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ANNUAL MEETING'. : The annual congregational meeting of Chalmers Presbyterian Church was held last evening in tlie Kobei't Jackson Memorial Mali. The JAev. A. ! :B'egg, Highlield. presided, and there \va«° a representative Attendance of members and adherents. Tiie chairman in his opening remarks said that as they thought over l>h e past year the ideals "they had never seemed to have been realised. They were apt to he discouraged at this, but he was sure that in their reports there was much to be thankful ior. Mo referred to' the translation, of the llev. E. It. Harries to Wauganui, and said tlieir late minister had been an ardent evangelist, had taken a great interest and care in the young or the church and tho growth of the spirit of'devotion in tho congregation, and had vigorously advocated the cause of foreign missions. Mr ]3egg asked the congregation to take all spiritual measures for tho attainment of their ideals, and congratulated them on the proof of advancement seen in the addition of young the congregation. In conclusion he spoke of the important task devolving upon them in the selection of a pastor to minister to their spiritual needs. The annual reports and balance sheets of the church, in all its organisations were presented in. booklet iorm, and wore taken as read.

The Session report- states thnt the attendances at tlio regular si-ruees havo been well maintained an:l the interest | of the children has been well kvpfc up hy Mr Harries's Interesting addresses to them oil Sunday .lorniags. The iiyiinber of .members on the J'o'l nt the ciosc of the year was G64, r.wng larger than for the previous year. Inuring t)>e period just closed wore ailtied hy confession of faith, 60 by certificate from other churches, and two restored to the roll. The attendances at the Communion services wo -o as follows :—■ September 353, December 379, March 330. June 355. The Session acknowledged the valuable services, rendered hy Mr Axel Newton and t-lic members of the Choir, the P.W.M.U. the Sewing Guild, and all workers in the various departments of Church activities. The Deacons' Court reported that the statement of receipts and payments shows that the receipts from ell sources amounted to £2912 3s 2d, and the expenditure. to £2OSS 9s Id. The collections at the church services have been well maintained, and after deducting special collections, the net- total is £912 15s 4d as compared with £879 2s For the previous year. The average Sunday collection is £l7 lis. One debenture of the value of £250 has been redeemed, and one for a like amount issued. Tho amount owing on debentures is £I9OO. The indebtedness of the congregation has been increased swing' to the purchase of >au excellentsection in Elizabeth Street, on which it s intended to erect a, Manse. Tho ost of the section was £560, of which 0383 still remains unpaid. The mortgage of £30!) on tho Manse, has been. >aid, and £SO has also been paid on iccounfc of the purchase price, of Bank street property. A year ago it was uiticipated that a substantial sum vould be donated during the year just ■losed to the "Thanksgiving Manse and it is to bo regretted that :he fund has not met with greater support. Up to tho present only £276 ,3s lid lias been received. The strikng mark of progress was tho great iberality shown towards missions and iindred objects. The sum raised was iBUf) 18s 2d, and is the highest oil reord in tho history of Chalmers. The liembers and adherents are to be congratulated on so generously responding :o the calls made upon them in this umieetion. Included in the above ;um is £9O 10s from the P.W.M.U.; £46 from the Sunday School; £ll 19s, )d from the Bible Classes; £37 13s 3d rom the Little Labourers' and Boys' Missionary Leagues; and the special efort on 'oehalf of tho Foreign Missions risis resulted in the sum of £372 10s id being obtained. So far the donations received for the special Home Missions appeal amount to £72 ISs. The executrix of the late Mrs Bennett 'orwarded a sum of £250 to bo invest--3d and the income to go to the credit it the Foreign Missions Fund under the leading of the "Bennett Memorial Foreign Missions Fund." The legacy of £250 has been invested in Church debentures. Another legacy of £SOO was bequeathed to tho Church by Mr Andrew Cleland. This sum has been paid into the Church funds to be used tor extinction of debt purposes. The finances of the various Church organisations are satisfactory. The interest taken by various members and adherents of Chalmers in tho Childrens' Home, North Street-, is in- j dicated by the contributions and donations received by the lion, treasurer of | the Home, amounting to £99 6s. for | the past year. In testimony to those j men, connected with the congregation, who in the Great War made the suXJrenie sacrifice, a memorial in the form of -a marble tablet is being prepared, and it is expected that the dedication ceremony will take place oil. a early date. The Court desires' to express its indebtedness to the ladies of the congregation, who continue to do excellent work and merit the warmest appreciation of the congregation for their self-denying labours. Detailed reports were also submitted. on the various organisations associated with the church—Sabbath School, Choir, Chalmers Churcln Girls' Auxiliary, the P.W.M.U., Sewing Guild, Boys' Missionary League, Little Labourers' League Week Night Bible Class, Young Women's Bible Class, Young Men's Bible Class, Church Guild, League of Young Worshippers, and the Maori Mission Birthday League. All the reports were of a satisfactory nature, and showed the church to be in_a flourishing condition.

