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. CASUALTIES AT THE DARDANELLES. Per Press Association. The following lists came to hand by toiegrapli last ingut:— KILLED IN ACTION, CANTERBURY BATTALION. Alborough, Darcey Basil, 6-2050 (Nelson j. Breeze, George Patrick, 0-591 (Hoki-ti-ka). Budd, Herbert George, 6-1974 (Alfred Budd, Auckland, lather). Campbell, WiUiam, 6-2bß± (Mosgiel). Carmine, Francis, 6-12-57 (Muierton). Clark, Frederick Arthur, G-1455, (Christchurch). Okrlw, iLbart PiiiSip, 0-2092 (P. A. Clarke, Willov.'bridge, father). Codling, Thomas, 8-1074 (Christchurch). Codyro, Erskine, 0-1076, LanceCorporal (AVestport). Cookes, Cyril Christer, G-1268 (Hull). Cottle, George Stephen, 6-604 (Greymouth). Davey, Allen Osborne, 6-2112 (Sydenham). Duncan, Victor, G-1532 (Francis Duncan, Dte Street, father). Dunleavy, Thos., 6-623 (Lancashire). Fitzgerald, Pat-rick Gregor, 6-1842 (Mrs AV. Fitzgerald, AYeTlington Street, Timarn). ' Gardiner, Andrew,- 6-459 (Scotland). Heenan, Thos., 6-260, Bugler (Hokitika). Humpherson, Bernard Alfred, 6-1061, Sergeant (England). Joslen, Henry AVillis, 0-835, LanceCorporal (Kaiapoi). Keely, Joseph, 6-1592 (England). Logan, Thomas Stanley, 6-2192 (John Logan, \V'l>oa Street. Timaru, father). Malilem, Thos. Pat-rick, 6-796 (Christchurch;. Mein, George F., G-2389 (King Country). Miles, Erie Gordon, 6-506, Sergeant, (Christchurch). Mitchell,- Eric AVilliam, 6-1106 (AV. Mitchell, Methven). Hamilton, George Ai-tlnir, 6-1216. Lance-Corporal (Christ-church). Penny, Samuel Murray, 6-323 (Blenheim). M"ullany. Lewis, 6-1930 (Napier). Nilsen, Harry Walter, '6-315 (Kai- . koura). Pacey, Clias. Robert. 6-925 (Napier).' Price, Ralph Leslie, 6-2245 (Nelson). ' Puree!}, Ernest Edgar, 6-1961 (Levin). Robinson, James Edward, 6-1971 (Joseph R-obinsou, O:aremont, limaru, father). ■Sherman, Alfred John. 6-1980 (Motueka). Sigglekoiv, Norman H., 6-245 (Aporo) bimpson, Martin Andrew, 6-349 (Nel- ! son). ■ Smith, Sydney, 6-546 (Harry Smith Rakaja, father). Spence, AVilliam, 6-1064 (Mrs G. Tayior P. 0., rimarn mother). Turner, John, G-552 (Dimedm). A erey AVilliam He, ry, 6-1237 (next of km not given). Wallace, Joseph Henry, 6-568, Sergeant (James AVaJlace, Timaru, father). Ward, Charles, 6-2023 (Carterton). AVliitoombe, Dentins James A., 6-176 (Christ-church). AVhite, Hamish AV. W.. G-390, LanceSergeant (Bieu'nein). Willcoclcs, Adderley James, 6-1759 Auckland). Williams, Harry E-rol (Ballarat). Wilson, F-dwaixl Douglas '6-9012 (Christchurch). ' Woodside, An drew- _ White, 6-576 (Ro rl'? % °oflsidc', A.slumrton, father). E- J. j M 359 (Belfast, Christchurch). WELLINGTON BATTALION.

