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The 1.0. Reehabitcs meet in the Orange Hail, Bank .Street, to-morrow at S - I The Makikihi Hall is looked for September 16 for a dance. The annual soiree will ba lieid in the Clandeboye Hall on Thursday. Operations commence at 6 p.m. A meeting will be held in the Ealing Library Hall to-morrow at V.30 p.m. : for those interested in the erection of ' a war memorial. ! A fancy dress ball will be lield in the Pleasant' Valley School on September 10. ! A concert and dance in aid of war memorial funds will be held in the "Winchester Victoria Hall oil Friday. The Rev; and ]\Lrs Purehas will be welcomed by Geraldine Anglicans in tlio Parish Hall a,t 3 p.m. on Thursday. A cuchre party and dance in aid of the Guild funds vi'.l be held in the Fairlie Hall to-morrow at S p.m. , A dance in aid of school funds will bo held in tlie KimbelT wor.lshed next Friday, and a dance at Sherwood Downs will be held on S'eptember 7. The members of the Kai Toa and Tim aru Bowling Clubs are invited to a card match to be held in the Timaru Bowling Club's pavilion - o-morrow (Tuesday), at 7.4-5 p.m. The election of members of til© Pleasant Point Town Board takes place I next month. Nominations; must be made by noon on September 8, and if a poll be needed ifc will be taken on the 15th. The Nukuroa 'Coronation. Hall is to be the scene of a bazaar on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon and evening next-. Art union, baby show, tug-of-war and shooting gallery are among the sideshows, and refreshments will be ' provided. * ! Glcniti ladies are requested t 0 meetin the School next Thursday evening to arrange for a ball. At a meeting of the Temuka "War Memorial Committee on Friday evening it was decided to make a personal canvass t 0 collect £6OO to bring the. fund U]i to the fmonnt required. Canvassers were appointed for the town and for the country, and a start is to be r-ade this morning. The Canvassing Committee (with power t 0 add to their ra'mber) are: Town, the Mayor, Rev. A. 11. Norris, Messrs D. O'Connor and J. T. Smart; country. Messrs -J. L e e, T. Hheen, E. G. Scrimshaw, and A. E. Smith.

Royal Arch Masons are reminded that ;i regular convocation of the Chapter of St. John will be held this evening at. 1 .30. Visiting com pan ions are cordially invited.

On Saturday in the Assembly Rooms Mr AV. D. Lysnar, M.P. for Gisborne, addressed a large and representative meeting of farmers on the need for cooperation and unity in order to get" tho best results from their farms and runs, lie dealt trenchantly with trusts and combines, .and gave an optimistic, forecast of wool and meat prospects. At the conclusion of the address a resolution was passed, with only two dissentients, on the motion of Messrs C. E. Kerr and G. I). Selbie, calling upon the Government to refuse to grant a license to Armour and Co. Mr Lysnar, who w.afi frequently applauded, was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his forceful and informative address. A full report of the meeting will appear in to-mor-row's paper.

The parents of Tiftuiru Main and West Schools children are notified by advertisement in this issue that the committee has decided that the two schools are to remain closed for a further week owing to the continued prevalence of minor ailments among the children, re-opening on September 6.

Yesterday at the Sacred Heart Church, Craigie Avenue, a collection made by the committee of the Catholic Federation for the Starving Children Fund met ' with a very generous response, the sum of £l3B I'i.s 9d being realised. A cheque for this amount is being forwarded t ( > the Mayor's fund.

The Masonic jjall Committee has its arrangements well in hand for what promises to be a brilliant and successful gathering. Any member of the Oritur lias the privilege of purchasing a ticket, the price being £1 Is per double ticket.

It transpires that Eyre, the victim of the PuUeKawa murder, was a fairly wealthy man, owning farm property valued at over £3O,(XM. The potice a,re continuing their investigations in the locality of the tragedy, and' a reward of £250 is ottered tor inrormation leading to the conviction of the murderer.

All Essex car lias recently put up a remarkable enduiance record, crossing tho continent of America from i\ew 1 0.-k (.o can i<ran,.is..o, a uSta.iLv of 33-17 miles, over all conuiiious of loads, in 4 days J. 9 hours 3 Tmin. ifiivnig boatcn all iecor'ds, it Turned arouucL and. put up a fresii record, going back in 4 days 14 hours 4'- , min.r l lie previous lecoril, ma.e l>.v a Hudson car wn.s Hi days 21 hours, Jioiu Xoiv York to Snn Eranciseo and buck again. In December last the Essex won t':e world s endurance record, foveriiijz; £037 miles in AO hours, aver-' aging G0.7 milts per hour. ...

