to match, and a large picture hat. Her bouquet was of roses and maidenhair fern, j lie two flower girls, Misses Joyce hitzsimmons and Beatrice Dobicr, wore da in tv petal frocks of turquoise blue and pink*, and carried a Victorian posy of pink carnations. Air Bert luggs, brother, of the bridegroom, was best man. Among those present wore: Airs Keen, Christchurch, wlm wore a black costume, with floral toque; Alis - Gillies, Dunedin, black Morocco satin, black and gold hat; AJrs I). Cane, Southburn, black brocaded velvet; Mis H Fisher, Christchurch, floral silk, with leghorn' lmt; Aliss Anderson Stirling, coat frock; Miss Triggs, sistoi ! of tho bridegroom, fawn coat nock, with blue facings and leghorn hat . Airs S. Fitzsimmons, navy M«o J poplin- Airs H. Jack, white silk; Alisses Scott, ’ Gibson, McCoiirtncy Lawson, Gould and Scott, and Mesas Gillies, Mcßride, Lawson, Gibson, Tigg., Wiberg, and Fitzsimmons. Aj tei t o ceremony a- reception 'was held m the 1 Stafford Tea. Rooms, Th^'M’P.Vj'-mp 10 left by the south tram foi Die Lakes.

CLOTHES AND CLASS. Differences of dress have in most countries and in nearly all agespleated differences of rank. in tne olden times, when there existed a greater gap socially between the “masses” and the “classes than there does at the present, time, the differences of dress and wearing apparel generally were greater. And although to-day many men or rank often adopt clothing that conveys little or no impression of their social j standing, sometimes even purposely disguising that standing, at any function or on a similar occasion the distinctions of dress are well in evidence, and the more or less humble waiter is not likely to be caused the ' embarrassment of being mistaken for a “real live lord,” although somewhat similarly clad. The particular styles of dress worn by different men often indicate their associations, temperament, and views generally. The “conventional” man, if we may use the term, is invariably dressed in a more orthodox fashion than the man of the nonconformist class. Doctors, lawyers, and clergymen are not often seen unconventionally garbed, and ; we somehow expect the man with ! extreme ideas to be. dressed in keeping. Appearance is not everything, the proverbs tell iis so, but it is an important factor in our everyday life, and a good “first‘appearance” will more often lead- to a successful conclusion than a bad one. . : H, S. LAMB AND CO,, CHURCH STREET, ' The Tailors.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18031, 20 January 1923, Page 4

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MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18031, 20 January 1923, Page 4

MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Timaru Herald, Volume XCVIII, Issue 18031, 20 January 1923, Page 4