Lanee-Sergeant. G. Aitken, Privates Ar grave, P. Argyle, Lancebergeant A. Banies, Private S. F. W Bealiug, C. Beard, H. Bickens, A. g! Blackmore. G. A. Bowker, A. Bourgeois R A. Br J. W. Brewer, i?. Jirierly, D. Bruce, Corporal J. H. Buriov.s, Private A. V. Carbines. Lanc-e-Corporais S. G. Clark. C. L. Cogar. Privato A. CoL'homi, Serjeant J I. Cognan. Privato S. A. H. Corlett Corloti. J. Cowley, C. Crone, T> . j Davies, J. Dollow, P. .J. Denny, Corporal A. G. Duncan, E. J. Earley. J. H. Edwards, Corporal P. Enwright. 1 rivates \\. C. Falconer, H. G i-earon, H G. Field, R. S. Flynn, A. J. Fraser, M. Fraser. Sergeant L. R. Hamcs, Privato A. Hun-is, Sergeant \L '*/; Harvey Privates C. Hay ward, i• [f o ea T e ' K ' Hlrat ' W - A. Ireland, i' - i V, ?i 10S ' c °rporal G. Juno, Privates E Kennedy, W. H. Kerslake \\ C. Lambert, L. Larkin, C. "JY. Lekes, E. Lima, H. K: Lvnch, E. Mason, Oari>oral Marshall, E A. Mearas, P. Mills, Corporal H. Minnell. Privates K. McDonald. W V McFarlane, A. JR. McLaucMan, W. MoNeill, O. S. Mcolls, Lance-Corpora,l Private M. D. Martin, D. Yt'. O Gallaghan, T. Orcy A. J Parker, Corporal R. Parson* ' Pri-yoU H. S. Percy, Corporal A. G. Pearee Privates A. Power, G .G. Russell, F.' Sewell, J. C. Skopmark. F. Simpson, Sergeants R. G. Cole, A R Squire Privates H. H. Styles C." G. Sykee, I. Tansley. ' 1 OTAGO M..R-. Troopers J. Dow and W. J. GiJ'lof.fc.

DIED OF WOTJNDS. Trooper E. Walker (Otago Jil.R.) Lance-Corporal IN. Baxter. Private C. Marter (Wellington B.) Privates H. Pearse and AV. J, Grif* iitli.-j (Auckland B.) ■ WOtJNDED. Private W. J. Branson Auckland B.) Private S. Lee (H.Q. Staff). Trooper T. W. Stringer (Auckland M.R.) Trooper O. Singh. (WeMingfcbnvMJL)' iVluori Contingent.—Admitted to Is* Australian General Hov.pofbal, Heliopolib—Privates K. H. H. Wakanui, D. Simson T. AVahannr. T. Btohipa, AV. Mills, >r. Paraiiahi, H. Taw a. A SICK LIST.. Dangerously 111. Canterbury Battaaon. —Private R* St-eveilS. Otago Battalion.— Private A.: Stevens. Otago M.R-—Trooper 11. Milne. Maori Contingent.—Private •N. H« Mokomo'ko-. Seriously 111. Canterbury Battalion.—Private Hi G. Mac Donald. Otago Battalion.—Private J. Fleetwood. >.• Slightly Side. Headquarters Staff N.Z.M.R.—Lieut' J. B. Davis. . Canter bury Battalion.—Lieut, J. ToLldn, privates C. 11. ChiMs, -'J. N« Niven. '• Field Artillery.— Gunner B. G« Knight. , Otago Battalion.—Privates A. Kelly. Gr. J3. Gri/iitlis, J. 'l'. McArthur, Myhihreest. Auckland Battalion. —Privates .0, Bateman, F. H. Poarse, AV. Mjuviiin* lioy. . . ■ :' DIED OF TYPHOID. "Q.M.S. G. A .Hooch (Otago B.)"Private J: L. Panton (Wellangtort B.) ■»'