We are informed that there have been many bookings made already, for the O-iriatmas houday season, lor accommodation at the Hermitage, "iiicli s.lggests a lively tourist season, and t/iio wisdom of early booking. There are differences of opinion regarding the best season to visit the glacier ugiori. In Spring there is more snowon tho nionniain-ij more frequent and lai gel- avalanches, and the vegetation on the mountain sides—one of the great features of alpine soancry—is at its br.ghte.jt, and the temperature isi less hign than in Summer. Tiio/o who have seen tho Alps only in Mid-sum-mer or Autumn, on peeing them in Spring will see nearly as much cfiiferenej as is so notable between Spring and Summer views of fanning country. If'or the convenience ol those who can make holiday earlier than tho usual time, the Mount C'Ook Motor Company purpose starting the rfinning of their cars on October Ist, oil the full tour—, Fairlie, Hermitage, Qneenstown —and at reduced fares for tho slack early season. The Coir.uany suggest booking well ahead of desired datfs.

AYe are informed that entries fur the lirst trials of trie Geraldine Collie Ciub are coming in well, and everything points to the meeting being a success. It has been decided to hold a smoke concert for competitors and members on. the last night of the trials, a charge "being made to non-members.

Mr E. R.. Graham, assistant clerk at the Ash burton Magistrate's Court, haa received notice of transfer to Timaru, on promotion.

Mr AV. D. Lysnar, M.P. for Cisborne, spent the week-end in Timaru. Ho will go north by the first express to-day.

The arrangement whereby local mills were enableil to select such wool as tliey required prior to valuation, at the Imperial Government rates, plua the cosi of valuation, has been continued up to the average quantify of wool used by each woollen mill d-jring the previous two years (says the report of the Department of Imperial Government Supplies). For any wool purchased in excess of the average, for .the ye.irs ending October 31, 1918, and October SI., 1919, the local woollen mills arc required to pay an additional price, representing half the net avermargin between appraised values in ise-.i- J?enl«nid plus charges, and London' sale values.

The Innaru Labour Party met in tho unitarian Mall oil Friday evening, Mr O. Ko.ler, president, in the chair. Messrs Foster and Hughson wrote explaining their action in voting against the granting of a permit by the Tunanv Council for a Sunday evening political meeting. The meeting decided tnat the above-named Councillors be written to and requested to attend at a subsequent meeting, when an opportunity will be given tlicni of placing their action in this mater more fully before the Party. A motion was 'unanimously carried endorsing the action of the New Zealand Labour Party Executive in supporting the efforts of tho British Council of Action .in its endeavours to prevent intervention in the conflict between Russia ami Poland. Several speakers stressed tlie importance of tho necessity ot' losinji no opportunity of supporting the Parliamentary Labour Party in tho splendid fight it is putting up against , the forces of reaction at present so busily endeavouring to dcscredit really representative Labour. The. resignation of Mr O. J. F. McKee from the membership of the New Zealand Labour Party was accepted, Mr -Mclvec explaining that lie had allied himself with an organisation the rules of which prevented him from being «. member of any other I political organisation.

To meet the rise in railway freights# the Linton and AA'airio Coal Depot, Ltd., Stafford Street, Tiniaru>, has found it necessary to slightly arva.nce the retail_ price of its famous Linton and AVnirio coals. 'The revised price list'will he found on pa go 6 of this issue.

It' is understood that for various reasons a considerable number of returned soldiers have not yet niado use of the orders for privilege railway tickets, ena'oling them to travel free for tt 2S days over the. railways of the dominion. However anxious tlia Defence Department and the railway authorities may be to maintain the privileges granted to soldiers it must be apparent that there shall be some finality in connection with tho issue of free railway passes. It has therefore been decided that all orderg must he •exchanged for railway tickets not later than tb© 2nd November next. In effect, this means that no privilege vailway ticket issued to a soldier will be available ■ after 30th November, when the 28 days will expire. Owing to the very heavy demands that will be made upon the time of the railway staffs in all parts of the dominion from November onwards, soldiers entitled to claim the privilege tickets are requested to make application for them as early as possible.