Thio Itev Evan B- Harries, wrote as fallows to tlie members of the church:—

"The last act of my ministry in Timaru is writing this preface for the report, and I am glad to be able thus to say a more enduring word of farewell than those already spoken. The year just passed contains many happenings which are pleasant to one's mern-ci-y, and so does the whole period—nearly six years— of my stay amongst you as your minister. I think «'iib gratitude of the progress in all departments during the year, and of the splendid result of concerted efforts towards missions. Could. nSt Chalmers maintain its own missionary now, and so be directly represeated abroad? Another new feature was the preparatory classes, which at- our last 1 Communion presented ten young por pie from the Sunday school for church membership. There will be rr ore at next Communion. Yet another fact which gave me the greatest pleat ure was the undertaking of a monthly service at Claremont. The attendance there and the interest shown, together with the re-starting of a Sunday school, have fully justified the Session's enter-

prise. It would take too long •to enumerate the good things which we enjoyed together over the longer period ; but I am glad of the response there has often been when a call to prayer has been issued; of the great evangelistic mission with Mr John Bissett and Miss Bissett,- and of the exceedingly fine work done by those who have been engaged with the children and the young people. Let me here thank the office-bearers for much patience and a good deal of encouragement. And now fare you well! Be'steadfast, love as brethren, and the grace of our Ijord Jesus Christ be with you all."-

Tho balance sliest shows assets over liabilities amounting to £9IOS 18s scl. 3£r G. Steven moved the adoption of tlie r.eports, and touched 011 many of the salient features. It ivas to be regretted. that Mr Harries had left the •charge. During the six years ho occupied the -pulpit he proved himself a worthy successor of the saintly l?oberb Jackson and the eloquent McCaulay Caldwell. They wished him. Mrs Harries, and family all success and happiness in the future. Air A. A. Austin seconded, and referred to the work amongst the young which had heen very successful. He emphasises this branch pf l'activity as one of the most important of church life.

j There was no discussion, and the rcj ports were adopted unanimous!','. 1 Mr AY. A"ion!, treasurer, dealt with I various facts in the balance fjheet. He pointed out that the average collection for congregational purposes was hardly what, it should lie, and he hoped this would be improved. The old mans,, had been sold and the m«v ma"se to be built would require about £IOOO. The mission contributions were very satislaetory—a. fact which veas largely due to. the incessant ell'orts of the P.W.M.U. owing on debentures had been reduced bv £!(>!.), while legacies amouning to £750 had also been put to this purpose. Mr, Jennings proposed, and Mr YV. Si Young seconded, a. comprehensive vote of thanks to the workers of tiie various l church organisations, this being carried with acclamation. .Miss Jenniiig'.- returned thanks on behalf of the Girls' Auxiliary, and hoped tho yoninr people would recnsinise that the Auxiliary sought to train girls to work for missions. On the motion of Mr Voting. Mr was cordially thanked for prcsiding.

JJiirinsr the even inn; n. most onjoyahl a rmvsieai projrrn mrac, "was carried through, the various items- beinir given by Mcsdames Parker anil Gibli and 'Messrs Parker and Brookes (quartette), Mesdamps Parker and C'M> (duet), 'Misses T>avis and "Russell. (solos), Messrs A. .T. Fyfo and 0. Miller (finte dnc.tsl. Mr Axe] Newton acled as jK'fnii i r ; n n i-;!'■ A dainty supper was provided by the ladies uf the congregation, and the pronouncing e{ the IkHiedicion concluded the meeting.

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Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 30 August 1920, Page 4

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CHALMERS CHURCH. Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 30 August 1920, Page 4

CHALMERS CHURCH. Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 30 August 1920, Page 4