LOCAL 3MEN. KILLED IX ACTION, AUGUST 7The following Timaru and South! Canterbury men .were killed in action at the Dardanelles -on August- 7th:—• Sergeant Wallace' was educated; at the' Tima.m Main School, and ' ! ir* October would liavo been 24 years,of 'age. After leaving school lie was. foil a while in tlio employ of Mr Wade, ironmonger. Later he joined thia clerical staff of the National Mortgage and Agency Company, where lie helct the* position of shipping clerk for twa and a half years Ho then joined tha Westport Coal Company, and in -feliia firm roso to be traveller until abouli three years ago when he went intc* business with his father in the Arcade* He left with the Main Body as a prU "rate, and quickly received pjbmOtK*n g being made a corporal in New ZeaA land, and rising to sergeant in i Egypt* On the hookey fiekl be was well'' known figure, and was a keen player, iD addition to which lie proved a most capable secretary to the South Canterbury Hockey Aa'o&iation. • Wliila hookey was his chief form of sport, Iwj also took an interest in tennis. Ha was a member of the Wesley BibJa Class. News of j;he death'-of eo popu« lar a young man as Sergeant J. Hv AVallace was received with very ke-ej* regret in Timaru yesterday, arid Me, aD<i Mrs Wallace were receiving l mes* sages of sympathy practically all dagr«" When the Rev. J. R. Sullivan re* turned, disabled, from tlie Dardanelles he said that Sergeant Wallace was one of the most highly esteemed of the South Canterbury men on -the Peninsula, and that one® of his Keenest regrets in coming away was to part company with, so cheerfjil and,, capable an officer. -- ■ , Lance-Corporal Herbert Georgal Budd, Fourth Reinforcements, waa ■the fifth son of Mr Alfred Budd. tHe was twenty years of age, and .befora leaving was employed in. Mr-." Ja&, Craigie's workshops. He was a pro- | mineut swimmer. . , . | Private Victor Duncan, who went t-oi the front with tlie Fourth incuts, was the eldest son of Ms Frank Duncan of He wa< well known in athletic 'circles^ Private Patrick Fitzgerald, is a ooni of Mrs Fitzgerald. Wellington Street,.' Timaru. He was 20 years of age, and was educated at tlio Marist Brothers School, Timaru. He was for soma time in the office of Messrs Raymond, and Campbell, solicitors, but preferring outdoor work, lie left nnd took up woodwork with Mr R w Hunt, and afterwards. with Messrs llall Brothers. Ho was a member oil the Celtic Football and Cricket Clubg, and he also gained medals for swimming. Ho was a bright young man! with a promising career, and played tiro game to the end. Mrs Fitzgerald has two other sons with tlie „ Fourth Reinforcements. One- was wounded on August 7, and the other is with the transport waggons. Private Thomas Stanley Logan, 24 y ears of age, was tiho third son "of Mr John Logan, coal dealer, resident in Wilson Street- Ho was a r.ative of Tim am. He had been employed . at: Radcliffie's furniture factory, but .at : the time of enlisting he was residing in the North Island, and joined tlio Fourth Reinforcements. Mr Logan lias, two other sons serving at the Front, one of them with, the Australians.

Sergeant Erio Gordon Miles was the eldest son of Mr and Mrs H. M. Miles of Office Road, Merivate, Okristdhuroh, grandson oi' .Mr E. Brown, Temuka, and nephew of Mrs T. Brixton, Tiiraru. Ho was born at Teinuk-a anct was (•duca ted there. Ho was' dux of ' ilio school and was the lirst to win it national, seho'jarship in South Canter-Imi-y. On leaving school he entered • tin-' office of Messrs T. Buxton . and Coy., and later joined tile staff of.vthai CKC A., .Timaru. He was Territorial and membear ;of ill' Signalling Corps. He ymafmm*. tary of tlio Temuka Hockey Clubm an*} wa-; a Soutli Canterbury representative player. Ho was generally regaxd^&i;aa a. very promising y-onng man; When: tlio eall l'or volunteers for the.JfronU came ho was the -first -to the timo of his death he was years of age. - ... Ml- Joseph Robinson, of Claremont, roceivc-tl word yesterday, of the -.'death of his son. Private J. E. -uho. was killed in action at the Dar* danelles on August 7. • * Lance-Corporal Alien E. CJordyra (22), of West-port, enlisted at Tifnaru, witlr'the First Oontiageat,ahd lkten? became a member of the Bandr ■ His brother, M. Cordyo is employed in Ti* mam, and Captain and Mrs Tait arflj relatives.

Private Alexander Robert McL'aucKit r lan, Wellington Battalion, left thd "Gisboi'ne Times'' [reporting staff to enlist. He was formerly on Ibo staff of the "Timaru Heraldi'"'. He was air' Dunedin boy. . .... . MOTION AT WAIMATAITAI. At tho meeting held at Waiinataitai ! last night in connection with the purchase of Scott Bros' installation, His Worship tho Mayor, referred to tha death of the above-named . gallant young men., and asked the meeting to pass a motion of sympathy; with their and relatives. Tho motion was ' passed in silence, all present standing I

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Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15742, 28 August 1915, Page 9

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ROLL OF HONOUR Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15742, 28 August 1915, Page 9

ROLL OF HONOUR Timaru Herald, Volume CIII, Issue 15742, 28 August 1915, Page 9