Great purchase of "Standard" Sanda lsfrom Sargood, Son and Ewen, Ltd. by Souter's Boot Stores. Our retaii pi ices iu some sizes are 2s sd.a pair cheaper than Sargood 1 s wholesale price to-day. • Souter's Boob Stores. ...

LO&T—AII signs of overstrain and nerves by taking a few doses of Royle's Tonic. Wo made it so easily, too! Just 3/ bottle of Royle's Tonic Essence some sugar and hot water, and we made a whole pint of invigorating tonic. Pleasant to take; children .like it. Royle's Tonic Essence costs only 2s 6d at any pharmacy.

Sargood, Son and Ewen Ltd., disposed of their stock of "Standard" sandals to J. W. Souter, of Souter's Boat Stores This deal was made before \vitli tho sanction of the Board of'the lifting of the embargo on hides. Trade there lias been an incx-e/ise of Souters have now opened up the goods Is per toil at the pit mouth in tho and offer the line at shillings per pair price of ooal produced in northern, less than maker's price to-day. ... mines. The increase will take ciiecb from September I, and will appiy to . "YOU WANT A FILL?" all grades, including household coal. ''Right." Try this "Desert Gold" It is unlikely that the cost to the Flake or do you prefer the mixdomestic consumer will be increased, ? "Desert Gold 'is a blend of the Tho least possible increase would be " oi ', s choicest "weeds" manufactured Id per owt, and dealers may decide i n - Dominion. A purer, more satisnob to pass on the increase. There *y in 6 product does not exist. No burnhas nee 11 an increase in the cost of n , lg j 1 ? X , e^? cts of AVestport coal, but it does not apply E Wlth DeSert Gol(L to liousohold coal.—(Press Association)., '

A message received by the police from Martinborough states that during a quarrcll between two men, David Cnrlston stepped in to stop t'-em, and Was stabbed between the ribs. CH-lston was removed to the hospital in a serious condition. His alleged assailant was arrested.

A healthy skin means a good complexion that people will admire. In the hot days of Summer you can best preserve your complexion by using tile now Vanishing GLYCEIIOSE CREAM. This delightful toilet preparation gives a healthy, transparent lustre to the complexion and is soothing, cooling and refreshing. Glyceros,e Cream cpsts only 2s per jar at all chemists, or post paid 2s 3d from Box 210, Christchurch. 13

When you feel you have no strength, that's the time to take Baxter's Quinine Port Wine, the tonic that has stood the test 0 f time. It is.especially useful in cases of nervous depression, loss of appeite, and brain fag. In reputed quart bottles, 4s each, at Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings, Timaru. ...

Send your exposed films to us to be developed and prints made from your negatives by our finishing department, which is equipped to carry out this branch of our business promptly and faithfully. We guarantee the very best results possible. The Kodak Depot, Baxter's Pharmacy, Theatre Buildings Timaru. ...

Theie s no corn that can stand against Baxter's Ruby Corn Cure which is undoubtedly the best corn cure we know of. It does its work promptly and painlessly, i sensily applied, and needs no bandage or plaster. Sold in bottles, Is each, at [Pharmacy. Theatr* Buildings, Timaru. ...

Akaroa has health for all who require the rest cure; boating iu the peaceful little bays around itg beautiful hai bour: best of accommodation in New Zealand. ...

Owing to extensive .-ijt e t.ons and additions to premises The Louvre .. holding a seven days' V't- ci. iring sale of the whole stock, to goods soiled. Every article vih be offered at from 10 tier cent, to 50 per cent, discount. Ladies should not miss this • opportunity,, which —ij; Jrst for a few days only, at luo Lou'.-?, Central Stafford Street. ...

AUBURN HAIR. Women with auburn or chestnuttinted hair are certainly to be envied to-day, as it is universally adinv'cni Undoubtedly nothing is more beautiful tlian a woman's hair which has iust been shampooed with "Hennali'ne" Egyptian Shampoo, it leaves it so exuisitely soft and makes it positively glisten with lite, but does not impoverish the growth, which often happens with ordinary shampoos. It is also invaluable for children's hair, as it is re' '.ly a splendid stimulant, and only nueds a trial to prove its merit. A] s 6d tin is sufficient for six good shampoos. Try it to-day. Sold by all chemists and hairdressers, also at Ballantyne's, McKenzie's, or C.F.C A Wholesale agents, H. F. Stevens, wholesale druggists, Christohnrch,

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Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 30 August 1920, Page 6

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 30 August 1920, Page 6

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Issue 170307, 30 August 1920, Page 6